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// C++ Implementation: global
// Description:
// Author: Paulo Moura Guedes <>, (C) 2004
// Copyright: See COPYING file that comes with this distribution
#include "global.h"
#include <tqstring.h>
#include <tqtimer.h>
#include <dcopclient.h>
#include <dcopref.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <kapplication.h>
#include <kstaticdeleter.h>
#include <kurl.h>
#include <kprocess.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <unistd.h>
Global* Global::m_self_ = 0;
static KStaticDeleter<Global> staticDeleter;
Global* Global::self()
if (!m_self_)
staticDeleter.setObject(m_self_, new Global());
return m_self_;
Global::Global(TQObject *tqparent, const char *name)
: TQObject(tqparent, name), loop_started_(false)
m_self_ = this;
dcop_client_ = kapp->dcopClient();
if(m_self_ == this)
staticDeleter.setObject(m_self_, 0, false);
bool Global::isKLinkStatusEmbeddedInQuanta()
TQCString app_id = "quanta-" + TQCString().setNum(getpid());
return self()->dcop_client_->isApplicationRegistered(app_id);
bool Global::isQuantaRunningAsUnique()
return self()->dcop_client_->isApplicationRegistered("quanta");
bool Global::isQuantaAvailableViaDCOP()
if(isQuantaRunningAsUnique() || isKLinkStatusEmbeddedInQuanta())
return true;
self()->execCommand("ps h -o pid -C quanta -C quanta_be");
TQStringList ps_list = TQStringList::split("\n", self()->script_output_);
for(uint i = 0; i != ps_list.size(); ++i)
ps_list[i] = ps_list[i].stripWhiteSpace ();
if(self()->dcop_client_->isApplicationRegistered("quanta-" + ps_list[i].local8Bit()))
//kdDebug(23100) << "Application registered!" << endl;
return true;
return false;
TQCString Global::quantaDCOPAppId()
DCOPClient* client = kapp->dcopClient();
TQCString app_id;
if(client->isApplicationRegistered("quanta")) // quanta is unnique application
app_id = "quanta";
else if(self()->isKLinkStatusEmbeddedInQuanta()) // klinkstatus is running as a part inside quanta
TQCString app = "quanta-";
TQCString pid = TQCString().setNum(getpid());
app_id = app + pid;
self()->execCommand("ps h -o pid -C quanta -C quanta_be");
TQStringList ps_list = TQStringList::split("\n", self()->script_output_);
for(uint i = 0; i != ps_list.size(); ++i)
ps_list[i] = ps_list[i].stripWhiteSpace ();
if(self()->dcop_client_->isApplicationRegistered("quanta-" + ps_list[i].local8Bit()))
app_id = "quanta-" + ps_list[i];
return app_id;
kdError(23100) << "You didn't check if Global::isQuantaAvailableViaDCOP!" << endl;
return "";
KURL Global::urlWithQuantaPreviewPrefix(KURL const& url)
DCOPRef quanta(Global::quantaDCOPAppId(),"WindowManagerIf");
TQString string_url_with_prefix ="urlWithPreviewPrefix", url.url());
//kdDebug(23100) << "string_url_with_prefix: " << string_url_with_prefix << endl;
return KURL(string_url_with_prefix);
void Global::openQuanta(TQStringList const& args)
TQString command(args.join(" "));
Global::execCommand("quanta " + command);
void Global::execCommand(TQString const& command)
//We create a KProcess that executes the "ps" *nix command to get the PIDs of the
//other instances of quanta actually running
self()->process_PS_ = new KProcess();
*(self()->process_PS_) << TQStringList::split(" ",command);
connect( self()->process_PS_, TQT_SIGNAL(receivedStdout(KProcess*,char*,int)),
self(), TQT_SLOT(slotGetScriptOutput(KProcess*,char*,int)));
connect( self()->process_PS_, TQT_SIGNAL(receivedStderr(KProcess*,char*,int)),
self(), TQT_SLOT(slotGetScriptError(KProcess*,char*,int)));
connect( self()->process_PS_, TQT_SIGNAL(processExited(KProcess*)),
self(), TQT_SLOT(slotProcessExited(KProcess*)));
//if KProcess fails I think a message box is needed... I will fix it
if (!self()->process_PS_->start(KProcess::NotifyOnExit,KProcess::All))
kdError() << "Failed to query for running KLinkStatus instances!" << endl;
//TODO: Replace the above error with a real messagebox after the message freeze is over
//To avoid lock-ups, start a timer.
TQTimer* timer = new TQTimer(self());
connect(timer, TQT_SIGNAL(timeout()),
self(), TQT_SLOT(slotProcessTimeout()));
timer->start(120*1000, true);
self()->loop_started_ = true;
delete timer;
void Global::slotGetScriptOutput(KProcess* /*process*/, char* buf, int buflen)
TQCString tmp( buf, buflen + 1 );
script_output_ = TQString();
script_output_ = TQString::fromLocal8Bit(tmp).remove(" ");
void Global::slotGetScriptError(KProcess*, char* buf, int buflen)
//TODO: Implement some error handling?
void Global::slotProcessExited(KProcess*)
void Global::slotProcessTimeout()
if (loop_started_)
loop_started_ = false;
#include "global.moc"