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// C++ Interface: UploadProfiles
// Description:
// Author: Jens Herden <>, (C) 2004
// Copyright: See COPYING file that comes with this distribution
// QT includes
#include <tqmap.h>
#include <tqdom.h>
#include <tqguardedptr.h>
// KDE includes
#include <kurl.h>
class TQObject;
@short The internal representation of upload profiles.
struct UploadProfile
TQString name; ///< name of profile
TQDomElement domElement; ///< domtree element of this profile
TQGuardedPtr<TQWidget> treeview; ///< treeview for this url
/** a map for the upload profiles */
typedef TQMap<TQString, UploadProfile> UploadProfileMap;
class UploadProfiles : public UploadProfileMap
* since this class is a singleton you must use this function to access it
static UploadProfiles* const ref()
static UploadProfiles *m_ref;
if (!m_ref) m_ref = new UploadProfiles();
return m_ref;
reads the available profiles from the tree and fills the map
@param the dom document to parse
void readFromXML(const TQDomDocument &dom);
removes a profile from the map and the dom tree
@param the profile to remove
@return true if profile was found and removed
bool removeFromMapAndXML(const TQString &name);
clears the map and removes all treeviews
void clear();
/** The constructor is privat because we use singleton pattern.
* If you need the class use UploadProfiles::ref() for
* construction and reference
creates a treeview for a profile and adds it to the right toolviews
@param profile the profile
@return the pointer to the treeview
TQWidget * createTreeview(const UploadProfile &profile);
creates a KURL from a TQDomElement
@param e a TQDomElement where the path is saved
@return KURL of the location
KURL url(const TQDomElement &e);
TQDomNode m_profilesNode; ///< under this node the profiles are saved in the dom tree