You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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<book lang="&language;">
<title>The &kxsldbg; Handbook</title>
<holder>Keith Isdale</holder>
&kxsldbg; provides a graphic user interface front-end to
&xsldbg;, which supports
debugging of &XSLT; scripts.
<chapter id="introduction">
<sect1 id="features">
&kxsldbg; provides access to most of &xsldbg;'s commands to
Set and modify breakpoints
Display value of XPaths
Display information about the templates, variables,
callstack entries, stylesheets and entities present
Set and modify breakpoints and variables
Move around &XSL; source and &XML; document via XPaths
Lookup PUBLIC and SYSTEM ID's in the current &XML; catalog
<sect1 id="new-features">
<title>Recently added features</title>
<para>&kxsldbg; can now
Set and modify variables
Renders the text in the main window using the &kate; libraries
<chapter id="using-kxsldbg">
<title>Using &kxsldbg;</title>