# this is just a basic CMakeLists.txt # for more information see the cmake man page # add definitions, compiler switches, etc. add_definitions(${QT_DEFINITIONS} -Wall -O2 -g) # add the Qt include dir to the include path include_directories(${TQT_INCLUDE_DIR}) # list all source files in a variable set(%{APPNAMELC}_SRCS main.cpp %{APPNAMELC}.cpp) # specify the headers which have to be processed by moc # and collect the results in the variable given above qt_wrap_cpp (%{APPNAMELC} %{APPNAMELC}_SRCS %{APPNAMELC}.h) # create tan executable from the list of source files add_executable(%{APPNAMELC} ${%{APPNAMELC}_SRCS}) # link the application to the Qt libs target_link_libraries(%{APPNAMELC} ${TQT_LIBRARIES} ) # create an install rule for the executable install(TARGETS %{APPNAMELC} DESTINATION bin ) # if you need to install more things, take a look at the install() command # in the cmake man page