You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

349 lines
11 KiB

begin : 29.11.2002
copyright : (C) 2002 by Victor Rder
email :
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
#include "choosetargetdialog.h"
#include <qcheckbox.h>
#include <qwidget.h>
#include <qgroupbox.h>
#include <qheader.h>
#include <qlistview.h>
#include <qptrlist.h>
#include <qradiobutton.h>
#include <qstringlist.h>
#include <qfileinfo.h>
#include <kcombobox.h>
#include <kdialog.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <klistview.h>
#include <kmessagebox.h>
#include <kprocess.h>
#include <ksqueezedtextlabel.h>
#include <kurl.h>
#include "choosetargetdlgbase.h"
#include "autodetailsview.h"
#include "autolistviewitems.h"
#include "autosubprojectview.h"
#include "misc.h"
#include "autoprojectwidget.h"
#include "autoprojectpart.h"
#include "kdevpartcontroller.h"
class ChooseTargetDialog::Private
AutoProjectWidget* widget;
AutoProjectPart* part;
QStringList fileList;
QPtrList<SubprojectItem> subprojectList;
SubprojectItem* chosenSubproject;
TargetItem* chosenTarget;
ChooseTargetDlgBase* baseUI;
ChooseTargetDialog::ChooseTargetDialog ( AutoProjectWidget* widget, AutoProjectPart* part,
QStringList fileList, QWidget* parent, const char* name )
: KDialogBase( parent, name, false, i18n("Automake Manager - Choose Target"),
Ok | Cancel, KDialogBase::Ok, true /* seperator */ )
Q_UNUSED( parent );
Q_UNUSED( name );
d = new ChooseTargetDialog::Private;
d->widget = widget;
d->part = part;
d->fileList = fileList;
d->subprojectList = widget->allSubprojectItems();
d->baseUI = new ChooseTargetDlgBase( this, "base ui" );
setMainWidget( d->baseUI );
d->baseUI->subprojectComboBox->setAutoCompletion( true );
d->baseUI->targetComboBox->setAutoCompletion( true );
d->baseUI->newFileList->addColumn( QString::null );
setIcon ( SmallIcon ( "target_kdevelop" ) );
QPtrListIterator<SubprojectItem> sit(d->subprojectList);
for ( ; (*sit); ++sit )
QPtrList<TargetItem> targetList = (*sit)->targets;
QPtrListIterator<TargetItem> targetIt(targetList);
// Only insert Subproject which have a "regular" target
for ( ; (*targetIt); ++targetIt )
QString titemPrimary = (*targetIt)->primary;
if ( titemPrimary == "PROGRAMS" || titemPrimary == "LIBRARIES" ||
titemPrimary == "LTLIBRARIES" || titemPrimary == "JAVA" )
d->baseUI->subprojectComboBox->insertItem ( SmallIcon ( "folder" ), (*sit)->subdir );
if ( d->widget->activeTarget() && d->widget->activeSubproject() )
d->chosenTarget = d->widget->activeTarget();
//kdDebug ( 9020 ) << "1) Chosen target is " << d->chosenTarget->name << endl;
d->chosenSubproject = widget->activeSubproject();
d->baseUI->chosenTargetLabel->setText( ( widget->activeSubproject()->path + "/<b>" +
d->widget->activeTarget()->name + "</b>" )
.mid( d->part->projectDirectory().length() + 1 ) );
d->baseUI->subprojectComboBox->setEnabled( false );
d->baseUI->targetComboBox->setEnabled( false );
d->baseUI->subprojectComboBox->setCurrentItem( widget->activeSubproject()->subdir );
slotSubprojectChanged( widget->activeSubproject()->subdir );
d->baseUI->activeTargetRadioButton->setEnabled ( false );
d->baseUI->neverAskAgainCheckbox->setEnabled ( false );
slotSubprojectChanged ( d->baseUI->subprojectComboBox->text(0) );
QStringList::iterator it;
QString fileName;
for ( it = fileList.begin(); it != fileList.end(); ++it )
int pos = ( *it ).findRev('/');
if (pos != -1)
fileName = ( *it ).mid(pos+1);
fileName = ( *it );
d->baseUI->newFileList->insertItem( new QListViewItem( d->baseUI->newFileList, fileName ) );
connect ( d->baseUI->subprojectComboBox, SIGNAL ( activated ( const QString& ) ),
this, SLOT( slotSubprojectChanged ( const QString& ) ) );
connect ( d->baseUI->targetComboBox, SIGNAL ( activated ( const QString& ) ),
this, SLOT( slotTargetChanged ( const QString& ) ) );
void ChooseTargetDialog::slotSubprojectChanged ( const QString& name )
d->chosenTarget = 0;
SubprojectItem* spitem = d->subprojectList.first();
for ( ; spitem; spitem = d-> )
if ( spitem->subdir == name )
QPtrList <TargetItem> targetList = spitem->targets;
TargetItem* titem = targetList.first();
/* choosenSubprojectLabel->setText ( ( spitem->path + "<b>" + ->name + "</b>" ).mid ( d->widget->projectDirectory().length() + 1 ) );*/
d->chosenSubproject = spitem;
for ( ; titem; titem = )
if ( titem->primary == "PROGRAMS" || titem->primary == "LIBRARIES" ||
titem->primary == "LTLIBRARIES" || titem->primary == "JAVA" )
d->baseUI->targetComboBox->insertItem ( SmallIcon ( "target_kdevelop" ), titem->name );
//d->baseUI->targetComboBox->addToHistory ( titem->name );
// if the Active Target is in the currently selected Subproject
if ( d->widget->activeTarget() &&
titem->name == d->widget->activeTarget()->name )
d->baseUI->targetComboBox->setCurrentItem( titem->name );
d->baseUI->chosenTargetLabel->setText( ( spitem->path + "/<b>" + titem->name + "</b>" ).mid( d->part->projectDirectory().length() + 1 ) );
d->chosenTarget = titem;
//kdDebug ( 9020 ) << "2) Chosen target is " << d->chosenTarget->name << endl;
//d->baseUI->targetComboBox->setCurrentItem ( 0 );
if ( !d->chosenTarget )
d->baseUI->chosenTargetLabel->setText( ( spitem->path + "/<b>" + titem->name + "</b>")
.mid( d->part->projectDirectory().length() + 1 ) );
//choosenSubprojectLabel->setText ( ( spitem->path + "<b>" + titem->name + "</b>" ).mid ( d->widget->projectDirectory().length() + 1 ) );
d->chosenTarget = titem;
//kdDebug ( 9020 ) << "2a) Chosen target is " << d->chosenTarget->name << endl;
void ChooseTargetDialog::slotTargetChanged( const QString& name )
d->baseUI->chosenTargetLabel->setText( ( d->chosenSubproject->path + "/<b>" + name + "</b>" )
.mid( d->part->projectDirectory().length() + 1 ) );
QPtrList <TargetItem> targetList = d->chosenSubproject->targets;
TargetItem* titem = targetList.first();
for ( ; titem; titem = )
if ( titem->name == name )
d->chosenTarget = titem;
//kdDebug ( 9020 ) << "4) Chosen target is " << d->chosenTarget->name << endl;
void ChooseTargetDialog::slotOk()
if ( d->baseUI->activeTargetRadioButton->isChecked() )
d->chosenTarget = d->widget->activeTarget();
d->chosenSubproject = d->widget->activeSubproject();
if ( !d->chosenSubproject || !d->chosenTarget )
//kdDebug ( 9020 ) << "3) Chosen target is " << d->chosenTarget->name << endl;
QStringList newFileList;
QStringList::iterator it;
QString directory, fileName;
for ( it = d->fileList.begin(); it != d->fileList.end(); ++it )
bool found = false;
int pos = ( *it ).findRev('/');
if (pos != -1)
directory = ( *it ).left(pos);
fileName = ( *it ).mid(pos+1);
fileName = ( *it );
FileItem * fitem = d->chosenTarget->sources.first();
for ( ; fitem; fitem = d->chosenTarget-> )
if ( fitem->name == fileName )
KMessageBox::error ( this, i18n ( "The file %1 already exists in the chosen target.\nThe file will be created but will not be added to the target.\n"
"Rename the file and select 'Add Existing Files' from the Automake Manager." ).arg ( fitem->name ),
i18n ( "Error While Adding Files" ) );
found = true;
if ( !found )
/// \FIXME a quick hack to prevent adding header files to _SOURCES
/// and display them in noinst_HEADERS
if (AutoProjectPrivate::isHeader(fileName) &&
( d->chosenTarget->primary == "PROGRAMS" || d->chosenTarget->primary == "LIBRARIES" || d->chosenTarget->primary == "LTLIBRARIES" ) )
kdDebug ( 9020 ) << "Ignoring header file and adding it to noinst_HEADERS: " << fileName << endl;
TargetItem* noinst_HEADERS_item = d->widget->getSubprojectView()->findNoinstHeaders(d->chosenSubproject);
FileItem *fitem = d->widget->createFileItem( fileName, d->chosenSubproject );
noinst_HEADERS_item->sources.append( fitem );
noinst_HEADERS_item->insertItem( fitem );
QString varname = "noinst_HEADERS";
d->chosenSubproject->variables[ varname ] += ( " " + fileName );
QMap<QString, QString> replaceMap;
replaceMap.insert( varname, d->chosenSubproject->variables[ varname ] );
AutoProjectTool::addToMakefileam( d->chosenSubproject->path + "/", replaceMap );
fitem = d->widget->createFileItem( fileName,d->chosenSubproject );
d->chosenTarget->sources.append( fitem );
d->chosenTarget->insertItem( fitem );
QString canontargetname = AutoProjectTool::canonicalize( d->chosenTarget->name );
QString varname = canontargetname + "_SOURCES";
d->chosenSubproject->variables[ varname ] += ( " " + fileName );
QMap<QString, QString> replaceMap;
replaceMap.insert( varname, d->chosenSubproject->variables[ varname ] );
AutoProjectTool::addToMakefileam( d->chosenSubproject->path + "/", replaceMap );
newFileList.append ( d->chosenSubproject->path.mid ( d->part->projectDirectory().length() + 1 ) + "/" + fileName );
if ( directory.isEmpty() || directory != d->chosenSubproject->subdir )
KShellProcess proc("/bin/sh");
proc << "mv";
proc << KShellProcess::quote( d->part->projectDirectory() + "/" + directory + "/" + fileName );
proc << KShellProcess::quote( d->chosenSubproject->path + "/" + fileName );
// why open the files?!
// d->part->partController()->editDocument ( KURL ( d->chosenSubproject->path + "/" + fileName ) );
found = false;
d->widget->emitAddedFiles( newFileList );
TargetItem* ChooseTargetDialog::chosenTarget()
return d->chosenTarget;
SubprojectItem* ChooseTargetDialog::chosenSubproject()
return d->chosenSubproject;
bool ChooseTargetDialog::alwaysUseActiveTarget() const
return d->baseUI->neverAskAgainCheckbox->isChecked();
#include "choosetargetdialog.moc"
//kate: indent-mode csands; tab-width 4;