/* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include #include "chmfile.h" #include "decompress.h" uint Chm::getEncInt(QFile& f, uint &value) const { int c; uint result = 0; ulong count = 0; do { c = f.getch(); result <<= 7; result |= (c & 0x7F); count++; } while (c & 0x80); value = result; return count; } uint Chm::getName(QFile& f, QString& name) const { int len = f.getch(); char *buf = new char[len]; f.readBlock(buf, len); name = QString::fromUtf8(buf, len); if (name.startsWith("/")) name = name.lower(); delete [] buf; return len + 1; } uint Chm::getIntel32(QFile& f) const { uint value = f.getch() | f.getch() << 8 | f.getch() << 16 | f.getch() << 24; return value; } uint Chm::getIntel64(QFile& f) const { uint value = getIntel32(f); f.at(f.at() + 4); return value; } bool Chm::getChunk(QFile& f, uint chunkSize, ChmDirectoryMap& directoryMap) const { char tag[4]; if (f.readBlock(tag, 4) != 4) return false; if (!qstrncmp(tag, "PMGL", 4)) { uint quickref_length = getIntel32(f); f.at(f.at() + 12); uint pos = 20; while (pos < chunkSize - quickref_length) { uint section, offset, length; QString name; pos += getName(f, name); pos += getEncInt(f, section); pos += getEncInt(f, offset); pos += getEncInt(f, length); directoryMap[name] = ChmDirTableEntry(section, offset, length); if (name.endsWith(".hhc")) directoryMap["/@contents"] = ChmDirTableEntry(section, offset, length); } return (f.at(f.at() + quickref_length)); } else if (!qstrncmp(tag, "PMGI", 4)) { // evaluation of the index chunk is not yet implemented => skip it return f.at(f.at() + chunkSize - 4); } else { return false; } } bool Chm::read(const QString& fileSpec, ChmDirectoryMap& dirMap, QByteArray& contents) const { QFile f(fileSpec); if (!f.open(IO_ReadOnly)) return false; // read CHM file header char tag[4]; if (f.readBlock(tag, 4) != 4 || qstrncmp(tag, "ITSF", 4)) return false; uint chm_version = getIntel32(f); if (!f.at(f.at() + 0x30)) return false; // read header section table uint section_0_offset = getIntel64(f); uint section_0_length = getIntel64(f); uint section_1_offset = getIntel64(f); uint section_1_length = getIntel64(f); uint contentStart = 0; if (chm_version >= 3) contentStart = getIntel32(f); // read directory header if (!f.at(section_1_offset)) return false; if (f.readBlock(tag, 4) != 4 || qstrncmp(tag, "ITSP", 4)) return false; if (!f.at(f.at() + 12)) return false; uint directory_chunk_size = getIntel32(f); if (!f.at(f.at() + 24)) return false; uint num_directory_chunks = getIntel32(f); if (!f.at(f.at() + 36)) return false; // read directory table for (uint i = 0; i < num_directory_chunks; i++) if (!getChunk(f, directory_chunk_size, dirMap)) return false; // current position is start of content area if (chm_version < 3) contentStart = f.at(); // read reset table if (!f.at(contentStart)) return false; uint resetTableOffset = dirMap["::DataSpace/Storage/MSCompressed/Transform/{7FC28940-9D31-11D0-9B27-00A0C91E9C7C}/InstanceData/ResetTable"].offset; if (!f.at(f.at() + resetTableOffset + 4)) return false; uint numResetTableEntries = getIntel32(f); if (!f.at(f.at() + 8)) return false; uint uncompressedLength = getIntel64(f); uint compressedLength = getIntel64(f); uint blockSize = getIntel64(f); uint *resetTable = new uint[numResetTableEntries + 1]; for (uint i = 0; i < numResetTableEntries; i++) resetTable[i] = getIntel64(f); resetTable[numResetTableEntries] = compressedLength; // read compressed contents if (!f.at(contentStart)) return false; uint contentsOffset = dirMap["::DataSpace/Storage/MSCompressed/Content"].offset; if (!f.at(f.at() + contentsOffset)) return false; char *compressedContents = new char[compressedLength]; if ((uint)f.readBlock(compressedContents, compressedLength) != compressedLength) return false; f.close(); // allocate buffer for uncompressed contents char *uncompressedContents = new char[uncompressedLength]; // get window size uint window = 1; uint tmp = blockSize; while (tmp >>= 1) window++; // decompress uint outlen = uncompressedLength; int res = 1; for (uint i = 0; i < numResetTableEntries; i++) { if (!(i & 1)) LZXinit(window); uint inlen = resetTable[i+1] - resetTable[i]; res = LZXdecompress((uchar*)&compressedContents[resetTable[i]], inlen, (uchar*)uncompressedContents + i * blockSize, (outlen < blockSize) ? outlen : blockSize); if (res) break; outlen -= blockSize; } delete [] resetTable; delete [] compressedContents; if (res == 0) contents.duplicate(uncompressedContents, uncompressedLength); delete [] uncompressedContents; return (res == 0); }