Konq Konq 0 0 474 498 Konqueror unnamed groupBox1 Privacy Proxy unnamed buttonGroup1 Manage Proxy as follows kcfg_SystemProxy 6 19 390 21 Let my Privacy Proxy start and look after itself. kcfg_TorkProxy 6 49 390 21 Let TorK start and manage Privoxy as my privacy proxy. true kcfg_PrivoxyLocation textLabel2 Location of Privoxy TorK will manage: groupBox2 Konqueror Settings unnamed groupBox3 Anonymity Safeguards kcfg_DisableJava 10 20 200 21 Disable Java/Javascript true kcfg_DisableCookies 10 50 190 21 Disable Cookies kcfg_DisableBrowserIdentification 10 80 370 21 Disable Browser Identification kcfg_DisablePlugins 220 20 190 21 Disable Plugins kcfg_DisableCaching 220 47 190 21 Disable Caching groupBox4 Connect to Privacy Proxy as Follows textLabel3 10 30 61 21 HTTP: textLabel3_2 10 60 61 21 HTTPS: textLabel3_3 10 90 61 21 FTP: spacer1 Horizontal Expanding 71 20 339 31 71 20 spacer1_2 Horizontal Expanding 71 20 339 61 71 20 spacer1_3 Horizontal Expanding 71 20 339 91 71 20 kcfg_KonqHttpsProxy 90 60 161 21 kcfg_KonqFtpProxy 90 90 161 21 kcfg_KonqHttpProxyPort 260 30 71 21 9999 kcfg_KonqHttpsProxyPort 260 60 71 21 9999 kcfg_KonqFtpProxyPort 260 90 71 21 9999 kcfg_KonqHttpProxy 90 30 161 21 kcfg_TorkProxy toggled(bool) Konq kcfg_TorkProxy_toggled(bool) konqueror.ui.h kcfg_TorkProxy_toggled( bool state ) init() kurlrequester.h kcombobox.h kpushbutton.h