You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

754 lines
22 KiB

quantacommon.cpp - description
begin : Sat Jul 27 2002
copyright : (C) 2002, 2003 by Andras Mantia <>
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. *
* *
//system includes
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <unistd.h>
//qt includes
#include <qstringlist.h>
#include <qdict.h>
#include <qdir.h>
#include <qdom.h>
#include <qfile.h>
#include <qtextstream.h>
#include <qwidget.h>
//kde includes
#include <kapplication.h>
#include <dcopref.h>
#include <kurl.h>
#include <kdirwatch.h>
#include <kmimetype.h>
#include <kstandarddirs.h>
#include <kmessagebox.h>
#include <kio/netaccess.h>
#include <klocale.h>
#include <kprotocolinfo.h>
#include <kprogress.h>
#include <ktempdir.h>
#include <ktempfile.h>
//remove the below ones when KQPasteAction is removed
#include <dcopclient.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <kpopupmenu.h>
#include <ktoolbar.h>
#include <ktoolbarbutton.h>
#include <kstringhandler.h>
#include <qwhatsthis.h>
#include <qtimer.h>
#include <qclipboard.h>
#include <qdatastream.h>
#include "qextfileinfo.h"
#include "quantacommon.h"
#include "tag.h"
#include "dtds.h"
//#include "resource.h"
QConfig qConfig; //holds the main configuration settings
QString tmpDir;
QRegExp scriptBeginRx;
QRegExp scriptEndRx;
Node *baseNode;
Parser *parser;
KDirWatch *fileWatcher;
KProgress *progressBar;
QString toolbarExtension = ".toolbar.tgz";
QRegExp newLineRx("\\n");
QStringList charList; //hold the list of the &char; chars. See the data/chars file.
QMap<int, QString> replacementMap;
QPtrList<KTempFile> tempFileList;
QPtrList<KTempDir> tempDirList;
bool typingInProgress;
/** convert tag to upper or lower case */
QString QuantaCommon::tagCase( const QString& tag)
QString sTag = tag;
switch (qConfig.tagCase)
case 1: sTag = tag.lower();
case 2: sTag = tag.upper();
return sTag;
/** convert attr of tag to upper or lower case */
QString QuantaCommon::attrCase( const QString& attr)
QString sAttr = attr;
switch (qConfig.attrCase)
case 1: sAttr = attr.lower();
case 2: sAttr = attr.upper();
return sAttr;
/** returns the attribute value in quoted form, by taking care of the
quotation setting*/
QString QuantaCommon::quoteAttributeValue(const QString& value)
QString quote = qConfig.attrValueQuotation;
return quote + value + quote;
/** Set's up the url correctly from urlString. */
void QuantaCommon::setUrl(KURL &url, const QString& urlString)
KURL oldUrl = url;
url = urlString;
if (!KProtocolInfo::isKnownProtocol(url))
url = oldUrl;
if (url.protocol().isEmpty())
/** No descriptions */
bool QuantaCommon::isSingleTag(const QString& dtdName, const QString& tag)
bool single = false;
//!doctype is a common tag to all DTDs not listed in the tagsList
if(tag.lower() == "!doctype" || tag.lower() == "?xml")
return true;
const DTDStruct* dtd = DTDs::ref()->find(dtdName);
if (dtd && !tag.isEmpty())
QString searchForTag = (dtd->caseSensitive) ? tag : tag.upper();
QTag* qtag = dtd->tagsList->find(searchForTag);
if (qtag)
single = qtag->isSingle();
return single;
/** No descriptions */
bool QuantaCommon::isOptionalTag(const QString& dtdName, const QString& tag)
bool optional = false;
const DTDStruct* dtd = DTDs::ref()->find(dtdName);
if (dtd && !tag.isEmpty())
QString searchForTag = (dtd->caseSensitive) ? tag : tag.upper();
QTag* qtag = dtd->tagsList->find(searchForTag);
if (qtag)
optional = qtag->isOptional();
return optional;
/** No descriptions */
bool QuantaCommon::isKnownTag(const QString& dtdName, const QString& tag)
bool known = false;
const DTDStruct* dtd = DTDs::ref()->find(dtdName);
if (dtd && !tag.isEmpty())
QString searchForTag = (dtd->caseSensitive) ? tag : tag.upper();
if (dtd->tagsList->find(searchForTag))
known = true;
return known;
AttributeList* QuantaCommon::tagAttributes(const QString& dtdName, const QString& tag)
AttributeList* attrs = 0L;
const DTDStruct* dtd = DTDs::ref()->find(dtdName);
if (dtd && !tag.isEmpty())
QString searchForTag = (dtd->caseSensitive) ? tag : tag.upper();
QTag* qtag = dtd->tagsList->find(searchForTag);
if (qtag)
attrs = qtag->attributes();
return attrs;
/** Returns the QTag object for the tag "tag" from the DTD named "dtdname". */
QTag* QuantaCommon::tagFromDTD(const QString& dtdName, const QString& tag)
const DTDStruct* dtd = DTDs::ref()->find(dtdName);
return tagFromDTD(dtd, tag);
/** Returns the QTag object for the tag "tag" from the DTD. */
QTag* QuantaCommon::tagFromDTD(const DTDStruct *dtd, const QString& tag)
QTag *qtag = 0;
if (dtd && !tag.isEmpty())
QString searchForTag = (dtd->caseSensitive) ? tag : tag.upper();
qtag = dtd->tagsList->find(searchForTag);
return qtag;
/** Returns the QTag object for the node "node" from node's DTD. */
QTag* QuantaCommon::tagFromDTD(Node *node)
if(!node || !node->tag)
return 0L;
return tagFromDTD(node->tag->dtd(), node->tag->name);
/** Returns an XML style string containing the GUI for attributes. */
QString QuantaCommon::xmlFromAttributes(AttributeList* attributes)
QString xmlStr;
QTextStream stream( &xmlStr, IO_WriteOnly );
if (attributes)
int row = 0;
for ( uint i = 0; i< attributes->count();i++)
Attribute *attribute = attributes->at(i);
QString name = attribute->name.left(1).upper()+attribute->name.right(attribute->name.length()-1);
stream << " <attr name=\"" + attribute->name +"\" type=\""+attribute->type+"\"";
if (!attribute->defaultValue.isEmpty())
stream << " defaultValue=\"" + attribute->defaultValue + "\"";
if (!attribute->status.isEmpty())
stream << " status=\"" + attribute->status + "\"";
stream << ">" << endl;
stream << " <text>" << name << "</text>" << endl;
if (attribute->type != "check")
stream << " <textlocation col=\"0\" row=\"" << row << "\" />" << endl;
stream << " <location col=\"1\" row=\"" << row << "\" />" << endl;
if (attribute->type == "list")
stream << " <items>" << endl;
for (uint j = 0; j < attribute->values.count(); j++)
stream << " <item>" << attribute->values[j] << "</item>" << endl;
stream << " </items>" << endl;
stream << " </attr>" << endl << endl ;
} //for
} //if
return xmlStr;
/** Returns 0 if the (line,col) is inside the area specified by the other
arguments, -1 if it is before the area and 1 if it is after. */
int QuantaCommon::isBetween(int line, int col, int bLine, int bCol, int eLine,
int eCol){
int pos = 0;
if (line < bLine || (line == bLine && (col < bCol) )) pos = -1; //it is before
if (line > eLine || (line == eLine && (col > eCol) )) pos = 1; //it is after
return pos;
/** Returns a pointer to a KStandardDirs object usable for plugin searchup. type
is the plugin binary type (exe or lib). The returned pointer must be deleted by
the caller!! */
KStandardDirs* QuantaCommon::pluginDirs(const char *type)
KStandardDirs *dirs = new KStandardDirs();
for (uint i = 0; i < qConfig.pluginSearchPaths.count(); i++)
dirs->addResourceDir(type, qConfig.pluginSearchPaths[i]);
return dirs;
/** Return true, if the url belong to the mimetype group. */
bool QuantaCommon::checkMimeGroup(const KURL& url, const QString& group)
KMimeType::List list = KMimeType::allMimeTypes();
KMimeType::List::iterator it;
bool status = false;
KMimeType::Ptr mime = KMimeType::findByURL(url);
QString mimetype = mime->name();
mimetype = mimetype.section('/',-1);
for ( it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); ++it )
if ( ((*it)->name().contains(group)) && ((*it)->name().find(mimetype) != -1)
) {
status = true;
if (!status && group == "text")
if (url.isLocalFile())
KMimeType::Format f = KMimeType::findFormatByFileContent(url.path());
if (f.text && f.compression == KMimeType::Format::NoCompression)
status = true;
} else
QVariant v = mime->property("X-KDE-text");
if (v.isValid())
status = v.toBool();
if (!status && group == "text" && mimetype == "x-zerosize")
status = true;
return status;
/** Return true, if the url has the mimetype type. */
bool QuantaCommon::checkMimeType(const KURL& url, const QString& type)
bool status = false;
QString mimetype = KMimeType::findByURL(url)->name();
mimetype = mimetype.section('/',-1);
if (mimetype == type) status = true;
return status;
/** Return true, if the url has exactly the mimetype type. */
bool QuantaCommon::checkExactMimeType(const KURL& url, const QString& type)
bool status = false;
QString mimetype = KMimeType::findByURL(url)->name();
if (mimetype == type) status = true;
return status;
/** Returns the url without the filename. */
KURL QuantaCommon::convertToPath(const KURL& url)
KURL result = url;
return result;
/** Return a string to be used when an url is saved to the project file.
Returns url.url() if it's an absolute url and
url.path() if the url is relative */
QString QuantaCommon::qUrl(const KURL &url)
QString result = url.path();
if (url.path().startsWith("/")) result = url.url();
return result;
/** No descriptions */
void QuantaCommon::dirCreationError(QWidget *widget, const KURL& url)
KMessageBox::error(widget, i18n("<qt>Cannot create folder<br><b>%1</b>.<br>Check that you have write permission in the parent folder or that the connection to<br><b>%2</b><br> is valid.</qt>")
.arg(url.prettyURL(0, KURL::StripFileProtocol))
Adds the backslash before the special chars (like ?, *, . ) so the returned
string can be used in regular expressions.*/
QString QuantaCommon::makeRxCompatible(const QString& s)
const uint max = 7;
const QRegExp rxs[max]={QRegExp("\\?"),
const QString strs[max]={QString("\\?"),
QString str = s;
for (uint i = 0; i < max - 1; i++)
str.replace(rxs[i], strs[i]);
return str;
/** Returns the translated a_str in English. A "back-translation" useful e.g in case of CSS elements selected from a listbox. */
QString QuantaCommon::i18n2normal(const QString& a_str)
//TODO: a QMap lookup would be faster, but we need a pre-built QMap<QString,QString>
const int keywordNum = 15 *5;
const QString keywords[keywordNum] =
{"normal", "italic", "oblique", "serif", "sans-serif",
"cursive", "fantasy", "monospace", "small-caps", "lighter",
"bold", "bolder", "xx-small", "x-small", "small",
"medium", "large", "x-large", "xx-large", "smaller",
"larger", "repeat", "repeat-x", "repeat-y", "no-repeat",
"scroll", "fixed", "top", "center", "bottom",
"left", "right", "none", "underline", "overline"
"line-through", "blibk", "justify","baseline", "sub",
"super", "text-top","text-bottom","capitalize","uppercase",
"lowercase","thin", "thick", "[length value]","dotted",
"dashed", "solid", "double", "groove", "ridge",
"inset", "outset", "block", "inline", "list-item",
"none", "pre", "nowrap", "disc", "circle",
"square", "decimal", "lower-roman","upper-roman","lower-alpha",
"upper-alpha","inside","outside", "auto", "both" };
QString str = a_str;
if (!a_str.isEmpty())
for (int i = 0; i < keywordNum; i++)
if (!keywords[i].isEmpty() && a_str == i18n(keywords[i].utf8()))
str = keywords[i];
return str;
static const QChar space(' ');
void QuantaCommon::removeCommentsAndQuotes(QString &str, const DTDStruct *dtd)
//Replace all the commented strings and the escaped quotation marks (\", \')
// with spaces so they will not mess up our parsing
int pos = 0;
int l;
QString s;
while (pos != -1)
pos = dtd->, pos);
if (pos != -1)
s = dtd->commentsStartRx.cap();
if (s == "\\\"" || s == "\\'")
int i = pos;
int slahNum = 0;
while (i > 0 && str[i] == '\\')
if (slahNum % 2 == 0)
} else
str[pos] = space;
str[pos+1] = space;
pos += 2;
} else
s = dtd->comments[s];
l = str.find(s, pos);
l = (l == -1) ? str.length() : l;
for (int i = pos; i < l ; i++)
str[i] = space;
pos = l + s.length();
//Now replace the quoted strings with spaces
QRegExp strRx("(\"[^\"]*\"|'[^']*')");
pos = 0;
while (pos != -1)
pos =, pos);
if (pos != -1)
l = strRx.matchedLength();
for (int i = pos; i < pos + l ; i++)
str[i] = space;
pos += l;
bool QuantaCommon::insideCommentsOrQuotes(int position, const QString &string, const DTDStruct *dtd)
//Return true if position is inside a commented or quoted string
QString str = string;
int pos = 0;
int l;
QString s;
while (pos != -1)
pos = dtd->, pos);
if (pos == position)
return true;
if (pos != -1)
s = dtd->commentsStartRx.cap();
if (s == "\\\"" || s == "\\'")
int i = pos;
int slahNum = 0;
while (i > 0 && str[i] == '\\')
if (slahNum % 2 == 0)
} else
str[pos] = space;
str[pos+1] = space;
pos += 2;
} else
s = dtd->comments[s];
l = str.find(s, pos);
l = (l == -1) ? str.length() : l;
for (int i = pos; i < l ; i++)
str[i] = space;
if (i == position)
return true;
pos = l + s.length();
//Now replace the quoted strings with spaces
const QRegExp strRx("(\"[^\"]*\"|'[^']*')");
pos = 0;
while (pos != -1)
pos =, pos);
if (pos != -1)
l = strRx.matchedLength();
for (int i = pos; i < pos + l ; i++)
str[i] = space;
if (i == position)
return true;
pos += l;
return false;
DCOPReply QuantaCommon::callDCOPMethod(const QString& interface, const QString& method, const QString& arguments)
QStringList argumentList = QStringList::split(",", arguments, true);
QString app = "quanta";
if (!kapp->inherits("KUniqueApplication"))
pid_t pid = ::getpid();
app += QString("-%1").arg(pid);
DCOPRef quantaRef(app.utf8(), interface.utf8());
DCOPReply reply;
int argumentCount = argumentList.count();
if (argumentCount == 0)
reply =;
else if (argumentCount == 1)
reply =, argumentList[0]);
else if (argumentCount == 2)
reply =, argumentList[0], argumentList[1]);
else if (argumentCount == 3)
reply =, argumentList[0], argumentList[1], argumentList[2]);
else if (argumentCount == 4)
reply =, argumentList[0], argumentList[1], argumentList[2], argumentList[3]);
else if (argumentCount == 5)
reply =, argumentList[0], argumentList[1], argumentList[2], argumentList[3], argumentList[4]);
else if (argumentCount == 6)
reply =, argumentList[0], argumentList[1], argumentList[2], argumentList[3], argumentList[4], argumentList[5]);
else if (argumentCount == 7)
reply =, argumentList[0], argumentList[1], argumentList[2], argumentList[3], argumentList[4], argumentList[5], argumentList[6]);
else if (argumentCount == 8)
reply =, argumentList[0], argumentList[1], argumentList[2], argumentList[3], argumentList[4], argumentList[5], argumentList[6], argumentList[7]);
return reply;
void QuantaCommon::normalizeStructure(QString f,QStringList& l)
QString z(f);
bool QuantaCommon::closesTag(Tag *tag1, Tag *tag2)
if (tag1->nameSpace.isEmpty())
if (!tag2->nameSpace.isEmpty())
return false; //namespace missmatch
QString tag1Name = tag1->dtd()->caseSensitive ? tag1->name : tag1->name.upper();
QString tag2Name = tag2->dtd()->caseSensitive ? tag2->name : tag2->name.upper();
if ("/" + tag1Name != tag2Name)
return false; //not the closing tag
} else
if (tag2->nameSpace.isEmpty())
return false; //namespace missmatch
QString tag1Name = tag1->dtd()->caseSensitive ? (tag1->nameSpace + tag1->name) : (tag1->nameSpace.upper() + tag1->name.upper());
QString tag2Name = tag2->dtd()->caseSensitive ? (tag2->nameSpace + tag2->name) : (tag2->nameSpace.upper() + tag2->name.upper());
if ("/" + tag1Name != tag2Name)
return false; //namespace missmatch or not the closing tag
return true;
bool QuantaCommon::closesTag(QString namespaceName, QString tagName, bool caseSensitive,
QString namespaceName2, QString tagName2, bool caseSensitive2)
QString tag1Name, tag2Name;
return false;//namespace missmatch
tag1Name = caseSensitive ? tagName : tagName.upper();
tag2Name = caseSensitive2 ? tagName2 : tagName2.upper();
if("/" + tag1Name != tag2Name)
return false;//not the closing tag
return false;//namespace missmatch
tag1Name = caseSensitive ? (namespaceName + tagName) : (namespaceName.upper() +
tag2Name = caseSensitive2 ? (namespaceName2 + tagName2) : (namespaceName2.upper() +
if("/" + tag1Name != tag2Name)
return false; //namespace missmatch or not the closing tag
return true;
int QuantaCommon::denyBinaryInsert(QWidget *window)
int result = KMessageBox::questionYesNo(window, i18n("The file type is not recognized. \
Opening binary files may confuse Quanta.\n Are you sure you want to open this file?"),
i18n("Unknown Type"), KStdGuiItem::open(), i18n("Do Not Open"), "Open Everything");
return result;
bool QuantaCommon::checkOverwrite(const KURL& url, QWidget *window)
bool result = true;
if (QExtFileInfo::exists(url, false, window))
if (KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel(window,
i18n( "<qt>The file <b>%1</b> already exists.<br>Do you want to overwrite it?</qt>" ).arg(url.prettyURL(0, KURL::StripFileProtocol)), QString::null, i18n("Overwrite")) == KMessageBox::Cancel)
result = false;
return result;
QStringList QuantaCommon::readPathListEntry(KConfig *config, const QString &pKey)
QStringList list = config->readPathListEntry(pKey);
QStringList::Iterator end = list.end();
for (QStringList::Iterator it = list.begin(); it != end; ++it)
KURL u = KURL::fromPathOrURL(*it);
if (u.isValid() && u.isLocalFile())
*it = u.url();
return list;
QString QuantaCommon::readPathEntry(KConfig *config, const QString &pKey)
QString path = config->readPathEntry(pKey);
KURL u = KURL::fromPathOrURL(path);
if (u.isValid() && u.isLocalFile())
path = u.url();
return path;
QString QuantaCommon::encodedChar(uint code)
if (replacementMap.contains(code))
return QString("%1;").arg(replacementMap[code]);
return QString("&#%1;").arg(code);