PartExplorerFormBase PartExplorerFormBase 0 0 335 241 7 7 0 0 PartExplorer This is a front-end to KDE's KTrader: search your KDE documentation for more information about KDE services and KTrader unnamed textLabel1 3 0 0 0 KDE service &type: typeCombo typeCombo true false textLabel1_2 3 0 0 0 &Additional constraints: constraintsText constraintsText 7 0 0 0 <b>Constraints</b>Refine your query by writing additional constraints such as <i>([X-TDevelop-Scope]='Global')</i>). resultsLabel 5 0 0 0 &Results constraintsText kdialog.h kcombobox.h klineedit.h