You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

126 lines
4.6 KiB

* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
* copyright (C) 2002-2006 *
* Umbrello UML Modeller Authors <> *
// own header
#include "activitydialog.h"
//qt includes
#include <tqlayout.h>
//kde includes
#include <kiconloader.h>
#include <klocale.h>
//local includes
#include "../umlview.h"
#include "../activitywidget.h"
#include "../dialog_utils.h"
ActivityDialog::ActivityDialog( UMLView * pView, ActivityWidget * pWidget )
: KDialogBase(IconList, i18n("Properties"), Ok | Apply | Cancel | Help, Ok, pView, "_STATEDIALOG_", true, true) {
m_pView = pView;
m_pActivityWidget = pWidget;
m_bChangesMade = false;
void ActivityDialog::slotOk() {
applyPage( GeneralPage );
applyPage( ColorPage );
applyPage( FontPage );
void ActivityDialog::slotApply() {
applyPage( (Page) activePageIndex() );
void ActivityDialog::setupPages() {
void ActivityDialog::applyPage( Page page ) {
m_bChangesMade = true;
switch( page ) {
case GeneralPage:
m_pActivityWidget -> setName( m_GenPageWidgets.nameLE -> text() );
m_pActivityWidget -> setDoc( m_GenPageWidgets.docMLE -> text() );
case ColorPage:
m_pColorPage -> updateUMLWidget();
case FontPage:
m_pActivityWidget -> setFont( m_pChooser -> font() );
}//end switch
void ActivityDialog::setupGeneralPage() {
TQString types[ ] = { i18n("Initial activity"), i18n("Activity"), i18n("End activity"), i18n( "Branch/Merge"), i18n( "Fork/Join" ) };
ActivityWidget::ActivityType type = m_pActivityWidget -> getActivityType();
TQVBox * page = addVBoxPage( i18n("General"), i18n("General Properties"), DesktopIcon( "misc") );
m_GenPageWidgets.generalGB = new TQGroupBox( i18n( "Properties"), (TQWidget *)page );
TQGridLayout * generalLayout = new TQGridLayout( m_GenPageWidgets.generalGB, 2, 2 );
generalLayout -> setSpacing( spacingHint() );
generalLayout -> setMargin( fontMetrics().height() );
TQString actType ( types[ (int)type ] );
Dialog_Utils::makeLabeledEditField( m_GenPageWidgets.generalGB, generalLayout, 0,
m_GenPageWidgets.typeL, i18n("Activity type:"),
m_GenPageWidgets.typeLE, actType );
m_GenPageWidgets.typeLE -> setEnabled( false );
Dialog_Utils::makeLabeledEditField( m_GenPageWidgets.generalGB, generalLayout, 1,
m_GenPageWidgets.nameL, i18n("Activity name:"),
m_GenPageWidgets.nameLE );
m_GenPageWidgets.docGB = new TQGroupBox( i18n( "Documentation"), (TQWidget *)page );
TQHBoxLayout * docLayout = new TQHBoxLayout( m_GenPageWidgets.docGB );
docLayout -> setSpacing( spacingHint() );
docLayout -> setMargin( fontMetrics().height() );
m_GenPageWidgets.docMLE = new TQMultiLineEdit( m_GenPageWidgets.docGB );
m_GenPageWidgets.docMLE -> setText( m_pActivityWidget -> getDoc() );
docLayout -> addWidget( m_GenPageWidgets.docMLE );
if( type != ActivityWidget::Normal ) {
m_GenPageWidgets.nameLE -> setEnabled( false );
m_GenPageWidgets.nameLE -> setText( "" );
} else
m_GenPageWidgets.nameLE -> setText( m_pActivityWidget -> getName() );
void ActivityDialog::setupFontPage() {
TQVBox * page = addVBoxPage( i18n("Font"), i18n("Font Settings"), DesktopIcon( "fonts") );
m_pChooser = new KFontChooser( (TQWidget*)page, "font", false, TQStringList(), false);
m_pChooser -> setFont( m_pActivityWidget -> getFont() );
void ActivityDialog::setupColorPage() {
TQFrame * colorPage = addPage( i18n("Color"), i18n("Widget Colors"), DesktopIcon( "colors") );
TQHBoxLayout * m_pColorLayout = new TQHBoxLayout(colorPage);
m_pColorPage = new UMLWidgetColorPage( colorPage, m_pActivityWidget );
m_pColorLayout -> addWidget(m_pColorPage);
#include "activitydialog.moc"