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* Copyright (C) %{YEAR} %{AUTHOR} <%{EMAIL}>
import java.util.*;
import org.kde.qt.*;
import org.kde.koala.*;
* This class serves as the main window for %{APPNAME}. It handles the
* menus, toolbars, and status bars.
* @short Main window class
* @author $AUTHOR <$EMAIL>
* @version $APP_VERSION
public class %{APPNAME} extends TDEMainWindow
private %{APPNAME}View m_view;
private QPrinter m_printer;
super( null, "%{APPNAME}" );
m_view = new %{APPNAME}View(this);
m_printer = new QPrinter();
// accept dnd
// tell the TDEMainWindow that this is indeed the main widget
// then, setup our actions
// and a status bar
// Apply the create the main window and ask the mainwindow to
// automatically save settings if changed: window size, toolbar
// position, icon size, etc. Also to add actions for the statusbar
// toolbar, and keybindings if necessary.
// allow the view to change the statusbar and caption
connect(m_view, TQ_SIGNAL("signalChangeStatusbar(String)"),
this, TQ_SLOT("changeStatusbar(String)"));
connect(m_view, TQ_SIGNAL("signalChangeCaption(String)"),
this, TQ_SLOT("changeCaption(String)"));
public void load(KURL url)
StringBuffer target = new StringBuffer();
// the below code is what you should normally do. in this
// example case, we want the url to our own. you probably
// want to use this code instead for your app
// download the contents
if (, target, null))
// set our caption
// load in the file (target is always local)
// loadFile(target);
// and remove the temp file
public void setupActions()
TDEApplication kapp = TDEApplication.kApplication();
KStdAction.openNew(this, TQ_SLOT("fileNew()"), actionCollection());, TQ_SLOT("fileOpen()"), actionCollection());, TQ_SLOT("fileSave()"), actionCollection());
KStdAction.saveAs(this, TQ_SLOT("fileSaveAs()"), actionCollection());
KStdAction.print(this, TQ_SLOT("filePrint()"), actionCollection());
KStdAction.quit(kapp, TQ_SLOT("quit()"), actionCollection());
KStdAction.preferences(this, TQ_SLOT("optionsPreferences()"), actionCollection());
// this doesn't do anything useful. it's just here to illustrate
// how to insert a custom menu and menu item
TDEAction custom = new TDEAction(tr("Cus&tom Menuitem"), new TDEShortcut(),
this, TQ_SLOT("optionsPreferences()"),
actionCollection(), "custom_action");
protected void saveProperties(TDEConfig config)
// the 'config' object points to the session managed
// config file. anything you write here will be available
// later when this app is restored
if (m_view.currentURL() != null)
config.writeEntry("lastURL", m_view.currentURL());
protected void readProperties(TDEConfig config)
// the 'config' object points to the session managed
// config file. this function is automatically called whenever
// the app is being restored. read in here whatever you wrote
// in 'saveProperties'
String url = config.readPathEntry("lastURL");
if (url != null)
m_view.openURL(new KURL(url));
protected void dragEnterEvent(QDragEnterEvent event)
// accept uri drops only
protected void dropEvent(QDropEvent event)
// this is a very simplistic implementation of a drop event. we
// will only accept a dropped URL. the Qt dnd code can do *much*
// much more, so please read the docs there
ArrayList uri = new ArrayList();
// see if we can decode a URI.. if not, just ignore it
if (QUriDrag.decode(event, (String[]) uri.toArray()))
// okay, we have a URI.. process it
String url, target;
url = (String) uri.get(0);
// load in the file
load(new KURL(url));
private void fileNew()
// this slot is called whenever the File.New menu is selected,
// the New shortcut is pressed (usually CTRL+N) or the New toolbar
// button is clicked
// create a new window
(new %{APPNAME}()).show();
private void fileOpen()
// this slot is called whenever the File.Open menu is selected,
// the Open shortcut is pressed (usually CTRL+O) or the Open toolbar
// button is clicked
KURL url = KURLRequesterDlg.getURL(null, this, tr("Open Location") );
if (!url.isEmpty())
private void fileSave()
// this slot is called whenever the File.Save menu is selected,
// the Save shortcut is pressed (usually CTRL+S) or the Save toolbar
// button is clicked
// save the current file
private void fileSaveAs()
// this slot is called whenever the File.Save As menu is selected,
KURL file_url = KFileDialog.getSaveURL();
if (!file_url.isEmpty() && file_url.isValid())
// save your info, here
private void filePrint()
// this slot is called whenever the File.Print menu is selected,
// the Print shortcut is pressed (usually CTRL+P) or the Print toolbar
// button is clicked
if (m_printer == null) m_printer = new QPrinter();
if (QPrintDialog.getPrinterSetup(m_printer))
// setup the printer. with Qt, you always "print" to a
// QPainter.. whether the output medium is a pixmap, a screen,
// or paper
QPainter p = new QPainter();
// we let our view do the actual printing
QPaintDeviceMetrics metrics = new QPaintDeviceMetrics(m_printer);
m_view.print(p, metrics.height(), metrics.width());
// and send the result to the printer
private void optionsPreferences()
// popup some sort of preference dialog, here
%{APPNAME}Preferences dlg = new %{APPNAME}Preferences();
if (dlg.exec() != 0)
// redo your settings
private void changeStatusbar(String text)
// display the text on the statusbar
private void changeCaption(String text)
// display the text on the caption
static String description =
"A KDE Application";
static String version = "%{VERSION}";
static String[][] options =
{ "+[URL]", "Document to open.", null }
static void main(String[] cmdLineArgs)
TDEAboutData about = new TDEAboutData("%{APPNAMELC}", "%{APPNAME}", version, description,
TDEAboutData.License_%{LICENSE}, "(C) %{YEAR} %{AUTHOR}", null, null, "%{EMAIL}");
about.addAuthor( "%{AUTHOR}", null, "%{EMAIL}" );
TDECmdLineArgs.init(cmdLineArgs, about);
TDEApplication app = new TDEApplication();
// see if we are starting with session management
if (app.isRestored())
// no session.. just start up normally
TDECmdLineArgs args = TDECmdLineArgs.parsedArgs();
if (args.count() == 0)
%{APPNAME} widget = new %{APPNAME}();;
int i = 0;
for (; i < args.count(); i++)
%{APPNAME} widget = new %{APPNAME}();;
static {