You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

916 lines
30 KiB

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
@NAME : names.c
@DESCRIPTION: Functions for dealing with BibTeX names and lists of names:
@CREATED : 1997/05/05, Greg Ward (as string_util.c)
@MODIFIED : 1997/05/14-05/16, GW: added all the code to split individual
names, renamed file to names.c
@VERSION : $Id: names.c,v 1.23 1999/11/29 01:13:10 greg Rel $
@COPYRIGHT : Copyright (c) 1996-99 by Gregory P. Ward. All rights reserved.
This file is part of the btparse library. This library is
free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of the GNU General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*#include "bt_config.h"*/
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include "btparse.h"
#include "prototypes.h"
#include "error.h"
#include "my_alloca.h"
/*#include "my_dmalloc.h"*/
#include "bt_debug.h"
#define MAX_COMMAS 2
#define update_depth(s,offs,depth) \
switch (s[offs]) \
{ \
case '{': depth++; break; \
case '}': depth--; break; \
* `name_loc' specifies where a name is found -- used for generating
* useful warning messages. `line' and `name_num' are both 1-based.
typedef struct
char * filename;
int line;
int name_num;
} name_loc;
GEN_PRIVATE_ERRFUNC (name_warning,
(name_loc * loc, const char * fmt, ...),
BTERR_CONTENT, loc->filename, loc->line,
"name", loc->name_num, fmt)
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
@NAME : bt_split_list()
@INPUT : string - string to split up; whitespace must be collapsed
eg. by bt_postprocess_string()
delim - delimiter to use; must be lowercase and should be
free of whitespace (code requires that delimiters
in string be surrounded by whitespace)
filename - source of string (for warning messages)
line - 1-based line number into file (for warning messages)
description - what substrings are (eg. "name") (for warning
messages); if NULL will use "substring"
@OUTPUT : substrings (*substrings is allocated by bt_split_list() for you)
@RETURNS : number of substrings found
@DESCRIPTION: Splits a string using a fixed delimiter, in the BibTeX way:
* delimiters at beginning or end of string are ignored
* delimiters in string must be surrounded by whitespace
* case insensitive
* delimiters at non-zero brace depth are ignored
The list of substrings is returned as *substrings, which
is an array of pointers into a duplicate of string. This
duplicate copy has been scribbled on such that there is
a nul byte at the end of every substring. You should
call bt_free_list() to free both the duplicate copy
of string and *substrings itself. Do *not* walk over
the array free()'ing the substrings yourself, as this is
invalid -- they were not malloc()'d!
@CALLERS : anyone (exported by library)
@CREATED : 1997/05/05, GPW
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
bt_stringlist *
bt_split_list (char * string,
char * delim,
char * filename,
int line,
char * description)
int depth; /* brace depth */
int i, j; /* offset into string and delim */
int inword; /* flag telling if prev. char == ws */
int string_len;
int delim_len;
int maxdiv; /* upper limit on no. of divisions */
int maxoffs; /* max offset of delim in string */
int numdiv; /* number of divisions */
int * start; /* start of each division */
int * stop; /* stop of each division */
bt_stringlist *
list; /* structure to return */
if (string == NULL)
return NULL;
if (description == NULL)
description = "substring";
string_len = strlen (string);
delim_len = strlen (delim);
maxdiv = (string_len / delim_len) + 1;
maxoffs = string_len - delim_len + 1;
* This is a bit of a band-aid solution to the "split empty string"
* bug (formerly hit the internal_error() at the end of hte function).
* Still need a general "detect and fix unpreprocessed string" --
* admittedly a different bug/misfeature.
if (string_len == 0)
return NULL;
start = (int *) alloca (maxdiv * sizeof (int));
stop = (int *) alloca (maxdiv * sizeof (int));
list = (bt_stringlist *) malloc (sizeof (bt_stringlist));
depth = 0;
i = j = 0;
inword = 1; /* so leading delim ignored */
numdiv = 0;
start[0] = 0; /* first substring @ start of string */
while (i < maxoffs)
/* does current char. in string match current char. in delim? */
if (depth == 0 && !inword && tolower (string[i]) == delim[j])
j++; i++;
/* have we found an entire delim, followed by a space? */
if (j == delim_len && string[i] == ' ')
stop[numdiv] = i - delim_len - 1;
start[++numdiv] = ++i;
j = 0;
printf ("found complete delim; i == %d, numdiv == %d: "
"stop[%d] == %d, start[%d] == %d\n",
i, numdiv,
numdiv-1, stop[numdiv-1],
numdiv, start[numdiv]);
/* no match between string and delim, at non-zero depth, or in a word */
update_depth (string, i, depth);
inword = (i < string_len) && (string[i] != ' ');
j = 0;
stop[numdiv] = string_len; /* last substring ends just past eos */
list->num_items = numdiv+1;
* OK, now we know how many divisions there are and where they are --
* so let's split that string up for real!
* list->items will be an array of pointers into a duplicate of
* `string'; we duplicate `string' so we can safely scribble on it and
* free() it later (in bt_free_list()).
list->items = (char **) malloc (list->num_items * sizeof (char *));
list->string = strdup (string);
for (i = 0; i < list->num_items; i++)
* Possible cases:
* - stop < start is for empty elements, e.g. "and and" seen in
* input. (`start' for empty element will be the 'a' of the
* second 'and', and its stop will be the ' ' *before* the
* second 'and'.)
* - stop > start is for anything else between two and's (the usual)
* - stop == start should never happen if the loop above is correct
if (stop[i] > start[i]) /* the usual case */
list->string[stop[i]] = 0;
list->items[i] = list->string+start[i];
else if (stop[i] < start[i]) /* empty element */
list->items[i] = NULL;
general_error (BTERR_CONTENT, filename, line,
description, i+1, "empty %s", description);
else /* should not happen! */
internal_error ("stop == start for substring %d", i);
return list;
/* return num_substrings; */
} /* bt_split_list () */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
@NAME : bt_free_list()
@INPUT : list
@DESCRIPTION: Frees the list of strings created by bt_split_list().
@CALLERS : anyone (exported by library)
@CREATED : 1997/05/06, GPW
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void bt_free_list (bt_stringlist *list)
if (list && list->string) free (list->string);
if (list && list->items) free (list->items);
if (list) free (list);
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* Stuff for splitting up a single name
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
@NAME : find_commas
@INPUT : name - string to search for commas
max_commas - maximum number of commas to allow (if more than
this number are seen, a warning is printed and
the excess commas are removed)
@RETURNS : number of commas found
@DESCRIPTION: Counts and records positions of commas at brace-depth 0.
Modifies string in-place to remove whitespace around commas,
excess commas, and any trailing commas; warns on excess or
trailing commas. Excess commas are removed by replacing them
with space and calling bt_postprocess_string() to collapse
whitespace a second time; trailing commas are simply replaced
with (char) 0 to truncate the string.
Assumes whitespace has been collapsed (ie. no space at
beginning or end of string, and all internal strings of
whitespace reduced to exactly one space).
@CALLS : name_warning() (if too many commas, or commas at end)
@CALLERS : bt_split_name()
@CREATED : 1997/05/14, Greg Ward
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
static int
find_commas (name_loc * loc, char *name, int max_commas)
int i, j;
int depth;
int num_commas;
int len;
boolean at_comma;
boolean warned;
i = j = 0;
depth = 0;
num_commas = 0;
len = strlen (name);
warned = 0;
/* First pass to check for and blank out excess commas */
for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
if (depth == 0 && name[i] == ',')
if (num_commas > max_commas)
if (! warned)
name_warning (loc, "too many commas in name (removing extras)");
warned = TRUE;
name[i] = ' ';
* If we blanked out a comma, better re-collapse whitespace. (This is
* a bit of a cop-out -- I could probably adjust i and j appropriately
* in the above loop to do the collapsing for me, but my brain
* hurt when I tried to think it through. Some other time, perhaps.
if (warned)
bt_postprocess_string (name, BTO_COLLAPSE);
/* Now the real comma-finding loop (only if necessary) */
if (num_commas == 0)
return 0;
num_commas = 0;
i = 0;
while (i < len)
at_comma = (depth == 0 && name[i] == ',');
if (at_comma)
while (j > 0 && name[j-1] == ' ') j--;
update_depth (name, i, depth);
if (i != j)
name[j] = name[i];
i++; j++;
if (at_comma)
while (i < len && name[i] == ' ') i++;
} /* while i */
if (i != j) name[j] = (char) 0;
if (name[j] == ',')
name_warning (loc, "comma(s) at end of name (removing)");
while (name[j] == ',')
name[j--] = (char) 0;
return num_commas;
} /* find_commas() */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
@NAME : find_tokens
@INPUT : name - string to tokenize (should be a private copy
that we're free to clobber and mangle)
@OUTPUT : comma_token- number of token immediately preceding each comma
(caller must allocate with at least one element
per comma in `name')
@RETURNS : newly-allocated bt_stringlist structure
@DESCRIPTION: Finds tokens in a string; delimiter is space or comma at
brace-depth zero. Assumes whitespace has been collapsed
and find_commas has been run on the string to remove
whitespace around commas and any trailing commas.
The bt_stringlist structure returned can (and should) be
freed with bt_free_list().
@CALLERS : bt_split_name()
@CREATED : 1997/05/14, Greg Ward
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
static bt_stringlist *
find_tokens (char * name,
int * comma_token)
int i; /* index into name */
int num_tok;
int in_boundary; /* previous char was ' ' or ',' */
int cur_comma; /* index into comma_token */
int len;
int depth;
bt_stringlist *
i = 0;
in_boundary = 1; /* so first char will start a token */
cur_comma = 0;
len = strlen (name);
depth = 0;
tokens = (bt_stringlist *) malloc (sizeof (bt_stringlist));
/* tokens->string = name ? strdup (name) : NULL; */
tokens->string = name;
num_tok = 0;
tokens->items = NULL;
if (len == 0) /* empty string? */
return tokens; /* return empty token list */
tokens->items = (char **) malloc (sizeof (char *) * len);
while (i < len)
if (depth == 0 && in_boundary) /* at start of a new token */
tokens->items[num_tok++] = name+i;
if (depth == 0 && (name[i] == ' ' || name[i] == ','))
/* if we're at a comma, record the token preceding the comma */
if (name[i] == ',')
comma_token[cur_comma++] = num_tok-1;
* if already in a boundary zone, we have an empty token
* (caused by multiple consecutive commas)
if (in_boundary)
tokens->items[num_tok-1] = NULL;
/* in any case, mark the end of one token and prepare for the
* start of the next
name[i] = (char) 0;
in_boundary = 1;
in_boundary = 0; /* inside a token */
update_depth (name, i, depth);
} /* while i */
tokens->num_items = num_tok;
return tokens;
} /* find_tokens() */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
@NAME : find_lc_tokens()
@INPUT : tokens
@OUTPUT : first_lc
@DESCRIPTION: Finds the first contiguous string of lowercase tokens in
`name'. The string must already be tokenized by
find_tokens(), and the input args num_tok, tok_start, and
tok_stop are the return value and the two same-named output
arguments from find_tokens().
@CALLERS : bt_split_name()
@CREATED : 1997/05/14, Greg Ward
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
static void
find_lc_tokens (bt_stringlist * tokens,
int * first_lc,
int * last_lc)
int i; /* iterate over token list this time */
int in_lc_sequence; /* in contig. sequence of lc tokens? */
*first_lc = *last_lc = -1; /* haven't found either yet */
in_lc_sequence = 0;
i = 0;
while (i < tokens->num_items)
if (*first_lc == -1 && islower (tokens->items[i][0]))
*first_lc = i;
while (i < tokens->num_items && islower (tokens->items[i][0]))
*last_lc = i-1;
} /* find_lc_tokens() */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
@NAME : resolve_token_range()
@INPUT : tokens - structure containing the token list
tok_range - two-element array with start and stop token number
@OUTPUT : *part - set to point to first token in range, or NULL
if empty range
*num_tok - number of tokens in the range
@DESCRIPTION: Given a list of tokens and a range of token numbers (as a
two-element array, tok_range), computes the number of tokens
in the range. If this is >= 0, sets *part to point
to the first token in the range; otherwise, sets *part
to NULL.
@CREATED : May 1997, GPW
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
static void
resolve_token_range (bt_stringlist *tokens,
int * tok_range,
char *** part,
int * num_tok)
*num_tok = (tok_range[1] - tok_range[0]) + 1;
if (*num_tok <= 0)
*num_tok = 0;
*part = NULL;
*part = tokens->items + tok_range[0];
} /* resolve_token_range() */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
@NAME : split_simple_name()
@INPUT : name
@OUTPUT : name
@DESCRIPTION: Splits up a name (represented as a string divided into
non-overlapping, whitespace-separated tokens) according
to the BibTeX rules for names without commas. Specifically:
* tokens up to (but not including) the first lowercase
token, or the last token of the string if there
are no lowercase tokens, become the `first' part
* the earliest contiguous sequence of lowercase tokens,
up to (but not including) the last token of the string,
becomes the `von' part
* the tokens following the `von' part, or the last
single token if there is no `von' part, become
the `last' part
* there is no `jr' part
@CALLS : name_warning() (if last lc token taken as lastname)
@CALLERS : bt_split_name()
@CREATED : 1997/05/15, Greg Ward
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
static void
split_simple_name (name_loc * loc,
bt_name * name,
int first_lc,
int last_lc)
int first_t[2], von_t[2], last_t[2];
int end;
end = name->tokens->num_items-1; /* token number of last token */
if (first_lc > -1) /* any lowercase tokens at all? */
first_t[0] = 0; /* first name goes from beginning */
first_t[1] = first_lc-1; /* to just before first lc token */
if (last_lc == end) /* sequence of lowercase tokens */
{ /* goes all the way to end of string */
last_lc--; /* -- roll it back by one so we */
/* still have a lastname */
* disable this warning for now because "others" is used fairly
* often as a name in BibTeX databases -- oops!
name_warning (loc,
"no capitalized token at end of name; "
"using \"%s\" as lastname",
loc = NULL; /* avoid "unused parameter" warning */
# endif
von_t[0] = first_lc; /* `von' part covers sequence of */
von_t[1] = last_lc; /* lowercase tokens */
last_t[0] = last_lc+1; /* lastname from after `von' to end */
last_t[1] = end; /* of string */
else /* no lowercase tokens */
von_t[0] = 0; /* empty `von' part */
von_t[1] = -1;
first_t[0] = 0; /* `first' goes from first to second */
first_t[1] = end-1; /* last token */
last_t[0] = last_t[1] = end; /* and `last' is just the last token */
resolve_token_range (name->tokens, first_t,
name->parts+BTN_FIRST, name->part_len+BTN_FIRST);
resolve_token_range (name->tokens, von_t,
name->parts+BTN_VON, name->part_len+BTN_VON);
resolve_token_range (name->tokens, last_t,
name->parts+BTN_LAST, name->part_len+BTN_LAST);
name->parts[BTN_JR] = NULL; /* no jr part possible */
name->part_len[BTN_JR] = 0;
} /* split_simple_name() */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
@NAME : split_general_name()
@INPUT : name
@OUTPUT : name
@DESCRIPTION: Splits a name according to the BibTeX rules for names
with 1 or 2 commas (> 2 commas is handled elsewhere,
namely by bt_split_name() calling find_commas() with
max_commas == 2). Specifically:
* an initial string of lowercase tokens, up to (but not
including) the token before the first comma, becomes
the `von' part
* tokens from immediately after the `von' part,
or from the beginning of the string if no `von',
up to the first comma become the `last' part
if one comma:
* all tokens following the sole comma become the
`first' part
if two commas:
* tokens between the two commas become the `jr' part
* all tokens following the second comma become the
`first' part
@CALLS : name_warning() (if last lc token taken as lastname)
@CALLERS : bt_split_name()
@CREATED : 1997/05/15, Greg Ward
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
static void
split_general_name (name_loc * loc,
bt_name * name,
int num_commas,
int * comma_token,
int first_lc,
int last_lc)
int first_t[2], von_t[2], last_t[2], jr_t[2];
int end;
end = name->tokens->num_items-1; /* last token number */
if (first_lc == 0) /* we have an initial string of */
{ /* lowercase tokens */
if (last_lc == comma_token[0]) /* lc string ends at first comma */
name_warning (loc, "no capitalized tokens before first comma");
von_t[0] = first_lc; /* `von' covers the sequence of */
von_t[1] = last_lc; /* lowercase tokens */
else /* no lowercase tokens at start */
von_t[0] = 0; /* empty `von' part */
von_t[1] = -1;
last_t[0] = von_t[1] + 1; /* start right after end of `von' */
last_t[1] = comma_token[0]; /* and end at first comma */
if (num_commas == 1)
first_t[0] = comma_token[0]+1; /* start right after comma */
first_t[1] = end; /* stop at end of string */
jr_t[0] = 0; /* empty `jr' part */
jr_t[1] = -1;
else /* more than 1 comma */
jr_t[0] = comma_token[0]+1; /* start after first comma */
jr_t[1] = comma_token[1]; /* stop at second comma */
first_t[0] = comma_token[1]+1; /* start after second comma */
first_t[1] = end; /* and go to end */
resolve_token_range (name->tokens, first_t,
name->parts+BTN_FIRST, name->part_len+BTN_FIRST);
resolve_token_range (name->tokens, von_t,
name->parts+BTN_VON, name->part_len+BTN_VON);
resolve_token_range (name->tokens, last_t,
name->parts+BTN_LAST, name->part_len+BTN_LAST);
resolve_token_range (name->tokens, jr_t,
name->parts+BTN_JR, name->part_len+BTN_JR);
} /* split_general_name() */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
@NAME : bt_split_name()
@INPUT : name
@RETURNS : newly-allocated bt_name structure containing the four
parts as token-lists
@DESCRIPTION: Splits a name according to the BibTeX rules. There are
actually two sets of rules: one for names with no commas,
and one for names with 1 or 2 commas. (If a name has
more than 2 commas, the extras are removed and it's treated
as though it had just the first 2.)
See split_simple_name() for the no-comma rules, and
split_general_name() for the 1-or-2-commas rules.
The bt_name structure returned can (and should) be freed
with bt_free_name() when you no longer need it.
@CALLERS : anyone (exported by library)
@CREATED : 1997/05/14, Greg Ward
@COMMENTS : The name-splitting code all implicitly assumes that the
string being split has been post-processed to collapse
whitespace in the BibTeX way. This means that it tends to
dump core on such things as leading whitespace, or more than
one space in a row inside the string. This could probably be
alleviated with a call to bt_postprocess_string(), possibly
preceded by a check for any of those occurences. Before
doing that, though, I want to examine the code carefully to
determine just what assumptions it makes -- so I can
check/correct for all of them.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
bt_name *
bt_split_name (char * name,
char * filename,
int line,
int name_num)
name_loc loc;
bt_stringlist *
int comma_token[MAX_COMMAS];
int len;
int num_commas;
int first_lc, last_lc;
bt_name * split_name;
int i;
DBG_ACTION (1, printf ("bt_split_name(): name=%p (%s)\n", name, name))
split_name = (bt_name *) malloc (sizeof (bt_name));
if (name == NULL)
len = 0;
name = strdup (name); /* private copy that we may clobber */
len = strlen (name);
DBG_ACTION (1, printf ("bt_split_name(): split_name=%p\n", split_name))
if (len == 0) /* non-existent or empty string? */
split_name->tokens = NULL;
for (i = 0; i < BT_MAX_NAMEPARTS; i++)
split_name->parts[i] = NULL;
split_name->part_len[i] = 0;
return split_name;
loc.filename = filename; /* so called functions can generate */
loc.line = line; /* decent warning messages */
loc.name_num = name_num;
num_commas = find_commas (&loc, name, MAX_COMMAS);
assert (num_commas <= MAX_COMMAS);
DBG_ACTION (1, printf ("found %d commas: ", num_commas))
tokens = find_tokens (name, comma_token);
printf ("found %d tokens:\n", tokens->num_items);
for (i = 0; i < tokens->num_items; i++)
printf (" %d: ", i);
if (tokens->items[i]) /* non-empty token? */
printf (">%s<\n", tokens->items[i]);
printf ("(empty)\n");
printf ("comma tokens: ");
for (i = 0; i < num_commas; i++)
printf ("%d ", comma_token[i]);
printf ("\n");
find_lc_tokens (tokens, &first_lc, &last_lc);
printf ("(first,last) lc tokens = (%d,%d)\n", first_lc, last_lc);
if (strlen (name) == 0) /* name now empty? */
split_name->tokens = NULL;
for (i = 0; i < BT_MAX_NAMEPARTS; i++)
split_name->parts[i] = NULL;
split_name->part_len[i] = 0;
split_name->tokens = tokens;
if (num_commas == 0) /* no commas -- "simple" format */
split_simple_name (&loc, split_name,
first_lc, last_lc);
split_general_name (&loc, split_name,
num_commas, comma_token,
first_lc, last_lc);
printf ("bt_split_name(): returning structure %p\n", split_name);
return split_name;
} /* bt_split_name() */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
@NAME : bt_free_name()
@INPUT : name
@DESCRIPTION: Frees up any memory allocated for a bt_name structure
(namely, the `tokens' field [a bt_stringlist structure,
this freed with bt_free_list()] and the structure itself.)
@CALLS : bt_free_list()
@CALLERS : anyone (exported)
@CREATED : 1997/11/14, GPW
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
bt_free_name (bt_name * name)
DBG_ACTION (2, printf ("bt_free_name(): freeing name %p "
"(%d tokens, string=%p (%s), last[0]=%s)\n",
bt_free_list (name->tokens);
free (name);
DBG_ACTION (2, printf ("bt_free_name(): done, everything freed\n"));