ReplaceDlg ReplaceDlg 0 0 428 487 5 5 0 0 32767 32767 Project Wide String Replacement unnamed groupBox2 Options unnamed case_box C&ase sensitive true buttonGroup2 NoFrame unnamed 0 strings_all_radio All s&ubstrings true strings_wholewords_radio Whole words onl&y tqlayout3 unnamed strings_regexp_radio Regular e&xpression: Use regexp to specify target regexp_button false E&dit Opens the regexp editor. Only enabled if installed. regexp_combo false Enter the regexp here buttonGroup1 Target Files in Project unnamed files_all_radio A&ll files true All files in the project will be considered. files_open_radio &Open files only Only open project files will be considered. files_path_radio Files under &path: Only project files in this dir and its subdirs will be considered. path_urlreq false tqlayout4 unnamed expression_varning_label 1 Expression is invalid. spacer1 Horizontal Expanding 40 20 find_button Fi&nd true Start looking for possible replacement targets. cancel_button &Cancel groupBox1 Strings unnamed textLabel1 &Text to find: find_combo find_combo Target string textLabel2 &Replacement text: replacement_combo replacement_combo The replacement string cancel_button clicked() ReplaceDlg reject() find_button clicked() ReplaceDlg accept() strings_regexp_radio toggled(bool) regexp_button setEnabled(bool) files_path_radio toggled(bool) path_urlreq setEnabled(bool) strings_regexp_radio toggled(bool) find_combo setDisabled(bool) strings_regexp_radio toggled(bool) regexp_combo setEnabled(bool) find_combo replacement_combo case_box strings_all_radio strings_regexp_radio regexp_button regexp_combo files_all_radio path_urlreq find_button cancel_button strings_wholewords_radio files_path_radio kdialog.h kcombobox.h klineedit.h kurlrequester.h klineedit.h kpushbutton.h kcombobox.h klineedit.h kcombobox.h klineedit.h