You cannot select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
294 lines
9.9 KiB
294 lines
9.9 KiB
* Copyright (C) 1998 by Sandy Meier *
* *
* Copyright (C) 2002 by Bernd Gehrmann *
* *
* Copyright (C) 2003 by Alexander Dymo *
* *
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
#include <tqlineedit.h>
#include <tqlistview.h>
#include <tqwidgetstack.h>
#include "codemodel.h"
#include "cppnewclassdlgbase.h"
class CppSupportPart;
class KDevProject;
class TQPopupMenu;
class TDECompletion;
class CodeModel;
template <class T>
class PCheckListItem: public TQCheckListItem
PCheckListItem ( T item, TQCheckListItem * parent, const TQString & text, Type tt = Controller ) :
TQCheckListItem ( parent, text, tt ), m_item( item )
PCheckListItem ( T item, TQCheckListItem * parent, TQListViewItem * after, const TQString & text, Type tt = Controller ) :
TQCheckListItem ( parent, after, text, tt ), m_item( item )
PCheckListItem ( T item, TQListViewItem * parent, const TQString & text, Type tt = Controller ) :
TQCheckListItem ( parent, text, tt ), m_item( item )
PCheckListItem ( T item, TQListViewItem * parent, TQListViewItem * after, const TQString & text, Type tt = Controller ) :
TQCheckListItem ( parent, after, text, tt ), m_item( item )
PCheckListItem ( T item, TQListView * parent, const TQString & text, Type tt = Controller ) :
TQCheckListItem ( parent, text, tt ), m_item( item )
PCheckListItem ( T item, TQListView * parent, TQListViewItem * after, const TQString & text, Type tt = Controller ) :
TQCheckListItem ( parent, after, text, tt ), m_item( item )
PCheckListItem ( T item, TQListViewItem * parent, const TQString & text, const TQPixmap & p ) :
TQCheckListItem ( parent, text, p ), m_item( item )
PCheckListItem ( T item, TQListView * parent, const TQString & text, const TQPixmap & p ) :
TQCheckListItem ( parent, text, p ), m_item( item )
T item()
return m_item;
TQString templateAddition;
T m_item;
template <class T>
class PListViewItem: public TQListViewItem
PListViewItem ( T item, TQListViewItem * parent, TQListViewItem * after, const TQString & text ) :
TQListViewItem ( parent, after, text ), m_item( item )
PListViewItem ( T item, TQListViewItem * parent, const TQString & text ) :
TQListViewItem ( parent, text ), m_item( item )
PListViewItem ( T item, TQListView * parent, const TQString & text ) :
TQListViewItem ( parent, text ), m_item( item )
PListViewItem ( T item, TQListView * parent, TQListViewItem * after, const TQString & text ) :
TQListViewItem ( parent, after, text ), m_item( item )
T item()
return m_item;
TQString templateAddition;
T m_item;
class CppNewClassDialog : public CppNewClassDialogBase
CppNewClassDialog( CppSupportPart *part, TQWidget *parent = 0, const char *name = 0 );
virtual void accept();
virtual void classNameChanged( const TQString &text );
virtual void classNamespaceChanged( const TQString &text );
virtual void headerChanged();
virtual void implementationChanged();
virtual void nameHandlerChanged( const TQString &text );
virtual void baseclassname_changed( const TQString &text );
virtual void baseIncludeChanged( const TQString &text );
virtual void addBaseClass();
virtual void remBaseClass();
virtual void remBaseClassOnly();
virtual void currBaseNameChanged( const TQString &text );
virtual void currBasePrivateSet();
virtual void currBaseProtectedSet();
virtual void currBasePublicSet();
virtual void currBaseVirtualChanged( int val );
virtual void currBaseSelected( TQListViewItem *it );
virtual void scopeboxActivated( int value );
virtual void checkObjCInheritance( int val );
virtual void checkTQWidgetInheritance( int val );
virtual void upbaseclass_button_clicked();
virtual void downbaseclass_button_clicked();
virtual void baseclasses_view_selectionChanged();
virtual void newTabSelected( const TQString &text );
virtual void newTabSelected( TQWidget *w );
virtual void access_view_mouseButtonPressed( int button, TQListViewItem * item, const TQPoint &p, int c );
virtual void changeToPrivate();
virtual void changeToProtected();
virtual void changeToPublic();
virtual void changeToInherited();
virtual void methods_view_mouseButtonPressed( int button , TQListViewItem * item, const TQPoint&p , int c );
virtual void extendFunctionality();
virtual void replaceFunctionality();
virtual void to_constructors_list_clicked();
virtual void clear_selection_button_clicked();
virtual void selectall_button_clicked();
virtual void gtk_box_stateChanged( int val );
virtual void qobject_box_stateChanged( int val );
virtual void headeronly_box_stateChanged(int val);
void reloadAdvancedInheritance( bool clean = false );
void parseClass( TQString clName, TQString inheritance );
void parsePCSClass( TQString clName, TQString inheritance );
void addToConstructorsList( TQCheckListItem *myClass, FunctionDom method );
void addToMethodsList( TQListViewItem *parent, FunctionDom method );
void addToUpgradeList( TQListViewItem *parent, FunctionDom method, TQString modifier );
void addToUpgradeList( TQListViewItem *parent, VariableDom attr, TQString modifier );
void clearConstructorsList( bool clean = false );
void clearMethodsList( bool clean = false );
void clearUpgradeList( bool clean = false );
bool isConstructor( TQString className, const FunctionDom &method );
bool isDestructor( TQString className, const FunctionDom &method );
bool headerModified;
bool baseincludeModified;
bool implementationModified;
TQString m_parse;
TQPopupMenu *accessMenu;
TQPopupMenu *overMenu;
CppSupportPart *m_part;
CodeModel *myModel;
// configuration variables
TQString interface_url;
TQString implementation_url;
TQString interface_suffix;
TQString implementation_suffix;
TQStringList currNamespace;
bool lowercase_filenames;
TQStringList currBaseClasses;
TDECompletion * compBasename;
TDECompletion * compNamespace;
void setCompletionBasename( CodeModel *model );
void addCompletionBasenameNamespacesRecursive( const NamespaceDom & namespaceDom, const TQString & namespaceParent = "" );
void setCompletionNamespaceRecursive( const NamespaceDom & namespaceDom, const TQString & namespaceParent = "" );
void setStateOfInheritanceEditors( bool state, bool hideList = true );
void setAccessForBase( TQString baseclass, TQString newAccess );
void setAccessForItem( TQListViewItem *curr, TQString newAccess, bool isPublic );
void remClassFromAdv( TQString text );
void checkUpButtonState();
void checkDownButtonState();
void updateConstructorsOrder();
TQString classNameFormatted();
TQString templateStrFormatted();
TQString templateParamsFormatted();
TQString classNameFormatted( const TQString & );
TQString templateStrFormatted( const TQString & );
TQString templateParamsFormatted( const TQString & );
TQString templateActualParamsFormatted( const TQString & );
void removeTemplateParams( TQString & );
friend class ClassGenerator;
//! The class that translates UI input to a class
class ClassGenerator
ClassGenerator( CppNewClassDialog& _dlg ) : dlg( _dlg )
bool generate();
bool validateInput();
void common_text();
void gen_implementation();
void gen_interface();
void genMethodDeclaration( FunctionDom method, TQString className, TQString templateStr,
TQString *adv_h, TQString *adv_cpp, bool extend, TQString baseClassName );
void beautifyHeader( TQString &templ, TQString &headerGuard,
TQString &includeBaseHeader, TQString &author, TQString &doc, TQString &className, TQString &templateStr,
TQString &baseclass, TQString &inheritance, TQString &qobjectStr, TQString &args,
TQString &header, TQString &namespaceBeg, TQString &constructors, TQString &advH_public,
TQString &advH_public_slots,
TQString &advH_protected, TQString &advH_protected_slots, TQString &advH_private, TQString &advH_private_slots,
TQString &namespaceEnd );
void beautifySource( TQString &templ, TQString &header, TQString &className, TQString &namespaceBeg,
TQString &constructors, TQString &advCpp, TQString &namespaceEnd, TQString &implementation );
TQString className;
TQString templateStr;
TQString templateParams;
TQString header;
TQString implementation;
TQString advConstructorsHeader;
TQString advConstructorsSource;
KDevProject *project;
TQString subDir, headerPath, implementationPath;
TQString doc;
TQString namespaceStr;
bool childClass;
bool objc;
bool qobject;
bool gtk;
bool headeronly;
TQStringList namespaces;
TQString namespaceBeg, namespaceEnd;
TQString argsH;
TQString argsCpp;
TQString advH_public;
TQString advH_public_slots;
TQString advH_protected;
TQString advH_protected_slots;
TQString advH_private;
TQString advH_private_slots;
TQString advCpp;
CppNewClassDialog& dlg;
//! workaround to make gcc 2.95.x happy
friend class CppNewClassDialog::ClassGenerator;
// kate: indent-mode csands; tab-width 4;