/* * khexedit - Versatile hex editor * Copyright (C) 1999 Espen Sand, espensa@online.no * This file is based on the work by Martynas Kunigelis (KProgress) * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * */ #include "statusbarprogress.h" #include #include #include #include #include CStatusBarProgress::CStatusBarProgress( QWidget *parent, const char *name ) : QFrame(parent, name), QRangeControl(0, 100, 1, 10, 0), mOrientation( Horizontal ) { initialize(); } CStatusBarProgress::CStatusBarProgress( Orientation orientation, QWidget *parent, const char *name ) : QFrame(parent, name), QRangeControl(0, 100, 1, 10, 0), mOrientation( orientation ) { initialize(); } CStatusBarProgress::CStatusBarProgress( int minValue, int maxValue, int value, Orientation orientation, QWidget *parent, const char *name ) : QFrame(parent, name), QRangeControl(minValue, maxValue, 1, 10, value), mOrientation(orientation) { initialize(); } CStatusBarProgress::~CStatusBarProgress() { delete mBarPixmap; } void CStatusBarProgress::advance( int offset ) { setValue(value() + offset); } void CStatusBarProgress::initialize( void ) { mBarPixmap = 0; mBarStyle = Solid; mBarColor = palette().active().highlight(); mBarTextColor = palette().active().highlightedText(); mTextColor = palette().active().text(); setBackgroundColor( palette().active().background() ); QFont font( KGlobalSettings::generalFont() ); font.setBold( true ); setFont( font ); mTextEnabled = false; adjustStyle(); } void CStatusBarProgress::setBarPixmap( const QPixmap &pixmap ) { if( pixmap.isNull() == true ) { return; } delete mBarPixmap; mBarPixmap = new QPixmap( pixmap ); } void CStatusBarProgress::setBarColor( const QColor &color ) { mBarColor = color; delete mBarPixmap; mBarPixmap = 0; } void CStatusBarProgress::setBarStyle( BarStyle style ) { if( mBarStyle != style ) { mBarStyle = style; update(); } } void CStatusBarProgress::setOrientation( Orientation orientation ) { if( mOrientation != orientation ) { mOrientation = orientation; update(); } } void CStatusBarProgress::setValue(int value) { mCurPage = mMaxPage = -1; QRangeControl::setValue(value); } void CStatusBarProgress::setValue( int curPage, int maxPage ) { if( curPage <= 0 || maxPage <= 0 || curPage > maxPage ) { mCurPage = mMaxPage = -1; QRangeControl::setValue(0); } else { mCurPage = curPage; mMaxPage = maxPage; float fraction = (float)curPage/(float)maxPage; QRangeControl::setValue( (int)(fraction*100.0) ); } } void CStatusBarProgress::setTextEnabled( bool state ) { if( mTextEnabled != state ) { mTextEnabled = state; update(); } } void CStatusBarProgress::setText( const QString &msg ) { mMsg = msg; if( mTextEnabled == true ) { update(); } } const QColor & CStatusBarProgress::barColor( void ) const { return( mBarColor ); } const QPixmap * CStatusBarProgress::barPixmap( void ) const { return( mBarPixmap ); } bool CStatusBarProgress::textEnabled( void ) const { return( mTextEnabled ); } QSize CStatusBarProgress::sizeHint( void ) const { QSize s( size() ); if( orientation() == CStatusBarProgress::Vertical ) { s.setWidth( fontMetrics().lineSpacing() ); } else { s.setHeight( fontMetrics().lineSpacing() ); } return( s ); } CStatusBarProgress::Orientation CStatusBarProgress::orientation( void ) const { return( mOrientation ); } CStatusBarProgress::BarStyle CStatusBarProgress::barStyle() const { return( mBarStyle ); } int CStatusBarProgress::recalcValue(int range) { int abs_value = value() - minValue(); int abs_range = maxValue() - minValue(); return range * abs_value / abs_range; } void CStatusBarProgress::valueChange() { repaint(contentsRect(), FALSE); emit percentageChanged(recalcValue(100)); } void CStatusBarProgress::rangeChange() { repaint(contentsRect(), FALSE); emit percentageChanged(recalcValue(100)); } void CStatusBarProgress::styleChange( GUIStyle ) { adjustStyle(); } void CStatusBarProgress::adjustStyle( void ) { switch( style().SH_GUIStyle) { case WindowsStyle: setFrameStyle( QFrame::NoFrame ); break; case MotifStyle: default: setFrameStyle( QFrame::Panel|QFrame::Sunken ); setLineWidth( 1 ); break; } update(); } void CStatusBarProgress::paletteChange( const QPalette & ) { mBarColor = palette().active().highlight(); mBarTextColor = palette().active().highlightedText(); mTextColor = palette().active().text(); setBackgroundColor( palette().active().background() ); } void CStatusBarProgress::drawText( QPainter *p ) { QRect r(contentsRect()); QString s; if( mMsg.isEmpty() == true ) { s = QString("%1%").arg(recalcValue(100)); } else { if( mCurPage > 0 ) { s = i18n("%1... %2 of %3").arg(mMsg).arg(mCurPage).arg(mMaxPage); } else { s = i18n("%1... %2%").arg(mMsg).arg(recalcValue(100)); } } p->setPen( mTextColor ); p->drawText( r, AlignCenter, s ); p->setClipRegion( fr ); p->setPen( mBarTextColor ); p->drawText( r, AlignCenter, s ); } void CStatusBarProgress::drawContents(QPainter *p) { QRect cr = contentsRect(), er = cr; fr = cr; QBrush fb(mBarColor), eb(backgroundColor() ); if( mBarPixmap != 0 ) { fb.setPixmap( *mBarPixmap ); } if (backgroundPixmap()) eb.setPixmap(*backgroundPixmap()); switch( mBarStyle ) { case Solid: if( mOrientation == Horizontal ) { fr.setWidth(recalcValue(cr.width())); er.setLeft(fr.right() + 1); } else { fr.setTop(cr.bottom() - recalcValue(cr.height())); er.setBottom(fr.top() - 1); } p->setBrushOrigin(cr.topLeft()); p->fillRect(fr, fb); p->fillRect(er, eb); if( mTextEnabled == true ) drawText(p); break; case Blocked: const int margin = 2; int max, num, dx, dy; if( mOrientation == Horizontal ) { fr.setHeight(cr.height() - 2 * margin); fr.setWidth((int)(0.67 * fr.height())); fr.moveTopLeft(QPoint(cr.left() + margin, cr.top() + margin)); dx = fr.width() + margin; dy = 0; max = (cr.width() - margin) / (fr.width() + margin) + 1; num = recalcValue(max); } else { fr.setWidth(cr.width() - 2 * margin); fr.setHeight((int)(0.67 * fr.width())); fr.moveBottomLeft(QPoint(cr.left() + margin, cr.bottom() - margin)); dx = 0; dy = - (fr.height() + margin); max = (cr.height() - margin) / (fr.height() + margin) + 1; num = recalcValue(max); } p->setClipRect(cr.x() + margin, cr.y() + margin, cr.width() - margin, cr.height() - margin); for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { p->setBrushOrigin(fr.topLeft()); p->fillRect(fr, fb); fr.moveBy(dx, dy); } if (num != max) { if( mOrientation == Horizontal ) er.setLeft(fr.right() + 1); else er.setBottom(fr.bottom() + 1); if (!er.isNull()) { p->setBrushOrigin(cr.topLeft()); p->fillRect(er, eb); } } break; } } void CStatusBarProgress::mousePressEvent( QMouseEvent */*e*/ ) { emit pressed(); } #include "statusbarprogress.moc"