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578 lines
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578 lines
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copyright : (C) 2007 by David Nolden
email :
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
/** Compatibility:
* make/automake: Should work perfectly
* cmake: Thanks to the path-recursion, this works with cmake(tested with version "2.4-patch 6" tested with tdelibs out-of-source and with tdevelop4 in-source)
* unsermake:
* unsermake is detected by reading the first line of the makefile. If it contains "generated by unsermake" the following things are respected:
* 1. Since unsermake does not have the -W command(which should tell it to recompile the given file no matter whether it has been changed or not), the file-modification-time of the file is changed temporarily and the --no-real-compare option is used to force recompilation.
* 2. The targets seem to be called *.lo instead of *.o when using unsermake, so *.lo names are used.
* example-(test)command: unsermake --no-real-compare -n myfile.lo
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <memory>
#include "kurl.h" /* defines KURL */
#include "tqdir.h" /* defines TQDir */
#include "tqregexp.h" /* defines TQRegExp */
#include "klocale.h" /* defines [function] i18n */
#include "blockingkprocess.h" /* defines BlockingKProcess */
#include "includepathresolver.h"
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#ifdef TEST
#include "blockingkprocess.cpp"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
#ifndef TEST
#define ifTest(x) {}
#define ifTest(x) x
///After how many seconds should we retry?
using namespace CppTools;
namespace CppTools {
///Helper-class used to fake file-modification times
class FileModificationTimeWrapper {
///@param files list of files that should be fake-modified(modtime will be set to current time)
FileModificationTimeWrapper( const TQStringList& files = TQStringList() ) : m_newTime( time(0) ) {
for( TQStringList::const_iterator it = files.begin(); it != files.end(); ++it ) {
ifTest( cout << "touching " << (*it).ascii() << endl );
struct stat s;
if( stat( (*it).local8Bit().data(), &s ) == 0 ) {
m_stat[*it] = s;
///change the modification-time to m_newTime
struct timeval times[2];
times[0].tv_sec = m_newTime;
times[0].tv_usec = 0;
times[1].tv_sec = m_newTime;
times[1].tv_usec = 0;
if( utimes( (*it).local8Bit().data(), times ) != 0 )
ifTest( cout << "failed to touch " << (*it).ascii() << endl );
//Not used yet, might be used to return LD_PRELOAD=.. FAKE_MODIFIED=.. etc. later
TQString commandPrefix() const {
return TQString();
///Undo changed modification-times
void unModify() {
for( StatMap::const_iterator it = m_stat.begin(); it != m_stat.end(); ++it ) {
ifTest( cout << "untouching " << it.key().ascii() << endl );
struct stat s;
if( stat( it.key().local8Bit().data(), &s ) == 0 ) {
if( s.st_mtime == m_newTime ) {
///Still the modtime that we've set, change it back
struct timeval times[2];
times[0].tv_usec = 0;
times[0].tv_sec = s.st_atime;
times[1].tv_usec = 0;
times[1].tv_sec = (*it).st_mtime;
if( utimes( it.key().local8Bit().data(), times ) != 0 ) {
ifTest( cout << "failed to untouch " << it.key().ascii() << endl );
} else {
///The file was modified since we changed the modtime
ifTest( cout << " will not untouch " << it.key().ascii() << " because the modification-time has changed" << endl );
~FileModificationTimeWrapper() {
typedef TQMap<TQString, struct stat> StatMap;
StatMap m_stat;
time_t m_newTime;
class SourcePathInformation {
SourcePathInformation( const TQString& path ) : m_path( path ), m_isUnsermake(false), m_shouldTouchFiles(false) {
m_isUnsermake = isUnsermakePrivate( path );
ifTest( if( m_isUnsermake ) cout << "unsermake detected" << endl );
bool isUnsermake() const {
return m_isUnsermake;
///When this is set, the file-modification times are changed no matter whether it is unsermake or make
void setShouldTouchFiles(bool b) {
m_shouldTouchFiles = b;
TQString getCommand( const TQString& sourceFile, const TQString& makeParameters ) const {
if( isUnsermake() )
return "unsermake -k --no-real-compare -n " + makeParameters;
return "make -k --no-print-directory -W \'" + sourceFile + "\' -n " + makeParameters;
bool hasMakefile() const {
TQFileInfo makeFile( m_path, "Makefile" );
return makeFile.exists();
bool shouldTouchFiles() const {
return isUnsermake() || m_shouldTouchFiles;
TQStringList possibleTargets( const TQString& targetBaseName ) const {
TQStringList ret;
if( isUnsermake() ) {
//unsermake breaks if the first given target does not exist, so in worst-case 2 calls are necessary
ret << targetBaseName + ".lo";
ret << targetBaseName + ".o";
} else {
//It would be nice if both targets could be processed in one call, the problem is the exit-status of make, so for now make has to be called twice.
ret << targetBaseName + ".o";
ret << targetBaseName + ".lo";
//ret << targetBaseName + ".lo " + targetBaseName + ".o";
return ret;
bool isUnsermakePrivate( const TQString& path ) {
bool ret = false;
TQFileInfo makeFile( path, "Makefile" );
TQFile f( makeFile.absFilePath() );
if( IO_ReadOnly ) ) {
TQString firstLine;
f.readLine( firstLine, 1000 );
if( firstLine.find( "generated by unsermake" ) != -1 ) {
ret = true;
return ret;
TQString m_path;
bool m_isUnsermake;
bool m_shouldTouchFiles;
bool IncludePathResolver::executeCommandPopen ( const TQString& command, const TQString& workingDirectory, TQString& result ) const
ifTest( cout << "executing " << command.ascii() << endl );
char* oldWd = getcwd(0,0);
chdir( workingDirectory.local8Bit() );
FILE* fp;
const int BUFSIZE = 2048;
char buf [BUFSIZE];
result = TQString();
int status = 1;
if ((fp = popen(command.local8Bit(), "r")) != NULL) {
while (fgets(buf, sizeof (buf), fp))
result += TQString(buf);
status = pclose(fp);
if( oldWd ) {
chdir( oldWd );
free( oldWd );
return status == 0;
IncludePathResolver::IncludePathResolver( bool continueEventLoop ) : m_isResolving(false), m_outOfSource(false), m_continueEventLoop(continueEventLoop) {
/* m_continueEventLoop = false;
///More efficient solution: Only do exactly one call for each directory. During that call, mark all source-files as changed, and make all targets for those files.
PathResolutionResult IncludePathResolver::resolveIncludePath( const TQString& file ) {
TQFileInfo fi( file );
return resolveIncludePath( fi.fileName(), fi.dirPath(true) );
PathResolutionResult IncludePathResolver::resolveIncludePath( const TQString& file, const TQString& workingDirectory ) {
struct Enabler {
bool& b;
Enabler( bool& bb ) : b(bb) {
b = true;
~Enabler() {
b = false;
if( m_isResolving )
return PathResolutionResult(false, i18n("tried include-path-resolution while another resolution-process was still running") );
Enabler e( m_isResolving );
TQDir dir( workingDirectory );
dir = TQDir( dir.absPath() );
TQFileInfo makeFile( dir, "Makefile" );
if( !makeFile.exists() )
return PathResolutionResult(false, i18n("Makefile is missing in folder \"%1\"").arg(dir.absPath()), i18n("problem while trying to resolve include-paths for %1").arg(file) );
TQStringList cachedPath; //If the call doesn't succeed, use the cached not up-to-date version
TQDateTime makeFileModification = makeFile.lastModified();
Cache::iterator it = m_cache.find( dir.path() );
if( it != m_cache.end() ) {
cachedPath = (*it).path;
if( makeFileModification == (*it).modificationTime ) {
if( !(*it).failed ) {
//We have a valid cached result
PathResolutionResult ret(true);
ret.path = (*it).path;
return ret;
} else {
//We have a cached failed result. We should use that for some time but then try again. Return the failed result if: ( there were too many tries within this folder OR this file was already tried ) AND The last tries have not expired yet
if( /*((*it).failedFiles.size() > 3 || (*it).failedFiles.find( file ) != (*it).failedFiles.end()) &&*/ (*it).failTime.secsTo( TQDateTime::currentDateTime() ) < CACHE_FAIL_FOR_SECONDS ) {
PathResolutionResult ret(false); //Fake that the result is ok
ret.errorMessage = i18n("Cached: ") + (*it).errorMessage;
ret.longErrorMessage = (*it).longErrorMessage;
ret.path = (*it).path;
return ret;
} else {
//Try getting a correct result again
///STEP 1: Prepare paths
TQString targetName;
TQFileInfo fi( file );
TQString absoluteFile = file;
if( !file.startsWith("/") )
absoluteFile = dir.path() + "/" + file;
KURL u( absoluteFile );
absoluteFile = u.path();
int dot;
if( (dot = file.findRev( '.' )) == -1 )
return PathResolutionResult( false, i18n( "Filename %1 seems to be malformed" ).arg(file) );
targetName = file.left( dot );
TQString wd = dir.path();
if( !wd.startsWith("/") ) {
wd = TQDir::currentDirPath() + "/" + wd;
KURL u( wd );
wd = u.path();
if( m_outOfSource ) {
if( wd.startsWith( m_source ) ) {
//Move the current working-directory out of source, into the build-system
wd = m_build + "/" + wd.mid( m_source.length() );
KURL u( wd );
wd = u.path();
SourcePathInformation source( wd );
TQStringList possibleTargets = source.possibleTargets( targetName );
source.setShouldTouchFiles(true); //Think about whether this should be always enabled. I've enabled it for now so there's an even bigger chance that everything works.
///STEP 3: Try resolving the paths, by using once the absolute and once the relative file-path. Which kind is required differs from setup to setup.
///STEP 3.1: Try resolution using the absolute path
PathResolutionResult res;
//Try for each possible target
for( TQStringList::const_iterator it = possibleTargets.begin(); it != possibleTargets.end(); ++it ) {
res = resolveIncludePathInternal( absoluteFile, wd, *it, source );
if( res ) break;
if( res ) {
CacheEntry ce;
ce.errorMessage = res.errorMessage;
ce.longErrorMessage = res.longErrorMessage;
ce.modificationTime = makeFileModification;
ce.path = res.path;
m_cache[dir.path()] = ce;
return res;
///STEP 3.2: Try resolution using the relative path
TQString relativeFile = KURL::relativePath(wd, absoluteFile);
for( TQStringList::const_iterator it = possibleTargets.begin(); it != possibleTargets.end(); ++it ) {
res = resolveIncludePathInternal( relativeFile, wd, *it, source );
if( res ) break;
if( res.path.isEmpty() )
res.path = cachedPath; //We failed, maybe there is an old cached result, use that.
if( it == m_cache.end() )
it = m_cache.insert( dir.path(), CacheEntry() );
CacheEntry& ce(*it);
ce.modificationTime = makeFileModification;
ce.path = res.path;
if( !res ) {
ce.failed = true;
ce.errorMessage = res.errorMessage;
ce.longErrorMessage = res.longErrorMessage;
ce.failTime = TQDateTime::currentDateTime();
ce.failedFiles[file] = true;
} else {
ce.failed = false;
return res;
PathResolutionResult IncludePathResolver::getFullOutput( const TQString& command, const TQString& workingDirectory, TQString& output ) const{
if( m_continueEventLoop ) {
BlockingKProcess proc;
proc.setWorkingDirectory( workingDirectory );
proc.setUseShell( true );
proc << command;
if ( !proc.start(KProcess::NotifyOnExit, KProcess::Stdout) ) {
return PathResolutionResult( false, i18n("Could not start the make-process") );
output = proc.stdOut();
if( proc.exitStatus() != 0 )
return PathResolutionResult( false, i18n("make-process finished with nonzero exit-status"), i18n("output: %1").arg( output ) );
} else {
bool ret = executeCommandPopen(command, workingDirectory, output);
if( !ret )
return PathResolutionResult( false, i18n("make-process failed"), i18n("output: %1").arg( output ) );
return PathResolutionResult(true);
PathResolutionResult IncludePathResolver::resolveIncludePathInternal( const TQString& file, const TQString& workingDirectory, const TQString& makeParameters, const SourcePathInformation& source ) {
TQString processStdout;
TQStringList touchFiles;
if( source.shouldTouchFiles() )
touchFiles << file;
FileModificationTimeWrapper touch( touchFiles );
TQString fullOutput;
PathResolutionResult res = getFullOutput( source.getCommand( file, makeParameters ), workingDirectory, fullOutput );
if( !res )
return res;
TQRegExp newLineRx("\\\\\\n");
fullOutput.replace( newLineRx, "" );
///@todo collect multiple outputs at the same time for performance-reasons
TQString firstLine = fullOutput;
int lineEnd;
if( (lineEnd = fullOutput.find('\n')) != -1 )
firstLine.truncate( lineEnd ); //Only look at the first line of output
* There's two possible cases this can currently handle.
* 1.: gcc is called, with the parameters we are searching for(so we parse the parameters)
* 2.: A recursive make is called, within another directory(so we follow the recursion and try again) "cd /foo/bar && make -f pi/pa/build.make pi/pa/po.o
* */
///STEP 1: Test if it is a recursive make-call
TQRegExp makeRx( "\\bmake\\s" );
int offset = 0;
while( (offset = firstLine, offset )) != -1 )
TQString prefix = firstLine.left( offset ).stripWhiteSpace();
if( prefix.endsWith( "&&") || prefix.endsWith( ";" ) || prefix.isEmpty() )
TQString newWorkingDirectory = workingDirectory;
///Extract the new working-directory
if( !prefix.isEmpty() ) {
if( prefix.endsWith( "&&" ) )
prefix.truncate( prefix.length() - 2 );
else if( prefix.endsWith( ";" ) )
prefix.truncate( prefix.length() - 1 );
///Now test if what we have as prefix is a simple "cd /foo/bar" call.
if( prefix.startsWith( "cd ") && !prefix.contains( ";") && !prefix.contains("&&") ) {
newWorkingDirectory = prefix.right( prefix.length() - 3 ).stripWhiteSpace();
if( !newWorkingDirectory.startsWith("/") )
newWorkingDirectory = workingDirectory + "/" + newWorkingDirectory;
KURL u( newWorkingDirectory );
newWorkingDirectory = u.path();
TQFileInfo d( newWorkingDirectory );
if( d.exists() ) {
///The recursive working-directory exists.
TQString makeParams = firstLine.mid( offset+5 );
if( !makeParams.contains( ";" ) && !makeParams.contains( "&&" ) ) {
///Looks like valid parameters
///Make the file-name absolute, so it can be referenced from any directory
TQString absoluteFile = file;
if( !absoluteFile.startsWith("/") )
absoluteFile = workingDirectory + "/" + file;
KURL u( absoluteFile );
///Try once with absolute, and if that fails with relative path of the file
SourcePathInformation newSource( newWorkingDirectory );
PathResolutionResult res = resolveIncludePathInternal( u.path(), newWorkingDirectory, makeParams, newSource );
if( res )
return res;
return resolveIncludePathInternal( KURL::relativePath(newWorkingDirectory,u.path()), newWorkingDirectory, makeParams , newSource );
return PathResolutionResult( false, i18n("Recursive make-call failed"), i18n("The parameter-string \"%1\" does not seem to be valid. Output was: %2").arg(makeParams).arg(fullOutput) );
} else {
return PathResolutionResult( false, i18n("Recursive make-call failed"), i18n("The directory \"%1\" does not exist. Output was: %2").arg(newWorkingDirectory).arg(fullOutput) );
} else {
return PathResolutionResult( false, i18n("Recursive make-call malformed"), i18n("Output was: %2").arg(fullOutput) );
if( offset >= firstLine.length() ) break;
///STEP 2: Search the output for include-paths
TQRegExp validRx( "\\b([cg]\\+\\+|gcc)" );
if( fullOutput ) == -1 )
return PathResolutionResult( false, i18n("Output seems not to be a valid gcc or g++ call"), i18n("Folder: \"%1\" Command: \"%2\" Output: \"%3\"").arg(workingDirectory).arg( source.getCommand(file, makeParameters) ).arg(fullOutput) );
PathResolutionResult ret( true );
ret.longErrorMessage = fullOutput;
TQString includeParameterRx( "\\s(-I|--include-dir=|-I\\s)" );
TQString quotedRx( "(\\').*(\\')|(\\\").*(\\\")" ); //Matches "hello", 'hello', 'hello"hallo"', etc.
TQString escapedPathRx( "(([^)(\"'\\s]*)(\\\\\\s)?)*" ); //Matches /usr/I\ am \ a\ strange\ path/include
TQRegExp includeRx( TQString( "%1(%2|%3)(?=\\s)" ).arg( includeParameterRx ).arg( quotedRx ).arg( escapedPathRx ) );
includeRx.setMinimal( true );
includeRx.setCaseSensitive( true );
offset = 0;
while( (offset = fullOutput, offset )) != -1 ) {
offset += 1; ///The previous white space
int pathOffset = 2;
if( fullOutput[offset+1] == '-' ) {
///Must be --include-dir=, with a length of 14 characters
pathOffset = 14;
if( fullOutput.length() <= offset + pathOffset )
if( fullOutput[offset+pathOffset].isSpace() )
int start = offset + pathOffset;
int end = offset + includeRx.matchedLength();
TQString path = fullOutput.mid( start, end-start ).stripWhiteSpace();
if( path.startsWith( "\"") || path.startsWith( "\'") && path.length() > 2 ) {
//probable a quoted path
if( path.endsWith(path.left(1)) ) {
//Quotation is ok, remove it
path = path.mid( 1, path.length() - 2 );
if( !path.startsWith("/") )
path = workingDirectory + (workingDirectory.endsWith("/") ? "" : "/") + path;
KURL u( path );
ret.path << u.path();
offset = end-1;
return ret;
void IncludePathResolver::setOutOfSourceBuildSystem( const TQString& source, const TQString& build ) {
m_outOfSource = true;
m_source = source;
m_build = build;
#ifdef TEST
/** This can be used for testing and debugging the system. To compile it use
* gcc includepathresolver.cpp -I /usr/share/qt3/include -I /usr/include/kde -I ../../lib/util -DTEST -ltdecore -g -o includepathresolver
* */
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
TQApplication app(argc,argv);
IncludePathResolver resolver;
if( argc < 3 ) {
cout << "params: 1. file-name, 2. working-directory [3. source-directory 4. build-directory]" << endl;
return 1;
if( argc >= 5 ) {
cout << "mapping " << argv[3] << " -> " << argv[4] << endl;
resolver.setOutOfSourceBuildSystem( argv[3], argv[4] );
PathResolutionResult res = resolver.resolveIncludePath( argv[1], argv[2] );
cout << "success: " << res.success << "\n";
if( !res.success ) {
cout << "error-message: \n" << res.errorMessage << "\n";
cout << "long error-message: \n" << res.longErrorMessage << "\n";
cout << "path: \n" << res.path.join("\n");
return res.success;