################################################# # # (C) 2016 Slávek Banko # slavek.banko (AT) axis.cz # # Improvements and feedback are welcome # # This file is released under GPL >= 2 # ################################################# ##### check for gcc visibility support ######### # FIXME # This should check for [T]Qt3 visibility support if( WITH_GCC_VISIBILITY ) if( NOT UNIX ) tde_message_fatal(FATAL_ERROR "\ngcc visibility support was requested, but your system is not *NIX" ) endif( NOT UNIX ) set( __KDE_HAVE_GCC_VISIBILITY 1 ) set( CMAKE_C_FLAGS "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} -fvisibility=hidden -fvisibility-inlines-hidden") set( CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -fvisibility=hidden -fvisibility-inlines-hidden") endif( WITH_GCC_VISIBILITY ) ##### set architecture flags #################### tde_setup_architecture_flags( ) ##### required stuff ############################ find_package( TQt ) find_package( TDE ) set( ENV{PKG_CONFIG_PATH} "${PKG_CONFIG_PATH}:$ENV{PKG_CONFIG_PATH}:${LIB_INSTALL_DIR}/pkgconfig" ) ##### check system configuration ################ check_symbol_exists( strdup "string.h" HAVE_STRDUP_DECL ) check_type_size( ushort USHORT ) check_type_size( boolean BOOLEAN ) check_type_size( "int" SIZEOF_INT ) check_type_size( "long" SIZEOF_LONG ) check_type_size( "short" SIZEOF_SHORT ) check_type_size( "unsigned char" SIZEOF_UNSIGNED_CHAR ) check_type_size( "unsigned int" SIZEOF_UNSIGNED_INT ) check_type_size( "unsigned long" SIZEOF_UNSIGNED_LONG ) check_type_size( "unsigned short" SIZEOF_UNSIGNED_SHORT ) pkg_search_module( LIBXML libxml-2.0>=2.6.0 ) if( NOT LIBXML_FOUND ) tde_message_fatal( "libxml at least 2.6.0 is required, but not found on your system" ) endif( NOT LIBXML_FOUND ) pkg_search_module( LIBXSLT libxslt>=1.0.19 ) if( NOT LIBXSLT_FOUND ) tde_message_fatal( "libxslt at least 1.0.19 is required, but not found on your system" ) endif( NOT LIBXSLT_FOUND ) pkg_search_module( TAGLIB taglib ) if( TAGLIB_FOUND ) set( HAVE_TAGLIB 1 ) endif( TAGLIB_FOUND ) pkg_search_module( YAZ yaz ) if( YAZ_FOUND ) set( HAVE_YAZ 1 ) endif( YAZ_FOUND ) if( WITH_LIBKCDDB ) message( "-- checking for 'libkcddb'" ) find_path( LIBKCDDB_INCLUDE_DIR cddb.h PATHS ${TDE_INCLUDE_DIR}/tde/libkcddb ${TDE_INCLUDE_DIR}/libkcddb NO_DEFAULT_PATH ) find_library( LIBKCDDB_LIBRARY kcddb PATHS ${TDE_LIB_DIR} ${TQT_LIBRARY_DIRS} ) if( LIBKCDDB_LIBRARY ) get_filename_component( LIBKCDDB_LIBRARY_DIR ${LIBKCDDB_LIBRARY} PATH CACHE ) endif( ) if( NOT LIBKCDDB_INCLUDE_DIR OR NOT LIBKCDDB_LIBRARY_DIR ) tde_message_fatal( "libkcddb is required, but was not found on your system" ) else( ) set( HAVE_KCDDB 1 ) endif( ) endif( WITH_LIBKCDDB ) if( WITH_LIBKCAL ) message( "-- checking for 'libkcal'" ) find_path( LIBKCAL_INCLUDE_DIR kcalversion.h PATHS ${TDE_INCLUDE_DIR}/libkcal ${TDE_INCLUDE_DIR} ${TQT_INCLUDE_DIRS} ) find_library( LIBKCAL_LIBRARY kcal PATHS ${TDE_LIB_DIR} ${TQT_LIBRARY_DIRS} ) if( LIBKCAL_LIBRARY ) get_filename_component( LIBKCAL_LIBRARY_DIR ${LIBKCAL_LIBRARY} PATH CACHE ) endif( ) if( NOT LIBKCAL_INCLUDE_DIR OR NOT LIBKCAL_LIBRARY_DIR ) tde_message_fatal( "libkcal is required, but was not found on your system" ) else( ) set( HAVE_KCAL 1 ) endif( ) endif( WITH_LIBKCAL ) if( WITH_LIBBTPARSE ) check_library_exists( btparse bt_initialize "" HAVE_LIBBTPARSE ) if( NOT HAVE_LIBBTPARSE ) tde_message_fatal( "libbtparse is required, but was not found on your system" ) endif( NOT HAVE_LIBBTPARSE ) set( BTPARSE_LIBRARIES btparse ) else( ) set( BTPARSE_LIBRARIES btparse-static ) endif( WITH_LIBBTPARSE ) if( WITH_SAX ) set( SAX_SUPPORT 1 CACHE INTERNAL "" ) endif( WITH_SAX ) if( BUILD_AMAZON_SUPPORT ) set( AMAZON_SUPPORT 1 CACHE INTERNAL "" ) endif( BUILD_AMAZON_SUPPORT ) if( BUILD_IMDB_SUPPORT ) set( IMDB_SUPPORT 1 CACHE INTERNAL "" ) endif( BUILD_IMDB_SUPPORT ) if( BUILD_CDTEXT_SUPPORT ) set( USE_CDTEXT 1 CACHE INTERNAL "" ) endif( BUILD_CDTEXT_SUPPORT ) if( BUILD_OOO_SUPPORT ) # FIXME - add configure checks for LibreOffice/OpenOffice.org #set( WITH_OOO 1 CACHE INTERNAL "" ) tde_message_fatal( "CMake build with LibreOffice/OpenOffice.org support is not yet complete" ) endif( BUILD_OOO_SUPPORT ) if( BUILD_EXEMPI_SUPPORT ) pkg_search_module( EXEMPI exempi-2.0>=1.99.0 ) if( NOT EXEMPI_FOUND ) tde_message_fatal( "exempi at least 1.99.0 is required, but not found on your system" ) else( ) set( HAVE_EXEMPI 1 CACHE INTERNAL "" ) endif( ) endif( BUILD_EXEMPI_SUPPORT ) if( BUILD_POPPLER_SUPPORT ) pkg_search_module( POPPLER poppler-tqt>=0.5 ) if( NOT POPPLER_FOUND ) tde_message_fatal( "poppler-tqt at least 0.5 is required, but not found on your system" ) else( ) set( HAVE_POPPLER 1 CACHE INTERNAL "" ) endif( ) endif( BUILD_POPPLER_SUPPORT ) if( BUILD_WEBCAM_SUPPORT ) check_include_file( "libv4l1-videodev.h" HAVE_LIBV4L1_VIDEODEV_H ) if( HAVE_LIBV4L1_VIDEODEV_H ) set( ENABLE_WEBCAM 1 CACHE INTERNAL "" ) set( VIDEODEV_HEADER "libv4l1-videodev.h" CACHE INTERNAL "" ) else( ) check_include_file( "linux/videodev.h" HAVE_VIDEODEV_H ) if( HAVE_VIDEODEV_H ) set( ENABLE_WEBCAM 1 CACHE INTERNAL "" ) set( VIDEODEV_HEADER "linux/videodev.h" CACHE INTERNAL "" ) else( ) tde_message_fatal( "libv4l1-videodev.h or linux/videodev.h is required, but not found on your system" ) endif( ) endif( ) set( WEBCAM_LIBRARIES barcode-static ) endif( BUILD_WEBCAM_SUPPORT ) ##### translations ############################## if( BUILD_TRANSLATIONS ) include( FindGettext ) if( GETTEXT_FOUND ) set( MSGFMT_EXECUTABLE ${GETTEXT_MSGFMT_EXECUTABLE} CACHE FILEPATH "path to msgfmt executable" ) endif( GETTEXT_FOUND ) if( NOT MSGFMT_EXECUTABLE ) tde_message_fatal( "msgfmt is required but was not found on your system." ) endif( NOT MSGFMT_EXECUTABLE ) endif( BUILD_TRANSLATIONS )