CustomOtherConfigWidgetBase CustomOtherConfigWidgetBase 0 0 659 600 Make Options unnamed tqlayout3 unnamed defaultTarget_edit makebin_edit makeoptions_label Add&itional options: makeoptions_edit makeoptions_edit makebin_label Name of build &script makebin_edit defTarget_label Default &target: defaultTarget_edit tqlayout2 unnamed prio_label Run with priority: jobs_box prio_box 0 0 0 0 19 -20 0 spacer2 Horizontal Expanding 40 20 tqlayout3 unnamed envs_label 1 5 0 0 E&nvironment: envs_combo envs_combo 3 0 0 0 true addenvs_button &Add false copyenvs_button &Copy false removeenvs_button Re&move false env_var_group 5 3 0 0 Environment &Variables envs_combo textChanged(const QString&) CustomOtherConfigWidgetBase envNameChanged(const QString&) envs_combo activated(const QString&) CustomOtherConfigWidgetBase envChanged(const QString&) copyenvs_button clicked() CustomOtherConfigWidgetBase envCopied() addenvs_button clicked() CustomOtherConfigWidgetBase envAdded() removeenvs_button clicked() CustomOtherConfigWidgetBase envRemoved() makebin_edit makeoptions_edit envs_combo addenvs_button copyenvs_button removeenvs_button kdialog.h envNameChanged(const QString &) envChanged(const QString&) envAdded() envRemoved() envCopied()