/*************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2006-2007 by Rajko Albrecht * * ral@alwins-world.de * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with this program; if not, write to the * * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * ***************************************************************************/ #include "svnqt/repositorydata.hpp" #include "svnqt/svnqt_defines.hpp" #include "svnqt/exception.hpp" #include "svnqt/repositorylistener.hpp" #include "svnqt/svnfilestream.hpp" #include #include #include namespace svn { namespace repository { class RepoOutStream:public stream::SvnStream { public: RepoOutStream(RepositoryData*); virtual ~RepoOutStream(){} virtual bool isOk()const{return true;} virtual long write(const char*data,const unsigned long max); protected: RepositoryData*m_Back; }; RepoOutStream::RepoOutStream(RepositoryData*aBack) : SvnStream(false,true) { m_Back = aBack; } long RepoOutStream::write(const char*data,const unsigned long max) { if (m_Back) { TQString msg = TQString::FROMUTF8(data,max); m_Back->reposFsWarning(msg); } return max; } RepositoryData::RepositoryData(RepositoryListener*aListener) { m_Repository = 0; m_Listener = aListener; } RepositoryData::~RepositoryData() { } void RepositoryData::warning_func(void *baton, svn_error_t *err) { RepositoryData*_r = (RepositoryData*)baton; if (_r) { TQString msg = svn::Exception::error2msg(err); svn_error_clear(err); _r->reposFsWarning(msg); } } void RepositoryData::reposFsWarning(const TQString&msg) { if (m_Listener) { m_Listener->sendWarning(msg); } } svn_error_t*RepositoryData::cancel_func(void*baton) { RepositoryListener*m_L = (RepositoryListener*)baton; if (m_L && m_L->isCanceld()) { return svn_error_create (SVN_ERR_CANCELLED, 0, TQString::FROMUTF8("Cancelled by user.").TOUTF8()); } return SVN_NO_ERROR; } /*! \fn svn::RepositoryData::close() */ void RepositoryData::Close() { m_Pool.renew(); m_Repository = 0; } /*! \fn svn::RepositoryData::Open(const TQString&) */ svn_error_t * RepositoryData::Open(const TQString&path) { Close(); svn_error_t * error = svn_repos_open(&m_Repository,path.TOUTF8(),m_Pool); if (error!=0L) { m_Repository=0; return error; } svn_fs_set_warning_func(svn_repos_fs(m_Repository), RepositoryData::warning_func, this); return SVN_NO_ERROR; } /*! \fn svn::RepositoryData::CreateOpen(const TQString&path, const TQString&fstype, bool _bdbnosync = false, bool _bdbautologremove = true, bool nosvn1diff=false) */ svn_error_t * RepositoryData::CreateOpen(const TQString&path, const TQString&fstype, bool _bdbnosync, bool _bdbautologremove, bool _pre_1_4_compat, bool _pre_1_5_compat) { Close(); const char* _type; if (fstype.lower()=="bdb") { _type="bdb"; } else { _type="fsfs"; } apr_hash_t *config; apr_hash_t *fs_config = apr_hash_make(m_Pool); apr_hash_set(fs_config, SVN_FS_CONFIG_BDB_TXN_NOSYNC, APR_HASH_KEY_STRING, (_bdbnosync ? "1" : "0")); apr_hash_set(fs_config, SVN_FS_CONFIG_BDB_LOG_AUTOREMOVE, APR_HASH_KEY_STRING, (_bdbautologremove ? "1" : "0")); apr_hash_set(fs_config, SVN_FS_CONFIG_FS_TYPE, APR_HASH_KEY_STRING, _type); #if ((SVN_VER_MAJOR == 1) && (SVN_VER_MINOR >= 4) || SVN_VER_MAJOR>1) if (_pre_1_4_compat) { qDebug("Pre 14"); apr_hash_set(fs_config, SVN_FS_CONFIG_PRE_1_4_COMPATIBLE, APR_HASH_KEY_STRING,"1"); } #else Q_UNUSED(_pre_1_4_compat); #endif #if ((SVN_VER_MAJOR == 1) && (SVN_VER_MINOR >= 5) || SVN_VER_MAJOR>1) if (_pre_1_5_compat) { qDebug("Pre 15"); apr_hash_set(fs_config, SVN_FS_CONFIG_PRE_1_5_COMPATIBLE, APR_HASH_KEY_STRING,"1"); } #else Q_UNUSED(_pre_1_5_compat); #endif /// @todo config as extra paramter? Meanwhile default config only /// (see svn::ContextData) SVN_ERR(svn_config_get_config(&config, 0, m_Pool)); const char*repository_path = apr_pstrdup (m_Pool,path.TOUTF8()); repository_path = svn_path_internal_style(repository_path, m_Pool); if (svn_path_is_url(repository_path)) { return svn_error_createf(SVN_ERR_CL_ARG_PARSING_ERROR, NULL, "'%s' is an URL when it should be a path",repository_path); } SVN_ERR(svn_repos_create(&m_Repository, repository_path, NULL, NULL,config, fs_config,m_Pool)); svn_fs_set_warning_func(svn_repos_fs(m_Repository), RepositoryData::warning_func, this); return SVN_NO_ERROR; } /*! \fn svn::RepositoryData::dump(const TQString&output,const svn::Revision&start,const svn::Revision&end, bool incremental, bool use_deltas) */ svn_error_t* RepositoryData::dump(const TQString&output,const svn::Revision&start,const svn::Revision&end, bool incremental, bool use_deltas) { if (!m_Repository) { return svn_error_create(SVN_ERR_CANCELLED,0,"No repository selected."); } Pool pool; svn::stream::SvnFileOStream out(output); RepoOutStream backstream(this); svn_revnum_t _s,_e; _s = start.revnum(); _e = end.revnum(); SVN_ERR(svn_repos_dump_fs2(m_Repository,out,backstream,_s,_e,incremental,use_deltas, RepositoryData::cancel_func,m_Listener,pool)); return SVN_NO_ERROR; } svn_error_t* RepositoryData::loaddump(const TQString&dump,svn_repos_load_uuid uuida, const TQString&tqparentFolder, bool usePre, bool usePost) { if (!m_Repository) { return svn_error_create(SVN_ERR_CANCELLED,0,"No repository selected."); } svn::stream::SvnFileIStream infile(dump); RepoOutStream backstream(this); Pool pool; const char*src_path = apr_pstrdup (pool,dump.TOUTF8()); const char*dest_path; if (tqparentFolder.isEmpty()) { dest_path=0; } else { dest_path=apr_pstrdup (pool,tqparentFolder.TOUTF8()); } src_path = svn_path_internal_style(src_path, pool); SVN_ERR(svn_repos_load_fs2(m_Repository,infile,backstream,uuida,dest_path,usePre?1:0,usePost?1:0,RepositoryData::cancel_func,m_Listener,pool)); return SVN_NO_ERROR; } svn_error_t* RepositoryData::hotcopy(const TQString&src,const TQString&dest,bool cleanlogs) { Pool pool; const char*src_path = apr_pstrdup (pool,src.TOUTF8()); const char*dest_path = apr_pstrdup (pool,dest.TOUTF8()); src_path = svn_path_internal_style(src_path, pool); dest_path = svn_path_internal_style(dest_path, pool); SVN_ERR(svn_repos_hotcopy(src_path,dest_path,cleanlogs?1:0,pool)); return SVN_NO_ERROR; } } }