You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

591 lines
18 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2001 by Daniel Engelschalt *
* *
* Copyright (C) 2004 Jonas Jacobi<> *
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
// qt includes
#include <tqtabwidget.h>
#include <tqbuttongroup.h>
#include <tqcheckbox.h>
#include <tqlineedit.h>
#include <tqspinbox.h>
#include <tqradiobutton.h>
#include <tqcombobox.h>
#include <tqmultilineedit.h>
#include <tqslider.h>
#include <tqheader.h>
#include <tqcolor.h>
#include <tqlabel.h>
#include <layout.h>
// kde includes
#include <kdevproject.h>
#include <kfiledialog.h>
#include <klocale.h>
#include <kmessagebox.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <kstandarddirs.h>
#include <kfileitem.h>
#include <kurlrequester.h>
#include <keditlistbox.h>
#include <klistview.h>
#include <knuminput.h>
#include <kmainwindow.h>
#include <klineedit.h>
#include <tdeversion.h>
// tdevelop includes
#include <domutil.h>
#include <kdevcoderepository.h>
#include <kdevmainwindow.h>
#include <kdevcoderepository.h>
#include <catalog.h>
// std includes
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "cppsupportfactory.h"
#include "ccconfigwidget.h"
#include "qtbuildconfig.h"
#include "cppsupportpart.h"
#include "cppcodecompletionconfig.h"
#include "cppsplitheadersourceconfig.h"
#include "createpcsdialog.h"
#include "creategettersetterconfiguration.h"
using namespace std;
CCConfigWidget::CCConfigWidget( CppSupportPart* part, TQWidget* parent, const char* name )
: CCConfigWidgetBase( parent, name )
m_pPart = part;
connect( m_pPart->codeRepository(), TQT_SIGNAL( catalogRegistered( Catalog* ) ),
this, TQT_SLOT( catalogRegistered( Catalog* ) ) );
connect( m_pPart->codeRepository(), TQT_SIGNAL( catalogUnregistered( Catalog* ) ),
this, TQT_SLOT( catalogUnregistered( Catalog* ) ) );
connect( m_qtDir, TQT_SIGNAL(urlSelected(const TQString &)),
this, TQT_SLOT(isValidTQtDir(const TQString &)));
connect( m_qtDir, TQT_SIGNAL(textChanged(const TQString &)),
this, TQT_SLOT(isValidTQtDir(const TQString &)));
initGeneralTab( );
initCodeCompletionTab( );
initGetterSetterTab( );
inputCodeCompletion->setRange( 0, 2000, 100, false );
inputArgumentsHint->setRange( 0, 2000, 100, false );
void CCConfigWidget::initGeneralTab( )
TQDomDocument dom = *m_pPart->projectDom();
interface_suffix->setText( DomUtil::readEntry( dom, "/cppsupportpart/filetemplates/interfacesuffix", ".h" ) );
implementation_suffix->setText( DomUtil::readEntry( dom, "/cppsupportpart/filetemplates/implementationsuffix", ".cpp" ) );
KConfig *config = CppSupportFactory::instance() ->config();
if ( config )
config->setGroup( "General" );
m_switchShouldMatch->setChecked( config->readBoolEntry( "SwitchShouldMatch", true ) );
m_showContextMenuExplosion->setChecked( config->readBoolEntry( "ShowContextMenuExplosion", false ) );
CCConfigWidget::~CCConfigWidget( )
void CCConfigWidget::accept( )
void CCConfigWidget::saveFileTemplatesTab( )
TQDomDocument dom = *m_pPart->projectDom();
DomUtil::writeEntry( dom, "/cppsupportpart/filetemplates/interfacesuffix", interface_suffix->text() );
DomUtil::writeEntry( dom, "/cppsupportpart/filetemplates/implementationsuffix", implementation_suffix->text() );
KConfig *config = CppSupportFactory::instance() ->config();
if ( config )
config->setGroup( "General" );
config->writeEntry( "SwitchShouldMatch", m_switchShouldMatch->isChecked() );
config->writeEntry( "ShowContextMenuExplosion", m_showContextMenuExplosion->isChecked() );
void CCConfigWidget::initCodeCompletionTab( )
advancedOptions->header() ->hide();
CppCodeCompletionConfig* c = m_pPart->codeCompletionConfig();
inputCodeCompletion->setValue( c->codeCompletionDelay() );
inputArgumentsHint->setValue( c->argumentsHintDelay() );
checkAutomaticCodeCompletion->setChecked( c->automaticCodeCompletion() );
checkAutomaticArgumentsHint->setChecked( c->automaticArgumentsHint() );
checkCompleteArgumentType->setChecked( c->processFunctionArguments() );
checkCompleteReturnType->setChecked( c->processPrimaryTypes() );
//checkShowOnlyAccessible->setChecked( c->showOnlyAccessibleItems() );
editNamespaceAlias->setText( c->namespaceAliases() );
checkBox18->setChecked( c->showEvaluationContextMenu() );
checkShowTypeEvaluationInStatusBar->setChecked( c->statusBarTypeEvaluation() );
checkShowCommentInArgumentHint->setChecked( c->showCommentWithArgumentHint() );
switch( c->completionBoxItemOrder() ) {
case CppCodeCompletionConfig::ByAccessLevel:
radioGroupByAccess->setChecked( true );
case CppCodeCompletionConfig::ByClass:
radioGroupByClass->setChecked( true );
case CppCodeCompletionConfig::ByAlphabet:
radioGroupByAlphabet->setChecked( true );
TQValueList<Catalog*> catalogs = m_pPart->codeRepository() ->registeredCatalogs();
for ( TQValueList<Catalog*>::Iterator it = catalogs.begin(); it != catalogs.end(); ++it )
Catalog* c = *it;
TQFileInfo dbInfo( c->dbName() );
TQCheckListItem* item = new TQCheckListItem( advancedOptions, KURL::decode_string( dbInfo.baseName(true) ), TQCheckListItem::CheckBox );
item->setOn( c->enabled() );
m_catalogs[ item ] = c;
checkPreprocessIncludedHeaders->setChecked( c->preProcessAllHeaders() && !c->parseMissingHeaders() );
checkParseMissingHeaders->setChecked( c->parseMissingHeaders() );
checkListGlobalItems->setChecked( c->alwaysIncludeNamespaces() );
checkResolveIncludePaths->setChecked( c->resolveIncludePaths() );
editIncludePaths->setText( c->customIncludePaths() );
void CCConfigWidget::saveCodeCompletionTab( )
CppCodeCompletionConfig * c = m_pPart->codeCompletionConfig();
c->setCodeCompletionDelay( inputCodeCompletion->value() );
c->setArgumentsHintDelay( inputArgumentsHint->value() );
c->setAutomaticCodeCompletion( checkAutomaticCodeCompletion->isChecked() );
c->setAutomaticArgumentsHint( checkAutomaticArgumentsHint->isChecked() );
c->setProcessFunctionArguments( checkCompleteArgumentType->isChecked() );
c->setProcessPrimaryTypes( checkCompleteReturnType->isChecked() );
//c->setShowOnlyAccessibleItems( checkShowOnlyAccessible->isChecked() );
c->setNamespaceAliases( editNamespaceAlias->text() );
c->setShowEvaluationContextMenu( checkBox18->isChecked() );
c->setStatusBarTypeEvaluation( checkShowTypeEvaluationInStatusBar->isChecked() );
c->setShowCommentWithArgumentHint( checkShowCommentInArgumentHint->isChecked() );
/*if( radioGroupByAccess->isChecked() )
c->setCompletionBoxItemOrder( CppCodeCompletionConfig::ByAccessLevel );
if( radioGroupByClass->isChecked() )
c->setCompletionBoxItemOrder( CppCodeCompletionConfig::ByClass );
if( radioGroupByAlphabet->isChecked() )
c->setCompletionBoxItemOrder( CppCodeCompletionConfig::ByAlphabet );*/
for ( TQMap<TQCheckListItem*, Catalog*>::Iterator it = m_catalogs.begin(); it != m_catalogs.end(); ++it )
{ ->setEnabled( it.key() ->isOn() );
c->setPreProcessAllHeaders( checkPreprocessIncludedHeaders->isChecked() || checkParseMissingHeaders->isChecked() );
c->setParseMissingHeaders( checkParseMissingHeaders->isChecked() );
c->setAlwaysIncludeNamespaces( checkListGlobalItems->isChecked() );
c->setResolveIncludePaths( checkResolveIncludePaths->isChecked() );
c->setCustomIncludePaths( editIncludePaths->text() );
void CCConfigWidget::slotNewPCS( )
CreatePCSDialog dlg( m_pPart, m_pPart->mainWindow() ->main() );
void CCConfigWidget::slotRemovePCS()
if ( !advancedOptions->selectedItem() )
return ;
TQString db = advancedOptions->selectedItem() ->text( 0 );
TQString question = i18n( "Are you sure you want to delete the \"%1\" database?" ).arg( db );
KStandardDirs *dirs = m_pPart->instance() ->dirs();
TQString dbName = dirs->saveLocation( "data", "kdevcppsupport/pcs" ) + KURL::encode_string_no_slash( db ) + ".db";
if ( KMessageBox::Continue == KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel( 0, question, i18n( "Delete Database" ), KStdGuiItem::del() ) )
m_pPart->removeCatalog( dbName );
void CCConfigWidget::catalogRegistered( Catalog * c )
TQFileInfo dbInfo( c->dbName() );
TQCheckListItem* item = new TQCheckListItem( advancedOptions, KURL::decode_string( dbInfo.baseName(true) ), TQCheckListItem::CheckBox );
item->setOn( c->enabled() );
m_catalogs[ item ] = c;
void CCConfigWidget::catalogUnregistered( Catalog * c )
for ( TQMap<TQCheckListItem*, Catalog*>::Iterator it = m_catalogs.begin(); it != m_catalogs.end(); ++it )
if ( == c )
TQCheckListItem * item = it.key();
delete( item );
m_catalogs.remove( it );
void CCConfigWidget::initGetterSetterTab( )
CreateGetterSetterConfiguration * config = m_pPart->createGetterSetterConfiguration();
if ( config == 0 )
return ;
m_edtGet->setText( config->prefixGet() );
m_edtSet->setText( config->prefixSet() );
m_edtRemovePrefix->setText( config->prefixVariable().join( "," ) );
m_edtParameterName->setText( config->parameterName() );
void CCConfigWidget::slotGetterSetterValuesChanged( )
bool hasError = false;
if ( m_edtParameterName->text().isEmpty() )
m_lblParameterName->setPaletteForegroundColor( TQColor( "red" ) );
m_edtExampleGet->setText( "error, missing parametername" );
m_edtExampleSet->setText( "error, missing parametername" );
hasError = true;
TQString name = m_edtVariableName->text();
if ( name.isEmpty() )
m_lblVariableName->setPaletteForegroundColor( TQColor( "red" ) );
m_edtExampleGet->setText( "error, missing variablename" );
m_edtExampleSet->setText( "error, missing variablename" );
hasError = true;
if ( hasError )
m_edtExampleGet->setPaletteForegroundColor( TQColor( "red" ) );
m_edtExampleSet->setPaletteForegroundColor( TQColor( "red" ) );
return ;
m_lblVariableName->setPaletteForegroundColor( TQColor( "black" ) );
m_lblParameterName->setPaletteForegroundColor( TQColor( "black" ) );
m_edtExampleGet->setPaletteForegroundColor( TQColor( "black" ) );
m_edtExampleSet->setPaletteForegroundColor( TQColor( "black" ) );
TQStringList prefixes = TQStringList::split( ",", m_edtRemovePrefix->text().replace( " ", "" ) );
unsigned int len = 0;
TQStringList::ConstIterator theend = prefixes.end();
for ( TQStringList::ConstIterator ci = prefixes.begin(); ci != theend; ++ci )
if ( name.startsWith( *ci ) && ( *ci ).length() > len )
len = ( *ci ).length();
if ( len > 0 )
name.remove( 0, len );
TQString getName = name;
if ( !m_edtGet->text().isEmpty() )
getName[ 0 ] = getName[ 0 ].upper();
getName.prepend( m_edtGet->text() );
TQString setName = name;
if ( !m_edtSet->text().isEmpty() )
setName[ 0 ] = setName[ 0 ].upper();
setName.prepend( m_edtSet->text() );
m_edtExampleGet->setText( "string " + getName + "() const;" );
m_edtExampleSet->setText( "void " + setName + "(const string& " + m_edtParameterName->text() + ");" );
void CCConfigWidget::saveGetterSetterTab( )
if ( m_edtParameterName->text().isEmpty() || m_edtGet->text() == m_edtSet->text() )
return ;
CreateGetterSetterConfiguration* config = m_pPart->createGetterSetterConfiguration();
if ( config == 0 )
return ;
config->setPrefixGet( m_edtGet->text() );
config->setPrefixSet( m_edtSet->text() );
config->setPrefixVariable( TQStringList::split( ",", m_edtRemovePrefix->text().replace( " ", "" ) ) );
config->setParameterName( m_edtParameterName->text() );
void CCConfigWidget::initSplitTab( )
CppSplitHeaderSourceConfig * config = m_pPart->splitHeaderSourceConfig();
if ( config == 0 )
return ;
m_splitEnable->setChecked( config->splitEnabled() );
m_splitSync->setChecked( config->autoSync() );
TQString o = config->orientation();
m_splitVertical->setChecked( o == "Vertical" );
m_splitHorizontal->setChecked( o == "Horizontal" );
void CCConfigWidget::saveSplitTab( )
CppSplitHeaderSourceConfig * config = m_pPart->splitHeaderSourceConfig();
if ( config == 0 )
return ;
config->setSplitEnable( m_splitEnable->isChecked() );
config->setAutoSync( m_splitSync->isChecked() );
if ( m_splitVertical->isChecked() )
config->setOrientation( "Vertical" );
else if ( m_splitHorizontal->isChecked() )
config->setOrientation( "Horizontal" );
void CCConfigWidget::initTQtTab()
QtBuildConfig* c = m_pPart->qtBuildConfig();
m_qtUsed->setChecked( c->isUsed() );
if( c->version() == 4 )
m_versionQt4->setChecked( true );
m_kdevembedded->setEnabled( false );
m_kdevexternal->setEnabled( false );
m_qtStyleVersion4->setEnabled( true );
m_designerPath->setEnabled( true );
m_qmakePath->setEnabled( true );
m_qtDir->setEnabled( false );
m_txtQtDir->setEnabled( false );
m_txtDesigner->setEnabled( true );
pluginPaths->setEnabled( true );
m_versionQt3->setChecked( true );
m_kdevembedded->setEnabled( true );
m_kdevexternal->setEnabled( true );
m_qtStyleVersion4->setEnabled( false );
m_designerPath->setEnabled( true );
m_qmakePath->setEnabled( true );
m_qtDir->setEnabled( true );
m_txtQtDir->setEnabled( true );
m_txtDesigner->setEnabled( true );
pluginPaths->setEnabled( false );
if( c->includeStyle() == 4 )
m_qtStyleVersion4->setChecked( true );
m_qtStyleVersion3->setChecked( true );
m_qtDir->setURL( c->root() );
m_qmakePath->setURL( c->qmakePath() );
isExecutable( m_qmakePath->url() );
m_designerPath->setURL( c->designerPath() );
isExecutable( m_designerPath->url() );
if ( c->designerIntegration() == "EmbeddedKDevDesigner" )
m_kdevembedded->setChecked( true );
else if ( c->designerIntegration() == "ExternalKDevDesigner" )
m_kdevexternal->setChecked( true );
m_qtdesigner->setChecked( true );
bool CCConfigWidget::isExecutable( const TQString& path )
TQFileInfo fi(path);
return ( fi.exists() && fi.isExecutable() );
void CCConfigWidget::isTQMakeExecutable( const TQString& path )
if( !isExecutable( path ) )
void CCConfigWidget::isDesignerExecutable( const TQString& path )
if( !isExecutable( path ) )
void CCConfigWidget::saveTQtTab()
QtBuildConfig* c = m_pPart->qtBuildConfig();
c->setUsed( m_qtUsed->isChecked() );
if( m_versionQt4->isChecked() )
c->setVersion( 4 );
c->setVersion( 3 );
if( m_qtStyleVersion4->isChecked() )
c->setIncludeStyle( 4 );
c->setIncludeStyle( 3 );
c->setRoot( m_qtDir->url() );
c->setTQMakePath( m_qmakePath->url() );
c->setDesignerPath( m_designerPath->url() );
if( m_kdevembedded->isChecked() )
c->setDesignerIntegration( "EmbeddedKDevDesigner" );
else if ( m_kdevexternal->isChecked() )
c->setDesignerIntegration( "ExternalKDevDesigner" );
c->setDesignerIntegration( "ExternalDesigner" );
void CCConfigWidget::isValidTQtDir( const TQString &dir )
TQFileInfo inc( dir + TQString( TQChar( TQDir::separator() ) )+
"include"+TQString( TQChar( TQDir::separator() ) )+
"tqt.h" );
if ( !m_versionQt4->isChecked() && !inc.exists() )
void CCConfigWidget::toggleTQtVersion( bool )
if ( m_versionQt3->isChecked() )
m_qtStyleVersion4->setEnabled( false );
m_qtStyleVersion3->setChecked( true );
m_kdevembedded->setEnabled( true );
m_kdevexternal->setEnabled( true );
pluginPaths->setEnabled( false );
if ( m_versionQt4->isChecked() )
m_qtStyleVersion4->setEnabled( true );
m_qtdesigner->setChecked( true );
m_kdevembedded->setEnabled( false );
m_kdevexternal->setEnabled( false );
pluginPaths->setEnabled( true );
isValidTQtDir( m_qtDir->url() );
isTQMakeExecutable( m_qmakePath->url() );
isDesignerExecutable( m_designerPath->url() );
void CCConfigWidget::openPluginPaths()
kdDebug(9024) << "Plugin paths opened" << endl;
QtBuildConfig* c = m_pPart->qtBuildConfig();
KDialog d( this );
TQVBoxLayout* mainlayout = new TQVBoxLayout( &d );
KPushButton* ok = new KPushButton( KStdGuiItem::ok(), &d );
connect( ok, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), &d, TQT_SLOT(accept()));
KPushButton* cancel = new KPushButton( KStdGuiItem::cancel(), &d );
connect( cancel, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), &d, TQT_SLOT(reject()));
TQHBoxLayout* btns = new TQHBoxLayout( &d );
btns->addItem( new TQSpacerItem(10,10,TQSizePolicy::Expanding) );
d.setCaption( i18n( "Edit TQt4 Designer Plugin Paths" ) );
KURLRequester * req = new KURLRequester( &d );
req->setMode( KFile::Directory );
KEditListBox* p = new KEditListBox( i18n( "Plugin Paths" ), req->customEditor(), &d );
p->insertStringList( c->designerPluginPaths() );
mainlayout->addWidget( p );
mainlayout->addLayout( btns );
d.resize( 450, 250 );
if( d.exec() == TQDialog::Accepted)
c->setDesignerPluginPaths( p->items() );
#include "ccconfigwidget.moc"
//kate: indent-mode csands; tab-width 4; space-indent off;