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#include "%{APPNAMELC}.h"
m_widget = 0l;
delete (%{APPNAME}Widget*)m_widget;
TQString %{APPNAME}::pluginName() const {
return TQObject::tr( "%{APPNAME}" );
double %{APPNAME}::versionNumber() const {
return 0.1;
// this sets the image that will be shown on the left side of the plugin
TQString %{APPNAME}::pixmapNameWidget() const {
return TQString::tqfromLatin1("%{APPNAMELC}/%{APPNAMELC}");
TQWidget* %{APPNAME}::widget( TQWidget * wid ) {
if(!m_widget) {
m_widget = new %{APPNAME}Widget( wid, "%{APPNAME}" );
return m_widget;
// that would be the icon of the config widget in todays config view
TQString %{APPNAME}::pixmapNameConfig() const {
return 0l;
// No config widget yet, look at the datebook plugin for an example of that
TodayConfigWidget* %{APPNAME}::configWidget( TQWidget* /*parent*/ ) {
return 0l;
// add the binary name of the app to launch here
TQString %{APPNAME}::appName() const {
return TQString();
// if the plugin should be excluded form the refresh cycles that can be set in the today app
bool %{APPNAME}::excludeFromRefresh() const {
return false;
void %{APPNAME}::refresh() {
if ( m_widget ) {
void %{APPNAME}::reinitialize() {