/* This file is part of KNewStuff. Copyright (c) 2003 Josef Spillner This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "downloaddialog.h" #include "downloaddialog.moc" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // hack using namespace KNS; class NumSortListViewItem : public KListViewItem { public: NumSortListViewItem( QListView * parent, QString label1, QString label2 = QString::null, QString label3 = QString::null, QString label4 = QString::null, QString label5 = QString::null, QString label6 = QString::null, QString label7 = QString::null, QString label8 = QString::null ) : KListViewItem( parent, label1, label2, label3, label4, label5, label6, label7, label8 ) { } QString key(int col, bool asc) const { if (col == 2) { QString s; s.sprintf("%08d", text(col).toInt()); return s; } return KListViewItem::key( col, asc ); } }; // BEGIN deprecated for KDE 4 DownloadDialog::DownloadDialog(Engine *engine, QWidget *) : KDialogBase(KDialogBase::IconList, i18n("Get Hot New Stuff"), KDialogBase::Close, KDialogBase::Close) { init(engine); } DownloadDialog::DownloadDialog(QWidget *) : KDialogBase(KDialogBase::IconList, i18n("Get Hot New Stuff"), KDialogBase::Close, KDialogBase::Close) { init(0); } void DownloadDialog::open(QString type) { DownloadDialog d; d.setType(type); d.load(); d.exec(); } // END deprecated for KDE 4 DownloadDialog::DownloadDialog(Engine *engine, QWidget *, const QString& caption) : KDialogBase(KDialogBase::IconList, (caption.isNull() ? i18n("Get Hot New Stuff") : caption), KDialogBase::Close, KDialogBase::Close) { init(engine); } DownloadDialog::DownloadDialog(QWidget *, const QString& caption) : KDialogBase(KDialogBase::IconList, (caption.isNull() ? i18n("Get Hot New Stuff") : caption), KDialogBase::Close, KDialogBase::Close) { init(0); } void DownloadDialog::init(Engine *engine) { resize(700, 400); m_engine = engine; m_page = NULL; connect(this, SIGNAL(aboutToShowPage(QWidget*)), SLOT(slotPage(QWidget*))); if(!engine) { m_loader = new ProviderLoader(this); connect(m_loader, SIGNAL(providersLoaded(Provider::List*)), SLOT(slotProviders(Provider::List*))); } } DownloadDialog::~DownloadDialog() { } void DownloadDialog::load() { m_loader->load(m_filter, m_providerlist); } void DownloadDialog::load(QString providerList) { m_loader->load(m_filter, providerList); } void DownloadDialog::clear() { QMap* >::Iterator it; for(it = m_map.begin(); it != m_map.end(); ++it) { QValueList *v = it.data(); kdDebug() << "clear listviews in " << v << endl; if(v) { (*(v->at(0)))->clear(); (*(v->at(1)))->clear(); (*(v->at(2)))->clear(); //delete (*it); } delete it.key(); } m_map.clear(); } void DownloadDialog::slotProviders(Provider::List *list) { Provider *p; /*QFrame *frame;*/ for(p = list->first(); p; p = list->next()) { kdDebug() << "++ provider ++ " << p->name() << endl; if(!m_filter.isEmpty()) loadProvider(p); else addProvider(p); /*if(p == list->getFirst()) slotPage(m_frame);*/ // only if !qtbug } } void DownloadDialog::addProvider(Provider *p) { QFrame *frame; KTabCtl *ctl; QWidget *w_d, *w_r, *w_l; QWidget *w2; KListView *lvtmp_r, *lvtmp_d, *lvtmp_l; QTextBrowser *rt; QString tmp; int ret; QPixmap pix; if(m_map.count() == 0) { frame = addPage(i18n("Welcome"), i18n("Welcome"), QPixmap("")); delete frame; } kdDebug() << "addProvider()/begin" << endl; ret = true; if(!p->icon().isValid()) ret = false; else ret = KIO::NetAccess::download(p->icon(), tmp, this); if(ret) pix = QPixmap(tmp); else pix = KGlobal::iconLoader()->loadIcon("knewstuff", KIcon::Panel); frame = addPage(p->name(), p->name(), pix); m_frame = frame; w2 = new QWidget(frame); w_d = new QWidget(frame); w_r = new QWidget(frame); w_l = new QWidget(frame); ctl = new KTabCtl(frame); ctl->addTab(w_r, i18n("Highest Rated")); ctl->addTab(w_d, i18n("Most Downloads")); ctl->addTab(w_l, i18n("Latest")); m_curtab = 0; connect(ctl, SIGNAL(tabSelected(int)), SLOT(slotTab(int))); QHBoxLayout *box = new QHBoxLayout(frame); box->add(ctl); lvtmp_r = new KListView(w_r); lvtmp_r->addColumn(i18n("Name")); lvtmp_r->addColumn(i18n("Version")); lvtmp_r->addColumn(i18n("Rating")); lvtmp_r->setSorting(2, false); lvtmp_d = new KListView(w_d); lvtmp_d->addColumn(i18n("Name")); lvtmp_d->addColumn(i18n("Version")); lvtmp_d->addColumn(i18n("Downloads")); lvtmp_d->setSorting(2, false); lvtmp_l = new KListView(w_l); lvtmp_l->addColumn(i18n("Name")); lvtmp_l->addColumn(i18n("Version")); lvtmp_l->addColumn(i18n("Release Date")); lvtmp_l->setSorting(2, false); connect(lvtmp_r, SIGNAL(selectionChanged()), SLOT(slotSelected())); connect(lvtmp_d, SIGNAL(selectionChanged()), SLOT(slotSelected())); connect(lvtmp_l, SIGNAL(selectionChanged()), SLOT(slotSelected())); rt = new QTextBrowser(frame); rt->setMinimumWidth(150); QPushButton *in = new QPushButton(i18n("Install"), frame); QPushButton *de = new QPushButton(i18n("Details"), frame); in->setEnabled(false); de->setEnabled(false); box->addSpacing(spacingHint()); QVBoxLayout *vbox = new QVBoxLayout(box); vbox->add(rt); vbox->addSpacing(spacingHint()); vbox->add(de); vbox->add(in); connect(in, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(slotInstall())); connect(de, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(slotDetails())); QVBoxLayout *box2 = new QVBoxLayout(w_r); box2->add(lvtmp_r); QVBoxLayout *box3 = new QVBoxLayout(w_d); box3->add(lvtmp_d); QVBoxLayout *box4 = new QVBoxLayout(w_l); box4->add(lvtmp_l); QValueList *v = new QValueList; *v << lvtmp_r << lvtmp_d << lvtmp_l; m_map[frame] = v; m_rts[frame] = rt; QValueList *vb = new QValueList; *vb << in << de; m_buttons[frame] = vb; m_providers[frame] = p; kdDebug() << "addProvider()/end; lvtmp_r = " << lvtmp_r << endl; if(m_engine) slotPage(frame); QTimer::singleShot(100, this, SLOT(slotFinish())); } void DownloadDialog::slotResult(KIO::Job *job) { QDomDocument dom; QDomElement knewstuff; kdDebug() << "got data: " << m_data[job] << endl; kapp->config()->setGroup("KNewStuffStatus"); dom.setContent(m_data[job]); knewstuff = dom.documentElement(); for(QDomNode pn = knewstuff.firstChild(); !pn.isNull(); pn = pn.nextSibling()) { QDomElement stuff = pn.toElement(); kdDebug() << "element: " << stuff.tagName() << endl; if(stuff.tagName() == "stuff") { Entry *entry = new Entry(stuff); kdDebug() << "TYPE::" << entry->type() << " FILTER::" << m_filter << endl; if(!entry->type().isEmpty()) { if((!m_filter.isEmpty()) && (entry->type() != m_filter)) continue; } if((!m_filter.isEmpty()) && (m_jobs[job])) { Provider *p = m_jobs[job]; addProvider(p); slotPage(m_frame); m_jobs[job] = 0; } addEntry(entry); } } m_data[job] = ""; } int DownloadDialog::installStatus(Entry *entry) { QDate date; QString datestring; int installed; kapp->config()->setGroup("KNewStuffStatus"); datestring = kapp->config()->readEntry(entry->name()); if(datestring.isNull()) installed = 0; else { date = QDate::fromString(datestring, Qt::ISODate); if(!date.isValid()) installed = 0; else if(date < entry->releaseDate()) installed = -1; else installed = 1; } return installed; } void DownloadDialog::addEntry(Entry *entry) { QPixmap pix; int installed; /*if(m_engine) { if(m_map.count() == 0) { m_frame = addPage(i18n("Welcome"), i18n("Welcome"), QPixmap("")); Provider *p = new Provider(); p->setName(i18n("Generic")); addProvider(p); slotPage(m_frame); } }*/ installed = installStatus(entry); if(installed > 0) pix = KGlobal::iconLoader()->loadIcon("ok", KIcon::Small); else if(installed < 0) pix = KGlobal::iconLoader()->loadIcon("history", KIcon::Small); else pix = QPixmap(); KListViewItem *tmp_r = new KListViewItem(lv_r, entry->name(), entry->version(), QString("%1").arg(entry->rating())); KListViewItem *tmp_d = new NumSortListViewItem(lv_d, entry->name(), entry->version(), QString("%1").arg(entry->downloads())); KListViewItem *tmp_l = new KListViewItem(lv_l, entry->name(), entry->version(), KGlobal::locale()->formatDate(entry->releaseDate())); tmp_r->setPixmap(0, pix); tmp_d->setPixmap(0, pix); tmp_l->setPixmap(0, pix); m_entries.append(entry); kdDebug() << "added entry " << entry->name() << endl; } void DownloadDialog::slotData(KIO::Job *job, const QByteArray &a) { QCString tmp(a, a.size() + 1); m_data[job].append(QString::fromUtf8(tmp)); } void DownloadDialog::slotDetails() { Entry *e = getEntry(); if(!e) return; QString lang = KGlobal::locale()->language(); QString info = i18n ( "Name: %1\n" "Author: %2\n" "License: %3\n" "Version: %4\n" "Release: %5\n" "Rating: %6\n" "Downloads: %7\n" "Release date: %8\n" "Summary: %9\n" ).arg(e->name() ).arg(e->author() ).arg(e->license() ).arg(e->version() ).arg(e->release() ).arg(e->rating() ).arg(e->downloads() ).arg(KGlobal::locale()->formatDate(e->releaseDate()) ).arg(e->summary(lang) ); info.append(i18n ( "Preview: %1\n" "Payload: %2\n" ).arg(e->preview().url() ).arg(e->payload().url() )); KMessageBox::information(this, info, i18n("Details")); } void DownloadDialog::slotInstall() { Entry *e = getEntry(); if(!e) return; kdDebug() << "download entry now" << endl; if(m_engine) { m_engine->download(e); install(e); } else { m_s = new KNewStuffGeneric(e->type(), this); m_entry = e; KURL source = e->payload(); KURL dest = KURL(m_s->downloadDestination(e)); KIO::FileCopyJob *job = KIO::file_copy(source, dest, -1, true); connect(job, SIGNAL(result(KIO::Job*)), SLOT(slotInstalled(KIO::Job*))); } } void DownloadDialog::install(Entry *e) { kapp->config()->setGroup("KNewStuffStatus"); kapp->config()->writeEntry(m_entryname, e->releaseDate().toString(Qt::ISODate)); kapp->config()->sync(); QPixmap pix = KGlobal::iconLoader()->loadIcon("ok", KIcon::Small); m_entryitem = lv_r->findItem(m_entryname, 0); if(m_entryitem) m_entryitem->setPixmap(0, pix); m_entryitem = lv_d->findItem(m_entryname, 0); if(m_entryitem) m_entryitem->setPixmap(0, pix); m_entryitem = lv_l->findItem(m_entryname, 0); if(m_entryitem) m_entryitem->setPixmap(0, pix); QPushButton *in; in = *(m_buttons[m_page]->at(0)); if(in) in->setEnabled(false); } void DownloadDialog::slotInstalled(KIO::Job *job) { bool ret = (job->error() == 0); KIO::FileCopyJob *cjob; if(ret) { cjob = static_cast(job); if(cjob) { ret = m_s->install(cjob->destURL().path()); } else ret = false; } if(ret) { install(m_entry); KMessageBox::information(this, i18n("Installation successful."), i18n("Installation")); } else KMessageBox::error(this, i18n("Installation failed."), i18n("Installation")); delete m_s; } void DownloadDialog::slotTab(int tab) { kdDebug() << "switch tab to: " << tab << endl; m_curtab = tab; } void DownloadDialog::slotSelected() { QString tmp; bool enabled; Entry *e = getEntry(); QString lang = KGlobal::locale()->language(); if(e) { if(!e->preview(lang).isValid()) { m_rt->setText(QString("%1

(%5)").arg( e->name()).arg(e->author()).arg(KGlobal::locale()->formatDate(e->releaseDate())).arg(e->summary(lang)).arg(e->license())); } else { KIO::NetAccess::download(e->preview(lang), tmp, this); m_rt->setText(QString("%1

(%6)").arg( e->name()).arg(e->author()).arg(KGlobal::locale()->formatDate(e->releaseDate())).arg(tmp).arg(e->summary(lang)).arg(e->license())); } if(installStatus(e) == 1) enabled = false; else enabled = true; QPushButton *de, *in; in = *(m_buttons[m_page]->at(0)); de = *(m_buttons[m_page]->at(1)); if(in) in->setEnabled(enabled); if(de) de->setEnabled(true); } } Entry *DownloadDialog::getEntry() { if(m_curtab == 0) m_entryitem = lv_r->currentItem(); else if(m_curtab == 1) m_entryitem = lv_d->currentItem(); else if(m_curtab == 2) m_entryitem = lv_l->currentItem(); else return 0; m_entryname = m_entryitem->text(0); for(Entry *e = m_entries.first(); e; e = m_entries.next()) { if(e->name() == m_entryname) return e; } return 0; } void DownloadDialog::slotPage(QWidget *w) { Provider *p; kdDebug() << "changed widget!!!" << endl; if(m_map.find(w) == m_map.end()) return; m_page = w; lv_r = *(m_map[w]->at(0)); lv_d = *(m_map[w]->at(1)); lv_l = *(m_map[w]->at(2)); p = m_providers[w]; m_rt = m_rts[w]; kdDebug() << "valid change!!!; lv_r = " << lv_r << endl; if(m_engine) return; if(!m_filter.isEmpty()) return; lv_r->clear(); lv_d->clear(); lv_l->clear(); kdDebug() << "-- fetch -- " << p->downloadUrl() << endl; loadProvider(p); } void DownloadDialog::loadProvider(Provider *p) { KIO::TransferJob *job = KIO::get(p->downloadUrl()); m_jobs[job] = p; connect(job, SIGNAL(result(KIO::Job*)), SLOT(slotResult(KIO::Job*))); connect(job, SIGNAL(data(KIO::Job*, const QByteArray&)), SLOT(slotData(KIO::Job*, const QByteArray&))); } void DownloadDialog::setType(QString type) { m_filter = type; } void DownloadDialog::setProviderList(const QString& providerList) { m_providerlist = providerList; } void DownloadDialog::slotOk() { } void DownloadDialog::slotApply() { } void DownloadDialog::open(const QString& type, const QString& caption) { DownloadDialog d(0, caption); d.setType(type); d.load(); d.exec(); } void DownloadDialog::slotFinish() { showPage(1); //updateBackground(); }