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khexedit.h - description
begin : Die Mai 13 2003
copyright : (C) 2003 by Friedrich W. H. Kossebau
email :
* *
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or *
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public *
* License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. *
* *
// qt specific
#include <tqclipboard.h>
// lib specific
// #include "khe.h"
#include "khexedit_export.h"
#include "kcolumnsview.h"
class TQTimer;
namespace KHE
class KCoordRange;
class KDataBuffer;
class KCharColumn;
class KValueColumn;
class TDEBufferColumn;
class KOffsetColumn;
class KBorderColumn;
class TDEBufferCursor;
class TDEBufferLayout;
class TDEBufferRanges;
class KController;
class KTabController;
class KNavigator;
class KValueEditor;
class KCharEditor;
class TDEBufferDrag;
class KCursor;
class KCharCodec;
class KHexEditPrivate;
/** the main widget
* The functions split up in helper functions and those that are complete.
* Complete functions can be called from the outside and leave the widget in
* a consistent state. They care for exceptions so one can safely call them in all
* situations (like empty buffer, cursor behind end etc.)
* Helper functions do only partial tasks and need to be completed. They often do not
* check for exceptions so one has to care for this.
*@author Friedrich W. H. Kossebau
class KHEXEDIT_EXPORT KHexEdit : public KColumnsView
friend class KTabController;
friend class KNavigator;
friend class KEditor;
friend class KValueEditor;
friend class KCharEditor;
TQ_ENUMS( KResizeStyle KCoding )
TQ_PROPERTY( bool OverwriteMode READ isOverwriteMode WRITE setOverwriteMode )
TQ_PROPERTY( bool OverwriteOnly READ isOverwriteOnly WRITE setOverwriteOnly )
TQ_PROPERTY( bool Modified READ isModified WRITE setModified DESIGNABLE false )
TQ_PROPERTY( bool ReadOnly READ isReadOnly WRITE setReadOnly )
TQ_PROPERTY( int NoOfBytesPerLine READ noOfBytesPerLine WRITE setNoOfBytesPerLine )
TQ_PROPERTY( bool TabChangesFocus READ tabChangesFocus WRITE setTabChangesFocus )
//TQ_PROPERTY( bool hasSelectedData READ hasSelectedData )
//TQ_PROPERTY( TQByteArray SelectedData READ selectedData )
TQ_PROPERTY( KResizeStyle ResizeStyle READ resizeStyle WRITE setResizeStyle )
TQ_PROPERTY( int StartOffset READ startOffset WRITE setStartOffset )
TQ_PROPERTY( int FirstLineOffset READ firstLineOffset WRITE setFirstLineOffset )
//_PROPERTY( int undoDepth READ undoDepth WRITE setUndoDepth )
//_PROPERTY( bool undoRedoEnabled READ isUndoRedoEnabled WRITE setUndoRedoEnabled )
// value column
TQ_PROPERTY( KCoding Coding READ coding WRITE setCoding )
TQ_PROPERTY( int ByteSpacingWidth READ byteSpacingWidth WRITE setByteSpacingWidth )
TQ_PROPERTY( int NoOfGroupedBytes READ noOfGroupedBytes WRITE setNoOfGroupedBytes )
TQ_PROPERTY( int GroupSpacingWidth READ groupSpacingWidth WRITE setGroupSpacingWidth )
TQ_PROPERTY( int BinaryGapWidth READ binaryGapWidth WRITE setBinaryGapWidth )
// char column
TQ_PROPERTY( bool ShowUnprintable READ showUnprintable WRITE setShowUnprintable )
TQ_PROPERTY( TQChar SubstituteChar READ substituteChar WRITE setSubstituteChar )
enum KResizeStyle { NoResize=0, LockGrouping=1, FullSizeUsage=2, MaxResizeStyleId=0xFF };
enum KCoding { HexadecimalCoding=0, DecimalCoding=1, OctalCoding=2, BinaryCoding=3, MaxCodingId=0xFFFF };
enum KEncoding { LocalEncoding=0, ISO8859_1Encoding=1, EBCDIC1047Encoding=2,
StartOfOwnEncoding=0x8000, MaxEncodingId=0xFFFF };
enum TDEBufferColumnId { ValueColumnId=1, CharColumnId=2 };
KHexEdit( KDataBuffer *Buffer = 0, TQWidget *Parent = 0, const char *Name = 0, WFlags F = 0 );
virtual ~KHexEdit();
public: // KColumnsView API
virtual void drawContents( TQPainter *p, int cx, int cy, int cw, int ch );
public: // TQWidget API
// void focusInEvent( TQFocusEvent *FocusEvent ); // TODO: why don't these work?
// void focusOutEvent( TQFocusEvent *FocusEvent );
virtual bool eventFilter( TQObject *O, TQEvent *E );
virtual TQSize sizeHint() const;
virtual TQSize minimumSizeHint() const;
public: // value access
/** returns the index of the cursor position */
int cursorPosition() const;
bool isCursorBehind() const;
TDEBufferColumnId cursorColumn() const;
bool isOverwriteMode() const;
bool isOverwriteOnly() const;
bool isReadOnly() const;
bool isModified() const;
bool tabChangesFocus() const;
KResizeStyle resizeStyle() const;
int noOfBytesPerLine() const;
int startOffset() const;
int firstLineOffset() const;
bool offsetColumnVisible() const;
int visibleBufferColumns() const;
// value column
KCoding coding() const;
int/*KPixelX*/ byteSpacingWidth() const;
int noOfGroupedBytes() const;
int/*KPixelX*/ groupSpacingWidth() const;
int/*KPixelX*/ binaryGapWidth() const;
// char column
/** reports if "unprintable" chars (value<32) are displayed in the char column
* with their original character. Default is false
* @return @c true if original chars are displayed, otherwise @c false
bool showUnprintable() const;
/** gives the used substitute character for "unprintable" chars, default is '.'
* @return substitute character
TQChar substituteChar() const;
/** returns the actually used undefined character for "undefined" chars, default is '?' */
TQChar undefinedChar() const;
* @return encoding used in the char column
KEncoding encoding() const;
* @return name of the encoding used in the char column
const TQString &encodingName() const;
public: // logic value service
/** calculates the number of bytes per line that fit into a widget with the given size
* tests whether a vertical scroll bar is needed at all or not due to the given width
* takes the frame width into account
* @param TestSize Size the widget might have
* @return number of bytes per line that fit into a widget with the given size
int fittingBytesPerLine( const TQSize &TestSize ) const;
/** detects the index of the byte at the given point
* @param Point in viewport coordinate system
* @return index of the byte that covers the point
int indexByPoint(const TQPoint &Point ) const;
/** returns true if there is a selected range in the array */
bool hasSelectedData() const;
* @return deep copy of the selected data
TQByteArray selectedData() const;
KSection selection() const;
public: // modification access
/** puts the cursor to the position of index, handles all drawing
* @param Index
void setCursorPosition( int Index, bool Behind=false );
/** puts the cursor in the column at the pos of Point (in absolute coord), does not handle the drawing */
void placeCursor( const TQPoint &Point );
void setCursorColumn( TDEBufferColumnId );
// void repaintByte( int row, int column, bool Erase = true );
// void updateByte( int row, int column );
// void ensureByteVisible( int row, int column );
public slots:
/** */
void setDataBuffer( KDataBuffer *B );
/** switches the Offset column on/off */
void toggleOffsetColumn( bool Visible );
/** */
void showBufferColumns( int Columns );
/** scrolls the view as much as needed to have the cursor fully visible */
void ensureCursorVisible();
// setting parameters
/** sets the resizestyle for the value column. Default is KHE::FullSizeUsage */
void setResizeStyle( KResizeStyle Style );
/** sets whether the widget is readonly or not, Default is true.
* If the databuffer which is worked on can't be written the widget stays readonly
virtual void setReadOnly( bool b );
/** sets whether the widget is overwriteonly or not. Default is false. */
virtual void setOverwriteOnly( bool b );
/** sets whether the widget is in overwrite mode or not. Default is true. */
virtual void setOverwriteMode( bool b );
/** sets whether the data should be treated modified or not */
virtual void setModified( bool b );
/** sets whether on a tab key there should be switched from the char column back to the value column
* or be switched to the next focusable widget. Default is false
virtual void setTabChangesFocus( bool b = true );
/** sets the number of bytes per line, switching the resize style to KHE::NoResize */
virtual void setNoOfBytesPerLine( int NoCpL );
/** sets absolut offset of the data */
void setStartOffset( int SO );
/** sets offset of the char in the upper left corner */
void setFirstLineOffset( int FLO );
// value column parameters
/** sets the spacing between the bytes in the value column
* @param BSW spacing between the bytes in pixels
* default is 3
void setByteSpacingWidth( int/*KPixelX*/ BSW ) ;
/** sets the number of grouped bytes in the value column
* @param NoGB numbers of grouped bytes, 0 means no grouping
* default is 4
void setNoOfGroupedBytes( int NoGB );
/** sets the spacing between the groups of bytes in the value column
* @param GSW spacing between the groups in pixels
* default is 9
void setGroupSpacingWidth( int/*KPixelX*/ GSW );
/** sets the spacing in the middle of a binary byte in the value column
* @param BinaryGapW spacing in the middle of a binary in pixels
* returns true if there was a change
void setBinaryGapWidth( int BGW );
/** sets the spacing in the value column
* @param ByteSpacingWidth spacing between the bytes in pixels
* @param NoOfGroupedBytes numbers of grouped bytes, 0 means no grouping
* @param GroupSpacingWidth spacing between the groups in pixels
* Default is 4 for NoOfGroupedBytes
void setBufferSpacing( KPixelX ByteSpacingWidth, int NoOfGroupedBytes = 0, KPixelX GroupSpacingWidth = 0 );
/** sets the format of the value column. Default is KHE::HexadecimalCoding */
void setCoding( KCoding C );
// char column parameters
/** sets whether "unprintable" chars (>32) should be displayed in the char column
* with their corresponding character.
* @param SU
* returns true if there was a change
void setShowUnprintable( bool SU = true );
/** sets the substitute character for "unprintable" chars
* returns true if there was a change
void setSubstituteChar( TQChar SC );
/** sets the undefined character for "undefined" chars
* returns true if there was a change
void setUndefinedChar( TQChar UC );
/** sets the encoding of the char column. Default is KHE::LocalEncoding.
* If the encoding is not available the format will not be changed. */
void setEncoding( KEncoding C );
/** sets the encoding of the char column. Default is KHE::LocalEncoding.
* If the encoding is not available the format will not be changed.
* @param Encoding name of the encoding
void setEncoding( const TQString& Encoding );
// interaction
/** de-/selects all data */
void selectAll( bool select );
/** de-/selects all data */
void select( KSection S );
/** selects word at index, returns true if there is one */
bool selectWord( /*unsigned*/ int Index /*, Chartype*/ );
/** removes the selected data, takes care of the cursor */
virtual void removeSelectedData();
/** inserts */
virtual void insert( const TQByteArray &D );
// clipboard interaction
virtual void copy();
virtual void cut();
virtual void paste();
// zooming
virtual void zoomIn( int PointInc );
virtual void zoomIn();
virtual void zoomOut( int PointInc );
virtual void zoomOut();
virtual void zoomTo( int PointSize );
virtual void unZoom();
// cursor control
/** we have focus again, start the timer */
virtual void startCursor();
/** we lost focus, stop the timer */
virtual void stopCursor();
/** simply pauses any blinking, i.e. ignores any calls to blinkCursor */
virtual void pauseCursor( bool LeaveEdit = false );
/** undoes pauseCursor */
virtual void unpauseCursor();
/** Index of the byte that was clicked */
void clicked( int Index );
/** Index of the byte that was double clicked */
void doubleClicked( int Index );
void cursorPositionChanged( int Index );
/** selection has changed */
void selectionChanged( int StartIndex, int EndIndex );
/** there is a cut available or not */
void cutAvailable( bool Really );
/** there is a copy available or not */
void copyAvailable( bool Really );
/** there has been a change to the buffer */
void bufferChanged( int StartIndex, int EndIndex );
protected: // TQWidget API
virtual void keyPressEvent( TQKeyEvent *KeyEvent );
virtual void resizeEvent( TQResizeEvent *ResizeEvent );
virtual void showEvent( TQShowEvent *e );
protected: // TQScrollView API
virtual void contentsMousePressEvent( TQMouseEvent *e );
virtual void contentsMouseReleaseEvent( TQMouseEvent * e );
virtual void contentsMouseMoveEvent( TQMouseEvent *e );
virtual void contentsMouseDoubleClickEvent( TQMouseEvent * e );
virtual void contentsDragEnterEvent( TQDragEnterEvent *e );
virtual void contentsDragMoveEvent( TQDragMoveEvent *e );
virtual void contentsDragLeaveEvent( TQDragLeaveEvent * );
virtual void contentsDropEvent( TQDropEvent *e );
virtual void contentsWheelEvent( TQWheelEvent *e );
// virtual void contentsContextMenuEvent( TQContextMenuEvent *e );
protected: // KColumnsView API
virtual void setNoOfLines( int NewNoOfLines );
protected: // element accessor functions
KValueColumn& valueColumn();
KCharColumn& charColumn();
TDEBufferColumn& activeColumn();
TDEBufferColumn& inactiveColumn();
const KValueColumn& valueColumn() const;
const KCharColumn& charColumn() const;
const TDEBufferColumn& activeColumn() const;
const TDEBufferColumn& inactiveColumn() const;
protected: // atomic ui operations
/** handles screen update in case of a change to any of the width sizes
void updateViewByWidth();
/** repaints all the parts that are signed as changed */
void repaintChanged();
protected: // drawing related operations
/** recreates the cursor pixmaps and paints active and inactive cursors if doable */
void updateCursor();
void createCursorPixmaps();
void pointPainterToCursor( TQPainter &Painter, const TDEBufferColumn &Column ) const;
/** draws the blinking cursor or removes it */
void paintActiveCursor( bool CursorOn );
void paintInactiveCursor( bool CursorOn );
void paintLine( TDEBufferColumn *C, int Line, KSection Positions );
protected: // partial operations
void handleMouseMove( const TQPoint& Point );
TDEBufferDrag *dragObject( TQWidget *Parent = 0 ) const;
void pasteFromSource( TQMimeSource *Source );
/** removes the section from the databuffer and updates all affected values */
KSection removeData( KSection Indizes );
/** sets ChangedRange to the range of VisibleRange that is actually changed
* @return true if there was a change within the visible range
bool hasChanged( const KCoordRange &VisibleRange, KCoordRange *ChangedRange ) const;
void handleInternalDrag( TQDropEvent *e );
/** recalcs all dependant values with the actual NoOfBytesPerLine */
void adjustToLayoutNoOfBytesPerLine();
/** recalcs a layout due to the resize style that fits into the view size
* and updates the dependant values
void adjustLayoutToSize();
/** */
void updateLength();
/** calls updateContent for the Column */
void updateColumn( KColumn &Column );
protected slots:
/** gets called by the cursor blink timer */
void blinkCursor();
/** gets called by the scroll timer (for mouse selection) */
void autoScrollTimerDone();
/** */
void clipboardChanged();
/** */
void startDrag();
protected slots: // TQWidget API
virtual void fontChange( const TQFont &OldFont );
/** Buffer with the data */
KDataBuffer *DataBuffer;
/** holds the logical layout */
TDEBufferLayout *BufferLayout;
/** */
TDEBufferCursor *BufferCursor;
/** */
TDEBufferRanges *BufferRanges;
KOffsetColumn *OffsetColumn;
KBorderColumn *FirstBorderColumn;
KValueColumn *ValueColumn;
KBorderColumn *SecondBorderColumn;
KCharColumn *CharColumn;
/** points to the column with keyboard focus */
TDEBufferColumn *ActiveColumn;
/** points to the column without keyboard focus (if there is) */
TDEBufferColumn *InactiveColumn;
/** the actual input controller */
KController *Controller;
/** */
KTabController *TabController;
/** */
KNavigator *Navigator;
/** */
KValueEditor *ValueEditor;
/** */
KCharEditor *CharEditor;
/** Timer that controls the blinking of the cursor */
TQTimer *CursorBlinkTimer;
/** Timer that triggers ensureCursorVisible function calls */
TQTimer *ScrollTimer;
/* TQTimer *ChangeIntervalTimer, */
/** Timer to start a drag */
TQTimer *DragStartTimer;
/** timer to measure whether the time between a double click and the following counts for a tripleclick */
TQTimer *TrippleClickTimer;
/** object to store the blinking cursor pixmaps */
KCursor *CursorPixmaps;
/** */
KCharCodec *Codec;
/** point at which the current double click happended (used by TrippleClick) */
TQPoint DoubleClickPoint;
/** line in which the current double click happended (used by TrippleClick) */
int DoubleClickLine;
/** point at which the current dragging started */
TQPoint DragStartPoint;
/** */
TQClipboard::Mode ClipboardMode;
/** font size as set by user (used for zooming) */
int DefaultFontSize;
protected: // parameters
/** style of resizing */
KResizeStyle ResizeStyle;
/** */
KEncoding Encoding;
/** flag whether the widget is set to readonly. Cannot override the databuffer's setting, of course. */
bool ReadOnly:1;
/** flag if only overwrite is allowed */
bool OverWriteOnly:1;
/** flag if overwrite mode is active */
bool OverWrite:1;
/** flag if a mouse button is pressed */
bool MousePressed:1;
/** flag if a double click is happening */
bool InDoubleClick:1;
/** flag if a Drag'n'Drop is happening */
bool InDnD:1;
/** flag if a drag might have started */
bool DragStartPossible:1;
/** flag if the cursor should be invisible */
bool CursorPaused:1;
/** flag if the cursor is visible */
bool BlinkCursorVisible:1;
/** flag whether the font is changed due to a zooming */
bool InZooming:1;
/** the binary compatibility saving helper */
KHexEditPrivate* d;
private: // Disabling copy constructor and operator= - not useful
KHexEdit( const KHexEdit & );
KHexEdit &operator=( const KHexEdit & );
inline const KValueColumn& KHexEdit::valueColumn() const { return *ValueColumn; }
inline const KCharColumn& KHexEdit::charColumn() const { return *CharColumn; }
inline const TDEBufferColumn& KHexEdit::activeColumn() const { return *ActiveColumn; }
inline const TDEBufferColumn& KHexEdit::inactiveColumn() const { return *InactiveColumn; }
inline KValueColumn& KHexEdit::valueColumn() { return *ValueColumn; }
inline KCharColumn& KHexEdit::charColumn() { return *CharColumn; }
inline TDEBufferColumn& KHexEdit::activeColumn() { return *ActiveColumn; }
inline TDEBufferColumn& KHexEdit::inactiveColumn() { return *InactiveColumn; }