#include "%{APPNAMELC}.h" #include #include /* QT */ #include #include #include %{APPNAME}::%{APPNAME}() :TQObject( 0, "%{APPNAME}" ) { } %{APPNAME}::~%{APPNAME} ( ) {} int %{APPNAME}::position() const { return 3; } TQString %{APPNAME}::name() const { return tr( "MenuApplet Example Name" ); } TQString %{APPNAME}::text() const { return tr( "Click the white rabbit" ); } TQIconSet %{APPNAME}::icon() const { TQPixmap pix; TQImage img = Resource::loadImage( "Tux" ); if ( !img.isNull() ) pix.convertFromImage( img.smoothScale( AppLnk::smallIconSize(), AppLnk::smallIconSize() ) ); return pix; } TQPopupMenu* %{APPNAME}::popup(TQWidget*) const { /* no subdir */ return 0; } void %{APPNAME}::activated() { TQMessageBox::information(0,tr("No white rabbit found"), tr("No white rabbit was seen near Opie." "Only the beautiful OpieZilla is available" "for your pleassure")); } TQRESULT %{APPNAME}::queryInterface( const TQUuid &uuid, TQUnknownInterface **iface ) { *iface = 0; if ( uuid == IID_QUnknown ) *iface = this; else if ( uuid == IID_MenuApplet ) *iface = this; else return TQS_FALSE; if ( *iface ) (*iface)->addRef(); return TQS_OK; } TQ_EXPORT_INTERFACE() { TQ_CREATE_INSTANCE( %{APPNAME} ) }