HidSrvWizard HidSrvWizard 0 0 406 240 Form1 WizardPage Select Service Type unnamed buttonGroup1 Service Types localWeb 12 55 287 19 A local web service. remote 12 30 340 19 A redirect to a remote or local service, e.g. google.com true textLabel1 What kind of hidden service would you like to create? LocalWebService Local Web Service unnamed textLabel4 <blockquote>To run a local web service, the Tor people recommend thttpd. Would you like to download and install thttpd now? If not, you can just continue and set up the address and port of the service as normal.</blockquote> downloadThttpd Download thttpd spacer1 Horizontal Expanding 81 20 spacer2 Horizontal Expanding 71 20 ServiceName Service Name unnamed textLabel5 What name do you want to give to this service? spacer3 Vertical Expanding 20 31 spacer4 Vertical Expanding 20 21 spacer5 Horizontal Expanding 31 20 spacer6 Horizontal Expanding 101 20 Nick 180 0 RedirectService Redirect Service unnamed RedirectAddress textLabel2 Enter the address and port your service will redirect to: NonWebPort 9999 textLabel6 Enter the port your hidden service will listen on: textLabel3 e.g. www.google.com<br>or localhost RedirectPort 999999999 textLabel4_2 e.g. 80 LocalWebServiceFiles Local Web Service unnamed textLabel5_2 Select or accept the location of the files you will serve: textLabel6_2 Enter the port your hidden service will listen on: textLabel6_2_2 Enter the local port for your hidden service: localWebPort 9999 5222 WebPort 99999 80 FilesToServe 6 ServiceConfigured Service Configured. textLabel6_3 14 8 350 90 OK. Your hidden service has been configured.<br>Now Tor needs to create it. Click 'Next' to create the service. GatherDetails Gathering Service Details from Tor GatheringDetailsText 5 15 370 130 Please wait a moment while Tor creates the service details. RichText WordBreak|AlignVCenter localWeb toggled(bool) HidSrvWizard localWeb_toggled(bool) downloadThttpd clicked() HidSrvWizard downloadThttpd_clicked() remote downloadThttpd Nick NonWebPort RedirectAddress RedirectPort WebPort localWebPort FilesToServe hidsrvwizard.ui.h createService(const TQString &,const TQString &) addService(const TQString &,const TQString &,const TQString &,const TQString &,const TQString &,const TQString &) localWeb_toggled( bool state ) downloadThttpd_clicked() showPage( TQWidget * w ) checkServiceDetails() accept() reject() init() kurlrequester.h kcombobox.h kpushbutton.h