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kdatabuffer.h - description
begin : Mit Mai 14 2003
copyright : (C) 2003 by Friedrich W. H. Kossebau
email :
* *
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or *
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public *
* License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. *
* *
// lib specific
#include "ksection.h"
#include "khexedit_export.h"
namespace KHE
/** could it be useful to hide the data access behind an iterator? *
class KDataBufferIterator
bool hasNext();
char next();
char *
int Length;
bool KDataBufferIterator::hasNext()
// this function should be simple as possible
char KDataBufferIterator::next()
// if next span is empty
if( )
return *NextChar++;
/** base class for all Data buffers that are used to display
* TODO: think about a way to inform KHexEdit that there has been
* a change in the buffer outside. what kind of changes are possible?
* Operations on the data:
* Finding: is implemented stateless. FindNext has to be done by perhaps a FindManager
* Replacing: not available. Implement within a ReplaceManager
*@author Friedrich W. H. Kossebau
friend class KDataBufferIterator;
virtual ~KDataBuffer();
public: // data access API
/** locates working range
* The idea behind is to tell buffer which range will be requested in the following time,
* so that e.g. the corresponding pages will be loaded in advance
* TODO: do we really need this? Where will this lead to real enhancements?
* @param Range
* @return @c true if successfull, @c false otherwise
virtual bool prepareRange( KSection Range ) const = 0;
/** convenience function, same as above */
bool prepareRange( int Offset, int Length ) const;
/** creates an iterator to */
//virtual KDataBufferIterator *iterator() const = 0;
/** expects pointer to memory, should be in prepared range
* it is only expected to be a valid pointer until any further call
* to this or any modifying function
* @param Section
* @return pointer to
virtual const char *dataSet( KSection Section ) const = 0;
/** convenience function, same as above */
const char *dataSet( int Offset, int Length ) const;
/** requests a single byte
* if the offset is not valid the behaviout is undefined
* @param Offset offset of the datum requested
virtual char datum( unsigned int Offset ) const = 0;
* @return the size of the data
virtual int size() const = 0;
public: // state read API
* @return @c true if the buffer can only be read, @c false if writing is allowed
virtual bool isReadOnly() const;
* @return @c true if the buffer has been modified, @c false otherwise
virtual bool isModified() const = 0;
public: // modification API
/** inserts bytes copied from the given source at Position.
* The original data beginnung at the position is moved
* with the buffer enlarged as needed
* If the buffer is readOnly this is a noop and returns 0.
* @param Pos
* @param Source data source
* @param SourceLength number of bytes to copy
* @return length of inserted data
virtual int insert( int Pos, const char* Source, int SourceLength );
/** removes beginning with position as much as possible
* @param Section
* @return length of removed data
virtual int remove( KSection Section );
/** convenience function, behaves as above */
int remove( int Pos, int Length );
/** replaces as much as possible
* @param DestSection
* @param Source
* @param SourceLength
* @return length of replacced data
virtual unsigned int tqreplace( KSection DestSection, const char* Source, unsigned int SourceLength ) = 0;
/** convenience function, behaves as above */
unsigned int tqreplace( unsigned int Pos, unsigned int RemoveLength,
const char* Source, unsigned int SourceLength );
/** moves a part of the data to a new position, while floating the other data around
* when moving to a higher place the length of the block must be taken into account
* if the new positions extend beyond the buffers end the section is moved to the end.
* @param DesPos position of the data where the section should be moved behind
* @param SourceSection data section to be moved
* @return new pos of moved data or old, if failed
virtual int move( int DestPos, KSection SourceSection ) = 0;
* fills the buffer with the FillChar. If the buffer is to small it will be extended as much as possible.
* @param FillChar char to use
* @param Length number of chars to fill. If Length is -1, the current buffer length is used.
* @param Pos position where the filling starts
* @return number of filled characters
virtual int fill( const char FillChar, int Length = -1, unsigned int Pos = 0 ) = 0;
/** sets a single byte
* if the offset is not valid the behaviour is undefined
* @param Offset offset of the datum requested
* @param Char new byte value
virtual void setDatum( unsigned int Offset, const char Char ) = 0;
/** sets the modified flag for the buffer
* @param M
virtual void setModified( bool M ) = 0;
public: // service functions
/** copies the data of the section into a given array Dest. If the section extends the buffers range
* the section is limited to the buffer's end. If the section is invalid the behaviour is undefined.
* @param Dest pointer to a char array large enough to hold the copied section
* @param Source
* @return number of copied bytes
virtual int copyTo( char* Dest, KSection Source ) const;
/** convenience function, behaves as above */
int copyTo( char* Dest, int Pos, int n ) const;
public: // finding API
/** searches beginning with byte at Pos.
* @param
* @param Length length of search string
* @param Pos the position to start the search
* @return index of the first or -1
//virtual int tqfind( const char*, int Length, int Pos = 0 ) const = 0;
/** searches for a given data string
* The section limits the data within which the key has to be found
* If the end of the section is lower then the start the search continues at the start???
* @param
* @param Length length of search string
* @param Section section within the keydata is to be found
* @return index of the first occurence or -1
virtual int tqfind( const char*KeyData, int Length, KSection Section ) const = 0;
/** searches backward beginning with byte at Pos.
* @param
* @param Length length of search string
* @param Pos the position to start the search. If -1 the search starts at the end.
* @return index of the first or -1
virtual int rfind( const char*, int Length, int Pos = -1 ) const = 0;
/* virtual int tqfind( const TQString &expr, bool cs, bool wo, bool forward = true, int *index = 0 ); */
inline KDataBuffer::KDataBuffer() {}
inline KDataBuffer::~KDataBuffer() {}
inline bool KDataBuffer::prepareRange( int Offset, int Length ) const
{ return prepareRange( KSection(Offset,Offset+Length-1) ); }
inline const char *KDataBuffer::dataSet( int Offset, int Length ) const
{ return dataSet( KSection(Offset,Offset+Length-1) ); }
inline int KDataBuffer::remove( int Pos, int Length )
{ return remove( KSection(Pos,Pos+Length-1) ); }
inline unsigned int KDataBuffer::tqreplace( unsigned int Pos, unsigned int RemoveLength,
const char* D, unsigned int InputLength )
{ return tqreplace( KSection(Pos,Pos+RemoveLength-1), D, InputLength ); }
inline bool KDataBuffer::isReadOnly() const { return false; }