cvsservice . cpp - description
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
begin : Sun May 16 17 : 50 : 25 2004
copyright : ( C ) 2004 , 2005 by Andras Mantia < amantia @ kde . org >
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
* *
* This program is free software ; you can redistribute it and / or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation ; version 2
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
//qt include
# include <tqfile.h>
# include <tqfileinfo.h>
# include <tqradiobutton.h>
# include <tqtextedit.h>
# include <tqtextstream.h>
# include <tqtimer.h>
//kde includes
# include <tdeaction.h>
# include <tdeapplication.h>
# include <kcombobox.h>
# include <tdeversion.h>
# include <kiconloader.h>
# include <klineedit.h>
# include <tdelistbox.h>
# include <tdelocale.h>
# include <tdemessagebox.h>
# include <tdepopupmenu.h>
// CvsService
# include <repository_stub.h>
# include <cvsservice_stub.h>
# include <cvsjob_stub.h>
# include "cvsservice.h"
# include "cvscommitdlgs.h"
# include "cvsupdatetodlgs.h"
# define CVSSERVICE_TIMEOUT 1000*60
CVSService : : CVSService ( TDEActionCollection * ac )
m_menu = new TDEPopupMenu ( ) ;
TDEAction * action = new TDEAction ( i18n ( " &Commit... " ) , " vcs_commit " , 0 , this , TQT_SLOT ( slotCommit ( ) ) , ac , " vcs_commit " ) ;
action - > plug ( m_menu ) ;
action = new TDEAction ( i18n ( " &Update " ) , " vcs_update " , 0 , this , TQT_SLOT ( slotUpdate ( ) ) , ac , " vcs_update " ) ;
action - > plug ( m_menu ) ;
TDEPopupMenu * updateToMenu = new TDEPopupMenu ( m_menu ) ;
m_menu - > insertItem ( SmallIconSet ( " vcs_update " ) , i18n ( " Update &To " ) , updateToMenu ) ;
action = new TDEAction ( i18n ( " &Tag/Date... " ) , " vcs_update " , 0 , this , TQT_SLOT ( slotUpdateToTag ( ) ) , ac , " vcs_update_tag_date " ) ;
action - > plug ( updateToMenu ) ;
action = new TDEAction ( i18n ( " &HEAD " ) , " vcs_update " , 0 , this , TQT_SLOT ( slotUpdateToHead ( ) ) , ac , " vcs_update_head " ) ;
action - > plug ( updateToMenu ) ;
action = new TDEAction ( i18n ( " Re&vert " ) , " reload " , 0 , this , TQT_SLOT ( slotRevert ( ) ) , ac , " vcs_revert " ) ;
action - > plug ( m_menu ) ;
m_menu - > insertSeparator ( ) ;
action = new TDEAction ( i18n ( " &Add to Repository... " ) , " vcs_add " , 0 , this , TQT_SLOT ( slotAdd ( ) ) , ac , " vcs_add " ) ;
action - > plug ( m_menu ) ;
action = new TDEAction ( i18n ( " &Remove From Repository... " ) , " vcs_remove " , 0 , this , TQT_SLOT ( slotRemove ( ) ) , ac , " vcs_remove " ) ;
action - > plug ( m_menu ) ;
action = new TDEAction ( i18n ( " &Ignore in CVS Operations " ) , 0 , this , TQT_SLOT ( slotAddToCVSIgnore ( ) ) , ac ) ;
action - > plug ( m_menu ) ;
action = new TDEAction ( i18n ( " Do &Not Ignore in CVS Operations " ) , 0 , this , TQT_SLOT ( slotRemoveFromCVSIgnore ( ) ) , ac ) ;
action - > plug ( m_menu ) ;
m_menu - > insertSeparator ( ) ;
action = new TDEAction ( i18n ( " Show &Log Messages " ) , 0 , this , TQT_SLOT ( slotBrowseLog ( ) ) , ac ) ;
action - > plug ( m_menu ) ;
m_cvsJob = 0L ;
m_repository = 0L ;
m_cvsService = 0L ;
m_commitDlg = new CVSCommitDlgS ( ) ;
m_updateToDlg = new CVSUpdateToDlgS ( ) ;
m_timer = new TQTimer ( this ) ;
connect ( m_timer , TQT_SIGNAL ( timeout ( ) ) , this , TQT_SLOT ( slotTimeout ( ) ) ) ;
CVSService : : ~ CVSService ( )
if ( m_cvsService )
m_cvsService - > quit ( ) ;
delete m_cvsService ;
delete m_menu ;
delete m_repository ;
m_repository = 0L ;
m_cvsService = 0L ;
delete m_commitDlg ;
delete m_updateToDlg ;
void CVSService : : setAppId ( const TQCString & id )
m_appId = id ;
m_cvsService = new CvsService_stub ( m_appId , " CvsService " ) ;
m_timer - > start ( CVSSERVICE_TIMEOUT , true ) ;
void CVSService : : setRepository ( const TQString & repository )
startService ( ) ;
delete m_repository ;
m_repository = new Repository_stub ( m_appId , " CvsRepository " ) ;
if ( m_repository - > setWorkingCopy ( repository ) )
m_repositoryPath = repository ;
if ( ! m_repositoryPath . endsWith ( " / " ) )
m_repositoryPath + = " / " ;
void CVSService : : slotUpdate ( )
TQStringList files ;
if ( ! m_defaultFile . isEmpty ( ) )
if ( m_defaultFile . startsWith ( m_repositoryPath ) )
files + = m_defaultFile . remove ( m_repositoryPath ) ;
slotUpdate ( files ) ;
} else
notInRepository ( ) ;
void CVSService : : slotUpdate ( const TQStringList & files )
startService ( ) ;
if ( m_repository & & ! m_appId . isEmpty ( ) )
emit clearMessages ( ) ;
emit showMessage ( i18n ( " Running CVS update... " ) + " \n " , false ) ;
m_files = files ;
m_job = m_cvsService - > update ( files , true , true , true , " " ) ;
m_cvsCommand = " update " ;
m_cvsJob = new CvsJob_stub ( m_job . app ( ) , m_job . obj ( ) ) ;
connectDCOPSignal ( m_job . app ( ) , m_job . obj ( ) , " jobExited(bool, int) " , " slotJobExited(bool, int) " , true ) ;
connectDCOPSignal ( m_job . app ( ) , m_job . obj ( ) , " receivedStdout(TQString) " , " slotReceivedStdout(TQString) " , true ) ;
connectDCOPSignal ( m_job . app ( ) , m_job . obj ( ) , " receivedStderr(TQString) " , " slotReceivedStderr(TQString) " , true ) ;
m_cvsJob - > execute ( ) ;
void CVSService : : slotUpdateToTag ( )
TQStringList files ;
if ( ! m_defaultFile . isEmpty ( ) )
if ( m_defaultFile . startsWith ( m_repositoryPath ) )
files + = m_defaultFile . remove ( m_repositoryPath ) ;
slotUpdateToTag ( files ) ;
} else
notInRepository ( ) ;
void CVSService : : slotUpdateToTag ( const TQStringList & files )
startService ( ) ;
if ( m_repository & & ! m_appId . isEmpty ( ) & & m_updateToDlg - > exec ( ) )
TQString extraOpts ;
TQString commandStr ;
if ( m_updateToDlg - > tagRadioButton - > isChecked ( ) )
extraOpts = " -r " + m_updateToDlg - > tagCombo - > currentText ( ) ;
commandStr = i18n ( " Updating to revision %1 ... " ) . arg ( m_updateToDlg - > tagCombo - > currentText ( ) ) ;
} else
extraOpts = " -D " + m_updateToDlg - > dateLineEdit - > text ( ) ;
commandStr = i18n ( " Updating to the version from %1 ... " ) . arg ( m_updateToDlg - > dateLineEdit - > text ( ) ) ;
emit clearMessages ( ) ;
emit showMessage ( commandStr + " \n " , false ) ;
m_files = files ;
m_job = m_cvsService - > update ( files , true , true , true , extraOpts ) ;
m_cvsCommand = " update " ;
m_cvsJob = new CvsJob_stub ( m_job . app ( ) , m_job . obj ( ) ) ;
connectDCOPSignal ( m_job . app ( ) , m_job . obj ( ) , " jobExited(bool, int) " , " slotJobExited(bool, int) " , true ) ;
connectDCOPSignal ( m_job . app ( ) , m_job . obj ( ) , " receivedStdout(TQString) " , " slotReceivedStdout(TQString) " , true ) ;
connectDCOPSignal ( m_job . app ( ) , m_job . obj ( ) , " receivedStderr(TQString) " , " slotReceivedStderr(TQString) " , true ) ;
m_cvsJob - > execute ( ) ;
void CVSService : : slotUpdateToHead ( )
TQStringList files ;
if ( ! m_defaultFile . isEmpty ( ) )
if ( m_defaultFile . startsWith ( m_repositoryPath ) )
files + = m_defaultFile . remove ( m_repositoryPath ) ;
slotUpdateToHead ( files ) ;
} else
notInRepository ( ) ;
void CVSService : : slotUpdateToHead ( const TQStringList & files )
startService ( ) ;
if ( m_repository & & ! m_appId . isEmpty ( ) )
emit clearMessages ( ) ;
emit showMessage ( i18n ( " Updating to HEAD... " ) + " \n " , false ) ;
m_files = files ;
m_job = m_cvsService - > update ( files , true , true , true , " -A " ) ;
m_cvsCommand = " update " ;
m_cvsJob = new CvsJob_stub ( m_job . app ( ) , m_job . obj ( ) ) ;
connectDCOPSignal ( m_job . app ( ) , m_job . obj ( ) , " jobExited(bool, int) " , " slotJobExited(bool, int) " , true ) ;
connectDCOPSignal ( m_job . app ( ) , m_job . obj ( ) , " receivedStdout(TQString) " , " slotReceivedStdout(TQString) " , true ) ;
connectDCOPSignal ( m_job . app ( ) , m_job . obj ( ) , " receivedStderr(TQString) " , " slotReceivedStderr(TQString) " , true ) ;
m_cvsJob - > execute ( ) ;
void CVSService : : slotCommit ( )
TQStringList files ;
if ( ! m_defaultFile . isEmpty ( ) )
if ( m_defaultFile . startsWith ( m_repositoryPath ) )
files + = m_defaultFile . remove ( m_repositoryPath ) ;
slotCommit ( files ) ;
} else
notInRepository ( ) ;
void CVSService : : slotCommit ( const TQStringList & files )
startService ( ) ;
m_commitDlg - > fileList - > clear ( ) ;
m_commitDlg - > fileList - > insertStringList ( files ) ;
m_commitDlg - > logEdit - > clear ( ) ;
m_commitDlg - > messageCombo - > insertItem ( i18n ( " Current " ) , 0 ) ;
m_commitDlg - > messageCombo - > setCurrentItem ( 0 ) ;
if ( m_repository & & ! m_appId . isEmpty ( ) & & m_commitDlg - > exec ( ) )
m_commitDlg - > messageCombo - > removeItem ( 0 ) ;
TQString message = m_commitDlg - > logEdit - > text ( ) ;
if ( message ! = m_commitDlg - > messageCombo - > currentText ( ) )
m_commitDlg - > messageCombo - > insertItem ( message , 0 ) ;
emit clearMessages ( ) ;
emit showMessage ( i18n ( " Running CVS commit... " ) + " \n " , false ) ;
m_files = files ;
m_job = m_cvsService - > commit ( files , message , true ) ;
m_cvsCommand = " commit " ;
m_cvsJob = new CvsJob_stub ( m_job . app ( ) , m_job . obj ( ) ) ;
connectDCOPSignal ( m_job . app ( ) , m_job . obj ( ) , " jobExited(bool, int) " , " slotJobExited(bool, int) " , true ) ;
connectDCOPSignal ( m_job . app ( ) , m_job . obj ( ) , " receivedStdout(TQString) " , " slotReceivedStdout(TQString) " , true ) ;
connectDCOPSignal ( m_job . app ( ) , m_job . obj ( ) , " receivedStderr(TQString) " , " slotReceivedStderr(TQString) " , true ) ;
m_cvsJob - > execute ( ) ;
void CVSService : : slotRevert ( )
TQStringList files ;
if ( ! m_defaultFile . isEmpty ( ) )
if ( m_defaultFile . startsWith ( m_repositoryPath ) )
files + = m_defaultFile . remove ( m_repositoryPath ) ;
slotRevert ( files ) ;
} else
notInRepository ( ) ;
void CVSService : : slotRevert ( const TQStringList & files )
startService ( ) ;
if ( m_repository & & ! m_appId . isEmpty ( ) )
emit clearMessages ( ) ;
emit showMessage ( i18n ( " Reverting to the version from the repository... " ) + " \n " , false ) ;
m_files = files ;
m_job = m_cvsService - > update ( files , true , true , true , " -C " ) ;
m_cvsCommand = " update " ;
m_cvsJob = new CvsJob_stub ( m_job . app ( ) , m_job . obj ( ) ) ;
connectDCOPSignal ( m_job . app ( ) , m_job . obj ( ) , " jobExited(bool, int) " , " slotJobExited(bool, int) " , true ) ;
connectDCOPSignal ( m_job . app ( ) , m_job . obj ( ) , " receivedStdout(TQString) " , " slotReceivedStdout(TQString) " , true ) ;
connectDCOPSignal ( m_job . app ( ) , m_job . obj ( ) , " receivedStderr(TQString) " , " slotReceivedStderr(TQString) " , true ) ;
m_cvsJob - > execute ( ) ;
void CVSService : : slotAdd ( )
TQStringList files ;
if ( ! m_defaultFile . isEmpty ( ) )
if ( m_defaultFile . startsWith ( m_repositoryPath ) )
files + = m_defaultFile . remove ( m_repositoryPath ) ;
slotAdd ( files ) ;
} else
notInRepository ( ) ;
void CVSService : : slotAdd ( const TQStringList & files )
startService ( ) ;
if ( m_repository & & ! m_appId . isEmpty ( ) & & ( KMessageBox : : questionYesNoList ( 0 , i18n ( " Add the following files to repository? " ) , files , i18n ( " CVS Add " ) , KStdGuiItem : : add ( ) , i18n ( " Do Not Add " ) ) = = KMessageBox : : Yes ) )
emit clearMessages ( ) ;
emit showMessage ( i18n ( " Adding file to the repository... " ) + " \n " , false ) ;
m_files = files ;
m_job = m_cvsService - > add ( files , false ) ;
m_cvsCommand = " add " ;
m_cvsJob = new CvsJob_stub ( m_job . app ( ) , m_job . obj ( ) ) ;
connectDCOPSignal ( m_job . app ( ) , m_job . obj ( ) , " jobExited(bool, int) " , " slotJobExited(bool, int) " , true ) ;
connectDCOPSignal ( m_job . app ( ) , m_job . obj ( ) , " receivedStdout(TQString) " , " slotReceivedStdout(TQString) " , true ) ;
connectDCOPSignal ( m_job . app ( ) , m_job . obj ( ) , " receivedStderr(TQString) " , " slotReceivedStderr(TQString) " , true ) ;
m_cvsJob - > execute ( ) ;
void CVSService : : slotRemove ( )
TQStringList files ;
if ( ! m_defaultFile . isEmpty ( ) )
if ( m_defaultFile . startsWith ( m_repositoryPath ) )
files + = m_defaultFile . remove ( m_repositoryPath ) ;
slotRemove ( files ) ;
} else
notInRepository ( ) ;
void CVSService : : slotRemove ( const TQStringList & files )
startService ( ) ;
if ( m_repository & & ! m_appId . isEmpty ( ) & & ( KMessageBox : : warningContinueCancelList ( 0 , i18n ( " <qt>Remove the following files from the repository?<br>This will remove your <b>working copy</b> as well.</qt> " ) , files , i18n ( " CVS Remove " ) ) = = KMessageBox : : Continue ) )
emit clearMessages ( ) ;
emit showMessage ( i18n ( " Removing files from the repository... " ) + " \n " , false ) ;
m_files = files ;
m_job = m_cvsService - > remove ( files , true ) ;
m_cvsCommand = " remove " ;
m_cvsJob = new CvsJob_stub ( m_job . app ( ) , m_job . obj ( ) ) ;
connectDCOPSignal ( m_job . app ( ) , m_job . obj ( ) , " jobExited(bool, int) " , " slotJobExited(bool, int) " , true ) ;
connectDCOPSignal ( m_job . app ( ) , m_job . obj ( ) , " receivedStdout(TQString) " , " slotReceivedStdout(TQString) " , true ) ;
connectDCOPSignal ( m_job . app ( ) , m_job . obj ( ) , " receivedStderr(TQString) " , " slotReceivedStderr(TQString) " , true ) ;
m_cvsJob - > execute ( ) ;
void CVSService : : slotBrowseLog ( )
startService ( ) ;
if ( ! m_defaultFile . isEmpty ( ) )
if ( m_defaultFile . startsWith ( m_repositoryPath ) )
TQString file = m_defaultFile . remove ( m_repositoryPath ) ;
if ( m_repository & & ! m_appId . isEmpty ( ) )
emit clearMessages ( ) ;
emit showMessage ( i18n ( " Showing CVS log... " ) + " \n " , false ) ;
m_files + = file ;
m_job = m_cvsService - > log ( file ) ;
m_cvsCommand = " log " ;
m_cvsJob = new CvsJob_stub ( m_job . app ( ) , m_job . obj ( ) ) ;
connectDCOPSignal ( m_job . app ( ) , m_job . obj ( ) , " jobExited(bool, int) " , " slotJobExited(bool, int) " , true ) ;
connectDCOPSignal ( m_job . app ( ) , m_job . obj ( ) , " receivedStdout(TQString) " , " slotReceivedStdout(TQString) " , true ) ;
connectDCOPSignal ( m_job . app ( ) , m_job . obj ( ) , " receivedStderr(TQString) " , " slotReceivedStderr(TQString) " , true ) ;
m_cvsJob - > execute ( ) ;
} else
notInRepository ( ) ;
void CVSService : : slotAddToCVSIgnore ( )
if ( ! m_defaultFile . isEmpty ( ) )
if ( m_defaultFile . startsWith ( m_repositoryPath ) )
emit clearMessages ( ) ;
TQFileInfo fInfo ( m_defaultFile ) ;
TQFile f ( fInfo . dirPath ( ) + " /.cvsignore " ) ;
if ( f . open ( IO_ReadWrite ) )
bool found = false ;
TQTextStream str ( & f ) ;
str . setEncoding ( TQTextStream : : UnicodeUTF8 ) ;
TQString line ;
while ( ! str . atEnd ( ) )
line = str . readLine ( ) . stripWhiteSpace ( ) ;
if ( line = = fInfo . fileName ( ) )
emit showMessage ( i18n ( " \" %1 \" is already in the CVS ignore list. " ) . arg ( fInfo . fileName ( ) ) + " \n " , false ) ;
found = true ;
break ;
if ( ! found )
str < < fInfo . fileName ( ) < < endl ;
emit showMessage ( i18n ( " \" %1 \" added to the CVS ignore list. " ) . arg ( fInfo . fileName ( ) ) + " \n " , false ) ;
f . close ( ) ;
} else
notInRepository ( ) ;
void CVSService : : slotRemoveFromCVSIgnore ( )
if ( ! m_defaultFile . isEmpty ( ) )
if ( m_defaultFile . startsWith ( m_repositoryPath ) )
emit clearMessages ( ) ;
TQString content ;
TQFileInfo fInfo ( m_defaultFile ) ;
TQFile f ( fInfo . dirPath ( ) + " /.cvsignore " ) ;
bool found = false ;
if ( f . open ( IO_ReadWrite ) )
TQTextStream str ( & f ) ;
str . setEncoding ( TQTextStream : : UnicodeUTF8 ) ;
TQString line ;
while ( ! str . atEnd ( ) )
line = str . readLine ( ) . stripWhiteSpace ( ) ;
if ( line ! = fInfo . fileName ( ) )
content + = line + " \n " ;
} else
found = true ;
if ( ! found )
emit showMessage ( i18n ( " \" %1 \" is not in the CVS ignore list. " ) . arg ( fInfo . fileName ( ) ) + " \n " , false ) ;
f . close ( ) ;
if ( found & & f . open ( IO_WriteOnly ) )
TQTextStream str ( & f ) ;
str . setEncoding ( TQTextStream : : UnicodeUTF8 ) ;
str < < content ;
emit showMessage ( i18n ( " \" %1 \" removed from the CVS ignore list. " ) . arg ( fInfo . fileName ( ) ) + " \n " , false ) ;
f . close ( ) ;
} else
notInRepository ( ) ;
void CVSService : : slotJobExited ( bool normalExit , int exitStatus )
if ( ! normalExit )
KMessageBox : : sorry ( 0 , i18n ( " <qt>The CVS command <b>%1</b> has failed. The error code was <i>%2</i>.</qt> " ) . arg ( m_cvsCommand ) . arg ( exitStatus ) , i18n ( " Command Failed " ) ) ;
if ( exitStatus = = 0 )
emit commandExecuted ( m_cvsCommand , m_files ) ;
disconnectDCOPSignal ( m_job . app ( ) , m_job . obj ( ) , " jobExited(bool, int) " , " slotJobExited(bool, int) " ) ;
disconnectDCOPSignal ( m_job . app ( ) , m_job . obj ( ) , " receivedStdout(TQString) " , " slotReceivedStdout(TQString) " ) ;
disconnectDCOPSignal ( m_job . app ( ) , m_job . obj ( ) , " receivedStderr(TQString) " , " slotReceivedStderr(TQString) " ) ;
//delete m_cvsJob;
//m_cvsJob = 0L;
emit showMessage ( i18n ( " CVS command finished. " ) , false ) ;
emit showMessage ( " " , false ) ;
void CVSService : : slotReceivedStdout ( TQString output )
emit showMessage ( output , true ) ;
void CVSService : : slotReceivedStderr ( TQString output )
emit showMessage ( output , true ) ;
void CVSService : : notInRepository ( )
emit clearMessages ( ) ;
emit showMessage ( i18n ( " Error: \" %1 \" is not part of the \n \" %2 \" repository. " ) . arg ( m_defaultFile ) . arg ( m_repositoryPath ) + " \n " , false ) ;
void CVSService : : startService ( )
if ( ! m_cvsService )
TQString error ;
TDEApplication : : startServiceByDesktopName ( " cvsservice " , TQStringList ( ) , & error ,
& m_appId ) ;
m_cvsService = new CvsService_stub ( m_appId , " CvsService " ) ;
m_timer - > start ( CVSSERVICE_TIMEOUT , true ) ;
void CVSService : : slotTimeout ( )
if ( m_cvsService )
m_cvsService - > quit ( ) ;
delete m_cvsService ;
m_cvsService = 0L ;
# include "cvsservice.moc"