begin : Sat Jul 21 2001
copyright : (C) 2001 by Victor R<>er
email : victor_roeder@gmx.de
copyright : (C) 2002,2003 by Roberto Raggi
email : roberto@kdevelop.org
copyright : (C) 2005 by Adam Treat
email : manyoso@yahoo.com
copyright : (C) 2006 by David Nolden
email : david.nolden.kdevelop@art-master.de
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
#include <qvaluestack.h>
#include "simpletype.h"
#include "simpletypenamespace.h"
#include "tree_parser.h"
static QString toSimpleName( NameAST* name )
if ( !name )
return QString::null;
QString s;
QPtrList<ClassOrNamespaceNameAST> l = name->classOrNamespaceNameList();
QPtrListIterator<ClassOrNamespaceNameAST> nameIt( l );
while ( nameIt.current() )
if ( nameIt.current() ->name() )
s += nameIt.current() ->name() ->text() + "::";
if ( name->unqualifiedName() && name->unqualifiedName() ->name() )
s += name->unqualifiedName() ->name() ->text();
return s;
struct RecoveryPoint
int kind;
QStringList scope;
QValueList<QStringList> imports;
int startLine, startColumn;
int endLine, endColumn;
: kind( 0 ), startLine( 0 ), startColumn( 0 ),
endLine( 0 ), endColumn( 0 )
///Registers the recovery-points imports into the given namespace
void registerImports( SimpleType ns, QString hardCodedAliases ) {
SimpleTypeNamespace* n = dynamic_cast<SimpleTypeNamespace*>( &(*ns) );
if( !n ) {
kdDebug( 9007 ) << "the global namespace was not resolved correctly " << endl;
} else {
///put the imports into the global namespace
for( QValueList<QStringList>::iterator it = imports.begin(); it != imports.end(); ++it ) {
kdDebug( 9007 ) << "inserting import " << *it << " into the global scope" << endl;
n->addAliasMap( QString(""), (*it).join("::"), IncludeFiles() ); ///@TODO: remove this
n->addAliases( hardCodedAliases );
RecoveryPoint( const RecoveryPoint& source );
void operator = ( const RecoveryPoint& source );
// namespace?
class ComputeRecoveryPoints: public TreeParser
ComputeRecoveryPoints( QPtrList<RecoveryPoint>& points )
: recoveryPoints( points )
virtual void parseTranslationUnit( const ParsedFile& ast )
QValueList<QStringList> dummy;
m_imports.push( dummy );
TreeParser::parseTranslationUnit( ast );
kdDebug( 9007 ) << "found " << recoveryPoints.count() << " recovery points" << endl;
virtual void parseUsingDirective( UsingDirectiveAST* ast )
if ( !ast->name() )
return ;
//QStringList type = CppCodeCompletion::typeName( ast->name() ->text() ).scope();
m_imports.top().push_back( ast->name() ->text() );
virtual void parseNamespace( NamespaceAST* ast )
m_currentScope.push_back( ast->namespaceName() ->text() );
insertRecoveryPoint( ast );
m_imports.push( m_imports.top() ); // dup
// m_imports.top().push_back( m_currentScope );
TreeParser::parseNamespace( ast );
void parseTemplateDeclaration( TemplateDeclarationAST* ast )
if ( ast->declaration() )
parseDeclaration( ast->declaration() );
TreeParser::parseTemplateDeclaration( ast );
virtual void parseSimpleDeclaration( SimpleDeclarationAST* ast )
TypeSpecifierAST * typeSpec = ast->typeSpec();
//InitDeclaratorListAST* declarators = ast->initDeclaratorList();
if ( typeSpec )
parseTypeSpecifier( typeSpec );
//insertRecoveryPoint( ast );
TreeParser::parseSimpleDeclaration( ast );
virtual void parseFunctionDefinition( FunctionDefinitionAST* ast )
m_imports.push( m_imports.top() ); // dup
insertRecoveryPoint( ast );
virtual void parseClassSpecifier( ClassSpecifierAST* ast )
insertRecoveryPoint( ast );
m_currentScope.push_back( toSimpleName( ast->name() ) );
TreeParser::parseClassSpecifier( ast );
void insertRecoveryPoint( AST* ast )
if ( !ast )
return ;
RecoveryPoint* pt = new RecoveryPoint();
pt->kind = ast->nodeType();
pt->scope = m_currentScope;
ast->getStartPosition( &pt->startLine, &pt->startColumn );
ast->getEndPosition( &pt->endLine, &pt->endColumn );
pt->imports = m_imports.top();
recoveryPoints.append( pt );
QPtrList<RecoveryPoint>& recoveryPoints;
QValueStack< QValueList<QStringList> > m_imports;
QStringList m_currentScope;
// kate: indent-mode csands; tab-width 4;