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8 lines
667 B

quanta_DATA = all.tag annotation.tag any.tag anyAttribute.tag appInfo.tag attribute.tag attributeGroup.tag choice.tag complexContent.tag complexType.tag description.rc \
documentation.tag element.tag enumeration.tag extension.tag field.tag fractionDigits.tag group.tag import.tag include.tag key.tag keyref.tag \
length.tag list.tag maxInclusive.tag maxLength.tag minInclusive.tag minLength.tag notation.tag pattern.tag redefine.tag restriction.tag schema.tag \
selector.tag sequence.tag simpleContent.tag simpleType.tag totalDigits.tag union.tag unique.tag whiteSpace.tag minExclusive.tag maxExclusive.tag
quantadir = ${quanta_datadir}/dtep/xml-schema