You cannot select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
2548 lines
107 KiB
2548 lines
107 KiB
* Copyright (C) 2001 by Bernd Gehrmann *
* *
* Copyright (C) 2000-2001 by Trolltech AS. *
* *
* Copyright (C) 2002 by Jakob Simon-Gaarde *
* *
* Copyright (C) 2002-2003 by Alexander Dymo *
* *
* Copyright (C) 2003 by Thomas Hasart *
* *
* Copyright (C) 2006 by Andreas Pakulat *
* *
* *
* Part of this file is taken from TQt Designer. *
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
#include "trollprojectwidget.h"
#include <config.h>
#include <tqfile.h>
#include <tqfileinfo.h>
#include <tqheader.h>
#include <tqsplitter.h>
#include <tqptrstack.h>
#include <tqtextstream.h>
#include <tqcombobox.h>
#include <kprocess.h>
#include <tqtimer.h>
#include <tqdir.h>
#include <tqregexp.h>
#include <tqinputdialog.h>
#include <tqwhatsthis.h>
#include <tqvaluestack.h>
#include <tdefiledialog.h>
#include <tqtooltip.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <tdelistview.h>
#include <tdemessagebox.h>
#include <tdepopupmenu.h>
#include <kregexp.h>
#include <kurl.h>
#include <tqmessagebox.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <tdeparts/part.h>
#include <tdeaction.h>
#include <kprocess.h>
#include <kinputdialog.h>
#include <tdeversion.h>
#include <kdirwatch.h>
#include <kurlrequesterdlg.h>
#include <kurlrequester.h>
#include <tdeio/netaccess.h>
#include <kurlcompletion.h>
#include "kdevcore.h"
#include "kdevpartcontroller.h"
#include "kdevmainwindow.h"
#include "trollprojectpart.h"
#include "kdevappfrontend.h"
#include "kdevmakefrontend.h"
#include "kdevlanguagesupport.h"
#include "kdevcreatefile.h"
#include "subclassesdlg.h"
#include "addfilesdialog.h"
#include "urlutil.h"
#include "trolllistview.h"
#include "projectconfigurationdlg.h"
#include "qmakescopeitem.h"
#include "scope.h"
#include "createscopedlg.h"
#include "disablesubprojectdlg.h"
#include <tdeapplication.h>
TrollProjectWidget::TrollProjectWidget( TrollProjectPart *part )
: TQVBox( 0, "troll project widget" ), m_shownSubproject( 0 ), m_rootSubproject( 0 ),
m_rootScope ( 0 ), m_part ( part ), m_configDlg( 0 ), m_filesCached(false)
TQSplitter * splitter = new TQSplitter(Qt::Vertical, this );
overviewContainer = new TQVBox( splitter, "Projects" );
overviewContainer->setMargin ( 2 );
overviewContainer->setSpacing ( 2 );
// overviewContainer->setSizePolicy(TQSizePolicy::Preferred, TQSizePolicy::Minimum);
// splitter->setResizeMode(overviewContainer, TQSplitter::FollowSizeHint);
projectTools = new TQHBox( overviewContainer, "Project buttons" );
projectTools->setMargin ( 2 );
projectTools->setSpacing ( 2 );
// Add subdir
addSubdirButton = new TQToolButton ( projectTools, "Add subproject button" );
addSubdirButton->setPixmap ( SmallIcon ( "folder-new" ) );
addSubdirButton->setSizePolicy ( TQSizePolicy ( ( TQSizePolicy::SizeType ) 0, ( TQSizePolicy::SizeType ) 0, 0, 0, addSubdirButton->sizePolicy().hasHeightForWidth() ) );
addSubdirButton->setEnabled ( true );
TQToolTip::add( addSubdirButton, i18n( "Add subproject" ) );
TQWhatsThis::add( addSubdirButton, i18n( "<b>Add subproject</b><p>Creates a <i>new</i> or adds an <i>existing</i> subproject to a currently selected subproject. "
"This action is allowed only if a type of the subproject is 'subdirectories'. The type of the subproject can be "
"defined in <b>Subproject Settings</b> dialog (open it from the subproject context menu)." ) );
// Create scope
createScopeButton = new TQToolButton ( projectTools, "Create scope button" );
createScopeButton->setPixmap ( SmallIcon ( "qmake_scopenew" ) );
createScopeButton->setSizePolicy ( TQSizePolicy ( ( TQSizePolicy::SizeType ) 0, ( TQSizePolicy::SizeType ) 0, 0, 0, createScopeButton->sizePolicy().hasHeightForWidth() ) );
createScopeButton->setEnabled ( true );
TQToolTip::add( createScopeButton, i18n( "Create scope" ) );
TQWhatsThis::add( createScopeButton, i18n( "<b>Create scope</b><p>Creates TQMake scope in the project file in case the subproject is selected or creates nested scope in case the scope is selected." ) );
// build
buildProjectButton = new TQToolButton ( projectTools, "Make button" );
buildProjectButton->setPixmap ( SmallIcon ( "make_tdevelop" ) );
buildProjectButton->setSizePolicy ( TQSizePolicy ( ( TQSizePolicy::SizeType ) 0, ( TQSizePolicy::SizeType ) 0, 0, 0, buildProjectButton->sizePolicy().hasHeightForWidth() ) );
buildProjectButton->setEnabled ( true );
TQToolTip::add( buildProjectButton, i18n( "Build project" ) );
TQWhatsThis::add( buildProjectButton, i18n( "<b>Build project</b><p>Runs <b>make</b> from the project directory.<br>"
"Environment variables and make arguments can be specified "
"in the project settings dialog, <b>Make Options</b> tab." ) );
// rebuild
rebuildProjectButton = new TQToolButton ( projectTools, "Rebuild button" );
rebuildProjectButton->setPixmap ( SmallIcon ( "rebuild" ) );
rebuildProjectButton->setSizePolicy ( TQSizePolicy ( ( TQSizePolicy::SizeType ) 0, ( TQSizePolicy::SizeType ) 0, 0, 0, rebuildProjectButton->sizePolicy().hasHeightForWidth() ) );
rebuildProjectButton->setEnabled ( true );
TQToolTip::add( rebuildProjectButton, i18n( "Rebuild project" ) );
TQWhatsThis::add( rebuildProjectButton, i18n( "<b>Rebuild project</b><p>Runs <b>make clean</b> and then <b>make</b> from the project directory.<br>"
"Environment variables and make arguments can be specified "
"in the project settings dialog, <b>Make Options</b> tab." ) );
// run
executeProjectButton = new TQToolButton ( projectTools, "Run button" );
executeProjectButton->setPixmap ( SmallIcon ( "exec" ) );
executeProjectButton->setSizePolicy ( TQSizePolicy ( ( TQSizePolicy::SizeType ) 0, ( TQSizePolicy::SizeType ) 0, 0, 0, executeProjectButton->sizePolicy().hasHeightForWidth() ) );
executeProjectButton->setEnabled ( true );
TQToolTip::add( executeProjectButton, i18n( "Execute main program" ) );
TQWhatsThis::add( executeProjectButton, i18n( "<b>Execute main program</b><p>Executes the main program specified in project settings, <b>Run Options</b> tab." ) );
// spacer
TQWidget *spacer = new TQWidget( projectTools );
projectTools->setStretchFactor( spacer, 1 );
// Project configuration
projectconfButton = new TQToolButton ( projectTools, "Project configuration button" );
projectconfButton->setPixmap ( SmallIcon ( "configure" ) );
projectconfButton->setSizePolicy ( TQSizePolicy ( ( TQSizePolicy::SizeType ) 0, ( TQSizePolicy::SizeType ) 0, 0, 0, projectconfButton->sizePolicy().hasHeightForWidth() ) );
projectconfButton->setEnabled ( true );
TQToolTip::add( projectconfButton, i18n( "Subproject settings" ) );
TQWhatsThis::add( projectconfButton, i18n( "<b>Subproject settings</b><p>Opens <b>TQMake Subproject Configuration</b> dialog for the currently selected subproject. "
"It provides settings for:<br>subproject type and configuration,<br>include and library paths,<br>lists of dependencies and "
"external libraries,<br>build order,<br>intermediate files locations,<br>compiler options." ) );
// Project button connections
connect ( addSubdirButton, TQT_SIGNAL ( clicked () ), this, TQT_SLOT ( slotAddSubproject () ) );
connect ( createScopeButton, TQT_SIGNAL ( clicked () ), this, TQT_SLOT ( slotCreateScope () ) );
connect ( buildProjectButton, TQT_SIGNAL ( clicked () ), this, TQT_SLOT ( slotBuildProject () ) );
connect ( rebuildProjectButton, TQT_SIGNAL ( clicked () ), this, TQT_SLOT ( slotRebuildProject () ) );
connect ( executeProjectButton, TQT_SIGNAL ( clicked () ), m_part, TQT_SLOT ( slotBuildAndExecuteProject () ) );
connect ( projectconfButton, TQT_SIGNAL ( clicked () ), this, TQT_SLOT ( slotConfigureProject () ) );
// Project tree
overview = new TrollListView( this, overviewContainer, SubprojectView, "project overview widget" );
// overview->setResizeMode( TQListView::LastColumn );
overview->setSorting( -1 );
overview->header() ->hide();
overview->addColumn( TQString() );
// Project tree connections
connect( overview, TQT_SIGNAL( selectionChanged( TQListViewItem* ) ),
this, TQT_SLOT( slotOverviewSelectionChanged( TQListViewItem* ) ) );
connect( overview, TQT_SIGNAL( contextMenu( TDEListView*, TQListViewItem*, const TQPoint& ) ),
this, TQT_SLOT( slotOverviewContextMenu( TDEListView*, TQListViewItem*, const TQPoint& ) ) );
// Details tree
detailContainer = new TQVBox( splitter, "Details" );
detailContainer->setMargin ( 2 );
detailContainer->setSpacing ( 2 );
// detailContainer->setSizePolicy(TQSizePolicy::Preferred, TQSizePolicy::Expanding);
// Details Toolbar
fileTools = new TQHBox( detailContainer, "Detail buttons" );
fileTools->setMargin ( 2 );
fileTools->setSpacing ( 2 );
// Add new file button
newfileButton = new TQToolButton ( fileTools, "Create new file" );
newfileButton->setPixmap ( SmallIcon ( "document-new" ) );
newfileButton->setSizePolicy ( TQSizePolicy ( ( TQSizePolicy::SizeType ) 0, ( TQSizePolicy::SizeType ) 0, 0, 0, newfileButton->sizePolicy().hasHeightForWidth() ) );
newfileButton->setEnabled ( true );
TQToolTip::add( newfileButton, i18n( "Create new file" ) );
TQWhatsThis::add( newfileButton, i18n( "<b>Create new file</b><p>Creates a new file and adds it to a currently selected group." ) );
// Add existing files button
addfilesButton = new TQToolButton ( fileTools, "Add existing files" );
addfilesButton->setPixmap ( SmallIcon ( "fileimport" ) );
addfilesButton->setSizePolicy ( TQSizePolicy ( ( TQSizePolicy::SizeType ) 0, ( TQSizePolicy::SizeType ) 0, 0, 0, addfilesButton->sizePolicy().hasHeightForWidth() ) );
addfilesButton->setEnabled ( true );
TQToolTip::add( addfilesButton, i18n( "Add existing files" ) );
TQWhatsThis::add( addfilesButton, i18n( "<b>Add existing files</b><p>Adds existing files to a currently selected group. It is "
"possible to copy files to a current subproject directory, create symbolic links or "
"add them with the relative path." ) );
// remove file button
removefileButton = new TQToolButton ( fileTools, "Remove file" );
removefileButton->setPixmap ( SmallIcon ( "button_cancel" ) );
removefileButton->setSizePolicy ( TQSizePolicy ( ( TQSizePolicy::SizeType ) 0, ( TQSizePolicy::SizeType ) 0, 0, 0, removefileButton->sizePolicy().hasHeightForWidth() ) );
removefileButton->setEnabled ( true );
TQToolTip::add( removefileButton, i18n( "Remove file" ) );
TQWhatsThis::add( removefileButton, i18n( "<b>Remove file</b><p>Removes file from a current group. Does not remove file from disk." ) );
// build selected file
buildFileButton = new TQToolButton ( fileTools, "Make file button" );
buildFileButton->setPixmap ( SmallIcon ( "compfile" ) );
buildFileButton->setSizePolicy ( TQSizePolicy ( ( TQSizePolicy::SizeType ) 0, ( TQSizePolicy::SizeType ) 0, 0, 0, buildFileButton->sizePolicy().hasHeightForWidth() ) );
buildFileButton->setEnabled ( true );
TQToolTip::add( buildFileButton, i18n( "Compile file" ) );
TQWhatsThis::add( buildFileButton, i18n( "<b>Compile file</b><p>Runs <b>make filename.o</b> command from the directory where 'filename' is the name of currently opened file.<br>"
"Environment variables and make arguments can be specified "
"in the project settings dialog, <b>Make Options</b> tab." ) );
// build
buildTargetButton = new TQToolButton ( fileTools, "Make sp button" );
buildTargetButton->setPixmap ( SmallIcon ( "make_tdevelop" ) );
buildTargetButton->setSizePolicy ( TQSizePolicy ( ( TQSizePolicy::SizeType ) 0, ( TQSizePolicy::SizeType ) 0, 0, 0, buildTargetButton->sizePolicy().hasHeightForWidth() ) );
buildTargetButton->setEnabled ( true );
TQToolTip::add( buildTargetButton, i18n( "Build subproject" ) );
TQWhatsThis::add( buildTargetButton, i18n( "<b>Build subproject</b><p>Runs <b>make</b> from the current subproject directory. "
"Current subproject is a subproject selected in <b>TQMake manager</b> 'overview' window.<br>"
"Environment variables and make arguments can be specified "
"in the project settings dialog, <b>Make Options</b> tab." ) );
// rebuild
rebuildTargetButton = new TQToolButton ( fileTools, "Rebuild sp button" );
rebuildTargetButton->setPixmap ( SmallIcon ( "rebuild" ) );
rebuildTargetButton->setSizePolicy ( TQSizePolicy ( ( TQSizePolicy::SizeType ) 0, ( TQSizePolicy::SizeType ) 0, 0, 0, rebuildTargetButton->sizePolicy().hasHeightForWidth() ) );
rebuildTargetButton->setEnabled ( true );
TQToolTip::add( rebuildTargetButton, i18n( "Rebuild subproject" ) );
TQWhatsThis::add( rebuildTargetButton, i18n( "<b>Rebuild subproject</b><p>Runs <b>make clean</b> and then <b>make</b> from the current subproject directory. "
"Current subproject is a subproject selected in <b>TQMake manager</b> 'overview' window.<br>"
"Environment variables and make arguments can be specified "
"in the project settings dialog, <b>Make Options</b> tab." ) );
// run
executeTargetButton = new TQToolButton ( fileTools, "Run sp button" );
executeTargetButton->setPixmap ( SmallIcon ( "exec" ) );
executeTargetButton->setSizePolicy ( TQSizePolicy ( ( TQSizePolicy::SizeType ) 0, ( TQSizePolicy::SizeType ) 0, 0, 0, executeTargetButton->sizePolicy().hasHeightForWidth() ) );
executeTargetButton->setEnabled ( true );
TQToolTip::add( executeTargetButton, i18n( "Execute subproject" ) );
TQWhatsThis::add( executeTargetButton, i18n( "<b>Execute subproject</b><p>Executes the target program for the currently selected subproject. "
"This action is allowed only if a type of the subproject is 'application'. The type of the subproject can be "
"defined in <b>Subproject Settings</b> dialog (open it from the subproject context menu)." ) );
// spacer
spacer = new TQWidget( fileTools );
projectTools->setStretchFactor( spacer, 1 );
// Configure file button
excludeFileFromScopeButton = new TQToolButton ( fileTools, "Exclude file" );
excludeFileFromScopeButton->setPixmap ( SmallIcon ( "configure_file" ) );
excludeFileFromScopeButton->setSizePolicy ( TQSizePolicy ( ( TQSizePolicy::SizeType ) 0, ( TQSizePolicy::SizeType ) 0, 0, 0, excludeFileFromScopeButton->sizePolicy().hasHeightForWidth() ) );
excludeFileFromScopeButton->setEnabled ( true );
TQToolTip::add( excludeFileFromScopeButton , i18n( "Exclude file" ) );
TQWhatsThis::add( excludeFileFromScopeButton , i18n( "<b>Exclude file</b><p>Exclude the selected file from this scope." ) );
// detail tree
details = new TrollListView( this, detailContainer, DetailsView, "details widget" );
details->setRootIsDecorated( true );
details->setResizeMode( TQListView::LastColumn );
details->setSorting( -1 );
details->header() ->hide();
details->addColumn( TQString() );
// Detail button connections
connect ( addfilesButton, TQT_SIGNAL ( clicked () ), this, TQT_SLOT ( slotAddFiles () ) );
connect ( newfileButton, TQT_SIGNAL ( clicked () ), this, TQT_SLOT ( slotNewFile () ) );
connect ( removefileButton, TQT_SIGNAL ( clicked () ), this, TQT_SLOT ( slotRemoveFile () ) );
connect ( buildFileButton, TQT_SIGNAL ( clicked () ), this, TQT_SLOT ( slotBuildSelectedFile () ) );
connect ( excludeFileFromScopeButton, TQT_SIGNAL ( clicked () ), this, TQT_SLOT ( slotExcludeFileFromScopeButton() ) );
// Detail tree connections
connect( details, TQT_SIGNAL( selectionChanged( TQListViewItem* ) ),
this, TQT_SLOT( slotDetailsSelectionChanged( TQListViewItem* ) ) );
connect( details, TQT_SIGNAL( executed( TQListViewItem* ) ),
this, TQT_SLOT( slotDetailsExecuted( TQListViewItem* ) ) );
connect( details, TQT_SIGNAL( contextMenu( TDEListView*, TQListViewItem*, const TQPoint& ) ),
this, TQT_SLOT( slotDetailsContextMenu( TDEListView*, TQListViewItem*, const TQPoint& ) ) );
connect ( buildTargetButton, TQT_SIGNAL ( clicked () ), this, TQT_SLOT ( slotBuildTarget () ) );
connect ( rebuildTargetButton, TQT_SIGNAL ( clicked () ), this, TQT_SLOT ( slotRebuildTarget () ) );
connect ( executeTargetButton, TQT_SIGNAL ( clicked () ), m_part, TQT_SLOT ( slotBuildAndExecuteTarget () ) );
buildTargetButton->setEnabled( false );
rebuildTargetButton->setEnabled( false );
executeTargetButton->setEnabled( false );
m_configDlg = new ProjectConfigurationDlg( overview, this, this );
connect( m_part->dirWatch(), TQT_SIGNAL( dirty(const TQString&) ), this, TQT_SLOT( slotProjectDirty(const TQString&) ) );
delete m_configDlg;
void TrollProjectWidget::openProject( const TQString &dirName )
TQDomDocument & dom = *( m_part->projectDom() );
m_subclasslist = DomUtil::readPairListEntry( dom, "/kdevtrollproject/subclassing" ,
"subclass", "sourcefile", "uifile" );
TQString projectfile = DomUtil::readEntry( dom, "/kdevtrollproject/qmake/projectfile", "" );
m_showFilenamesOnly = DomUtil::readBoolEntry( *m_part->projectDom(), "/kdevtrollproject/qmake/enableFilenamesOnly", false );
m_showVariablesInTree = DomUtil::readBoolEntry( *m_part->projectDom(), "/kdevtrollproject/qmake/showVariablesInTree", true );
TQString proname;
if( projectfile.isEmpty() )
TQFileInfo fi( dirName );
TQDir dir( dirName );
// TQString proname = item->path + "/" + fi.baseName() + ".pro";
TQStringList l = dir.entryList( "*.pro" );
TQString profile;
if( l.count() && l.findIndex( m_part->projectName() + ".pro") != -1 )
profile = m_part->projectName()+".pro";
else if( l.isEmpty() || ( l.count() && l.findIndex( fi.baseName() + ".pro") != -1 ) )
profile = fi.baseName()+".pro";
profile = l[0];
proname = dirName + TQString( TQChar( TQDir::separator() ) ) + profile;
} else
proname = projectfile;
kdDebug( 9024 ) << "Parsing " << proname << endl;
m_rootScope = new Scope( qmakeEnvironment(), proname, m_part );
if( m_rootScope->scopeType() != Scope::InvalidScope )
m_rootSubproject = new QMakeScopeItem( overview, m_rootScope->scopeName(), m_rootScope, this );
m_rootSubproject->setOpen( true );
if ( m_rootSubproject->firstChild() && m_rootSubproject->scope->variableValues( "TEMPLATE" ).findIndex("subdirs") != -1 )
overview->setSelected( m_rootSubproject->firstChild(), true );
overview->setSelected( m_rootSubproject, true );
delete m_rootScope;
m_rootScope = 0;
// kdDebug(9024) << "Adding " << allFiles().count() << " Files" << endl;
// kdDebug(9024) << allFiles() << endl;
void TrollProjectWidget::createQMakeScopeItems()
void TrollProjectWidget::closeProject()
m_rootSubproject = 0;
delete m_rootScope;
TQStringList TrollProjectWidget::allFiles()
if( !m_rootScope )
return TQStringList();
if( m_filesCached )
return m_allFilesCache;
m_allFilesCache = m_rootScope->allFiles( m_rootScope->projectDir() );
m_filesCached = true;
return m_allFilesCache;
TQString TrollProjectWidget::projectDirectory()
if ( !m_rootScope )
return TQString(); //confused
return m_rootScope->projectDir();
TQString TrollProjectWidget::subprojectDirectory()
if ( !m_shownSubproject )
return TQString();
return m_shownSubproject->scope->projectDir();
void TrollProjectWidget::setupContext()
if ( !m_shownSubproject )
return ;
bool buildable = true;
bool runable = true;
bool fileconfigurable = true;
bool hasSourceFiles = true;
bool hasSubdirs = false;
TQStringList tmpl = m_shownSubproject->scope->variableValues( "TEMPLATE" );
if ( tmpl.findIndex( "lib" ) != -1 )
runable = false;
else if ( tmpl.findIndex( "subdirs" ) != -1 )
hasSubdirs = true;
runable = false;
hasSourceFiles = false;
fileconfigurable = false;
if ( m_shownSubproject->scope->scopeType() != Scope::ProjectScope )
runable = false;
buildable = false;
// Setup toolbars according to context
addSubdirButton->setEnabled( hasSubdirs );
buildTargetButton->setEnabled( buildable );
m_part->actionCollection() ->action( "build_build_target" ) ->setEnabled( buildable );
rebuildTargetButton->setEnabled( buildable );
m_part->actionCollection() ->action( "build_rebuild_target" ) ->setEnabled( buildable );
executeTargetButton->setEnabled( runable );
m_part->actionCollection() ->action( "build_execute_target" ) ->setEnabled( runable );
excludeFileFromScopeButton->setEnabled( !hasSubdirs );
newfileButton->setEnabled( !hasSubdirs );
removefileButton->setEnabled( !hasSubdirs );
addfilesButton->setEnabled( !hasSubdirs );
buildFileButton->setEnabled( !hasSubdirs );
details->setEnabled( hasSourceFiles );
void TrollProjectWidget::slotOverviewSelectionChanged( TQListViewItem *item )
TQString olddir = m_part->activeDirectory();
if ( !item )
kdDebug(9024) << "Trying to select a non-existing item" << endl;
return ;
cleanDetailView( m_shownSubproject );
m_shownSubproject = static_cast<QMakeScopeItem*>( item );
buildProjectDetailTree( m_shownSubproject, details );
TQDomDocument &dom = *( m_part->projectDom() );
DomUtil::writeEntry( dom, "/kdevtrollproject/general/activedir", m_shownSubproject->relativePath() );
if ( m_configDlg && m_configDlg->isShown() )
m_configDlg->updateSubproject( m_shownSubproject );
emit m_part->activeDirectoryChanged( olddir, m_part->activeDirectory() );
TQString TrollProjectWidget::getCurrentTarget()
if ( !m_shownSubproject )
return "";
TQString destdir = getCurrentDestDir();
if ( destdir.isEmpty() )
return getCurrentOutputFilename();
return destdir + TQString( TQChar( TQDir::separator() ) ) + getCurrentOutputFilename();
TQString TrollProjectWidget::getCurrentDestDir()
if ( !m_shownSubproject )
return "";
TQStringList destdir = m_shownSubproject->scope->variableValues( "DESTDIR", true, true, true );
return m_shownSubproject->scope->resolveVariables(m_shownSubproject->scope->variableValues( "DESTDIR", true, true, true ).front());
TQString TrollProjectWidget::getCurrentOutputFilename()
if ( !m_shownSubproject )
return "";
if ( m_shownSubproject->scope->variableValues( "TARGET", true, true, true ).isEmpty() )
TQString exe = m_shownSubproject->scope->resolveVariables(m_shownSubproject->scope->fileName());
return exe.replace( TQRegExp( "\\.pro$" ), "" );
return m_shownSubproject->scope->resolveVariables(m_shownSubproject->scope->variableValues( "TARGET", true, true, true ).front());
void TrollProjectWidget::cleanDetailView( QMakeScopeItem *item )
// If no children in detailview
// it is a subdir template
if ( item && details->childCount() )
TQListViewItem* i = details->firstChild();
while( i )
TQListViewItem* old = i;
i = i->nextSibling();
// TQMapIterator<GroupItem::GroupType, GroupItem*> it1 = item->groups.begin() ;
// for ( ; it1 != item->groups.end(); ++it1 )
// {
// // After AddTargetDialog, it can happen that an
// // item is not yet in the list view, so better check...
// if ( ->parent() )
// while ( ->firstChild() )
// ->takeItem( ->firstChild() );
// details->takeItem( );
// }
void TrollProjectWidget::buildProjectDetailTree( QMakeScopeItem *item, TDEListView *listviewControl )
// Insert all GroupItems and all of their children into the view
if ( !listviewControl || item->scope->variableValues( "TEMPLATE" ).findIndex("subdirs") != -1 )
return ;
TQMapIterator<GroupItem::GroupType, GroupItem*> it2 = item->groups.begin();
TQListViewItem* lastItem = 0;
for ( ; it2 != item->groups.end(); ++it2 )
listviewControl->insertItem( );
lastItem =;
if ( it2.key() == GroupItem::InstallRoot )
TQListViewItem* lastinstallitem = 0;
TQPtrListIterator<GroupItem> it3( ->installs );
for ( ; it3.current(); ++it3 )
| ->insertItem( *it3 );
if ( lastinstallitem )
lastinstallitem = it3.current();
TQPtrListIterator<FileItem> it4( ( *it3 ) ->files );
TQListViewItem* lastfileitem = 0;
for ( ; it4.current(); ++it4 )
( *it3 ) ->insertItem( *it4 );
if ( lastfileitem )
lastfileitem = it4.current();
( *it3 ) ->setOpen( true );
( *it3 ) ->sortChildItems( 0, true );
| ->setOpen( true );
| ->sortChildItems( 0, true );
TQPtrListIterator<FileItem> it3( ->files );
TQListViewItem* lastfileitem = 0;
for ( ; it3.current(); ++it3 )
| ->insertItem( *it3 );
if ( lastfileitem )
lastfileitem = it3.current();
| ->setOpen( true );
| ->sortChildItems( 0, true );
listviewControl->setSelected( listviewControl->selectedItem(), false );
listviewControl->setCurrentItem( 0 );
void TrollProjectWidget::slotDetailsExecuted( TQListViewItem *item )
if ( !item )
return ;
// We assume here that ALL items in both list views
// are qProjectItem's
qProjectItem *pvitem = static_cast<qProjectItem*>( item );
if ( pvitem->type() != qProjectItem::File )
return ;
FileItem *fitem = static_cast<FileItem*>( pvitem );
TQString filePath;
if( m_shownSubproject->scope->scopeType() == Scope::IncludeScope )
filePath = m_shownSubproject->scope->parent()->projectDir();
filePath = m_shownSubproject->scope->projectDir();
filePath += TQChar( TQDir::separator() ) + m_shownSubproject->scope->resolveVariables( fitem->localFilePath );
bool isUiFile = TQFileInfo( fitem->text( 0 ) ).extension() == "ui";
kdDebug(9024) << "Opening file: " << filePath << endl;
if ( isTMakeProject() && isUiFile )
// start designer in your PATH
KShellProcess proc;
proc << "designer" << filePath;
proc.start( TDEProcess::DontCare, TDEProcess::NoCommunication );
m_part->partController() ->editDocument( KURL( filePath ) );
void TrollProjectWidget::slotConfigureProject()
m_configDlg->updateSubproject( m_shownSubproject );
void TrollProjectWidget::slotExecuteTarget()
// no subproject selected
if ( !m_shownSubproject )
return ;
// can't build from scope
if ( m_shownSubproject->scope->scopeType() != Scope::ProjectScope )
return ;
// Only run application projects
if ( !m_shownSubproject->scope->variableValues( "TEMPLATE" ).isEmpty() && m_shownSubproject->scope->variableValues( "TEMPLATE" ).findIndex( "app" ) == -1 )
return ;
//only run once
if (m_part->appFrontend()->isRunning())
if (KMessageBox::questionYesNo(this, i18n("Your application is currently running. Do you want to restart it?"), i18n("Application Already Running"), i18n("&Restart Application"), i18n("Do &Nothing")) == KMessageBox::No)
TQString program = TDEProcess::quote( "." + TQString( TQChar( TQDir::separator() ) ) + getCurrentOutputFilename() );
// Build environment variables to prepend to the executable path
TQString runEnvVars = TQString();
DomUtil::PairList list =
DomUtil::readPairListEntry( *( m_part->projectDom() ), "/kdevtrollproject/run/envvars", "envvar", "name", "value" );
DomUtil::PairList::ConstIterator it;
for ( it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); ++it )
const DomUtil::Pair &pair = ( *it );
if ( ( !pair.first.isEmpty() ) && ( !pair.second.isEmpty() ) )
runEnvVars += pair.first + "=" + pair.second + " ";
program.prepend( runEnvVars );
program.append( " " + m_part->runArguments() + " " );
// std::cerr<<dircmd + "./"+program<<std::endl;
// m_part->execute(dircmd + "./"+program);
// m_part->appFrontend()->startAppCommand(dircmd +"./"+program,true);
bool inTerminal = DomUtil::readBoolEntry( *m_part->projectDom(), "/kdevtrollproject/run/terminal" );
m_part->appFrontend() ->startAppCommand( subprojectDirectory() + TQString( TQChar( TQDir::separator() ) ) + getCurrentDestDir(), program, inTerminal );
void TrollProjectWidget::slotBuildProject()
if ( m_part->partController() ->saveAllFiles() == false )
return ; //user cancelled
TQString dir = projectDirectory();
if ( !m_rootSubproject )
return ;
createMakefileIfMissing( dir, m_rootSubproject );
m_part->mainWindow() ->raiseView( m_part->makeFrontend() ->widget() );
TQString dircmd = "cd " + TDEProcess::quote( dir ) + " && " ;
TQString buildcmd = constructMakeCommandLine( m_rootSubproject->scope );
m_part->queueCmd( dir, dircmd + buildcmd );
void TrollProjectWidget::slotInstallProject()
if ( m_part->partController() ->saveAllFiles() == false )
return ; //user cancelled
TQString dir = projectDirectory();
if ( !m_rootSubproject )
return ;
createMakefileIfMissing( dir, m_rootSubproject );
m_part->mainWindow() ->raiseView( m_part->makeFrontend() ->widget() );
TQString dircmd = "cd " + TDEProcess::quote( dir ) + " && " ;
TQString buildcmd = constructMakeCommandLine( m_rootSubproject->scope ) + " install";
m_part->queueCmd( dir, dircmd + buildcmd );
void TrollProjectWidget::slotBuildTarget()
// no subproject selected
m_part->partController() ->saveAllFiles();
if ( !m_shownSubproject )
return ;
// can't build from scope
if ( m_shownSubproject->scope->scopeType() != Scope::ProjectScope )
return ;
TQString dir = subprojectDirectory();
createMakefileIfMissing( dir, m_shownSubproject );
m_part->mainWindow() ->raiseView( m_part->makeFrontend() ->widget() );
TQString dircmd = "cd " + TDEProcess::quote( dir ) + " && " ;
TQString buildcmd = constructMakeCommandLine( m_shownSubproject->scope );
m_part->queueCmd( dir, dircmd + buildcmd );
void TrollProjectWidget::slotInstallTarget()
// no subproject selected
m_part->partController() ->saveAllFiles();
if ( !m_shownSubproject )
return ;
// can't build from scope
if ( m_shownSubproject->scope->scopeType() != Scope::ProjectScope )
return ;
TQString dir = subprojectDirectory();
createMakefileIfMissing( dir, m_shownSubproject );
m_part->mainWindow() ->raiseView( m_part->makeFrontend() ->widget() );
TQString dircmd = "cd " + TDEProcess::quote( dir ) + " && " ;
TQString buildcmd = constructMakeCommandLine( m_shownSubproject->scope ) + " install";
m_part->queueCmd( dir, dircmd + buildcmd );
void TrollProjectWidget::slotRebuildProject()
m_part->partController() ->saveAllFiles();
TQString dir = this-> projectDirectory();
if ( !m_rootSubproject )
return ;
createMakefileIfMissing( dir, m_rootSubproject );
m_part->mainWindow() ->raiseView( m_part->makeFrontend() ->widget() );
TQString dircmd = "cd " + TDEProcess::quote( dir ) + " && " ;
TQString rebuildcmd = constructMakeCommandLine( m_rootSubproject->scope ) + " clean && " + constructMakeCommandLine( m_rootSubproject->scope );
m_part->queueCmd( dir, dircmd + rebuildcmd );
void TrollProjectWidget::slotRebuildTarget()
// no subproject selected
m_part->partController() ->saveAllFiles();
if ( !m_shownSubproject )
return ;
// can't build from scope
if ( m_shownSubproject->scope->scopeType() != Scope::ProjectScope )
return ;
TQString dir = subprojectDirectory();
createMakefileIfMissing( dir, m_shownSubproject );
m_part->mainWindow() ->raiseView( m_part->makeFrontend() ->widget() );
TQString dircmd = "cd " + TDEProcess::quote( dir ) + " && " ;
TQString rebuildcmd = constructMakeCommandLine( m_shownSubproject->scope ) + " clean && " + constructMakeCommandLine( m_shownSubproject->scope );
m_part->queueCmd( dir, dircmd + rebuildcmd );
void TrollProjectWidget::slotCreateScope( QMakeScopeItem *spitem )
if ( spitem == 0 && m_shownSubproject == 0 )
return ;
spitem = m_shownSubproject;
CreateScopeDlg dlg( spitem, this );
if ( dlg.exec() == TQDialog::Accepted )
spitem->scope->saveToFile( );
spitem->sortChildItems( 0, true );
return ;
void TrollProjectWidget::slotAddSubproject( QMakeScopeItem *spitem )
if ( spitem == 0 && m_shownSubproject == 0 )
return ;
spitem = m_shownSubproject;
m_filesCached = false;
TQString projectdir = spitem->scope->projectDir();
KURLRequesterDlg dialog( i18n( "Add Subproject" ), i18n( "Please enter a name for the subproject: " ), this, 0 );
KURLRequester* req = dialog.urlRequester();
req->setMode( KFile::Directory | KFile::File | KFile::LocalOnly );
req->setFilter( "*.pro|TQMake Project Files (*.pro)" );
req->setURL( TQString() );
req->fileDialog()->setURL( KURL::fromPathOrURL( projectdir ) );
req->completionObject() ->setDir( projectdir );
if ( dialog.exec() == TQDialog::Accepted && !dialog.urlRequester() ->url().isEmpty() )
TQString subdirname;
if ( !TQDir::isRelativePath( dialog.urlRequester() ->url() ) )
subdirname = URLUtil::getRelativePath( projectdir, dialog.urlRequester()->url() );
subdirname = dialog.urlRequester()->url();
while( subdirname.endsWith( TQString(TQChar(TQDir::separator())) ) )
subdirname = subdirname.left(subdirname.length()-1);
if( !subdirname.endsWith(".pro") )
kdDebug(9024) << "Cleaned subdirname: " << subdirname << endl;
TQDir dir( projectdir );
TQString realdir = spitem->scope->resolveVariables( subdirname );
if ( !dir.exists( realdir ) )
if ( !dir.mkdir( realdir ) )
KMessageBox::error( this, i18n( "Failed to create subdirectory. "
"Do you have write permission "
"in the project folder?" ) );
return ;
TQFile f( dir.absPath()+"/"+realdir+"/"+realdir+".pro" );
| IO_WriteOnly );
TQString realdir = spitem->scope->resolveVariables( subdirname );
TQFile f( projectdir+"/"+realdir );
| IO_WriteOnly );
addSubprojectToItem( spitem, subdirname );
void TrollProjectWidget::addSubprojectToItem( QMakeScopeItem* spitem, const TQString& subdirname )
TQListViewItem* item = spitem->firstChild();
while( item )
QMakeScopeItem* sitem = static_cast<QMakeScopeItem*>(item);
if( sitem->scope->scopeName() == subdirname )
if( sitem->scope->isEnabled() )
spitem->scope->removeFromMinusOp( "SUBDIRS", subdirname );
delete item;
if( spitem->scope->variableValues( "SUBDIRS" ).findIndex( subdirname ) != -1 )
item = item->nextSibling();
Scope* subproject = spitem->scope->createSubProject( subdirname );
if( subproject )
new QMakeScopeItem( spitem, subproject->scopeName(), subproject );
// TQListViewItem* lastitem = spitem->firstChild();
// while( lastitem->nextSibling() != 0 )
// lastitem = lastitem->nextSibling();
// newitem->moveItem( lastitem );
KMessageBox::error(this, i18n("Could not create subproject. This means that either the project you wanted"
" to add a subproject to is not parsed correctly, or it is not a"
" subdirs-project."), i18n("Subproject creation failed") );
spitem->sortChildItems( 0, true );
void TrollProjectWidget::slotRemoveSubproject( QMakeScopeItem *spitem )
if ( spitem == 0 && m_shownSubproject == 0 )
return ;
else if ( ( spitem = dynamic_cast<QMakeScopeItem *>( m_shownSubproject->parent() ) ) != NULL )
m_filesCached = false;
bool delsubdir = false;
if ( KMessageBox::warningYesNo( this, i18n( "Delete the file/directory of the subproject from disk?" ), i18n( "Delete subdir?" ) ) == KMessageBox::Yes )
delsubdir = true;
if( !spitem->scope->deleteSubProject( m_shownSubproject->scope->getNum(), delsubdir ) )
KMessageBox::error(this, i18n("Could not delete subproject.\nThis is an internal error, please write a"
" bug report to and include the output of tdevelop when run"
"from a shell."),i18n("Subproject Deletion failed"));
delete m_shownSubproject;
m_shownSubproject = spitem;
spitem->scope->saveToFile( );
overview->setCurrentItem( m_shownSubproject );
overview->setSelected( m_shownSubproject, true );
void TrollProjectWidget::slotOverviewContextMenu( TDEListView *, TQListViewItem *item, const TQPoint &p )
if ( !item )
return ;
QMakeScopeItem *spitem = static_cast<QMakeScopeItem*>( item );
TDEPopupMenu popup( this );
popup.insertTitle( i18n( "Subproject %1" ).arg( item->text( 0 ) ) );
int idBuild = -2;
int idRebuild = -2;
int idClean = -2;
int idInstall = -2;
int idDistClean = -2;
int idQmake = -2;
int idQmakeRecursive = -2;
int idProjectConfiguration = -2;
int idAddSubproject = -2;
int idRemoveSubproject = -2;
int idDisableSubproject = -2;
int idRemoveScope = -2;
int idAddScope = -2;
if ( spitem->scope->scopeType() == Scope::ProjectScope && ( !spitem->scope->parent() || spitem->scope->parent()->scopeType() == Scope::ProjectScope ) )
idBuild = popup.insertItem( SmallIcon( "make_tdevelop" ), i18n( "Build" ) );
popup.setWhatsThis( idBuild, i18n( "<b>Build</b><p>Runs <b>make</b> from the selected subproject directory.<br>"
"Environment variables and make arguments can be specified "
"in the project settings dialog, <b>Make Options</b> tab." ) );
idInstall = popup.insertItem( i18n( "Install" ) );
popup.setWhatsThis( idBuild, i18n( "<b>Install</b><p>Runs <b>make install</b> from the selected subproject directory.<br>"
"Environment variables and make arguments can be specified "
"in the project settings dialog, <b>Make Options</b> tab." ) );
idClean = popup.insertItem( i18n( "Clean" ) );
popup.setWhatsThis( idBuild, i18n( "<b>Clean project</b><p>Runs <b>make clean</b> command from the project "
"directory.<br> Environment variables and make arguments can be specified "
"in the project settings dialog, <b>Make Options</b> tab." ) );
idDistClean = popup.insertItem( i18n( "Dist-Clean" ) );
popup.setWhatsThis( idBuild, i18n( "<b>Dist-Clean project</b><p>Runs <b>make distclean</b> command from the project "
"directory.<br> Environment variables and make arguments can be specified "
"in the project settings dialog, <b>Make Options</b> tab." ) );
idRebuild = popup.insertItem( SmallIcon( "rebuild" ), i18n( "Rebuild" ) );
popup.setWhatsThis( idRebuild, i18n( "<b>Rebuild project</b><p>Runs <b>make clean</b> and then <b>make</b> from "
"the project directory.<br>Environment variables and make arguments can be "
"specified in the project settings dialog, <b>Make Options</b> tab." ) );
idQmake = popup.insertItem( SmallIcon( "qmakerun" ), i18n( "Run qmake" ) );
popup.setWhatsThis( idQmake, i18n( "<b>Run qmake</b><p>Runs <b>qmake</b> from the selected subproject directory. This creates or regenerates Makefile." ) );
idQmakeRecursive = popup.insertItem( SmallIcon( "qmakerun" ), i18n( "Run qmake recursively" ) );
popup.setWhatsThis( idQmakeRecursive, i18n( "<b>Run qmake recursively</b><p>Runs <b>qmake</b> from the selected "
"subproject directory and recurses into all subproject directories. "
"This creates or regenerates Makefile." ) );
idAddSubproject = popup.insertItem( SmallIcon( "folder-new" ), i18n( "Add Subproject..." ) );
popup.setWhatsThis( idAddSubproject, i18n( "<b>Add subproject</b><p>Creates a <i>new</i> or adds an <i>existing</i> subproject to a currently selected subproject. "
"This action is allowed only if a type of the subproject is 'subdirectories'. The type of the subproject can be "
"defined in <b>Subproject Settings</b> dialog (open it from the subproject context menu)." ) );
if ( spitem->scope->variableValues( "TEMPLATE" ).findIndex( "subdirs" ) == -1 )
popup.setItemEnabled( idAddSubproject, false );
idRemoveSubproject = popup.insertItem( SmallIcon( "remove_subdir" ), i18n( "Remove Subproject..." ) );
popup.setWhatsThis( idRemoveSubproject, i18n( "<b>Remove subproject</b><p>Removes currently selected subproject. Does not delete any file from disk. Deleted subproject can be later added by calling 'Add Subproject' action." ) );
if ( spitem->parent() == NULL )
popup.setItemEnabled( idRemoveSubproject, false );
idAddScope = popup.insertItem( SmallIcon( "qmake_scopenew" ), i18n( "Create Scope..." ) );
popup.setWhatsThis( idAddScope, i18n( "<b>Create scope</b><p>Creates TQMake scope in the project file of the currently selected subproject." ) );
idProjectConfiguration = popup.insertItem( SmallIcon( "configure" ), i18n( "Subproject Settings" ) );
popup.setWhatsThis( idProjectConfiguration, i18n( "<b>Subproject settings</b><p>Opens <b>TQMake Subproject Configuration</b> dialog. "
"It provides settings for:<br>subproject type and configuration,<br>include and library paths,<br>lists of dependencies and "
"external libraries,<br>build order,<br>intermediate files locations,<br>compiler options." ) );
idAddScope = popup.insertItem( SmallIcon( "qmake_scopenew" ), i18n( "Create Scope..." ) );
popup.setWhatsThis( idAddScope, i18n( "<b>Create Scope</b><p>Creates TQMake scope in the currently selected scope." ) );
idRemoveScope = popup.insertItem( SmallIcon( "edit-delete" ), i18n( "Remove Scope" ) );
popup.setWhatsThis( idRemoveScope, i18n( "<b>Remove Scope</b><p>Removes currently selected scope." ) );
idAddSubproject = popup.insertItem( SmallIcon( "folder-new" ), i18n( "Add Subproject..." ) );
popup.setWhatsThis( idAddSubproject, i18n( "<b>Add subproject</b><p>Creates a <i>new</i> or adds an <i>existing</i> subproject to the currently selected scope. "
"This action is allowed only if the type of the subproject is 'subdirectories'. The type of the subproject can be "
"defined in the <b>Subproject Settings</b> dialog (open it from the subproject context menu)." ) );
if ( spitem->scope->variableValues( "TEMPLATE" ).findIndex( "subdirs" ) == -1 )
popup.setItemEnabled( idAddSubproject, false );
idDisableSubproject = popup.insertItem( SmallIcon( "remove_subdir" ), i18n( "Disable Subproject..." ) );
popup.setWhatsThis( idRemoveSubproject, i18n( "<b>Disable subproject</b><p>Disables the currently selected subproject when this scope is active. Does not delete the directory from disk. The deleted subproject can be later added by using the 'Add Subproject' action." ) );
if( spitem->scope->variableValues( "TEMPLATE" ).findIndex( "subdirs" ) == -1 && spitem->scope->parent()->variableValues( "TEMPLATE" ).findIndex( "subdirs" ) == -1 )
popup.setItemEnabled( idDisableSubproject, false );
idProjectConfiguration = popup.insertItem( SmallIcon( "configure" ), i18n( "Scope Settings" ) );
popup.setWhatsThis( idProjectConfiguration, i18n( "<b>Scope settings</b><p>Opens <b>TQMake Subproject Configuration</b> dialog. "
"It provides settings for:<br>subproject type and configuration,<br>include and library paths,<br>lists of dependencies and "
"external libraries,<br>build order,<br>intermediate files locations,<br>compiler options." ) );
int r = popup.exec( p );
TQString relpath = spitem->relativePath();
if ( r == idAddSubproject )
slotAddSubproject( spitem );
if ( r == idRemoveSubproject )
slotRemoveSubproject( spitem );
if ( r == idDisableSubproject )
slotDisableSubproject( spitem );
if ( r == idAddScope )
slotCreateScope( spitem );
else if ( r == idRemoveScope )
slotRemoveScope( spitem );
else if ( r == idBuild )
// m_part->startMakeCommand(projectDirectory() + relpath, TQString::fromLatin1(""));
else if ( r == idInstall )
// m_part->startMakeCommand(projectDirectory() + relpath, TQString::fromLatin1(""));
else if ( r == idRebuild )
else if ( r == idClean )
else if ( r == idDistClean )
else if ( r == idQmake )
m_part->startTQMakeCommand( projectDirectory() + TQString(TQChar(TQDir::separator())) + relpath );
else if ( r == idQmakeRecursive )
runTQMakeRecursive( spitem );
else if ( r == idProjectConfiguration )
m_configDlg->updateSubproject( spitem );
void TrollProjectWidget::addFileToCurrentSubProject( GroupItem *titem, const TQString &filename )
m_filesCached = false;
titem->addFileToScope( filename );
void TrollProjectWidget::addFileToCurrentSubProject( GroupItem::GroupType gtype, const TQString &filename )
if ( !m_shownSubproject )
return ;
m_filesCached = false;
GroupItem *gitem = 0;
if ( m_shownSubproject->groups.contains( gtype ) )
gitem = m_shownSubproject->groups[ gtype ];
if ( !gitem )
return ;
gitem->addFileToScope( filename );
* Method adds a file to the current project by grouped
* by file extension
void TrollProjectWidget::addFiles( TQStringList &files, bool relativeToProjectRoot )
if ( !m_shownSubproject )
return ;
kdDebug(9024) << "Files to add:"<<files << " " << relativeToProjectRoot <<endl;
m_filesCached = false;
for ( TQStringList::Iterator it = files.begin(); it != files.end(); ++it )
TQString fileName = *it;
kdDebug(9024) << "Adding file:" << fileName << " " << relativeToProjectRoot << endl;
if ( m_shownSubproject->scope->variableValues( "TEMPLATE" ).findIndex( "subdirs" ) != -1 && !fileName.endsWith(".pro") )
ChooseSubprojectDlg dlg( this, false );
if ( dlg.exec() == TQDialog::Accepted )
if ( dlg.selectedSubproject() && dlg.selectedSubproject()->scope->variableValues("TEMPLATE").findIndex( "subdirs" ) != -1 )
fileName = URLUtil::getRelativePath( dlg.selectedSubproject()->scope->projectDir() ,
fileName ) );
overview->setCurrentItem( dlg.selectedSubproject() );
KMessageBox::error( this, i18n("You did not select a subproject to add the file to, or select a subproject that has subdirs."), i18n( "File adding aborted" ) );
TQFileInfo info( fileName );
TQString ext = info.extension( false ).simplifyWhiteSpace();
TQString noPathFileName;
if( relativeToProjectRoot )
noPathFileName = URLUtil::getRelativePath( m_shownSubproject->scope->projectDir(), TQDir::cleanDirPath(projectDirectory()+TQString(TQChar(TQDir::separator()))+fileName ) );
noPathFileName = URLUtil::getRelativePath( m_shownSubproject->scope->projectDir(), TQDir::cleanDirPath(m_shownSubproject->scope->projectDir()+TQString(TQChar(TQDir::separator()))+fileName ) );
if( DomUtil::readBoolEntry( *m_part->projectDom(), "/kdevtrollproject/qmake/replacePaths", false ) )
TQString var = m_shownSubproject->scope->findCustomVarForPath( TQFileInfo( noPathFileName ).dirPath() );
if( !var.isEmpty() )
noPathFileName = "$${"+var+"}"+TQString( TQChar( TQDir::separator() ) )+TQFileInfo( noPathFileName ).fileName();
kdDebug(9024) << "calc filename:" << noPathFileName << endl;
// GroupItem *gitem = 0;
// GroupItem::GroupType gtype = GroupItem::groupTypeForExtension( ext );
// if ( m_shownSubproject->groups.contains( gtype ) )
// gitem = m_shownSubproject->groups[ gtype ];
if( ext == "pro" )
addSubprojectToItem( findSubprojectForPath( TQFileInfo( fileName ).dirPath() ), TQFileInfo( fileName ).fileName() );
addFileToCurrentSubProject( GroupItem::groupTypeForExtension( ext ), noPathFileName );
slotOverviewSelectionChanged( m_shownSubproject );
kdDebug(9024) << "emitting" << relativeToProjectRoot << " " << fileName << endl;
if( relativeToProjectRoot )
emitAddedFile ( projectDirectory()+TQString( TQChar( TQDir::separator() ) ) + fileName );
emitAddedFile ( m_shownSubproject->scope->projectDir()+TQString( TQChar( TQDir::separator() ) ) + fileName );
void TrollProjectWidget::slotAddFiles()
static KURL lastVisited;
TQString cleanSubprojectDir = TQDir::cleanDirPath( m_shownSubproject->scope->projectDir() );
TQString title, filter;
TQString otherTitle, otherFilter;
GroupItem* item = dynamic_cast<GroupItem*>( details->selectedItem() );
GroupItem::GroupType type = item ? item->groupType : GroupItem::NoType;
GroupItem::groupTypeMeanings( type, title, filter );
filter += "|" + title;
m_filesCached = false;
for ( int i = GroupItem::NoType + 1; i < GroupItem::MaxTypeEnum; ++i )
if ( type != i )
GroupItem::groupTypeMeanings( static_cast<GroupItem::GroupType>( i ), otherTitle, otherFilter );
filter += "\n" + otherFilter + "|" + otherTitle;
filter += "\n*|" + i18n( "All Files" );
AddFilesDialog *dialog = new AddFilesDialog( cleanSubprojectDir,
"Insert existing files",
true, new TQComboBox( false ) );
dialog->setMode( KFile::Files | KFile::ExistingOnly | KFile::LocalOnly );
if ( !lastVisited.isEmpty() )
dialog->setURL( lastVisited );
TQStringList files = dialog->selectedFiles();
lastVisited = dialog->baseURL();
for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < files.count(); i++ )
switch ( dialog->mode() )
case AddFilesDialog::Copy:
// Copy selected files to current subproject folder
// and add them to the filelist
TQString filename = KURL( files[ i ] ).fileName();
TDEIO::NetAccess::file_copy( files[ i ], cleanSubprojectDir + TQString( TQChar( TQDir::separator() ) ) + filename, -1, false, false, this );
TQFile testExist( cleanSubprojectDir + TQString( TQChar( TQDir::separator() ) ) + filename );
if ( testExist.exists() )
TQStringList files( filename );
addFiles( files, false );
case AddFilesDialog::Link:
// Link selected files to current subproject folder
TDEProcess *proc = new TDEProcess( TQT_TQOBJECT(this) );
*proc << "ln";
*proc << "-s";
*proc << files[ i ];
*proc << cleanSubprojectDir;
TQString filename = files[ i ].right( files[ i ].length() - files[ i ].findRev( '/' ) - 1 );
// and add them to the filelist
TQFile testExist( cleanSubprojectDir + TQString( TQChar( TQDir::separator() ) ) + filename );
if ( testExist.exists() )
TQStringList files( filename );
addFiles( files, false );
case AddFilesDialog::Relative:
// Form relative path to current subproject folder
TQString theFile = files[ i ];
TQStringList files( URLUtil::relativePathToFile( cleanSubprojectDir , theFile )
addFiles( files, false );
GroupItem* TrollProjectWidget::getInstallRoot( QMakeScopeItem* item )
if ( item->groups.contains( GroupItem::InstallRoot ) )
return item->groups[ GroupItem::InstallRoot ];
return 0;
GroupItem* TrollProjectWidget::getInstallObject( QMakeScopeItem* item, const TQString& objectname )
GroupItem * instroot = getInstallRoot( item );
if ( !instroot )
return 0;
TQPtrListIterator<GroupItem> it( instroot->installs );
for ( ;it.current();++it )
if ( ( *it ) ->groupType == GroupItem::InstallObject &&
( *it ) ->text( 0 ) == objectname )
return * it;
return 0;
void TrollProjectWidget::slotNewFile()
GroupItem * gitem = dynamic_cast<GroupItem*>( details->currentItem() );
m_filesCached = false;
if( !gitem )
gitem = dynamic_cast<GroupItem*>( details->currentItem()->parent() );
if ( gitem )
if ( gitem->groupType == GroupItem::InstallObject )
// TQString relpath = m_shownSubproject->path.mid(projectDirectory().length());
bool ok = FALSE;
TQString filepattern = KInputDialog::getText(
i18n( "Insert New Filepattern" ),
i18n( "Please enter a filepattern relative the current "
"subproject (example docs/*.html):" ),
TQString(), &ok, this );
if ( ok && !filepattern.isEmpty() )
addFileToCurrentSubProject( gitem, filepattern );
slotOverviewSelectionChanged( m_shownSubproject );
return ;
if ( gitem->groupType == GroupItem::InstallRoot )
// TQString relpath = m_shownSubproject->path.mid(projectDirectory().length());
bool ok = FALSE;
TQString install_obj = KInputDialog::getText(
i18n( "Insert New Install Object" ),
i18n( "Please enter a name for the new object:" ),
TQString(), &ok, this );
if ( ok && !install_obj.isEmpty() )
gitem->addInstallObject( install_obj );
//GroupItem * institem = createGroupItem( GroupItem::InstallObject, install_obj , m_shownSubproject );
//gitem->owner->scope->addToPlusOp("INSTALLS", install_obj);
slotOverviewSelectionChanged( m_shownSubproject );
return ;
KDevCreateFile * createFileSupport = m_part->extension<KDevCreateFile>( "TDevelop/CreateFile" );
TQString fcext;
if( gitem )
switch ( gitem->groupType )
case GroupItem::Sources:
fcext = "cpp";
case GroupItem::Headers:
fcext = "h";
case GroupItem::Forms:
if ( !m_part->isTQt4Project() )
fcext = "ui-widget";
fcext = "ui-widget-qt4";
case GroupItem::Translations:
fcext = "ts";
case GroupItem::Lexsources:
fcext = "l";
case GroupItem::Yaccsources:
fcext = "y";
case GroupItem::Resources:
fcext = "qrc";
fcext = TQString();
KDevCreateFile::CreatedFile crFile =
createFileSupport->createNewFile( fcext, projectDirectory() + TQString(TQChar(TQDir::separator()))+ m_shownSubproject->relativePath() );
void TrollProjectWidget::slotRemoveFile()
TQListViewItem * selectedItem = details->currentItem();
if ( !selectedItem )
return ;
m_filesCached = false;
qProjectItem *pvitem = static_cast<qProjectItem*>( selectedItem );
// Check that it is a file (just in case)
if ( pvitem->type() != qProjectItem::File )
return ;
FileItem *fitem = static_cast<FileItem*>( pvitem );
removeFile( m_shownSubproject, fitem );
void TrollProjectWidget::slotExcludeFileFromScopeButton()
TQListViewItem * selectedItem = details->currentItem();
if ( !selectedItem )
return ;
qProjectItem *pvitem = static_cast<qProjectItem*>( selectedItem );
// Check that it is a file (just in case)
if ( pvitem->type() != qProjectItem::File )
return ;
FileItem *fitem = static_cast<FileItem*>( pvitem );
GroupItem *gitem = static_cast<GroupItem*>( fitem->parent() );
gitem->removeFileFromScope( fitem->text( 0 ) );
void TrollProjectWidget::slotDetailsSelectionChanged( TQListViewItem *item )
if ( !item )
removefileButton->setEnabled( false );
excludeFileFromScopeButton->setEnabled( false );
return ;
removefileButton->setEnabled( false );
excludeFileFromScopeButton->setEnabled( false );
qProjectItem *pvitem = static_cast<qProjectItem*>( item );
if ( pvitem->type() == qProjectItem::Group )
GroupItem * gitem = static_cast<GroupItem*>( item );
if ( gitem->groupType == GroupItem::InstallObject )
excludeFileFromScopeButton->setEnabled( true );
newfileButton->setEnabled( true );
else if ( gitem->groupType == GroupItem::InstallRoot )
newfileButton->setEnabled( true );
addfilesButton->setEnabled( true );
newfileButton->setEnabled( true );
else if ( pvitem->type() == qProjectItem::File )
removefileButton->setEnabled( true );
excludeFileFromScopeButton->setEnabled( true );
/* buildTargetButton->setEnabled(true);
void TrollProjectWidget::slotDetailsContextMenu( TDEListView *, TQListViewItem *item, const TQPoint &p )
if ( !item )
return ;
qProjectItem *pvitem = static_cast<qProjectItem*>( item );
if ( pvitem->type() == qProjectItem::Group )
GroupItem * titem = static_cast<GroupItem*>( pvitem );
TQString title, ext;
GroupItem::groupTypeMeanings( titem->groupType, title, ext );
TDEPopupMenu popup( this );
popup.insertTitle( title );
int idInsExistingFile = -2;
int idInsNewFile = -2;
int idInsInstallObject = -2;
int idInsNewFilepatternItem = -2;
int idSetInstObjPath = -2;
int idLUpdate = -2;
int idLRelease = -2;
int idRemoveFile = -2;
// int idFileProperties = popup.insertItem(SmallIconSet("document-new"),i18n("Properties..."));
if ( titem->groupType == GroupItem::InstallRoot )
idInsInstallObject = popup.insertItem( SmallIconSet( "document-open" ), i18n( "Add Install Object..." ) );
popup.setWhatsThis( idInsInstallObject, i18n( "<b>Add install object</b><p>Creates TQMake install object. "
"It is possible to define a list of files to install and installation locations for each object. Warning! "
"Install objects without path specified will not be saved to a project file." ) );
else if ( titem->groupType == GroupItem::InstallObject )
idSetInstObjPath = popup.insertItem( SmallIconSet( "document-open" ), i18n( "Install Path..." ) );
popup.setWhatsThis( idSetInstObjPath, i18n( "<b>Install path</b><p>Allows to choose the installation path for the current install object." ) );
idInsNewFilepatternItem = popup.insertItem( SmallIconSet( "document-open" ), i18n( "Add Pattern of Files to Install..." ) );
popup.setWhatsThis( idInsNewFilepatternItem, i18n( "<b>Add pattern of files to install</b><p>Defines the pattern to match files which will be installed. "
"It is possible to use wildcards and relative paths like <i>docs/*</i>." ) );
idRemoveFile = popup.insertItem( SmallIconSet( "edit-delete" ), i18n( "Remove Install Object" ) );
popup.setWhatsThis( idRemoveFile, i18n( "<b>Remove install object</b><p>Removes the install object the current group." ) );
else if ( titem->groupType == GroupItem::Translations )
idInsNewFile = popup.insertItem( SmallIconSet( "document-new" ), i18n( "Create New File..." ) );
popup.setWhatsThis( idInsNewFile, i18n( "<b>Create new file</b><p>Creates a new translation file and adds it to a currently selected TRANSLATIONS group." ) );
idInsExistingFile = popup.insertItem( SmallIconSet( "document-open" ), i18n( "Add Existing Files..." ) );
popup.setWhatsThis( idInsExistingFile, i18n( "<b>Add existing files</b><p>Adds existing translation (*.ts) files to a currently selected TRANSLATIONS group. It is "
"possible to copy files to a current subproject directory, create symbolic links or "
"add them with the relative path." ) );
idLUpdate = popup.insertItem( SmallIconSet( "konsole" ), i18n( "Update Translation Files" ) );
popup.setWhatsThis( idLUpdate, i18n( "<b>Update Translation Files</b><p>Runs <b>lupdate</b> command from the current subproject directory. It collects translatable "
"messages and saves them into translation files." ) );
idLRelease = popup.insertItem( SmallIconSet( "konsole" ), i18n( "Release Binary Translations" ) );
popup.setWhatsThis( idLRelease, i18n( "<b>Release Binary Translations</b><p>Runs <b>lrelease</b> command from the current subproject directory. It creates binary "
"translation files that are ready to be loaded at program execution." ) );
else // File group containing files
idInsNewFile = popup.insertItem( SmallIconSet( "document-new" ), i18n( "Create New File..." ) );
popup.setWhatsThis( idInsNewFile, i18n( "<b>Create new file</b><p>Creates a new file and adds it to a currently selected group." ) );
idInsExistingFile = popup.insertItem( SmallIconSet( "document-open" ), i18n( "Add Existing Files..." ) );
popup.setWhatsThis( idInsExistingFile, i18n( "<b>Add existing files</b><p>Adds existing files to a currently selected group. It is "
"possible to copy files to a current subproject directory, create symbolic links or "
"add them with the relative path." ) );
int r = popup.exec( p );
TQString cleanSubprojectPath = TQDir::cleanDirPath( m_shownSubproject->scope->projectDir() );
if ( r == idSetInstObjPath )
KURLRequesterDlg dialog( i18n( "Choose Install Path" ), i18n( "Enter a path "
"(example /usr/local/share/... ):" ), this, 0 );
dialog.urlRequester() ->setMode( KFile::Directory );
dialog.urlRequester() ->setURL( titem->owner->scope->variableValues( titem->text( 0 ) + ".path" ).front() );
if ( dialog.exec() == TQDialog::Accepted )
titem->owner->scope->setEqualOp( titem->text( 0 ) + ".path", dialog.urlRequester() ->url() );
titem->owner->scope->saveToFile( );
else if ( r == idInsNewFilepatternItem )
bool ok = FALSE;
TQString filepattern = KInputDialog::getText(
i18n( "Add Pattern of Files to Install" ),
i18n( "Enter a pattern relative to the current "
"subproject (example docs/*.html):" ),
TQString(), &ok, this );
if ( ok && !filepattern.isEmpty() )
addFileToCurrentSubProject( titem, filepattern );
slotOverviewSelectionChanged( m_shownSubproject );
else if ( r == idInsExistingFile )
AddFilesDialog * dialog = new AddFilesDialog( cleanSubprojectPath,
ext + "|" + title + " (" + ext + ")",
"Add existing files",
true, new TQComboBox( false ) );
dialog->setMode( KFile::Files | KFile::ExistingOnly | KFile::LocalOnly );
if ( dialog->exec() == TQDialog::Rejected )
return ;
TQStringList files = dialog->selectedFiles();
for ( unsigned int i = 0;i < files.count();++i )
switch ( dialog->mode() )
case AddFilesDialog::Copy:
// Copy selected files to current subproject folder
// and add them to the filelist
TQString filename = KURL( files[ i ] ).fileName();
TDEIO::NetAccess::file_copy( files[ i ], cleanSubprojectPath + TQString( TQChar( TQDir::separator() ) ) + filename, -1, false, false, this );
TQFile testExist( cleanSubprojectPath + TQString( TQChar( TQDir::separator() ) ) + filename );
if ( testExist.exists() )
TQStringList files( filename );
addFiles( files, false );
case AddFilesDialog::Link:
// Link selected files to current subproject folder
TDEProcess *proc = new TDEProcess( TQT_TQOBJECT(this) );
*proc << "ln";
*proc << "-s";
*proc << files[ i ];
*proc << cleanSubprojectPath;
TQString filename = files[ i ].right( files[ i ].length() - files[ i ].findRev( '/' ) - 1 );
// and add them to the filelist
TQFile testExist( cleanSubprojectPath + TQString( TQChar( TQDir::separator() ) ) + filename );
if ( testExist.exists() )
TQStringList files( filename );
addFiles( files, false );
case AddFilesDialog::Relative:
// Form relative path to current subproject folder
TQString theFile = files[ i ];
TQStringList files( URLUtil::relativePathToFile( cleanSubprojectPath, theFile )
addFiles( files, false );
// Update project file
if ( titem && titem->owner )
titem->owner->scope->saveToFile( );
// Update subprojectview
slotOverviewSelectionChanged( m_shownSubproject );
else if ( r == idInsNewFile )
KDevCreateFile * createFileSupport = m_part->extension<KDevCreateFile>( "TDevelop/CreateFile" );
TQString fcext;
switch ( titem->groupType )
case GroupItem::Sources:
fcext = "cpp";
case GroupItem::Headers:
fcext = "h";
case GroupItem::Forms:
if ( !m_part->isTQt4Project() )
fcext = "ui-widget";
fcext = "ui-widget-qt4";
case GroupItem::Translations:
fcext = "ts";
case GroupItem::Lexsources:
fcext = "l";
case GroupItem::Yaccsources:
fcext = "y";
case GroupItem::Resources:
fcext = "qrc";
fcext = TQString();
KDevCreateFile::CreatedFile crFile =
createFileSupport->createNewFile( fcext, cleanSubprojectPath );
else if ( r == idInsInstallObject )
bool ok = FALSE;
TQString install_obj = KInputDialog::getText(
i18n( "Add Install Object" ),
i18n( "Enter a name for the new object:" ),
TQString(), &ok, this );
if ( ok && !install_obj.isEmpty() )
titem->addInstallObject( install_obj );
slotOverviewSelectionChanged( m_shownSubproject );
else if ( r == idLUpdate )
TQString cmd = "lupdate ";
cmd += m_shownSubproject->scope->fileName();
m_part->appFrontend() ->startAppCommand( m_shownSubproject->scope->projectDir(), cmd, false );
else if ( r == idLRelease )
TQString cmd = "lrelease ";
cmd += m_shownSubproject->scope->fileName();
m_part->appFrontend() ->startAppCommand( m_shownSubproject->scope->projectDir(), cmd, false );
}else if( r == idRemoveFile )
static_cast<GroupItem*>(titem->parent())->removeInstallObject( titem );
slotOverviewSelectionChanged( m_shownSubproject );
else if ( pvitem->type() == qProjectItem::File )
removefileButton->setEnabled( true );
FileItem *fitem = static_cast<FileItem*>( pvitem );
GroupItem* gitem = static_cast<GroupItem*>( item->parent() );
TDEPopupMenu popup( this );
if ( !( gitem->groupType == GroupItem::InstallObject ) )
popup.insertTitle( i18n( "File: %1" ).arg( fitem->text( 0 ) ) );
popup.insertTitle( i18n( "Pattern: %1" ).arg( fitem->text( 0 ) ) );
int idRemoveFile = -2;
int idSubclassWidget = -2;
int idUpdateWidgetclass = -2;
int idBuildFile = -2;
int idUISubclasses = -2;
int idViewUIH = -2;
int idFileProperties = -2;
int idEditInstallPattern = -2;
if ( !fitem->uiFileLink.isEmpty() )
idUpdateWidgetclass = popup.insertItem( SmallIconSet( "qmake_subclass" ), i18n( "Edit ui-Subclass..." ) );
popup.setWhatsThis( idUpdateWidgetclass, i18n( "<b>Edit ui-subclass</b><p>Launches <b>Subclassing</b> wizard "
"and prompts to implement missing in childclass slots and functions." ) );
if ( fitem->text( 0 ).contains( ".ui" ) )
idSubclassWidget = popup.insertItem( SmallIconSet( "qmake_subclass" ), i18n( "Subclassing Wizard..." ) );
popup.setWhatsThis( idSubclassWidget, i18n( "<b>Subclass widget</b><p>Launches <b>Subclassing</b> wizard. "
"It allows to create a subclass from the class defined in .ui file. "
"There is also possibility to implement slots and functions defined in the base class." ) );
if ( !m_part->isTQt4Project() )
idViewUIH = popup.insertItem( SmallIconSet( "qmake_ui_h" ), i18n( "Open ui.h File" ) );
popup.setWhatsThis( idViewUIH, i18n( "<b>Open ui.h file</b><p>Opens .ui.h file associated with the selected .ui." ) );
idUISubclasses = popup.insertItem( SmallIconSet( "qmake_subclass" ), i18n( "List of Subclasses..." ) );
popup.setWhatsThis( idUISubclasses, i18n( "<b>List of subclasses</b><p>Shows subclasses list editor. "
"There is possibility to add or remove subclasses from the list." ) );
if ( !( gitem->groupType == GroupItem::InstallObject ) )
idRemoveFile = popup.insertItem( SmallIconSet( "edit-delete" ), i18n( "Remove File" ) );
popup.setWhatsThis( idRemoveFile, i18n( "<b>Remove file</b><p>Removes file from a current group. For sources, this also removes the subclassing information." ) );
idFileProperties = popup.insertItem( SmallIconSet( "configure_file" ), i18n( "Exclude File" ) );
popup.setWhatsThis( idFileProperties, i18n( "<b>Exclude File</b><p>Excludes the file from this Scope. Does not touch subclassing information" ) );
idEditInstallPattern = popup.insertItem( SmallIconSet( "configure_file" ), i18n( "Edit Pattern" ) );
popup.setWhatsThis( idEditInstallPattern, i18n( "<b>Edit pattern</b><p>Allows to edit install files pattern." ) );
idRemoveFile = popup.insertItem( SmallIconSet( "edit-delete" ), i18n( "Remove Pattern" ) );
popup.setWhatsThis( idRemoveFile, i18n( "<b>Remove pattern</b><p>Removes install files pattern from the current install object." ) );
if ( !( gitem->groupType == GroupItem::InstallObject ) )
KURL::List urls;
urls.append( m_shownSubproject->scope->projectDir() + TQChar( TQDir::separator() ) + m_shownSubproject->scope->resolveVariables( fitem->localFilePath ) );
FileContext context( urls );
m_part->core() ->fillContextMenu( &popup, &context );
if ( gitem->groupType == GroupItem::Sources )
idBuildFile = popup.insertItem( SmallIconSet( "make_tdevelop" ), i18n( "Build File" ) );
popup.setWhatsThis( idBuildFile, i18n( "<b>Build File</b><p>Builds the object file for this source file." ) );
int r = popup.exec( p );
if ( r == idRemoveFile )
removeFile( m_shownSubproject, fitem );
else if ( r == idFileProperties )
else if ( r == idViewUIH )
kdDebug(9024) << "Opening:" << fitem->text(0) << ";" << fitem->text(0).replace(".ui","") << endl;
m_part->partController() ->editDocument( KURL( m_shownSubproject->scope->projectDir() + TQChar( TQDir::separator() ) +
fitem->localFilePath.replace(".ui","") + ".h" ) );
else if ( r == idSubclassWidget )
TQStringList newFileNames;
newFileNames = m_part->languageSupport() ->subclassWidget( m_shownSubproject->scope->projectDir() + TQChar( TQDir::separator() ) + fitem->localFilePath );
kdDebug(9024) << "got new filenames: " << newFileNames << endl;
if ( !newFileNames.empty() )
TQDomDocument & dom = *( m_part->projectDom() );
for ( uint i = 0; i < newFileNames.count(); ++i )
TQString srcfile_relpath = URLUtil::getRelativePath( m_shownSubproject->scope->projectDir(), newFileNames[ i ] ) ;
newFileNames[i] = URLUtil::getRelativePath( projectDirectory(), newFileNames[ i ] ) ;
TQString uifile_relpath = m_shownSubproject->relativePath() + TQChar( TQDir::separator() ) + fitem->localFilePath;
DomUtil::PairList list = DomUtil::readPairListEntry( dom, "/kdevtrollproject/subclassing" ,
"subclass", "sourcefile", "uifile" );
list << DomUtil::Pair( srcfile_relpath, uifile_relpath );
DomUtil::writePairListEntry( dom, "/kdevtrollproject/subclassing", "subclass", "sourcefile", "uifile", list );
// newFileNames[i] = newFileNames[i].replace(TQRegExp(projectDirectory()+"/"),"");
tqWarning( "new file: %s", newFileNames[ i ].latin1() );
m_subclasslist = DomUtil::readPairListEntry( dom, "/kdevtrollproject/subclassing" ,
"subclass", "sourcefile", "uifile" );
m_part->addFiles( newFileNames );
else if ( r == idUpdateWidgetclass )
TQString noext = fitem->text( 0 );
if ( noext.findRev( '.' ) > -1 )
noext = noext.left( noext.findRev( '.' ) );
TQStringList dummy;
TQString uifile = fitem->uiFileLink;
if ( uifile.findRev( TQString( TQChar( TQDir::separator() ) ) ) > -1 )
TQStringList uisplit = TQStringList::split( TQString( TQChar( TQDir::separator() ) ), uifile );
uifile = uisplit[ uisplit.count() - 1 ];
m_part->languageSupport() ->updateWidget( m_shownSubproject->scope->projectDir() + TQString( TQChar( TQDir::separator() ) ) + uifile, noext );
else if ( r == idUISubclasses )
TQDomDocument & dom = *( m_part->projectDom() );
DomUtil::PairList list = DomUtil::readPairListEntry( dom, "/kdevtrollproject/subclassing" ,
"subclass", "sourcefile", "uifile" );
SubclassesDlg *sbdlg = new SubclassesDlg( m_shownSubproject->relativePath() + TQChar( TQDir::separator() ) + fitem->localFilePath,
list, projectDirectory() );
if ( sbdlg->exec() )
TQDomElement el = DomUtil::elementByPath( dom, "/kdevtrollproject" );
TQDomElement el2 = DomUtil::elementByPath( dom, "/kdevtrollproject/subclassing" );
if ( ( !el.isNull() ) && ( !el2.isNull() ) )
el.removeChild( el2 );
DomUtil::writePairListEntry( dom, "/kdevtrollproject/subclassing", "subclass", "sourcefile", "uifile", list );
m_subclasslist = DomUtil::readPairListEntry( dom, "/kdevtrollproject/subclassing" ,
"subclass", "sourcefile", "uifile" );
else if ( r == idEditInstallPattern )
GroupItem * titem = static_cast<GroupItem*>( item->parent() );
bool ok = FALSE;
TQString filepattern = KInputDialog::getText(
i18n( "Edit Pattern" ),
i18n( "Enter a pattern relative to the current "
"subproject (example docs/*.html):" ),
fitem->text( 0 ) , &ok, this );
if ( ok && !filepattern.isEmpty() )
removeFile( m_shownSubproject, fitem );
addFileToCurrentSubProject( titem, filepattern );
slotOverviewSelectionChanged( m_shownSubproject );
else if ( r == idBuildFile )
buildFile( m_shownSubproject, fitem );
void TrollProjectWidget::removeFile( QMakeScopeItem *spitem, FileItem *fitem )
GroupItem * gitem = static_cast<GroupItem*>( fitem->parent() );
m_filesCached = false;
TQString realfilename = spitem->scope->resolveVariables( fitem->localFilePath );
if ( KMessageBox::warningYesNo( this,
"<qt>" +
i18n( "Do you want to delete the file <strong>%1</strong> from the project and your disk?" )
.arg( fitem->text( 0 ) ) +
i18n( "Remove File" ),
"deleteFileFromTQMakeProject" ) == KMessageBox::No )
kdDebug(9024) << "Deleting file as the user wished: " << spitem->scope->projectDir() + TQString( TQChar( TQDir::separator() ) ) + realfilename << endl;
TDEIO::NetAccess::del( KURL::fromPathOrURL( spitem->scope->projectDir() + TQString( TQChar( TQDir::separator() ) ) + realfilename ), 0 );
if ( gitem->groupType != GroupItem::InstallObject )
TQString removedFileName = spitem->relativePath() + TQString( TQChar( TQDir::separator() ) ) + realfilename;
if ( removedFileName.startsWith( TQDir::rootDirPath() ) )
removedFileName = removedFileName.mid( 1 );
emitRemovedFile( removedFileName );
//remove subclassing info
TQDomDocument &dom = *( m_part->projectDom() );
DomUtil::PairList list = DomUtil::readPairListEntry( dom, "/kdevtrollproject/subclassing" ,
"subclass", "sourcefile", "uifile" );
TQPtrList<DomUtil::Pair> pairsToRemove;
DomUtil::PairList::iterator it;
for ( it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); ++it )
if ( ( ( *it ).first == realfilename ) || ( ( *it ).second == realfilename ) )
pairsToRemove.append( &( *it ) );
DomUtil::Pair *pair;
for ( pair = pairsToRemove.first(); pair; pair = )
list.remove( *pair );
TQDomElement el = DomUtil::elementByPath( dom, "/kdevtrollproject" );
TQDomElement el2 = DomUtil::elementByPath( dom, "/kdevtrollproject/subclassing" );
if ( ( !el.isNull() ) && ( !el2.isNull() ) )
el.removeChild( el2 );
DomUtil::writePairListEntry( dom, "/kdevtrollproject/subclassing", "subclass", "sourcefile", "uifile", list );
gitem->removeFileFromScope( fitem->text( 0 ) );
void TrollProjectWidget::emitAddedFile( const TQString &fileName )
emit m_part->addedFilesToProject( TQStringList( fileName ) );
void TrollProjectWidget::emitRemovedFile( const TQString &fileName )
emit m_part->removedFilesFromProject( TQStringList( fileName ) );
TQString TrollProjectWidget::getUiFileLink( const TQString &relpath, const TQString& filename )
DomUtil::PairList::iterator it;
for ( it = m_subclasslist.begin();it != m_subclasslist.end(); ++it )
if ( ( *it ).first == relpath + filename )
return ( *it ).second;
return "";
void TrollProjectWidget::slotBuildOpenFile()
KParts::ReadWritePart * part = dynamic_cast<KParts::ReadWritePart*>( m_part->partController() ->activePart() );
if ( !part || !part->url().isLocalFile() )
return ;
TQString fileName = part->url().path();
TQFileInfo fi( fileName );
TQString sourceDir = fi.dirPath();
TQString baseName = fi.baseName( true );
kdDebug( 9024 ) << "Compiling " << fileName
<< "in dir " << sourceDir
<< " with baseName " << baseName << endl;
TQString buildDir = sourceDir;
TQString target = baseName + ".o";
m_part->mainWindow() ->raiseView( m_part->makeFrontend() ->widget() );
// m_part->startMakeCommand(buildDir, target);
TQPtrList<QMakeScopeItem> list = findSubprojectForFile( fi );
QMakeScopeItem *spitem;
for ( spitem = list.first(); spitem; spitem = )
TQString buildcmd = constructMakeCommandLine( spitem->scope );
TQString dircmd = "cd " + TDEProcess::quote( spitem->scope->projectDir() ) + " && " ;
kdDebug( 9024 ) << "builddir " << spitem->scope->projectDir() << ", cmd " << dircmd + buildcmd + " " + target << endl;
m_part->queueCmd( spitem->scope->projectDir(), dircmd + buildcmd + " " + target );
// startMakeCommand(buildDir, target);
void TrollProjectWidget::slotExecuteProject()
TQString program = m_part->mainProgram();
if ( program.isEmpty() )
KMessageBox::sorry( this, i18n( "Please specify the executable name in the "
"project options dialog or select an application subproject in the TQMake Manager." ), i18n( "No Executable Found" ) );
return ;
//only run once
if (m_part->appFrontend()->isRunning())
if (KMessageBox::questionYesNo(this, i18n("Your application is currently running. Do you want to restart it?"), i18n("Application Already Running"), i18n("&Restart Application"), i18n("Do &Nothing")) == KMessageBox::No)
if ( !program.startsWith( TQDir::rootDirPath() ) )
program.prepend( "." + TQString( TQChar( TQDir::separator() ) ) );
// Build environment variables to prepend to the executable path
TQString runEnvVars = TQString();
DomUtil::PairList list =
DomUtil::readPairListEntry( *( m_part->projectDom() ), "/kdevtrollproject/run/envvars", "envvar", "name", "value" );
DomUtil::PairList::ConstIterator it;
for ( it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); ++it )
const DomUtil::Pair &pair = ( *it );
if ( ( !pair.first.isEmpty() ) && ( !pair.second.isEmpty() ) )
runEnvVars += pair.first + "=" + pair.second + " ";
program.prepend( runEnvVars );
program.append( " " + m_part->runArguments() + " " );
bool inTerminal = DomUtil::readBoolEntry( *( m_part->projectDom() ), "/kdevtrollproject/run/terminal" );
m_part->appFrontend() ->startAppCommand( m_part->runDirectory(), program, inTerminal );
void TrollProjectWidget::slotCleanProject()
runClean(m_rootSubproject, "clean");
void TrollProjectWidget::slotCleanTarget()
runClean(m_shownSubproject, "clean");
void TrollProjectWidget::slotDistCleanProject()
runClean(m_rootSubproject, "distclean");
void TrollProjectWidget::slotDistCleanTarget()
runClean(m_shownSubproject, "distclean");
void TrollProjectWidget::runClean( QMakeScopeItem* item, const TQString& cleantargetname )
// no subproject selected
m_part->partController() ->saveAllFiles();
if ( !item )
return ;
// can't build from scope
if ( item->scope->scopeType() != Scope::ProjectScope )
return ;
TQString dir = item->scope->projectDir();
createMakefileIfMissing( dir, item );
m_part->mainWindow() ->raiseView( m_part->makeFrontend() ->widget() );
TQString dircmd = "cd " + TDEProcess::quote( dir ) + " && " ;
TQString rebuildcmd = constructMakeCommandLine( item->scope ) + " "+cleantargetname;
m_part->queueCmd( dir, dircmd + rebuildcmd );
TQString TrollProjectWidget::constructMakeCommandLine( Scope* s )
TQString makeFileName;
if ( s )
makeFileName = s->resolveVariables( s->variableValues( "MAKEFILE", true, true, true ).front() );
TQDomDocument & dom = *( m_part->projectDom() );
TQString cmdline = DomUtil::readEntry( dom, "/kdevtrollproject/make/makebin" );
if ( cmdline.isEmpty() )
cmdline = MAKE_COMMAND;
if ( !makeFileName.isEmpty() )
cmdline += " -f " + makeFileName;
if ( !DomUtil::readBoolEntry( dom, "/kdevtrollproject/make/abortonerror" ) )
cmdline += " -k";
bool runmultiple = DomUtil::readBoolEntry(dom, "/kdevtrollproject/make/runmultiplejobs");
int jobs = DomUtil::readIntEntry( dom, "/kdevtrollproject/make/numberofjobs" );
if ( jobs != 0 && runmultiple )
cmdline += " -j";
cmdline += TQString::number( jobs );
if ( DomUtil::readBoolEntry( dom, "/kdevtrollproject/make/dontact" ) )
cmdline += " -n";
cmdline += " ";
cmdline.prepend( m_part->makeEnvironment() );
return cmdline;
void TrollProjectWidget::createMakefileIfMissing( const TQString &dir, QMakeScopeItem *item )
TQFileInfo fi;
TQFileInfo fi2;
kdDebug(9024) << "Makefile:" << item->scope->variableValues( "MAKEFILE", true, true, true ) << endl;
if ( item->scope->variableValues( "MAKEFILE", true, true, true ).isEmpty() )
fi.setFile( dir + TQString( TQChar( TQDir::separator() ) ) + "Makefile" );
fi2.setFile( dir + TQString( TQChar( TQDir::separator() ) ) + "makefile" );
TQString realmf = item->scope->resolveVariables( item->scope->variableValues( "MAKEFILE", true, true, true ).front() );
fi.setFile( realmf );
fi2.setFile( dir + TQString( TQChar( TQDir::separator() ) ) + realmf );
if ( !fi.exists() && !fi2.exists() )
int r = KMessageBox::questionYesNo( this, i18n( "There is no Makefile in this directory. Run qmake first?" ), TQString(), i18n( "Run qmake" ), i18n( "Do Not Run" ) );
if ( r == KMessageBox::No )
return ;
m_part->startTQMakeCommand( dir );
QMakeScopeItem* TrollProjectWidget::findSubprojectForPath( const TQString& relPath )
if( !m_rootSubproject )
return 0;
TQStringList dirs = TQStringList::split("/", relPath);
QMakeScopeItem* pitem = static_cast<QMakeScopeItem*>(m_rootSubproject);
for( TQStringList::iterator it = dirs.begin(); it != dirs.end(); ++it)
TQListViewItem* item = pitem->firstChild();
while( item )
QMakeScopeItem* sitem = static_cast<QMakeScopeItem*>(item);
if( TQFileInfo( sitem->scope->projectDir() ).fileName() == *it )
pitem = sitem;
return pitem;
TQPtrList<QMakeScopeItem> TrollProjectWidget::findSubprojectForFile( TQFileInfo fi )
TQPtrList<QMakeScopeItem> list;
findSubprojectForFile( list, m_rootSubproject, fi.absFilePath() );
return list;
void TrollProjectWidget::findSubprojectForFile( TQPtrList<QMakeScopeItem> &list, QMakeScopeItem * item, TQString absFilePath )
if( !item )
TQDir d( item->scope->projectDir() );
TQStringList vars = item->scope->variableValues( "SOURCES" );
for ( TQStringList::Iterator it = vars.begin(); it != vars.end(); ++it )
TQFileInfo fi2( d, item->scope->resolveVariables( *it ) );
if ( absFilePath == fi2.absFilePath() )
list.append( item );
vars = item->scope->variableValues( "HEADERS" );
for ( TQStringList::Iterator it = vars.begin(); it != vars.end(); ++it )
TQFileInfo fi2( d, item->scope->resolveVariables( *it ) );
if ( absFilePath == fi2.absFilePath() )
list.append( item );
TQListViewItem * child = item->firstChild();
while ( child )
QMakeScopeItem * spitem = dynamic_cast<QMakeScopeItem*>( child );
if ( spitem )
findSubprojectForFile( list, spitem, absFilePath );
child = child->nextSibling();
void TrollProjectWidget::slotRemoveScope( QMakeScopeItem * spitem )
if ( spitem == 0 && m_shownSubproject == 0 )
return ;
m_filesCached = false;
QMakeScopeItem* pitem = dynamic_cast<QMakeScopeItem *>( spitem->parent() );
if ( pitem != 0 )
switch ( spitem->scope->scopeType() )
case Scope::FunctionScope:
if( !pitem->scope->deleteFunctionScope( spitem->scope->getNum() ) )
KMessageBox::error(this, i18n("Could not delete Function Scope.\nThis is an internal error, please write a bug report to and include the output of tdevelop when run from a shell."),i18n("Function Scope Deletion failed"));
// pitem->scopes.remove( spitem );
case Scope::IncludeScope:
if( !pitem->scope->deleteIncludeScope( spitem->scope->getNum() ) )
KMessageBox::error(this, i18n("Could not delete Include Scope.\nThis is an internal error, please write a bug report to and include the output of tdevelop when run from a shell."),i18n("Include Scope Deletion failed"));
// pitem->scopes.remove( spitem );
delete spitem;
spitem = pitem;
pitem = dynamic_cast<QMakeScopeItem *>( pitem->parent() );
// pitem->scopes.remove(spitem);
case Scope::SimpleScope:
if( !pitem->scope->deleteSimpleScope( spitem->scope->getNum() ) )
KMessageBox::error(this, i18n("Could not delete Scope.\nThis is an internal error, please write a bug report to and include the output of tdevelop when run from a shell."),i18n("Scope Deletion failed"));
// pitem->scopes.remove( spitem );
delete spitem;
m_shownSubproject = pitem;
overview->setCurrentItem ( m_shownSubproject );
overview->setSelected( m_shownSubproject, true );
slotOverviewSelectionChanged( m_shownSubproject );
QMakeScopeItem * TrollProjectWidget::findSubprojectForScope( QMakeScopeItem * scope )
if ( ( scope == 0 ) || ( scope->parent() == 0 ) )
return 0;
if ( scope->scope->scopeType() == Scope::ProjectScope )
return scope;
return findSubprojectForScope( dynamic_cast<QMakeScopeItem *>( scope->parent() ) );
void TrollProjectWidget::focusInEvent( TQFocusEvent * /*e*/ )
switch ( m_lastFocusedView )
case DetailsView:
case SubprojectView:
void TrollProjectWidget::setLastFocusedView( TrollProjectView view )
m_lastFocusedView = view;
void TrollProjectWidget::runTQMakeRecursive( QMakeScopeItem* proj )
if( m_part->isTQt4Project() )
m_part->startTQMakeCommand( proj->scope->projectDir(), true );
if ( proj->scope->scopeType() == Scope::ProjectScope )
m_part->startTQMakeCommand( proj->scope->projectDir() );
QMakeScopeItem* item = static_cast<QMakeScopeItem*>( proj->firstChild() );
while ( item )
runTQMakeRecursive( item );
item = static_cast<QMakeScopeItem*>( item->nextSibling() );
void TrollProjectWidget::slotBuildSelectedFile()
TQListViewItem * selectedItem = details->currentItem();
if ( !selectedItem )
return ;
qProjectItem *pvitem = static_cast<qProjectItem*>( selectedItem );
// Check that it is a file (just in case)
if ( pvitem->type() != qProjectItem::File )
return ;
FileItem *fitem = static_cast<FileItem*>( pvitem );
buildFile( m_shownSubproject, fitem );
void TrollProjectWidget::buildFile( QMakeScopeItem* spitem, FileItem* fitem )
TQFileInfo fi( spitem->scope->projectDir() + TQChar( TQDir::separator() ) + spitem->scope->resolveVariables( fitem->localFilePath ) );
TQString sourceDir = fi.dirPath();
TQString baseName = fi.baseName( true );
kdDebug( 9024 ) << "Compiling " << spitem->scope->resolveVariables( fitem->text( 0 ) )
<< "in dir " << sourceDir
<< " with baseName " << baseName << endl;
TQString buildDir = sourceDir;
TQString target = baseName + ".o";
if( !spitem->scope->variableValues("OBJECTS_DIR").isEmpty() )
target = spitem->scope->resolveVariables( spitem->scope->variableValues("OBJECTS_DIR").first() )+ TQString( TQChar( TQDir::separator() ) )+target;
kdDebug( 9024 ) << "builddir " << buildDir << ", target " << target << endl;
m_part->mainWindow() ->raiseView( m_part->makeFrontend() ->widget() );
// m_part->startMakeCommand(buildDir, target);
TQString buildcmd = constructMakeCommandLine( spitem->scope );
TQString dircmd = "cd " + TDEProcess::quote( spitem->scope->projectDir() ) + " && " ;
kdDebug( 9024 ) << "builddir " << spitem->scope->projectDir() << ", cmd " << dircmd + buildcmd + " " + target << endl;
m_part->queueCmd( spitem->scope->projectDir(), dircmd + buildcmd + " " + target );
// startMakeCommand(buildDir, target);
TrollProjectWidget::SaveType TrollProjectWidget::dialogSaveBehaviour() const
switch ( DomUtil::readIntEntry( *m_part->projectDom(), "/kdevtrollproject/qmake/savebehaviour", 2 ) )
case 0:
return AlwaysSave;
case 1:
return NeverSave;
case 2:
return Ask;
bool TrollProjectWidget::isTMakeProject()
return m_part->isTMakeProject();
void TrollProjectWidget::slotDisableSubproject( QMakeScopeItem* spitem )
m_filesCached = false;
if( spitem->scope->variableValues("TEMPLATE").findIndex("subdirs") != -1 )
TQStringList subdirs = spitem->scope->variableValues( "SUBDIRS" );
DisableSubprojectDlg dlg( subdirs );
if( dlg.exec() )
TQStringList values = dlg.selectedProjects();
TQListViewItem* item = spitem->firstChild();
while( item )
if( values.findIndex( item->text(0) ) != -1 )
delete item;
item = item->nextSibling();
spitem->disableSubprojects( values );
m_shownSubproject = spitem;
slotOverviewSelectionChanged( m_shownSubproject );
QMakeScopeItem* parent = static_cast<QMakeScopeItem*>(spitem->parent());
parent->disableSubprojects( TQStringList( spitem->scope->scopeName() ) );
delete spitem;
m_shownSubproject = parent;
slotOverviewSelectionChanged( m_shownSubproject );
void TrollProjectWidget::slotProjectDirty(const TQString& path)
kdDebug(9024) << "File is dirty:" << path << " using method " << endl;
if( KMessageBox::warningYesNo(this, i18n("The project file \"%1\" has changed on disk\n(Or you have \"%2\" opened in the editor, which also triggers a reload when you change something in the TQMake Manager).\n\nDo you want to reload it?").arg(path).arg(path), i18n("Project File Changed"), i18n("Reload"), i18n("Do Not Reload"), "trollproject_reload_project_file" ) != KMessageBox::No )
TQListViewItemIterator it(m_rootSubproject);
TQValueList<QMakeScopeItem*> itemstoreload;
while( it.current() )
QMakeScopeItem* projectitem = static_cast<QMakeScopeItem*>( it.current() );
if( projectitem->scope->scopeType() == Scope::ProjectScope
|| projectitem->scope->scopeType() == Scope::IncludeScope )
TQString projectfile = projectitem->scope->projectDir() + TQString(TQChar(TQDir::separator())) + projectitem->scope->fileName();
if( projectfile == path )
TQValueList<QMakeScopeItem*>::const_iterator reloadit = itemstoreload.begin();
for( ; reloadit != itemstoreload.end() ; ++reloadit )
if( m_shownSubproject == (*reloadit) )
buildProjectDetailTree( *reloadit, details );
if( m_configDlg->isShown() && m_configDlg->currentProjectItem() == (*reloadit) )
QMakeScopeItem* TrollProjectWidget::currentSubproject()
return m_shownSubproject;
bool TrollProjectWidget::showFilenamesOnly() const
return m_showFilenamesOnly;
bool TrollProjectWidget::showVariablesInTree() const
return m_showVariablesInTree;
TQMap<TQString,TQString> TrollProjectWidget::qmakeEnvironment() const
TQMap<TQString,TQString> map;
DomUtil::PairList envvars =
DomUtil::readPairListEntry(*m_part->projectDom(), "/kdevtrollproject/make/envvars", "envvar", "name", "value");
TQString environstr;
DomUtil::PairList::ConstIterator it;
bool hasTQtDir = false;
for (it = envvars.begin(); it != envvars.end(); ++it) {
if( (*it).first == "QTDIR" )
hasTQtDir = true;
map[(*it).first] = (*it).second;
if( !hasTQtDir && !m_part->isTQt4Project() && !DomUtil::readEntry(*m_part->projectDom(), "/kdevcppsupport/qt/root", "").isEmpty() )
map["QTDIR="] = DomUtil::readEntry(*m_part->projectDom(), "/kdevcppsupport/qt/root", "");
map["PATH"] = map["PATH"].prepend( DomUtil::readEntry(*m_part->projectDom(), "/kdevcppsupport/qt/root", "") +"/bin" );
return map;
#include "trollprojectwidget.moc"
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