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* palm-db-tools: Abstract adaptor for flat-file databases.
* Copyright (C) 1999-2000 by Tom Dyas (
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include "../libpalm/Database.h"
#include "Field.h"
#include "Record.h"
#include "ListView.h"
#include "FType.h"
namespace PalmLib {
namespace FlatFile {
// This class is an in-memory representation of a typical
// PalmOS flat-file database. The caller can request write the
// data to a real PalmLib::Database object at any time to
// actually obtain the data in a format usable on the Palm
// Pilot.
class Database {
// convenience type for the options list parsing
typedef std::vector< std::pair< std::string, std::string> > options_list_t;
* Default constructor which creates an empty
* database. Subclasses should provide a default
* constructor and an additional constructorwhich takes a
* PalmOS::Database as an argument.
Database(std::string p_Type)
: m_backup(false), m_readonly(false),
m_copy_prevention(false), m_Type(p_Type)
{ }
* Constructor which fills the flat-file structure from a
* PalmOS database.
* @param pdb PalmOS database to read from.
Database(std::string p_Type, const PalmLib::Database& pdb);
* The destructor is empty since we have no other objects
* to dispose of. It is virtual since we have subclasses
* for specific flat-file database products.
virtual ~Database() { }
* After all processing to add fields and records is done,
* outputPDB is called to create the actual file format
* used by the flat-file database product. This method is
* abstract since only subclasses know the specific file
* formats.
* @param pdb An instance of PalmLib::Database.
virtual void outputPDB(PalmLib::Database& pdb) const;
* Return the title of this flat-file database.
virtual std::string title() const;
* Set the title of this database.
* @param title New title of the database.
virtual void title(const std::string& title);
* Return the maximum number of fields allowed in the
* database. The object will not allow the number of
* fields to exceed the returned value. This method is
* abstract since only the subclasses know the limit on
* fields. 0 is returned if there is no limit.
virtual unsigned getMaxNumOfFields() const = 0;
* Return the number of fields in the database.
virtual unsigned getNumOfFields() const;
* Accessor function for the name of a field.
virtual std::string field_name(int i) const;
* Accessor function for type of a field.
virtual Field::FieldType field_type(int i) const;
* Accessor function for the field informations
virtual FType field(int i) const;
* write the format of the field's argument in format,
* and return a strings' vector with name of each argument part.
* the format use the same display as used by printf
virtual std::vector<std::string> field_argumentf(int, std::string& format)
{ format = std::string(""); return std::vector<std::string>(0, std::string(""));}
* Add a field to the flat-file database. An exception
* will be thrown if the maximum number of fields would be
* exceeded or the field type is unsupported.
* @param name Name of the new field.
* @param type The type of the new field.
virtual void appendField(FType field);
virtual void appendField(const std::string& name,
Field::FieldType type, std::string data = std::string(""));
* Insert a field to the flat-file database. An exception
* will be thrown if the maximum number of fields would be
* exceeded or the field type is unsupported.
* @param name Name of the new field.
* @param type The type of the new field.
virtual void insertField(int i, FType field);
virtual void insertField(int i, const std::string& name,
Field::FieldType type, std::string data = std::string(""));
* Remove a Field in the flat-file database. An Exception
* will thrown if the field doesn't exist.
virtual void removeField(int i);
* Returns true if this database supports a specific field
* type. This method is abstract since only the subclasses
* know which field types are supported.
* @param type The field type that should be checked for support.
virtual bool supportsFieldType(const Field::FieldType& type) const = 0;
* Return the number of records in the database.
virtual unsigned getNumRecords() const;
* Return the record with the given index. The caller gets
* a private copy of the data and _not_ a reference to the
* data.
* @param index Index of the record to retrieve.
virtual Record getRecord(unsigned index) const;
* Append a record to the database. An exception will be
* thrown if their are not enough fields or if field types
* mismatch.
* @param rec The record to append.
virtual void appendRecord(Record rec);
* Remove all records from the database
virtual void clearRecords();
* Remove a record from the database
virtual void deleteRecord(unsigned index);
* Return the maximum number of views supported by this
* type of flat-file database. This method is abstract
* since only the subclasses know the exact value.
virtual unsigned getMaxNumOfListViews() const = 0;
* Return the actual number of views present in this
* database.
virtual unsigned getNumOfListViews() const;
* Return a copy of the list view at the given index.
* @param index Index of the list view to return.
virtual ListView getListView(unsigned index) const;
* Set the list view at the given index to the new list
* view. An exception may be thrown if field numbers are
* invalid or the list view doesn't pass muster with the
* subclass.
* @param index Index of the list view to set.
* @param listview The new list view.
virtual void setListView(unsigned index, const ListView& listview);
* Append a new list view. This will fail if the maximum
* number of list views would be exceeded.
* @param listview The new list view to append.
virtual void appendListView(const ListView& listview);
* Remove a list view.
* @param index Index of the list view to remove.
virtual void removeListView(unsigned index);
* Process a special option. If the option is not
* supported, then it is silently ignored. Subclasses
* should call the base class first so that options common
* to all flat-file databases can be processed.
* @param name Name of the option.
* @param value String value assigned to the option. */
virtual void setOption(const std::string& name,
const std::string& value);
* Return a list of of all extra options supported by this
* database. Subclasses should call the base class first
* and then merge any extra options. Get a list of extra
* options.
virtual options_list_t getOptions(void) const;
* Hook function which should be invoked by a caller after
* all calls the meta-deta functions have completed. This
* allows the database type-specific code to do final
* checks on the meta-data. An exception will be throw if
* there is an error. Otherwise, nothing will happen.
virtual void doneWithSchema();
* Change and Return the about information
* of the database when it's supportted
virtual void setAboutInformation(std::string _string)
about.information = _string;
virtual std::string getAboutInformation() const
return about.information;
std::string type() const
return m_Type;
// We provide a dummy copy constructor and assignment
// operator in order to prevent any copying of the object.
Database(const Database&) { }
Database& operator = (const Database&) { return *this; }
/* typedef std::vector< std::pair< std::string, Field::FieldType > >*/
typedef std::vector< FType>
typedef std::vector<Record> record_list_t;
typedef std::vector<ListView> listview_list_t;
typedef std::vector< std::pair< std::string, std::vector< std::string > > >
field_list_t m_fields; // database schema
record_list_t m_records; // the database itself
listitems_list_t m_list; // the items lists include in the database
listview_list_t m_listviews; // list views
bool m_backup; // backup flag for PDB
bool m_readonly; // readonly flag for PDB
bool m_copy_prevention; // copy prevention for PDB
std::string m_title; // name of database
class About
std::string information;
} about;
std::string m_Type;
} // namespace FlatFile
} // namespace PalmLib