/********************************************************************** ** Copyright (C) 2000 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved. ** ** This file is part of Qt Designer. ** ** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the ** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the ** packaging of this file. ** ** Licensees holding valid Qt Enterprise Edition or Qt Professional Edition ** licenses may use this file in accordance with the Qt Commercial License ** Agreement provided with the Software. ** ** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE ** WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ** ** See http://www.trolltech.com/gpl/ for GPL licensing information. ** See http://www.trolltech.com/pricing.html or email sales@trolltech.com for ** information about Qt Commercial License Agreements. ** ** Contact info@trolltech.com if any conditions of this licensing are ** not clear to you. ** **********************************************************************/ #include "formwindow.h" #include "mainwindow.h" #include "listvieweditorimpl.h" #include "pixmapchooser.h" #include "command.h" #include "listviewdnd.h" #include "listboxdnd.h" #include "listboxrename.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include ListViewEditor::ListViewEditor( TQWidget *parent, TQListView *lv, FormWindow *fw ) : ListViewEditorBase( parent, 0, TRUE ), listview( lv ), formwindow( fw ) { connect( helpButton, TQT_SIGNAL( clicked() ), MainWindow::self, TQT_SLOT( showDialogHelp() ) ); itemText->setEnabled( FALSE ); itemChoosePixmap->setEnabled( FALSE ); itemDeletePixmap->setEnabled( FALSE ); itemColumn->setEnabled( FALSE ); setupColumns(); PopulateListViewCommand::transferItems( listview, itemsPreview ); setupItems(); itemsPreview->setShowSortIndicator( listview->showSortIndicator() ); itemsPreview->setAllColumnsShowFocus( listview->allColumnsShowFocus() ); itemsPreview->setRootIsDecorated( listview->rootIsDecorated() ); if ( itemsPreview->firstChild() ) { itemsPreview->setCurrentItem( itemsPreview->firstChild() ); itemsPreview->setSelected( itemsPreview->firstChild(), TRUE ); } // Clamp on drag and drop to QListView ListViewDnd *itemsDnd = new ListViewDnd( itemsPreview ); itemsDnd->setDragMode( ListViewDnd::Internal | ListViewDnd::Move ); TQObject::connect( itemsDnd, TQT_SIGNAL( dropped( TQListViewItem * ) ), itemsDnd, TQT_SLOT( confirmDrop( TQListViewItem * ) ) ); // Enable rename for all QListViewItems TQListViewItemIterator it = ((TQListView *)itemsPreview)->firstChild(); for ( ; *it; it++ ) (*it)->setRenameEnabled( 0, TRUE ); // Connect listview signal to signal-relay TQObject::connect( itemsPreview, TQT_SIGNAL( itemRenamed( TQListViewItem*, int, const TQString & ) ), this, TQT_SLOT( emitItemRenamed(TQListViewItem*, int, const TQString&) ) ); // Connect signal-relay to TQLineEdit "itemText" TQObjectList *l = parent->queryList( TQLINEEDIT_OBJECT_NAME_STRING, "itemText" ); TQObject *obj; TQObjectListIt itemsLineEditIt( *l ); while ( (obj = itemsLineEditIt.current()) != 0 ) { ++itemsLineEditIt; TQObject::connect( this, TQT_SIGNAL( itemRenamed( const TQString & ) ), obj, TQT_SLOT( setText( const TQString & ) ) ); } delete l; // Clamp on drag and drop to QListBox ListBoxDnd *columnsDnd = new ListBoxDnd( colPreview ); columnsDnd->setDragMode( ListBoxDnd::Internal | ListBoxDnd::Move ); TQObject::connect( columnsDnd, TQT_SIGNAL( dropped( TQListBoxItem * ) ), columnsDnd, TQT_SLOT( confirmDrop( TQListBoxItem * ) ) ); // Clamp on rename to QListBox ListBoxRename *columnsRename = new ListBoxRename( colPreview ); TQObject::connect( columnsRename, TQT_SIGNAL( itemTextChanged( const TQString & ) ), this, TQT_SLOT( columnTextChanged( const TQString & ) ) ); // Find TQLineEdit "colText" and connect l = parent->queryList( TQLINEEDIT_OBJECT_NAME_STRING, "colText" ); TQObjectListIt columnsLineEditIt( *l ); while ( (obj = columnsLineEditIt.current()) != 0 ) { ++columnsLineEditIt; TQObject::connect( columnsRename, TQT_SIGNAL( itemTextChanged( const TQString & ) ), obj, TQT_SLOT( setText( const TQString & ) ) ); } delete l; } void ListViewEditor::applyClicked() { setupItems(); PopulateListViewCommand *cmd = new PopulateListViewCommand( i18n( "Edit the Items and Columns of '%1'" ).arg( listview->name() ), formwindow, listview, itemsPreview ); cmd->execute(); formwindow->commandHistory()->addCommand( cmd ); } void ListViewEditor::okClicked() { applyClicked(); accept(); } void ListViewEditor::columnClickable( bool b ) { Column *c = findColumn( colPreview->item( colPreview->currentItem() ) ); if ( !c ) return; c->clickable = b; } void ListViewEditor::columnDownClicked() { if ( colPreview->currentItem() == -1 || colPreview->currentItem() > (int)colPreview->count() - 2 ) return; colPreview->clearSelection(); TQListBoxItem *i = colPreview->item( colPreview->currentItem() ); TQListBoxItem *below = i->next(); colPreview->takeItem( i ); colPreview->insertItem( i, below ); colPreview->setCurrentItem( i ); colPreview->setSelected( i, TRUE ); } void ListViewEditor::columnPixmapChosen() { Column *c = findColumn( colPreview->item( colPreview->currentItem() ) ); if ( !c ) return; TQPixmap pix; if ( colPixmap->pixmap() ) pix = qChoosePixmap( this, formwindow, *colPixmap->pixmap() ); else pix = qChoosePixmap( this, formwindow, TQPixmap() ); if ( pix.isNull() ) return; c->pixmap = pix; colPreview->blockSignals( TRUE ); if ( !c->pixmap.isNull() ) colPreview->changeItem( c->pixmap, c->text, colPreview->index( c->item ) ); else colPreview->changeItem( c->text, colPreview->index( c->item ) ); c->item = colPreview->item( colPreview->currentItem() ); colPixmap->setPixmap( c->pixmap ); colPreview->blockSignals( FALSE ); colDeletePixmap->setEnabled( TRUE ); } void ListViewEditor::columnPixmapDeleted() { Column *c = findColumn( colPreview->item( colPreview->currentItem() ) ); if ( !c ) return; c->pixmap = TQPixmap(); colPreview->blockSignals( TRUE ); if ( !c->pixmap.isNull() ) colPreview->changeItem( c->pixmap, c->text, colPreview->index( c->item ) ); else colPreview->changeItem( c->text, colPreview->index( c->item ) ); c->item = colPreview->item( colPreview->currentItem() ); colPixmap->setText( "" ); colPreview->blockSignals( FALSE ); colDeletePixmap->setEnabled( FALSE ); } void ListViewEditor::columnResizable( bool b ) { Column *c = findColumn( colPreview->item( colPreview->currentItem() ) ); if ( !c ) return; c->resizable = b; } void ListViewEditor::columnTextChanged( const TQString &txt ) { Column *c = findColumn( colPreview->item( colPreview->currentItem() ) ); if ( !c ) return; c->text = txt; colPreview->blockSignals( TRUE ); if ( !c->pixmap.isNull() ) colPreview->changeItem( c->pixmap, c->text, colPreview->index( c->item ) ); else colPreview->changeItem( c->text, colPreview->index( c->item ) ); c->item = colPreview->item( colPreview->currentItem() ); colPreview->blockSignals( FALSE ); } void ListViewEditor::columnUpClicked() { if ( colPreview->currentItem() <= 0 ) return; colPreview->clearSelection(); TQListBoxItem *i = colPreview->item( colPreview->currentItem() ); TQListBoxItem *above = i->prev(); colPreview->takeItem( above ); colPreview->insertItem( above, i ); colPreview->setCurrentItem( i ); colPreview->setSelected( i, TRUE ); } void ListViewEditor::currentColumnChanged( TQListBoxItem *i ) { Column *c = findColumn( i ); if ( !i || !c ) { colText->setEnabled( FALSE ); colPixmap->setEnabled( FALSE ); colDeletePixmap->setEnabled( FALSE ); colText->blockSignals( TRUE ); colText->setText( "" ); colText->blockSignals( FALSE ); colClickable->setEnabled( FALSE ); colResizable->setEnabled( FALSE ); return; } colText->setEnabled( TRUE ); colPixmap->setEnabled( TRUE ); colDeletePixmap->setEnabled( i->pixmap() && !i->pixmap()->isNull() ); colClickable->setEnabled( TRUE ); colResizable->setEnabled( TRUE ); colText->blockSignals( TRUE ); colText->setText( c->text ); colText->blockSignals( FALSE ); if ( !c->pixmap.isNull() ) colPixmap->setPixmap( c->pixmap ); else colPixmap->setText( "" ); colClickable->setChecked( c->clickable ); colResizable->setChecked( c->resizable ); } void ListViewEditor::newColumnClicked() { Column col; col.text = i18n( "New Column" ); col.pixmap = TQPixmap(); col.clickable = TRUE; col.resizable = TRUE; if ( !col.pixmap.isNull() ) col.item = new TQListBoxPixmap( colPreview, col.pixmap, col.text ); else col.item = new TQListBoxText( colPreview, col.text ); columns.append( col ); colPreview->setCurrentItem( col.item ); colPreview->setSelected( col.item, TRUE ); } void ListViewEditor::deleteColumnClicked() { TQListBoxItem *i = colPreview->item( colPreview->currentItem() ); if ( !i ) return; for ( TQValueList::Iterator it = columns.begin(); it != columns.end(); ++it ) { if ( ( *it ).item == i ) { delete (*it).item; columns.remove( it ); break; } } if ( colPreview->currentItem() != -1 ) colPreview->setSelected( colPreview->currentItem(), TRUE ); } void ListViewEditor::currentItemChanged( TQListViewItem *i ) { if ( !i ) { itemText->setEnabled( FALSE ); itemChoosePixmap->setEnabled( FALSE ); itemDeletePixmap->setEnabled( FALSE ); itemColumn->setEnabled( FALSE ); return; } itemText->setEnabled( TRUE ); itemChoosePixmap->setEnabled( TRUE ); itemDeletePixmap->setEnabled( i->pixmap( itemColumn->value() ) && !i->pixmap( itemColumn->value() )->isNull() ); itemColumn->setEnabled( TRUE ); displayItem( i, itemColumn->value() ); } void ListViewEditor::displayItem( TQListViewItem *i, int col ) { itemText->blockSignals( TRUE ); itemText->setText( i->text( col ) ); itemText->blockSignals( FALSE ); itemPixmap->blockSignals( TRUE ); if ( i->pixmap( col ) ) itemPixmap->setPixmap( *i->pixmap( col ) ); else itemPixmap->setText( "" ); itemPixmap->blockSignals( FALSE ); } void ListViewEditor::itemColChanged( int col ) { TQListViewItem *i = itemsPreview->currentItem(); if ( !i ) return; displayItem( i, col ); itemDeletePixmap->setEnabled( i->pixmap( col ) && !i->pixmap( col )->isNull() ); } void ListViewEditor::itemDeleteClicked() { TQListViewItem *i = itemsPreview->currentItem(); if ( !i ) return; delete i; if ( itemsPreview->firstChild() ) { itemsPreview->setCurrentItem( itemsPreview->firstChild() ); itemsPreview->setSelected( itemsPreview->firstChild(), TRUE ); } } void ListViewEditor::itemDownClicked() { TQListViewItem *i = itemsPreview->currentItem(); if ( !i ) return; TQListViewItemIterator it( i ); TQListViewItem *parent = i->parent(); it++; while ( it.current() ) { if ( it.current()->parent() == parent ) break; it++; } if ( !it.current() ) return; TQListViewItem *other = it.current(); i->moveItem( other ); } void ListViewEditor::itemNewClicked() { TQListViewItem *item = new TQListViewItem( itemsPreview ); item->setText( 0, i18n( "Item" ) ); item->setRenameEnabled( 0, TRUE ); itemsPreview->setCurrentItem( item ); itemsPreview->setSelected( item, TRUE ); itemText->setFocus(); itemText->selectAll(); } void ListViewEditor::itemNewSubClicked() { TQListViewItem *parent = itemsPreview->currentItem(); TQListViewItem *item = 0; if ( parent ) { item = new TQListViewItem( parent ); parent->setOpen( TRUE ); } else { item = new TQListViewItem( itemsPreview ); } item->setText( 0, i18n( "Subitem" ) ); item->setRenameEnabled( 0, TRUE ); itemsPreview->setCurrentItem( item ); itemsPreview->setSelected( item, TRUE ); } void ListViewEditor::itemPixmapChoosen() { TQListViewItem *i = itemsPreview->currentItem(); if ( !i ) return; TQPixmap pix; if ( itemPixmap->pixmap() ) pix = qChoosePixmap( this, formwindow, *itemPixmap->pixmap() ); else pix = qChoosePixmap( this, formwindow, TQPixmap() ); if ( pix.isNull() ) return; i->setPixmap( itemColumn->value(), TQPixmap( pix ) ); itemPixmap->setPixmap( pix ); itemDeletePixmap->setEnabled( TRUE ); } void ListViewEditor::itemPixmapDeleted() { TQListViewItem *i = itemsPreview->currentItem(); if ( !i ) return; i->setPixmap( itemColumn->value(), TQPixmap() ); itemPixmap->setText( "" ); itemDeletePixmap->setEnabled( FALSE ); } void ListViewEditor::itemTextChanged( const TQString &txt ) { TQListViewItem *i = itemsPreview->currentItem(); if ( !i ) return; i->setText( itemColumn->value(), txt ); } void ListViewEditor::itemUpClicked() { TQListViewItem *i = itemsPreview->currentItem(); if ( !i ) return; TQListViewItemIterator it( i ); TQListViewItem *parent = i->parent(); --it; while ( it.current() ) { if ( it.current()->parent() == parent ) break; --it; } if ( !it.current() ) return; TQListViewItem *other = it.current(); other->moveItem( i ); } void ListViewEditor::itemRightClicked() { TQListViewItem *i = itemsPreview->currentItem(); if ( !i ) return; TQListViewItemIterator it( i ); TQListViewItem *parent = i->parent(); parent = parent ? parent->firstChild() : itemsPreview->firstChild(); if ( !parent ) return; it++; while ( it.current() ) { if ( it.current()->parent() == parent ) break; it++; } if ( !it.current() ) return; TQListViewItem *other = it.current(); for ( int c = 0; c < itemsPreview->columns(); ++c ) { TQString s = i->text( c ); i->setText( c, other->text( c ) ); other->setText( c, s ); TQPixmap pix; if ( i->pixmap( c ) ) pix = *i->pixmap( c ); if ( other->pixmap( c ) ) i->setPixmap( c, *other->pixmap( c ) ); else i->setPixmap( c, TQPixmap() ); other->setPixmap( c, pix ); } itemsPreview->setCurrentItem( other ); itemsPreview->setSelected( other, TRUE ); } void ListViewEditor::itemLeftClicked() { TQListViewItem *i = itemsPreview->currentItem(); if ( !i ) return; TQListViewItemIterator it( i ); TQListViewItem *parent = i->parent(); if ( !parent ) return; parent = parent->parent(); --it; while ( it.current() ) { if ( it.current()->parent() == parent ) break; --it; } if ( !it.current() ) return; TQListViewItem *other = it.current(); for ( int c = 0; c < itemsPreview->columns(); ++c ) { TQString s = i->text( c ); i->setText( c, other->text( c ) ); other->setText( c, s ); TQPixmap pix; if ( i->pixmap( c ) ) pix = *i->pixmap( c ); if ( other->pixmap( c ) ) i->setPixmap( c, *other->pixmap( c ) ); else i->setPixmap( c, TQPixmap() ); other->setPixmap( c, pix ); } itemsPreview->setCurrentItem( other ); itemsPreview->setSelected( other, TRUE ); } void ListViewEditor::setupColumns() { TQHeader *h = listview->header(); for ( int i = 0; i < (int)h->count(); ++i ) { Column col; col.text = h->label( i ); col.pixmap = TQPixmap(); if ( h->iconSet( i ) ) col.pixmap = h->iconSet( i )->pixmap(); col.clickable = h->isClickEnabled( i ); col.resizable = h->isResizeEnabled( i ); if ( !col.pixmap.isNull() ) col.item = new TQListBoxPixmap( colPreview, col.pixmap, col.text ); else col.item = new TQListBoxText( colPreview, col.text ); columns.append( col ); } colText->setEnabled( FALSE ); colPixmap->setEnabled( FALSE ); colClickable->setEnabled( FALSE ); colResizable->setEnabled( FALSE ); if ( colPreview->firstItem() ) colPreview->setCurrentItem( colPreview->firstItem() ); numColumns = colPreview->count(); } void ListViewEditor::setupItems() { itemColumn->setMinValue( 0 ); itemColumn->setMaxValue( QMAX( numColumns - 1, 0 ) ); int i = 0; TQHeader *header = itemsPreview->header(); for ( TQListBoxItem *item = colPreview->firstItem(); item; item = item->next() ) { Column *col = findColumn( item ); if ( !col ) continue; if ( i >= itemsPreview->columns() ) itemsPreview->addColumn( col->text ); header->setLabel( i, col->pixmap, col->text ); header->setResizeEnabled( col->resizable, i ); header->setClickEnabled( col->clickable, i ); ++i; } while ( itemsPreview->columns() > i ) itemsPreview->removeColumn( i ); itemColumn->setValue( QMIN( numColumns - 1, itemColumn->value() ) ); } ListViewEditor::Column *ListViewEditor::findColumn( TQListBoxItem *i ) { if ( !i ) return 0; for ( TQValueList::Iterator it = columns.begin(); it != columns.end(); ++it ) { if ( ( *it ).item == i ) return &( *it ); } return 0; } void ListViewEditor::initTabPage( const TQString &page ) { numColumns = colPreview->count(); if ( page == i18n( "&Items" ) ) { setupItems(); if ( numColumns == 0 ) { itemNew->setEnabled( FALSE ); itemNewSub->setEnabled( FALSE ); itemText->setEnabled( FALSE ); itemChoosePixmap->setEnabled( FALSE ); itemDeletePixmap->setEnabled( FALSE ); itemColumn->setEnabled( FALSE ); } else { itemNew->setEnabled( TRUE ); itemNewSub->setEnabled( TRUE ); } } } void ListViewEditor::emitItemRenamed( TQListViewItem *, int, const TQString & text ) { emit itemRenamed( text ); // Relay signal ( to TQLineEdit ) }