You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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This file contains the list of regular expressions the plugin should check for.
Please, follow this syntax:
<cs/> (only when the expression needs to be case sensitive)
Right now the file should be copied to ~/.trinity/share/apps/kbabel/regexplist.xml. I'm sorry this cannot be configured but hope it will in the future. By the time if you need another location you have to modify the source code (
You'll see in the example that most expressions start with '(^| |\\t)+' and then a word. This is to ensure it _is_ a word. Using the usual expressions to ensure we pick up a whole word doesn't work for the catalan language. Anyway, if you need to match a tab be sure you use the '\\t' expression.
Right now names in expressions aren't much useful, but I aim to modify kbabel in order to give more information about the error found. And I will probably add a description tag to enable long explanations of the mistake.
Also note the syntax of the file is quite strict. Mmmmm... too many words without a joke, this really doesn't seem to be open source :(
<name>_el_ seguit de vocal</name>
<exp>(^| |\\t)+el +[a,e,i,o,u][a-z]+</exp>
<name>_la_ seguit de a,e,o</name>
<exp>(^| |\\t)+la +[a,e,o][a-z]+</exp>
<name>_per el_</name>
<exp>(^| |\\t)+per +el( |\\t|$)+</exp>
<name>_per els_</name>
<exp>(^| |\\t)+per +els( |\\t|$)+</exp>
<name>_de el_</name>
<exp>(^| |\\t)+de +el( |\\t|$)+</exp>
<name>_de els_</name>
<exp>(^| |\\t)+de +els( |\\t|$)+</exp>
<name>_a el_</name>
<exp>(^| |\\t)+a +el( |\\t|$)+</exp>
<name>_a els_</name>
<exp>(^| |\\t)+a +els( |\\t|$)+</exp>
<name>_al_ seguit de vocal</name>
<exp>(^| |\\t)+al +[a,e,i,o,u][a-z]+</exp>
<exp>(^| |\\t)m'els( |\\t|$)+</exp>
<exp>(^| |\\t)mels( |\\t|$)+</exp>
<exp>(^| |\\t)s'el( |\\t|$)+</exp>
<exp>(^| |\\t)sel( |\\t|$)+</exp>
<exp>(^| |\\t)s'els( |\\t|$)+</exp>
<exp>(^| |\\t)sels( |\\t|$)+</exp>
<exp>(^| |\\t)s'em( |\\t|$)+</exp>
<exp>(^| |\\t)sem( |\\t|$)+</exp>
<exp>(^| |\\t)s'hem( |\\t|$)+</exp>
<exp>(^| |\\t)s'ens( |\\t|$)+</exp>
<exp>(^| |\\t)s'et( |\\t|$)+</exp>
<exp>(^| |\\t)susa( |\\t|$)+</exp>
<exp>(^| |\\t)s'us( |\\t|$)+</exp>
<exp>(^| |\\t)su's( |\\t|$)+</exp>
<exp>(^| |\\t)t'els( |\\t|$)+</exp>
<exp>(^| |\\t)t'el( |\\t|$)+</exp>
<exp>(^| |\\t)t'em( |\\t|$)+</exp>
<exp>(^| |\\t)t'ens( |\\t|$)+</exp>
<exp>(^| |\\t)t'en( |\\t|$)+</exp>
<exp>(^| |\\t)ten( |\\t|$)+</exp>
<exp>(^| |\\t)t'ens( |\\t|$)+</exp>
<name>vos sense accent</name>
<exp>(^| |\\t)vos( |\\t|$)</exp>
<name>Terminal <20>s mascul<75> (si es tracta d'inform<72>tica): el terminal</name>
<exp>(^| |\\t)la +terminal( |\\t|$)</exp>
<name>Terminal <20>s mascul<75> (si es tracta d'inform<72>tica): un terminal</name>
<exp>(^| |\\t)una +terminal( |\\t|$)</exp>
<exp>(^| |\\t)a +que( |\\t|$)</exp>
<exp>(^| |\\t)de +que( |\\t|$)</exp>
<exp>(^| |\\t)en +que( |\\t|$)</exp>
<exp>(^| |\\t)amb +que( |\\t|$)</exp>
<exp>(^| |\\t)per +que( |\\t|$)</exp>
<!-- En fase de test, <20>ltimes propostes d'en David -->
Abans de "aquest", "aquell", "algun", "un" i les seues variants no posarem
"a", sin<69> "en" (per a moviment i situaci<63>):
Voleu desar el fitxer en aquesta carpeta?
Tanmateix, per a la resta de casos cal posar "a"!
Probablement comprovar "a un" donaria massa falsos positius.
<exp>(^| |\\t)a +(aquest|aquell|algun)( |\\t|$)</exp>
El pronom es, davant d'un mot comen<65>at per sa-, se-, si-, so-, su-, ce- o
ci-, s'escriur<75> sempre en la forma plena (se):
Se sap que algunes caracter<65>stiques...
Les propietats d'aquest programa se sumen a les de...
<exp>(^| |\\t)es +(sa|se|si|so|su|ce|ci)</exp>
En frases negatives, les part<72>cules mai, cap, res, gens i ning<6E> han de dur
no sempre:
No tragueu mai el disquet abans d'hora.
Cap ordre no s'ha d'escriure en maj<61>scules.
Sense la contrasenya, ning<6E> no est<73> autoritzat a accedir a la informaci<63>.
<exp>(((^| |\\t)(mai|cap|res|gens|ning<6E>)( |\\t|$))(?!.*(^| |\\t)no( |\\t|$)))|(((^| |\\t)(mai|cap|res|gens|ning<6E>)( |\\t|$))(?!.*(^| |\\t)no( |\\t|$)))</exp>
3.3. Construccions incorrectes
Podr<64>em buscar "donat que" per a substituir-ho per "at<61>s que".
"tals com" -> "com ara"
"tal i com" -> "tal com"
"teniu que" -> "heu de"/"heu d'"
"en quant a" -> "pel que fa a", "quant a"
<exp>(^| |\\t)donat +que( |\\t|$)</exp>
<exp>(^| |\\t)tals +com( |\\t|$)</exp>
<exp>(^| |\\t)tal +i +com( |\\t|$)</exp>
<exp>(^| |\\t)teniu +que( |\\t|$)</exp>
<exp>(^| |\\t)en +quant +a( |\\t|$)</exp>
* Hi han: El verb haver-hi <20>s impersonal, per aix<69> no t<> plural en catal<61> central, at<61>s que no t<> subjecte. Per tant, no es diu hi han, hi havien, hi hauran, sin<69> hi ha, hi havia, hi haur<75>, encara que el complement que el segueixi sigui plural.
<exp>(^| |\\t)hi +han( |\\t|$)</exp>
<exp>(^| |\\t)hi +havien( |\\t|$)</exp>
<exp>(^| |\\t)hi +hauran( |\\t|$)</exp>
* Tenir que: <20>s la traducci<63> incorrecta al catal<61> de l'expressi<73> castellana tener que. La forma correcta <20>s haver de; tamb<6D> es pot utilitzar el verb impersonal caldre.
<exp>(^| |\\t)teniu +que( |\\t|$)</exp>
<exp>(^| |\\t)tenim +que( |\\t|$)</exp>
<exp>(^| |\\t)tenen +que( |\\t|$)</exp>
<exp>(^| |\\t)en +quant +a( |\\t|$)</exp>
<exp>(^| |\\t)en +quant +a( |\\t|$)</exp>
<exp>(^| |\\t)en +quant +a( |\\t|$)</exp>
<exp>(^| |\\t)en +quant +a( |\\t|$)</exp>
<exp>(^| |\\t)en +quant +a( |\\t|$)</exp>