You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1022 lines
35 KiB

copyright : (C) 2003-2006 by Robby Stephenson
email :
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as *
* published by the Free Software Foundation; *
* *
#include "tellicoimporter.h"
#include "tellico_xml.h"
#include "../collectionfactory.h"
#include "../collections/bibtexcollection.h"
#include "../entry.h"
#include "../field.h"
#include "../imagefactory.h"
#include "../image.h"
#include "../isbnvalidator.h"
#include "../latin1literal.h"
#include "../tellico_strings.h"
#include "../tellico_kernel.h"
#include "../tellico_utils.h"
#include "../tellico_debug.h"
#include "../progressmanager.h"
#include <klocale.h>
#include <kmdcodec.h>
#include <kzip.h>
#include <kapplication.h>
#include <qdom.h>
#include <qbuffer.h>
#include <qfile.h>
#include <qtimer.h>
using Tellico::Import::TellicoImporter;
bool TellicoImporter::versionConversion(uint from, uint to) {
// version 10 only added board games to version 9
return from < to && (from != 9 || to != 10);
TellicoImporter::TellicoImporter(const KURL& url_, bool loadAllImages_) : DataImporter(url_),
m_coll(0), m_loadAllImages(loadAllImages_), m_format(Unknown), m_modified(false),
m_cancelled(false), m_hasImages(false), m_buffer(0), m_zip(0), m_imgDir(0) {
TellicoImporter::TellicoImporter(const QString& text_) : DataImporter(text_),
m_coll(0), m_loadAllImages(true), m_format(Unknown), m_modified(false),
m_cancelled(false), m_hasImages(false), m_buffer(0), m_zip(0), m_imgDir(0) {
TellicoImporter::~TellicoImporter() {
if(m_zip) {
delete m_zip;
m_zip = 0;
delete m_buffer;
m_buffer = 0;
Tellico::Data::CollPtr TellicoImporter::collection() {
if(m_coll) {
return m_coll;
QCString s; // read first 5 characters
if(source() == URL) {
if(!fileRef().open()) {
return 0;
QIODevice* f = fileRef().file();
for(uint i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
s += static_cast<char>(f->getch());
} else {
if(data().size() < 5) {
m_format = Error;
return 0;
s = QCString(data(), 6);
// need to decide if the data is xml text, or a zip file
// if the first 5 characters are <?xml then treat it like text
if(s[0] == '<' && s[1] == '?' && s[2] == 'x' && s[3] == 'm' && s[4] == 'l') {
m_format = XML;
loadXMLData(source() == URL ? fileRef().file()->readAll() : data(), true);
} else {
m_format = Zip;
return m_coll;
void TellicoImporter::loadXMLData(const QByteArray& data_, bool loadImages_) {
ProgressItem& item = ProgressManager::self()->newProgressItem(this, progressLabel(), true);
connect(&item, SIGNAL(signalCancelled(ProgressItem*)), SLOT(slotCancel()));
ProgressItem::Done done(this);
QDomDocument dom;
QString errorMsg;
int errorLine, errorColumn;
if(!dom.setContent(data_, true, &errorMsg, &errorLine, &errorColumn)) {
QString str = i18n(errorLoad).arg(url().fileName()) + QChar('\n');
str += i18n("There is an XML parsing error in line %1, column %2.").arg(errorLine).arg(errorColumn);
str += QString::fromLatin1("\n");
str += i18n("The error message from Qt is:");
str += QString::fromLatin1("\n\t") + errorMsg;
myDebug() << str << endl;
m_format = Error;
QDomElement root = dom.documentElement();
// the syntax version field name changed from "version" to "syntaxVersion" in version 3
uint syntaxVersion;
if(root.hasAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("syntaxVersion"))) {
syntaxVersion = root.attribute(QString::fromLatin1("syntaxVersion")).toInt();
} else if (root.hasAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("version"))) {
syntaxVersion = root.attribute(QString::fromLatin1("version")).toInt();
} else {
if(!url().isEmpty()) {
m_format = Error;
// myDebug() << "TellicoImporter::loadXMLData() - syntaxVersion = " << syntaxVersion << endl;
if((syntaxVersion > 6 && root.tagName() != Latin1Literal("tellico"))
|| (syntaxVersion < 7 && root.tagName() != Latin1Literal("bookcase"))) {
if(!url().isEmpty()) {
m_format = Error;
if(syntaxVersion > XML::syntaxVersion) {
if(!url().isEmpty()) {
QString str = i18n(errorLoad).arg(url().fileName()) + QChar('\n');
str += i18n("It is from a future version of Tellico.");
myDebug() << str << endl;
} else {
myDebug() << "Unable to load collection, from a future version (" << syntaxVersion << ")" << endl;
m_format = Error;
} else if(versionConversion(syntaxVersion, XML::syntaxVersion)) {
// going form version 9 to 10, there's no conversion needed
QString str = i18n("Tellico is converting the file to a more recent document format. "
"Information loss may occur if an older version of Tellico is used "
"to read this file in the future.");
myDebug() << str << endl;
// setStatusMessage(str);
m_modified = true; // mark as modified
m_namespace = syntaxVersion > 6 ? XML::nsTellico : XML::nsBookcase;
// the collection item should be the first dom element child of the root
QDomElement collelem;
for(QDomNode n = root.firstChild(); !n.isNull(); n = n.nextSibling()) {
if(n.namespaceURI() != m_namespace) {
if(n.isElement() && n.localName() == Latin1Literal("collection")) {
collelem = n.toElement();
if(collelem.isNull()) {
kdWarning() << "TellicoImporter::loadDomDocument() - No collection item found." << endl;
QString title = collelem.attribute(QString::fromLatin1("title"));
// be careful not to have element name collision
// for fields, each true field element is a child of a fields element
QDomNodeList fieldelems;
for(QDomNode n = collelem.firstChild(); !n.isNull(); n = n.nextSibling()) {
if(n.namespaceURI() != m_namespace) {
// Latin1Literal is a macro, so can't say Latin1Literal(syntaxVersion > 3 ? "fields" : "attributes")
if((syntaxVersion > 3 && n.localName() == Latin1Literal("fields"))
|| (syntaxVersion < 4 && n.localName() == Latin1Literal("attributes"))) {
QDomElement e = n.toElement();
fieldelems = e.elementsByTagNameNS(m_namespace, (syntaxVersion > 3) ? QString::fromLatin1("field")
: QString::fromLatin1("attribute"));
// myDebug() << "TellicoImporter::loadXMLData() - " << fieldelems.count() << " field(s)" << endl;
// the dilemma is when to force the new collection to have all the default attributes
// if there are no attributes or if the first one has the special name of _default
bool addFields = (fieldelems.count() == 0);
if(!addFields) {
QString name = fieldelems.item(0).toElement().attribute(QString::fromLatin1("name"));
addFields = (name == Latin1Literal("_default"));
// removeChild only works for immediate children
// remove _default field
if(addFields) {
QString entryName;
// in syntax 4, the element name was changed to "entry", always, rather than depending on
// on the entryName of the collection. A type field was added to the collection element
// to specify what type of collection it is.
if(syntaxVersion > 3) {
entryName = QString::fromLatin1("entry");
QString typeStr = collelem.attribute(QString::fromLatin1("type"));
Data::Collection::Type type = static_cast<Data::Collection::Type>(typeStr.toInt());
m_coll = CollectionFactory::collection(type, addFields);
} else {
entryName = collelem.attribute(QString::fromLatin1("unit"));
m_coll = CollectionFactory::collection(entryName, addFields);
if(!title.isEmpty()) {
for(uint j = 0; j < fieldelems.count(); ++j) {
readField(syntaxVersion, fieldelems.item(j).toElement());
if(m_coll->type() == Data::Collection::Bibtex) {
Data::BibtexCollection* c = static_cast<Data::BibtexCollection*>(;
QDomNodeList macroelems;
for(QDomNode n = collelem.firstChild(); !n.isNull(); n = n.nextSibling()) {
if(n.namespaceURI() != m_namespace) {
if(n.localName() == Latin1Literal("macros")) {
macroelems = n.toElement().elementsByTagNameNS(m_namespace, QString::fromLatin1("macro"));
// myDebug() << "TellicoImporter::loadXMLData() - found " << macroelems.count() << " macros" << endl;
for(uint j = 0; c && j < macroelems.count(); ++j) {
QDomElement elem = macroelems.item(j).toElement();
c->addMacro(elem.attribute(QString::fromLatin1("name")), elem.text());
for(QDomNode n = collelem.firstChild(); !n.isNull(); n = n.nextSibling()) {
if(n.namespaceURI() != m_namespace) {
if(n.localName() == Latin1Literal("bibtex-preamble")) {
if(m_cancelled) {
m_coll = 0;
// as a special case, for old book collections with a bibtex-id field, convert to Bibtex
if(syntaxVersion < 4 && m_coll->type() == Data::Collection::Book
&& m_coll->hasField(QString::fromLatin1("bibtex-id"))) {
m_coll = Data::BibtexCollection::convertBookCollection(m_coll);
const uint count = collelem.childNodes().count();
const uint stepSize = QMAX(s_stepSize, count/100);
const bool showProgress = options() & ImportProgress;
// have to read images before entries so we can figure out if
// linkOnly() is true
// m_loadAllImages only pertains to zip files
QDomNodeList imgelems;
for(QDomNode n = collelem.firstChild(); !n.isNull(); n = n.nextSibling()) {
if(n.namespaceURI() != m_namespace) {
if(n.localName() == Latin1Literal("images")) {
imgelems = n.toElement().elementsByTagNameNS(m_namespace, QString::fromLatin1("image"));
for(uint j = 0; j < imgelems.count(); ++j) {
readImage(imgelems.item(j).toElement(), loadImages_);
if(m_cancelled) {
m_coll = 0;
uint j = 0;
for(QDomNode n = collelem.firstChild(); !n.isNull() && !m_cancelled; n = n.nextSibling(), ++j) {
if(n.namespaceURI() != m_namespace) {
if(n.localName() == entryName) {
readEntry(syntaxVersion, n.toElement());
// not exactly right, but close enough
if(showProgress && j%stepSize == 0) {
ProgressManager::self()->setProgress(this, j);
} else {
// myDebug() << "...skipping " << n.localName() << " (" << n.namespaceURI() << ")" << endl;
} // end entry loop
if(m_cancelled) {
m_coll = 0;
// filters and borrowers are at document root level, not collection
for(QDomNode n = root.firstChild(); !n.isNull() && !m_cancelled; n = n.nextSibling()) {
if(n.namespaceURI() != m_namespace) {
if(n.localName() == Latin1Literal("borrowers")) {
QDomNodeList borrowerElems = n.toElement().elementsByTagNameNS(m_namespace, QString::fromLatin1("borrower"));
for(uint j = 0; j < borrowerElems.count(); ++j) {
} else if(n.localName() == Latin1Literal("filters")) {
QDomNodeList filterElems = n.toElement().elementsByTagNameNS(m_namespace, QString::fromLatin1("filter"));
for(uint j = 0; j < filterElems.count(); ++j) {
// special for user, if using an older document format, add some nice new filters
if(syntaxVersion < 8) {
if(m_cancelled) {
m_coll = 0;
void TellicoImporter::readField(uint syntaxVersion_, const QDomElement& elem_) {
// special case: if the i18n attribute equals true, then translate the title, description, and category
bool isI18n = elem_.attribute(QString::fromLatin1("i18n")) == Latin1Literal("true");
QString name = elem_.attribute(QString::fromLatin1("name"), QString::fromLatin1("unknown"));
QString title = elem_.attribute(QString::fromLatin1("title"), i18n("Unknown"));
if(isI18n) {
title = i18n(title.utf8());
QString typeStr = elem_.attribute(QString::fromLatin1("type"), QString::number(Data::Field::Line));
Data::Field::Type type = static_cast<Data::Field::Type>(typeStr.toInt());
Data::FieldPtr field;
if(type == Data::Field::Choice) {
QStringList allowed = QStringList::split(QString::fromLatin1(";"),
if(isI18n) {
for(QStringList::Iterator it = allowed.begin(); it != allowed.end(); ++it) {
(*it) = i18n((*it).utf8());
field = new Data::Field(name, title, allowed);
} else {
field = new Data::Field(name, title, type);
if(elem_.hasAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("category"))) {
// at one point, the categories had keyboard accels
QString cat = elem_.attribute(QString::fromLatin1("category"));
if(syntaxVersion_ < 9 && cat.find('&') > -1) {
if(isI18n) {
cat = i18n(cat.utf8());
if(elem_.hasAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("flags"))) {
int flags = elem_.attribute(QString::fromLatin1("flags")).toInt();
// I also changed the enum values for syntax 3, but the only custom field
// would have been bibtex-id
if(syntaxVersion_ < 3 && field->name() == Latin1Literal("bibtex-id")) {
flags = 0;
// in syntax version 4, added a flag to disallow deleting attributes
// if it's a version before that and is the title, then add the flag
if(syntaxVersion_ < 4 && field->name() == Latin1Literal("title")) {
flags |= Data::Field::NoDelete;
QString formatStr = elem_.attribute(QString::fromLatin1("format"), QString::number(Data::Field::FormatNone));
Data::Field::FormatFlag format = static_cast<Data::Field::FormatFlag>(formatStr.toInt());
if(elem_.hasAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("description"))) {
QString desc = elem_.attribute(QString::fromLatin1("description"));
if(isI18n) {
desc = i18n(desc.utf8());
if(syntaxVersion_ >= 5) {
QDomNodeList props = elem_.elementsByTagNameNS(m_namespace, QString::fromLatin1("prop"));
for(uint i = 0; i < props.count(); ++i) {
QDomElement e = props.item(i).toElement();
field->setProperty(e.attribute(QString::fromLatin1("name")), e.text());
// all track fields in music collections prior to version 9 get converted to three columns
if(syntaxVersion_ < 9) {
if(m_coll->type() == Data::Collection::Album && field->name() == Latin1Literal("track")) {
field->setProperty(QString::fromLatin1("columns"), QChar('3'));
field->setProperty(QString::fromLatin1("column1"), i18n("Title"));
field->setProperty(QString::fromLatin1("column2"), i18n("Artist"));
field->setProperty(QString::fromLatin1("column3"), i18n("Length"));
} else if(m_coll->type() == Data::Collection::Video && field->name() == Latin1Literal("cast")) {
field->setProperty(QString::fromLatin1("column1"), i18n("Actor/Actress"));
field->setProperty(QString::fromLatin1("column2"), i18n("Role"));
} else if(elem_.hasAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("bibtex-field"))) {
field->setProperty(QString::fromLatin1("bibtex"), elem_.attribute(QString::fromLatin1("bibtex-field")));
// Table2 is deprecated
if(field->type() == Data::Field::Table2) {
field->setProperty(QString::fromLatin1("columns"), QChar('2'));
// for syntax 8, rating fields got their own type
if(syntaxVersion_ < 8) {
Data::Field::convertOldRating(field); // does all its own checking
// myDebug() << QString(" Added field: %1, %2").arg(field->name()).arg(field->title()) << endl;
void TellicoImporter::readEntry(uint syntaxVersion_, const QDomElement& entryElem_) {
const int id = entryElem_.attribute(QString::fromLatin1("id")).toInt();
Data::EntryPtr entry;
if(id > 0) {
entry = new Data::Entry(m_coll, id);
} else {
entry = new Data::Entry(m_coll);
bool oldMusic = (syntaxVersion_ < 9 && m_coll->type() == Data::Collection::Album);
// iterate over all field value children
for(QDomNode node = entryElem_.firstChild(); !node.isNull(); node = node.nextSibling()) {
QDomElement elem = node.toElement();
if(elem.isNull()) {
bool isI18n = elem.attribute(QString::fromLatin1("i18n")) == Latin1Literal("true");
// Entry::setField checks to see if an field of 'name' is allowed
// in version 3 and prior, checkbox attributes had no text(), set it to "true" now
if(syntaxVersion_ < 4 && elem.text().isEmpty()) {
// "true" means checked
entry->setField(elem.localName(), QString::fromLatin1("true"));
QString name = elem.localName();
Data::FieldPtr f = m_coll->fieldByName(name);
// if the first child of the node is a text node, just set the attribute text
// otherwise, recurse over the node's children
// this is the case for <authors><author>..</author></authors>
// but if there's nothing but white space, then it's a BaseNode for some reason
// if(node.firstChild().nodeType() == QDomNode::TextNode) {
if(f) {
// if it's a derived value, no field value is added
if(f->type() == Data::Field::Dependent) {
// special case for Date fields
if(f->type() == Data::Field::Date) {
if(elem.hasChildNodes()) {
QString value;
QDomNode yNode = elem.elementsByTagNameNS(m_namespace, QString::fromLatin1("year")).item(0);
if(!yNode.isNull()) {
value += yNode.toElement().text();
value += '-';
QDomNode mNode = elem.elementsByTagNameNS(m_namespace, QString::fromLatin1("month")).item(0);
if(!mNode.isNull()) {
value += mNode.toElement().text();
value += '-';
QDomNode dNode = elem.elementsByTagNameNS(m_namespace, QString::fromLatin1("day")).item(0);
if(!dNode.isNull()) {
value += dNode.toElement().text();
entry->setField(name, value);
} else {
// if no child nodes, the code will later assume the value to be the year
entry->setField(name, elem.text());
// go to next value in loop
// this may be a performance hit to be stripping white space all the time
// unfortunately, text() will include a carriage-return in cases like
// <value>
// text
// </value
// so we arbitrarily decide that only paragraphs get to have CRs?
QString value = elem.text();
if(f->type() != Data::Field::Para) {
value = value.stripWhiteSpace();
if(value.isEmpty()) {
if(f->type() == Data::Field::Image) {
// image info should have already been loaded
const Data::ImageInfo& info = ImageFactory::imageInfo(value);
// possible that value needs to be cleaned first in which case info is null
if(info.isNull() || !info.linkOnly) {
// for local files only, allow paths here
KURL u = KURL::fromPathOrURL(value);
if(u.isValid() && u.isLocalFile()) {
QString result = ImageFactory::addImage(u, false /* quiet */);
if(!result.isEmpty()) {
value = result;
value = Data::Image::idClean(value);
// in version 8, old rating fields get changed
if(syntaxVersion_ < 8 && f->type() == Data::Field::Rating) {
bool ok;
uint i = Tellico::toUInt(value, &ok);
if(ok) {
value = QString::number(i);
} else if(syntaxVersion_ < 2 && name == Latin1Literal("keywords")) {
// in version 2, "keywords" changed to "keyword"
name = QString::fromLatin1("keyword");
// special case: if the i18n attribute equals true, then translate the title, description, and category
if(isI18n) {
entry->setField(name, i18n(value.utf8()));
} else {
// special case for isbn fields, go ahead and validate
if(name == Latin1Literal("isbn")) {
const ISBNValidator val(0);
if(elem.attribute(QString::fromLatin1("validate")) != Latin1Literal("no")) {
entry->setField(name, value);
} else { // if no field by the tag name, then it has children, iterate through them
// the field name has the final 's', so remove it
name.truncate(name.length() - 1);
f = m_coll->fieldByName(name);
// if it's a derived value, no field value is added
if(!f || f->type() == Data::Field::Dependent) {
const bool oldTracks = (oldMusic && name == Latin1Literal("track"));
QStringList values;
// concatenate values
for(QDomNode childNode = node.firstChild(); !childNode.isNull(); childNode = childNode.nextSibling()) {
QString value;
// don't worry about i18n here, Tables are never translated
QDomNodeList cols = childNode.toElement().elementsByTagNameNS(m_namespace, QString::fromLatin1("column"));
if(cols.count() > 0) {
for(uint i = 0; i < cols.count(); ++i) {
// special case for old tracks
if(oldTracks && i == 1) {
// if the second column holds the track length, bump it to next column
QRegExp rx(QString::fromLatin1("\\d+:\\d\\d"));
if(rx.exactMatch(cols.item(i).toElement().text())) {
value += entry->field(QString::fromLatin1("artist"));
value += QString::fromLatin1("::");
value += cols.item(i).toElement().text().stripWhiteSpace();
if(i < cols.count()-1) {
value += QString::fromLatin1("::");
} else if(oldTracks && cols.count() == 1) {
value += QString::fromLatin1("::");
value += entry->field(QString::fromLatin1("artist"));
values += value;
} else {
// really loose here, we don't even check that the element name
// is what we think it is
QString s = childNode.toElement().text().stripWhiteSpace();
if(isI18n && !s.isEmpty()) {
value += i18n(s.utf8());
} else {
value += s;
if(oldTracks) {
value += QString::fromLatin1("::");
value += entry->field(QString::fromLatin1("artist"));
if(values.findIndex(value) == -1) {
values += value;
entry->setField(name, values.join(QString::fromLatin1("; ")));
} // end field value loop
void TellicoImporter::readImage(const QDomElement& elem_, bool loadImage_) {
QString format = elem_.attribute(QString::fromLatin1("format"));
const bool link = elem_.attribute(QString::fromLatin1("link")) == Latin1Literal("true");
QString id = shareString(link ? elem_.attribute(QString::fromLatin1("id"))
: Data::Image::idClean(elem_.attribute(QString::fromLatin1("id"))));
bool readInfo = true;
if(loadImage_) {
QByteArray ba;
KCodecs::base64Decode(QCString(elem_.text().latin1()), ba);
if(!ba.isEmpty()) {
QString result = ImageFactory::addImage(ba, format, id);
if(result.isEmpty()) {
myDebug() << "TellicoImporter::readImage(XML) - null image for " << id << endl;
m_hasImages = true;
readInfo = false;
if(readInfo) {
// a width or height of 0 is ok here
int width = elem_.attribute(QString::fromLatin1("width")).toInt();
int height = elem_.attribute(QString::fromLatin1("height")).toInt();
Data::ImageInfo info(id, format.latin1(), width, height, link);
void TellicoImporter::readFilter(const QDomElement& elem_) {
FilterPtr f = new Filter(Filter::MatchAny);
QString match = elem_.attribute(QString::fromLatin1("match"));
if(match == Latin1Literal("all")) {
QDomNodeList rules = elem_.elementsByTagNameNS(m_namespace, QString::fromLatin1("rule"));
for(uint i = 0; i < rules.count(); ++i) {
QDomElement e = rules.item(i).toElement();
if(e.isNull()) {
QString field = e.attribute(QString::fromLatin1("field"));
// empty field means match any of them
QString pattern = e.attribute(QString::fromLatin1("pattern"));
// empty pattern is bad
if(pattern.isEmpty()) {
kdWarning() << "TellicoImporter::readFilter() - empty rule!" << endl;
QString function = e.attribute(QString::fromLatin1("function")).lower();
FilterRule::Function func;
if(function == Latin1Literal("contains")) {
func = FilterRule::FuncContains;
} else if(function == Latin1Literal("notcontains")) {
func = FilterRule::FuncNotContains;
} else if(function == Latin1Literal("equals")) {
func = FilterRule::FuncEquals;
} else if(function == Latin1Literal("notequals")) {
func = FilterRule::FuncNotEquals;
} else if(function == Latin1Literal("regexp")) {
func = FilterRule::FuncRegExp;
} else if(function == Latin1Literal("notregexp")) {
func = FilterRule::FuncNotRegExp;
} else {
kdWarning() << "TellicoImporter::readFilter() - invalid rule function: " << function << endl;
f->append(new FilterRule(field, pattern, func));
if(!f->isEmpty()) {
void TellicoImporter::readBorrower(const QDomElement& elem_) {
QString name = elem_.attribute(QString::fromLatin1("name"));
QString uid = elem_.attribute(QString::fromLatin1("uid"));
Data::BorrowerPtr b = new Data::Borrower(name, uid);
QDomNodeList loans = elem_.elementsByTagNameNS(m_namespace, QString::fromLatin1("loan"));
for(uint i = 0; i < loans.count(); ++i) {
QDomElement e = loans.item(i).toElement();
if(e.isNull()) {
long id = e.attribute(QString::fromLatin1("entryRef")).toLong();
Data::EntryPtr entry = m_coll->entryById(id);
if(!entry) {
myDebug() << "TellicoImporter::readBorrower() - no entry with id = " << id << endl;
QString uid = e.attribute(QString::fromLatin1("uid"));
QDate loanDate, dueDate;
QString s = e.attribute(QString::fromLatin1("loanDate"));
if(!s.isEmpty()) {
loanDate = QDate::fromString(s, Qt::ISODate);
s = e.attribute(QString::fromLatin1("dueDate"));
if(!s.isEmpty()) {
dueDate = QDate::fromString(s, Qt::ISODate);
Data::LoanPtr loan = new Data::Loan(entry, loanDate, dueDate, e.text());
s = e.attribute(QString::fromLatin1("calendar"));
loan->setInCalendar(s == Latin1Literal("true"));
if(!b->isEmpty()) {
void TellicoImporter::loadZipData() {
delete m_buffer;
delete m_zip;
if(source() == URL) {
m_buffer = 0;
m_zip = new KZip(fileRef().fileName());
} else {
m_buffer = new QBuffer(data());
m_zip = new KZip(m_buffer);
if(!m_zip->open(IO_ReadOnly)) {
m_format = Error;
delete m_zip;
m_zip = 0;
delete m_buffer;
m_buffer = 0;
const KArchiveDirectory* dir = m_zip->directory();
if(!dir) {
QString str = i18n(errorLoad).arg(url().fileName()) + QChar('\n');
str += i18n("The file is empty.");
m_format = Error;
delete m_zip;
m_zip = 0;
delete m_buffer;
m_buffer = 0;
// main file was changed from bookcase.xml to tellico.xml as of version 0.13
const KArchiveEntry* entry = dir->entry(QString::fromLatin1("tellico.xml"));
if(!entry) {
entry = dir->entry(QString::fromLatin1("bookcase.xml"));
if(!entry || !entry->isFile()) {
QString str = i18n(errorLoad).arg(url().fileName()) + QChar('\n');
str += i18n("The file contains no collection data.");
m_format = Error;
delete m_zip;
m_zip = 0;
delete m_buffer;
m_buffer = 0;
const QByteArray xmlData = static_cast<const KArchiveFile*>(entry)->data();
loadXMLData(xmlData, false);
if(!m_coll) {
m_format = Error;
delete m_zip;
m_zip = 0;
delete m_buffer;
m_buffer = 0;
if(m_cancelled) {
delete m_zip;
m_zip = 0;
delete m_buffer;
m_buffer = 0;
const KArchiveEntry* imgDirEntry = dir->entry(QString::fromLatin1("images"));
if(!imgDirEntry || !imgDirEntry->isDirectory()) {
delete m_zip;
m_zip = 0;
delete m_buffer;
m_buffer = 0;
m_imgDir = static_cast<const KArchiveDirectory*>(imgDirEntry);
m_hasImages = !m_images.isEmpty();
// if all the images are not to be loaded, then we're done
if(!m_loadAllImages) {
// myLog() << "TellicoImporter::loadZipData() - delayed loading for " << m_images.count() << " images" << endl;
const QStringList images = static_cast<const KArchiveDirectory*>(imgDirEntry)->entries();
const uint stepSize = QMAX(s_stepSize, images.count()/100);
uint j = 0;
for(QStringList::ConstIterator it = images.begin(); !m_cancelled && it != images.end(); ++it, ++j) {
const KArchiveEntry* file = m_imgDir->entry(*it);
if(file && file->isFile()) {
ImageFactory::addImage(static_cast<const KArchiveFile*>(file)->data(),
(*it).section('.', -1).upper(), (*it));
if(j%stepSize == 0) {
if(m_images.isEmpty()) {
// give it some time
QTimer::singleShot(3000, this, SLOT(deleteLater()));
bool TellicoImporter::loadImage(const QString& id_) {
// myLog() << "TellicoImporter::loadImage() - id = " << id_ << endl;
if(m_format != Zip || !m_imgDir) {
return false;
const KArchiveEntry* file = m_imgDir->entry(id_);
if(!file || !file->isFile()) {
return false;
QString newID = ImageFactory::addImage(static_cast<const KArchiveFile*>(file)->data(),
id_.section('.', -1).upper(), id_);
if(m_images.isEmpty()) {
// give it some time
QTimer::singleShot(3000, this, SLOT(deleteLater()));
return !newID.isEmpty();
// static
bool TellicoImporter::loadAllImages(const KURL& url_) {
// only local files are allowed
if(url_.isEmpty() || !url_.isValid() || !url_.isLocalFile()) {
// myDebug() << "TellicoImporter::loadAllImages() - returning" << endl;
return false;
// keep track of url for error reporting
static KURL u;
KZip zip(url_.path());
if(! {
if(u != url_) {
u = url_;
return false;
const KArchiveDirectory* dir =;
if(!dir) {
if(u != url_) {
u = url_;
return false;
const KArchiveEntry* imgDirEntry = dir->entry(QString::fromLatin1("images"));
if(!imgDirEntry || !imgDirEntry->isDirectory()) {
return false;
const QStringList images = static_cast<const KArchiveDirectory*>(imgDirEntry)->entries();
for(QStringList::ConstIterator it = images.begin(); it != images.end(); ++it) {
const KArchiveEntry* file = static_cast<const KArchiveDirectory*>(imgDirEntry)->entry(*it);
if(file && file->isFile()) {
ImageFactory::addImage(static_cast<const KArchiveFile*>(file)->data(),
(*it).section('.', -1).upper(), (*it));
return true;
void TellicoImporter::addDefaultFilters() {
switch(m_coll->type()) {
case Data::Collection::Book:
if(m_coll->hasField(QString::fromLatin1("read"))) {
FilterPtr f = new Filter(Filter::MatchAny);
f->setName(i18n("Unread Books"));
f->append(new FilterRule(QString::fromLatin1("read"), QString::fromLatin1("true"), FilterRule::FuncNotContains));
m_modified = true;
case Data::Collection::Video:
if(m_coll->hasField(QString::fromLatin1("year"))) {
FilterPtr f = new Filter(Filter::MatchAny);
f->setName(i18n("Old Movies"));
// old movies from before 1960
f->append(new FilterRule(QString::fromLatin1("year"), QString::fromLatin1("19[012345]\\d"), FilterRule::FuncRegExp));
m_modified = true;
if(m_coll->hasField(QString::fromLatin1("widescreen"))) {
FilterPtr f = new Filter(Filter::MatchAny);
f->append(new FilterRule(QString::fromLatin1("widescreen"), QString::fromLatin1("true"), FilterRule::FuncContains));
m_modified = true;
case Data::Collection::Album:
if(m_coll->hasField(QString::fromLatin1("year"))) {
FilterPtr f = new Filter(Filter::MatchAny);
f->setName(i18n("80's Music"));
f->append(new FilterRule(QString::fromLatin1("year"), QString::fromLatin1("198\\d"),FilterRule::FuncRegExp));
m_modified = true;
if(m_coll->hasField(QString::fromLatin1("rating"))) {
FilterPtr filter = new Filter(Filter::MatchAny);
// check all the numbers, and use top 20% or so
Data::FieldPtr field = m_coll->fieldByName(QString::fromLatin1("rating"));
bool ok;
uint min = Tellico::toUInt(field->property(QString::fromLatin1("minimum")), &ok);
if(!ok) {
min = 1;
uint max = Tellico::toUInt(field->property(QString::fromLatin1("maximum")), &ok);
if(!ok) {
min = 5;
for(uint i = QMAX(min, static_cast<uint>(0.8*(max-min+1))); i <= max; ++i) {
filter->append(new FilterRule(QString::fromLatin1("rating"), QString::number(i), FilterRule::FuncContains));
if(!filter->isEmpty()) {
m_modified = true;
void TellicoImporter::slotCancel() {
m_cancelled = true;
m_format = Cancel;
#include "tellicoimporter.moc"