** ui.h extension file, included from the uic-generated form implementation.
** If you wish to add, delete or rename functions or slots use
** TQt Designer which will update this file, preserving your code. Create an
** init() function in place of a constructor, and a destroy() function in
** place of a destructor.
#include <tqsqldatabase.h>
#include <tqcombobox.h>
#include <tqspinbox.h>
#include <tqdom.h>
#include <tqstringlist.h>
#include <tdelocale.h>
#include <klineedit.h>
#include <tdemessagebox.h>
#include <domutil.h>
#include "sqlsupport_part.h"
// displays a ComboBox on edit to let the user choose the plugin
class PluginTableItem: public TQTableItem
PluginTableItem( TQTable* table, const TQString& text = TQString() ): TQTableItem( table, TQTableItem::OnTyping, text ) {}
virtual TQWidget* createEditor() const
TQComboBox* combo = new TQComboBox( true, table() );
combo->insertStringList( TQSqlDatabase::drivers() );
if ( !text().isEmpty() )
combo->setCurrentText( text() );
return combo;
virtual void setContentFromEditor( TQWidget* w )
if ( w->inherits( "TQComboBox" ) )
setText( ( (TQComboBox*)w )->currentText() );
TQTableItem::setContentFromEditor( w );
// uses a spinbox to let the user choose the port
class PortTableItem: public TQTableItem
PortTableItem( TQTable* table, const TQString& text = TQString() ): TQTableItem( table, TQTableItem::OnTyping, text ) {}
virtual TQWidget* createEditor() const
TQSpinBox* sb = new TQSpinBox( -1, 65535, 1, table() );
sb->setSpecialValueText( i18n("Default") );
if ( !text().isEmpty() )
sb->setValue( text().toInt() );
return sb;
virtual void setContentFromEditor( TQWidget* w )
if ( w->inherits( "TQSpinBox" ) )
setText( ( (TQSpinBox*)w )->text() );
TQTableItem::setContentFromEditor( w );
// uses a spinbox to let the user choose the port
class PasswordTableItem: public TQTableItem
PasswordTableItem( TQTable* table, const TQString& text = TQString() ): TQTableItem( table, TQTableItem::OnTyping, text ) {}
virtual TQWidget* createEditor() const
KLineEdit* le = new KLineEdit( table() );
le->setEchoMode( TQLineEdit::Password );
return le;
virtual void setContentFromEditor( TQWidget* w )
if ( w->inherits( "KLineEdit" ) ) {
password = ( (KLineEdit*)w )->text();
setText( TQString().fill( '*', password.length() ) );
} else {
TQTableItem::setContentFromEditor( w );
virtual void setText(const TQString& bogus)
TQTableItem::setText(TQString().fill('*', bogus.length()));
TQString password;
static bool isEmptyRow( TQTable* tbl, int row )
for ( int i = 0; i < tbl->numCols(); i++ ) {
if ( !tbl->text( row, i ).isEmpty() )
return false;
return true;
void SqlConfigWidget::init()
int w = dbTable->fontMetrics().width( "W" );
dbTable->setLeftMargin( 0 );
dbTable->setColumnWidth( 3, w * 5 );
valueChanged( 0, 0 );
changed = false;
static void addRow( TQTable* dbTable )
dbTable->insertRows( dbTable->numRows() );
dbTable->setItem( dbTable->numRows() - 1, 0,
new PluginTableItem( dbTable ) );
dbTable->setItem( dbTable->numRows() - 1, 3,
new PortTableItem( dbTable ) );
dbTable->setItem( dbTable->numRows() - 1, 5,
new PasswordTableItem( dbTable ) );
void SqlConfigWidget::valueChanged( int, int )
int lrow = dbTable->numRows() - 1;
if ( lrow < 0 || !isEmptyRow( dbTable, lrow ) ) {
addRow( dbTable );
changed = true;
void SqlConfigWidget::removeDb()
if ( dbTable->currentRow() >= 0 )
dbTable->removeRow( dbTable->currentRow() );
valueChanged( 0, 0 );
void SqlConfigWidget::updateButtons()
if ( dbTable->currentRow() < 0 ) {
testBtn->setEnabled( false );
removeBtn->setEnabled( false );
testBtn->setEnabled( !isEmptyRow( dbTable, dbTable->currentRow() ) );
removeBtn->setEnabled( dbTable->currentRow() + 1 < dbTable->numRows() );
void SqlConfigWidget::testDb()
static const TQString cName( "SqlConfigWidgetTest" );
int cr = dbTable->currentRow();
if (cr < 0)
TQSqlDatabase* db = TQSqlDatabase::addDatabase( dbTable->text( cr, 0 ), cName );
db->setDatabaseName( dbTable->text( cr, 1 ) );
db->setHostName( dbTable->text( cr, 2 ) );
bool ok;
int port = dbTable->text( cr, 3 ).toInt( &ok );
if (ok && port >= 0)
db->setPort( port );
TQString pass = ((PasswordTableItem*)dbTable->item( cr, 5 ))->password;
if ( db->open( dbTable->text( cr, 4 ), pass ) ) {
KMessageBox::information( this, i18n("Connection successful") );
} else {
KMessageBox::detailedSorry( this, i18n("Unable to connect to database server"),
db->lastError().driverText() + "\n" +
db->lastError().databaseText() );
db = 0;
TQSqlDatabase::removeDatabase( cName );
void SqlConfigWidget::accept()
Q_ASSERT( doc );
TQDomElement dbElem = DomUtil::createElementByPath( *doc, "/kdevsqlsupport/servers" );
DomUtil::makeEmpty( dbElem );
for ( int i = 0; i < dbTable->numRows() - 1; i++ ) {
TQStringList db;
db << dbTable->text( i, 0 ) << dbTable->text( i, 1 )
<< dbTable->text( i, 2 ) << dbTable->text( i, 3 )
<< dbTable->text( i, 4 )
<< SQLSupportPart::cryptStr( ((PasswordTableItem*)dbTable->item( i, 5 ))->password );
DomUtil::writeListEntry( *doc,
"/kdevsqlsupport/servers/server" + TQString::number( i ),
"el", db );
if ( changed )
emit newConfigSaved();
void SqlConfigWidget::setProjectDom( TQDomDocument * doc )
this->doc = doc;
void SqlConfigWidget::loadConfig()
Q_ASSERT( doc );
TQStringList db;
int i = 0;
while ( true ) {
TQStringList db = DomUtil::readListEntry( *doc, "kdevsqlsupport/servers/server" + TQString::number( i ), "el" );
if ( db.isEmpty() )
addRow( dbTable );
int row = dbTable->numRows() - 2;
for ( int ii = 0; ii < 6; ii++ )
dbTable->setText( row, ii, db[ii] );
((PasswordTableItem*)dbTable->item( row, 5 ))->password = SQLSupportPart::cryptStr( db[5] );
changed = false;