You cannot select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
3615 lines
125 KiB
3615 lines
125 KiB
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
* copyright (C) 2002-2007 *
* Umbrello UML Modeller Authors <> *
// own header
#include "associationwidget.h"
// system includes
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cmath>
// qt/kde includes
#include <tqcanvas.h>
#include <tqvalidator.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <tdelocale.h>
#include <kinputdialog.h>
#include <kcolordialog.h>
#include <tdeapplication.h>
// app includes
#include "activitywidget.h"
#include "uml.h"
#include "umlview.h"
#include "umldoc.h"
#include "umlwidget.h"
#include "messagewidget.h"
#include "umlrole.h"
#include "listpopupmenu.h"
#include "classifierwidget.h"
#include "classifier.h"
#include "entity.h"
#include "attribute.h"
#include "operation.h"
#include "association.h"
#include "assocrules.h"
#include "floatingtextwidget.h"
#include "objectwidget.h"
#include "model_utils.h"
#include "widget_utils.h"
#include "dialogs/assocpropdlg.h"
#include "optionstate.h"
using namespace Uml;
// this constructor really only for loading from XMI, otherwise it
// is bad..and shouldn't be allowed as it creates an incomplete
// associationwidget.
AssociationWidget::AssociationWidget(UMLView *view)
: WidgetBase(view)
// the preferred constructor
AssociationWidget::AssociationWidget(UMLView *view, UMLWidget* pWidgetA,
Uml::Association_Type assocType, UMLWidget* pWidgetB,
UMLObject *umlobject /* = NULL */)
: WidgetBase(view)
if (umlobject) {
} else {
// set up UMLAssociation obj if assoc is represented and both roles are UML objects
if (UMLAssociation::assocTypeHasUMLRepresentation(assocType)) {
UMLObject* umlRoleA = pWidgetA->getUMLObject();
UMLObject* umlRoleB = pWidgetB->getUMLObject();
if (umlRoleA != NULL && umlRoleB != NULL) {
bool swap;
// THis isnt correct. We could very easily have more than one
// of the same type of association between the same two objects.
// Just create the association. This search should have been
// done BEFORE creation of the widget, if it mattered to the code.
// But lets leave check in here for the time being so that debugging
// output is shown, in case there is a collision with code elsewhere.
UMLAssociation * myAssoc = m_umldoc->findAssociation( assocType, umlRoleA, umlRoleB, &swap );
if (myAssoc != NULL) {
if (assocType == at_Generalization) {
kDebug() << " Ignoring second construction of same generalization"
<< endl;
} else {
kDebug() << " constructing a similar or exact same assoc " <<
"as an already existing assoc (swap=" << swap << ")" << endl;
// now, just create a new association anyways
myAssoc = NULL;
if (myAssoc == NULL)
myAssoc = new UMLAssociation( assocType, umlRoleA, umlRoleB );
setWidget(pWidgetA, A);
setWidget(pWidgetB, B);
//The AssociationWidget is set to Activated because it already has its side widgets
// sync UML meta-data to settings here
// Collaboration messages need a name label because it's that
// which lets operator== distinguish them, which in turn
// permits us to have more than one message between two objects.
if (isCollaboration()) {
// Create a temporary name to bring on setName()
int collabID = m_pView->generateCollaborationId();
setName('m' + TQString::number(collabID));
AssociationWidget::~AssociationWidget() {
AssociationWidget& AssociationWidget::operator=(AssociationWidget & Other) {
m_LinePath = Other.m_LinePath;
m_pView = Other.m_pView;
if (Other.m_pName) {
m_pName = new FloatingTextWidget(m_pView);
*m_pName = *(Other.m_pName);
} else {
m_pName = NULL;
for (unsigned r = (unsigned)A; r <= (unsigned)B; r++) {
WidgetRole& lhs = m_role[r];
const WidgetRole& rhs = Other.m_role[r];
lhs.m_nIndex = rhs.m_nIndex;
lhs.m_nTotalCount = rhs.m_nTotalCount;
if (rhs.m_pMulti) {
lhs.m_pMulti = new FloatingTextWidget(m_pView);
*(lhs.m_pMulti) = *(rhs.m_pMulti);
} else {
lhs.m_pMulti = NULL;
if (rhs.m_pRole) {
lhs.m_pRole = new FloatingTextWidget(m_pView);
*(lhs.m_pRole) = *(rhs.m_pRole);
} else {
lhs.m_pRole = NULL;
if (rhs.m_pChangeWidget) {
lhs.m_pChangeWidget = new FloatingTextWidget(m_pView);
*(lhs.m_pChangeWidget) = *(rhs.m_pChangeWidget);
} else {
lhs.m_pChangeWidget = NULL;
lhs.m_pWidget = rhs.m_pWidget;
lhs.m_OldCorner = rhs.m_OldCorner;
lhs.m_WidgetRegion = rhs.m_WidgetRegion;
m_bActivated = Other.m_bActivated;
m_unNameLineSegment = Other.m_unNameLineSegment;
m_pMenu = Other.m_pMenu;
m_bSelected = Other.m_bSelected;
m_nMovingPoint = Other.m_nMovingPoint;
return *this;
bool AssociationWidget::operator==(AssociationWidget & Other) {
if( this == &Other )
return true;
if( !m_pObject || !Other.m_pObject ) {
if( !Other.m_pObject && m_pObject )
return false;
if( Other.m_pObject && !m_pObject )
return false;
} else if( m_pObject != Other.m_pObject )
return false;
if (getAssocType() != Other.getAssocType())
return false;
if (getWidgetID(A) != Other.getWidgetID(A))
return false;
if (getWidgetID(B) != Other.getWidgetID(B))
return false;
if (getWidget(A)->getBaseType() == Uml::wt_Object &&
Other.getWidget(A)->getBaseType() == Uml::wt_Object) {
ObjectWidget *ownA = static_cast<ObjectWidget*>(getWidget(A));
ObjectWidget *otherA = static_cast<ObjectWidget*>(Other.getWidget(A));
if (ownA->getLocalID() != otherA->getLocalID())
return false;
if (getWidget(B)->getBaseType() == Uml::wt_Object &&
Other.getWidget(B)->getBaseType() == Uml::wt_Object) {
ObjectWidget *ownB = static_cast<ObjectWidget*>(getWidget(B));
ObjectWidget *otherB = static_cast<ObjectWidget*>(Other.getWidget(B));
if (ownB->getLocalID() != otherB->getLocalID())
return false;
// Two objects in a collaboration can have multiple messages between each other.
// Here we depend on the messages having names, and the names must be different.
// That is the reason why collaboration messages have strange initial names like
// "m29997" or similar.
return (getName() == Other.getName());
bool AssociationWidget::operator!=(AssociationWidget & Other) {
return !(*this == Other);
UMLAssociation * AssociationWidget::getAssociation () const {
if (m_pObject == NULL || m_pObject->getBaseType() != ot_Association)
return NULL;
return static_cast<UMLAssociation*>(m_pObject);
UMLAttribute * AssociationWidget::getAttribute () const {
if (m_pObject == NULL)
return NULL;
Uml::Object_Type ot = m_pObject->getBaseType();
if (ot != ot_Attribute && ot != ot_EntityAttribute)
return NULL;
return static_cast<UMLAttribute*>(m_pObject);
FloatingTextWidget* AssociationWidget::getMultiWidget(Uml::Role_Type role) {
return m_role[role].m_pMulti;
TQString AssociationWidget::getMulti(Uml::Role_Type role) const
if (m_role[role].m_pMulti == NULL)
return "";
return m_role[role].m_pMulti->getText();
FloatingTextWidget* AssociationWidget::getNameWidget()
return m_pName;
TQString AssociationWidget::getName() const {
if (m_pName == NULL)
return "";
return m_pName->getText();
FloatingTextWidget* AssociationWidget::getRoleWidget(Uml::Role_Type role) {
return m_role[role].m_pRole;
FloatingTextWidget* AssociationWidget::getChangeWidget(Uml::Role_Type role) {
return m_role[role].m_pChangeWidget;
FloatingTextWidget* AssociationWidget::getTextWidgetByRole(Uml::Text_Role tr) {
switch (tr) {
case tr_MultiA:
return m_role[A].m_pMulti;
case tr_MultiB:
return m_role[B].m_pMulti;
case tr_Name:
case tr_Coll_Message:
return m_pName;
case tr_RoleAName:
return m_role[A].m_pRole;
case tr_RoleBName:
return m_role[B].m_pRole;
case tr_ChangeA:
return m_role[A].m_pChangeWidget;
case tr_ChangeB:
return m_role[B].m_pChangeWidget;
return NULL;
TQString AssociationWidget::getRoleName(Uml::Role_Type role) const {
if (m_role[role].m_pRole == NULL)
return "";
return m_role[role].m_pRole->getText();
TQString AssociationWidget::getRoleDoc(Uml::Role_Type role) const {
if (m_pObject == NULL || m_pObject->getBaseType() != ot_Association)
return "";
UMLAssociation *umla = static_cast<UMLAssociation*>(m_pObject);
return umla->getRoleDoc(role);
void AssociationWidget::setName(const TQString &strName) {
// set attribute of UMLAssociation associated with this associationwidget
UMLAssociation *umla = getAssociation();
if (umla)
bool newLabel = false;
if(!m_pName) {
// Don't construct the FloatingTextWidget if the string is empty.
if (! FloatingTextWidget::isTextValid(strName))
newLabel = true;
m_pName = new FloatingTextWidget(m_pView, CalculateNameType(tr_Name), strName);
} else {
if (! FloatingTextWidget::isTextValid(strName)) {
m_pName = NULL;
setTextPosition( tr_Name );
if (newLabel) {
void AssociationWidget::setFloatingText(Uml::Text_Role tr,
const TQString &text,
FloatingTextWidget* &ft) {
if (! FloatingTextWidget::isTextValid(text)) {
if (ft) {
// Remove preexisting FloatingTextWidget
m_pView->removeWidget(ft); // physically deletes ft
ft = NULL;
if (ft == NULL) {
ft = new FloatingTextWidget(m_pView, tr, text);
} else {
bool newLabel = ft->getText().isEmpty();
if (newLabel)
void AssociationWidget::setMulti(const TQString &strMulti, Uml::Role_Type role) {
Text_Role tr = (role == A ? tr_MultiA : tr_MultiB);
setFloatingText(tr, strMulti, m_role[role].m_pMulti);
if (m_pObject && m_pObject->getBaseType() == ot_Association)
getAssociation()->setMulti(strMulti, role);
void AssociationWidget::setRoleName (const TQString &strRole, Uml::Role_Type role) {
Uml::Association_Type type = getAssocType();
//if the association is not supposed to have a Role FloatingTextWidget
if (!AssocRules::allowRole(type)) {
Text_Role tr = (role == A ? tr_RoleAName : tr_RoleBName);
setFloatingText(tr, strRole, m_role[role].m_pRole);
if (m_role[role].m_pRole) {
Uml::Visibility vis = getVisibility(role);
if (FloatingTextWidget::isTextValid(m_role[role].m_pRole->getText())) {
} else {
// set attribute of UMLAssociation associated with this associationwidget
if (m_pObject && m_pObject->getBaseType() == ot_Association)
getAssociation()->setRoleName(strRole, role);
void AssociationWidget::setRoleDoc (const TQString &doc, Uml::Role_Type role) {
if (m_pObject && m_pObject->getBaseType() == ot_Association)
getAssociation()->setRoleDoc(doc, role);
m_role[role].m_RoleDoc = doc;
void AssociationWidget::setMessageText(FloatingTextWidget *ft) {
TQString message;
if (isCollaboration()) {
if (m_pObject != NULL) {
message = getMulti(A) + ": " + getOperationText(m_pView);
} else {
message = getMulti(A) + ": " + getName();
} else {
message = getName();
Uml::Visibility AssociationWidget::getVisibility(Uml::Role_Type role) const {
const UMLAssociation *assoc = getAssociation();
if (assoc)
return assoc->getVisibility(role);
const UMLAttribute *attr = getAttribute();
if (attr)
return attr->getVisibility();
return m_role[role].m_Visibility;
void AssociationWidget::setVisibility(Uml::Visibility value, Uml::Role_Type role)
if (value == getVisibility(role))
if (m_pObject) {
// update our model object
const Uml::Object_Type ot = m_pObject->getBaseType();
if (ot == ot_Association)
getAssociation()->setVisibility(value, role);
else if (ot == ot_Attribute)
m_role[role].m_Visibility = value;
// update role pre-text attribute as appropriate
if (m_role[role].m_pRole) {
TQString scopeString = value.toString(true);
Uml::Changeability_Type AssociationWidget::getChangeability(Uml::Role_Type role) const
if (m_pObject == NULL || m_pObject->getBaseType() != ot_Association)
return m_role[role].m_Changeability;
UMLAssociation *umla = static_cast<UMLAssociation*>(m_pObject);
return umla->getChangeability(role);
void AssociationWidget::setChangeability (Uml::Changeability_Type value, Uml::Role_Type role)
if (value == getChangeability(role))
TQString changeString = UMLAssociation::ChangeabilityToString(value);
if (m_pObject && m_pObject->getBaseType() == ot_Association) // update our model object
getAssociation()->setChangeability(value, role);
m_role[role].m_Changeability = value;
// update our string representation
setChangeWidget(changeString, role);
void AssociationWidget::setChangeWidget(const TQString &strChangeWidget, Uml::Role_Type role) {
bool newLabel = false;
Text_Role tr = (role == A ? tr_ChangeA : tr_ChangeB);
if(!m_role[role].m_pChangeWidget) {
// Don't construct the FloatingTextWidget if the string is empty.
if (strChangeWidget.isEmpty())
newLabel = true;
m_role[role].m_pChangeWidget = new FloatingTextWidget(m_pView, tr, strChangeWidget);
m_role[role].m_pChangeWidget->setPreText("{"); // all types have this
m_role[role].m_pChangeWidget->setPostText("}"); // all types have this
} else {
if (m_role[role].m_pChangeWidget->getText().isEmpty()) {
newLabel = true;
if (newLabel) {
setTextPosition( tr );
m_role[role].m_pChangeWidget -> show();
m_role[role].m_pChangeWidget -> hide();
bool AssociationWidget::linePathStartsAt(const UMLWidget* widget) {
TQPoint lpStart = m_LinePath.getPoint(0);
int startX = lpStart.x();
int startY = lpStart.y();
int wX = widget->getX();
int wY = widget->getY();
int wWidth = widget->getWidth();
int wHeight = widget->getHeight();
bool result = (startX >= wX && startX <= wX + wWidth &&
startY >= wY && startY <= wY + wHeight);
return result;
void AssociationWidget::setText(FloatingTextWidget *ft, const TQString &text) {
Uml::Text_Role role = ft->getRole();
switch (role) {
case tr_Name:
case tr_RoleAName:
setRoleName(text, A);
case tr_RoleBName:
setRoleName(text, B);
case tr_MultiA:
setMulti(text, A);
case tr_MultiB:
setMulti(text, B);
bool AssociationWidget::activate() {
if (m_pObject == NULL &&
UMLAssociation::assocTypeHasUMLRepresentation(m_AssocType)) {
UMLObject *myObj = m_umldoc->findObjectById(m_nId);
if (myObj == NULL) {
kError() << "AssociationWidget::activate: cannot find UMLObject "
<< ID2STR(m_nId) << endl;
return false;
} else {
const Uml::Object_Type ot = myObj->getBaseType();
if (ot == ot_Association) {
UMLAssociation * myAssoc = static_cast<UMLAssociation*>(myObj);
m_LinePath.setAssocType( myAssoc->getAssocType() );
} else {
if (m_bActivated)
return true;
Uml::Association_Type type = getAssocType();
if (m_role[A].m_pWidget == NULL)
setWidget(m_pView->findWidget(getWidgetID(A)), A);
if (m_role[B].m_pWidget == NULL)
setWidget(m_pView->findWidget(getWidgetID(B)), B);
if(!m_role[A].m_pWidget || !m_role[B].m_pWidget) {
kDebug() << "Can't make association" << endl;
return false;
if (AssocRules::allowRole(type)) {
for (unsigned r = A; r <= B; r++) {
WidgetRole& robj = m_role[r];
if (robj.m_pRole == NULL)
Text_Role tr = (r == A ? tr_RoleAName : tr_RoleBName);
Uml::Visibility vis = getVisibility((Uml::Role_Type)r);
if (FloatingTextWidget::isTextValid(robj.m_pRole->getText()))
robj.m_pRole -> show();
robj.m_pRole -> hide();
if (m_pView->getType() == dt_Collaboration)
if( m_pName != NULL ) {
m_pName->setRole( CalculateNameType(tr_Name) );
if ( FloatingTextWidget::isTextValid(m_pName->getText()) ) {
m_pName-> show();
} else {
m_pName-> hide();
for (unsigned r = A; r <= B; r++) {
WidgetRole& robj = m_role[r];
FloatingTextWidget* pMulti = robj.m_pMulti;
if (pMulti != NULL &&
AssocRules::allowMultiplicity(type, robj.m_pWidget->getBaseType())) {
Text_Role tr = (r == A ? tr_MultiA : tr_MultiB);
if (FloatingTextWidget::isTextValid(pMulti->getText()))
pMulti -> show();
pMulti -> hide();
FloatingTextWidget* pChangeWidget = robj.m_pChangeWidget;
if (pChangeWidget != NULL ) {
Text_Role tr = (r == A ? tr_ChangeA : tr_ChangeB);
if (FloatingTextWidget::isTextValid(pChangeWidget->getText()))
pChangeWidget -> show();
pChangeWidget -> hide ();
// Prepare the association class line if needed.
if (m_pAssocClassWidget && !m_pAssocClassLine) {
m_bActivated = true;
return true;
/** This function calculates which role should be set for the m_pName FloatingTextWidget */
Uml::Text_Role AssociationWidget::CalculateNameType(Uml::Text_Role defaultRole) {
Text_Role result = defaultRole;
if( m_pView -> getType() == dt_Collaboration ) {
if(m_role[A].m_pWidget == m_role[B].m_pWidget) {
result = tr_Coll_Message;//for now same as other Coll_Message
} else {
result = tr_Coll_Message;
} else if( m_pView -> getType() == dt_Sequence ) {
if(m_role[A].m_pWidget == m_role[B].m_pWidget) {
result = tr_Seq_Message_Self;
} else {
result = tr_Seq_Message;
return result;
UMLWidget* AssociationWidget::getWidget(Uml::Role_Type role) {
return m_role[role].m_pWidget;
bool AssociationWidget::setWidgets( UMLWidget* widgetA,
Uml::Association_Type assocType,
UMLWidget* widgetB) {
//if the association already has a WidgetB or WidgetA associated, then
//it cannot be changed to other widget, that would require a deletion
//of the association and the creation of a new one
if ((m_role[A].m_pWidget && (m_role[A].m_pWidget != widgetA)) ||
(m_role[B].m_pWidget && (m_role[B].m_pWidget != widgetB))) {
return false;
setWidget(widgetA, A);
setWidget(widgetB, B);
return true;
/** Returns true if this association associates WidgetA to WidgetB, otherwise it returns
false */
bool AssociationWidget::checkAssoc(UMLWidget * widgetA, UMLWidget *widgetB) {
return (widgetA == m_role[A].m_pWidget && widgetB == m_role[B].m_pWidget);
/** CleansUp all the association's data in the related widgets */
void AssociationWidget::cleanup() {
//let any other associations know we are going so they can tidy their positions up
if(m_role[A].m_nTotalCount > 2)
updateAssociations(m_role[A].m_nTotalCount - 1, m_role[A].m_WidgetRegion, A);
if(m_role[B].m_nTotalCount > 2)
updateAssociations(m_role[B].m_nTotalCount - 1, m_role[B].m_WidgetRegion, B);
for (unsigned r = A; r <= B; r++) {
WidgetRole& robj = m_role[r];
if(robj.m_pWidget) {
robj.m_pWidget = 0;
if(robj.m_pRole) {
robj.m_pRole = 0;
if(robj.m_pMulti) {
robj.m_pMulti = 0;
if(robj.m_pChangeWidget) {
robj.m_pChangeWidget = 0;
if(m_pName) {
m_pName = 0;
if (m_pObject && m_pObject->getBaseType() == ot_Association) {
We do not remove the UMLAssociation from the document.
Why? - Well, for example we might be in the middle of
a cut/paste. If the UMLAssociation is removed by the cut
then upon pasteing we have a problem.
This is not quite clean yet - there should be a way to
explicitly delete a UMLAssociation. The Right Thing would
be to have a ListView representation for UMLAssociation.
IF we are cut n pasting, why are we handling this association as a pointer?
We should be using the XMI representation for a cut and paste. This
allows us to be clean here, AND a choice of recreating the object
w/ same id IF its a "cut", or a new object if its a "copy" operation
(in which case we wouldnt be here, in cleanup()).
void AssociationWidget::setUMLAssociation (UMLAssociation * assoc)
if (m_pObject && m_pObject->getBaseType() == ot_Association) {
UMLAssociation *umla = getAssociation();
// safety check. Did some num-nuts try to set the existing
// association again? If so, just bail here
if (assoc && umla == assoc)
//umla->disconnect(this); //TQt does disconnect automatically upon destruction.
// we are the last "owner" of this association, so delete it
// from the parent UMLDoc, and as a stand-alone
//DISCUSS: Should we really do this?
// It implies that an association's existence is ONLY
// governed by its existence on at least one diagram.
// OTOH, it might be argued that an association should
// further exist even when it's (temporarily) not present
// on any diagram. This is exactly what cut and paste
// relies on (at least the way it's implemented now)
// ANSWER: yes, we *should* do this.
// This only implies that IF an association once 'belonged'
// to one or more parent associationwidgets, then it must 'die' when the
// last widget does. UMLAssociations which never had a parent
// in the first place wont be affected by this code, and can happily
// live on without a parent.
//DISCUSS: Sorry Brian, but this breaks cut/paste.
// In particular, cut/paste means that the UMLAssociation _does_
// have the assocwidget parent - the only means of doing a cut/paste
// on the diagram is via the widgets. I.e. in practice there is no
// such thing as an "orphan" UMLAssociation.
// BTW, IMHO the concept of a widget being the parent of a UML object
// is fundamentally flawed. Widgets are pure presentation - they can
// come and go at a whim. If at all, the widgets could be considered
// children of the corresponding UML object.
// ANSWER: This is the wrong treatment of cut and paste. Associations that
// are being cut/n pasted should be serialized to XMI, then reconstituted
// (IF a paste operation) rather than passing around object pointers. Its
// just too hard otherwise to prevent problems in the code. Bottom line: we need to
// delete orphaned associations or we well get code crashes and memory leaks.
if (umla->nrof_parent_widgets == 0) {
m_pObject = NULL;
if(assoc) {
m_pObject = assoc;
// move counter to "0" from "-1" (which means, no assocwidgets)
if(assoc->nrof_parent_widgets < 0)
assoc->nrof_parent_widgets = 0;
connect(assoc, TQ_SIGNAL(modified()), this, TQ_SLOT(syncToModel()));
/** Returns true if the Widget is either at the starting or ending side of the association */
bool AssociationWidget::contains(UMLWidget* widget) {
return (widget == m_role[A].m_pWidget || widget == m_role[B].m_pWidget);
bool AssociationWidget::isCollaboration() {
Uml::Association_Type at = getAssocType();
return (at == at_Coll_Message || at == at_Coll_Message_Self);
Uml::Association_Type AssociationWidget::getAssocType() const {
if (m_pObject == NULL || m_pObject->getBaseType() != ot_Association)
return m_AssocType;
UMLAssociation *umla = static_cast<UMLAssociation*>(m_pObject);
return umla->getAssocType();
/** Sets the association's type */
void AssociationWidget::setAssocType(Uml::Association_Type type) {
if (m_pObject && m_pObject->getBaseType() == ot_Association)
m_AssocType = type;
// If the association new type is not supposed to have Multiplicity
// FloatingTexts and a Role FloatingTextWidget then set the texts
// to empty.
// NB We do not physically delete the floatingtext widgets here because
// those widgets are also stored in the UMLView::m_WidgetList.
if( !AssocRules::allowMultiplicity(type, getWidget(A)->getBaseType()) ) {
if (m_role[A].m_pMulti) {
if (m_role[B].m_pMulti) {
if( !AssocRules::allowRole( type ) ) {
if (m_role[A].m_pRole) {
if (m_role[B].m_pRole) {
setRoleDoc("", A);
setRoleDoc("", B);
Uml::IDType AssociationWidget::getWidgetID(Uml::Role_Type role) const {
if (m_role[role].m_pWidget == NULL) {
if (m_pObject && m_pObject->getBaseType() == ot_Association) {
UMLAssociation *umla = static_cast<UMLAssociation*>(m_pObject);
return umla->getObjectId(role);
kError() << "AssociationWidget::getWidgetID(): m_pWidget is NULL" << endl;
return Uml::id_None;
if (m_role[role].m_pWidget->getBaseType() == Uml::wt_Object)
return static_cast<ObjectWidget*>(m_role[role].m_pWidget)->getLocalID();
Uml::IDType id = m_role[role].m_pWidget->getID();
return id;
/** Returns a TQString Object representing this AssociationWidget */
TQString AssociationWidget::toString() {
TQString string = "";
if(m_role[A].m_pWidget) {
string = m_role[A].m_pWidget -> getName();
if(m_role[A].m_pRole) {
string += m_role[A].m_pRole -> getText();
string.append( UMLAssociation::typeAsString(getAssocType()) );
if(m_role[B].m_pWidget) {
string += m_role[B].m_pWidget -> getName();
if(m_role[B].m_pRole) {
string += m_role[B].m_pRole -> getText();
return string;
void AssociationWidget::mouseDoubleClickEvent(TQMouseEvent * me) {
if (me->button() != TQt::RightButton && me->button() != TQt::LeftButton)
int i = m_LinePath.onLinePath(me->pos());
if (i == -1) {
if (me->button() != TQt::LeftButton)
const TQPoint mp(me->pos());
/* if there is no point around the mouse pointer, we insert a new one */
if (! m_LinePath.isPoint(i, mp, POINT_DELTA)) {
m_LinePath.insertPoint(i + 1, mp);
if (m_nLinePathSegmentIndex == i) {
TQPoint segStart = m_LinePath.getPoint(i);
TQPoint segEnd = m_LinePath.getPoint(i + 2);
const int midSegX = segStart.x() + (segEnd.x() - segStart.x()) / 2;
const int midSegY = segStart.y() + (segEnd.y() - segStart.y()) / 2;
kDebug() << "AssociationWidget::mouseDoubleClickEvent: "
<< "segStart=(" << segStart.x() << "," << segStart.y()
<< "), segEnd=(" << segEnd.x() << "," << segEnd.y()
<< "), midSeg=(" << midSegX << "," << midSegY
<< "), mp=(" << mp.x() << "," << mp.y() << ")"
<< endl;
if (midSegX > mp.x() || midSegY < mp.y()) {
kDebug() << "AssociationWidget::mouseDoubleClickEvent: "
<< "setting m_nLinePathSegmentIndex to "
<< m_nLinePathSegmentIndex << endl;
} else {
/* deselect the line path */
m_LinePath.setSelected( false );
/* there was a point so we remove the point */
if (m_LinePath.removePoint(i, mp, POINT_DELTA)) {
/* Maybe reattach association class connecting line
to different association linepath segment. */
const int numberOfLines = m_LinePath.count() - 1;
if (m_nLinePathSegmentIndex >= numberOfLines) {
m_nLinePathSegmentIndex = numberOfLines - 1;
/* select the line path */
m_LinePath.setSelected( true );
void AssociationWidget::moveEvent(TQMoveEvent* me) {
// 2004-04-30: Achim Spangler
// Simple Approach to block moveEvent during load of
// XMI
/// @todo avoid trigger of this event during load
if ( m_umldoc->loading() ) {
// hmmh - change of position during load of XMI
// -> there is something wrong
// -> avoid movement during opening
// -> print warn and stay at old position
kWarning() << "AssociationWidget::moveEvent() called during load of XMI for ViewType: " << m_pView -> getType()
<< ", and BaseType: " << getBaseType()
<< endl;
/*to be here a line segment has moved.
we need to see if the three text widgets needs to be moved.
there are a few things to check first though:
1) Do they exist
2) does it need to move:
2a) for the multi widgets only move if they changed region, otherwise they are close enough
2b) for role name move if the segment it is on moves.
//first see if either the first or last segments moved, else no need to recalculate their point positions
TQPoint oldNamePoint = calculateTextPosition(tr_Name);
TQPoint oldMultiAPoint = calculateTextPosition(tr_MultiA);
TQPoint oldMultiBPoint = calculateTextPosition(tr_MultiB);
TQPoint oldChangeAPoint = calculateTextPosition(tr_ChangeA);
TQPoint oldChangeBPoint = calculateTextPosition(tr_ChangeB);
TQPoint oldRoleAPoint = calculateTextPosition(tr_RoleAName);
TQPoint oldRoleBPoint = calculateTextPosition(tr_RoleBName);
m_LinePath.setPoint( m_nMovingPoint, me->pos() );
int pos = m_LinePath.count() - 1;//set to last point for widget b
if ( m_nMovingPoint == 1 || (m_nMovingPoint == pos-1) ) {
if (m_role[A].m_pChangeWidget && (m_nMovingPoint == 1)) {
setTextPositionRelatively(tr_ChangeA, oldChangeAPoint);
if (m_role[B].m_pChangeWidget && (m_nMovingPoint == 1)) {
setTextPositionRelatively(tr_ChangeB, oldChangeBPoint);
if (m_role[A].m_pMulti && (m_nMovingPoint == 1)) {
setTextPositionRelatively(tr_MultiA, oldMultiAPoint);
if (m_role[B].m_pMulti && (m_nMovingPoint == pos-1)) {
setTextPositionRelatively(tr_MultiB, oldMultiBPoint);
if (m_pName) {
if(m_nMovingPoint == (int)m_unNameLineSegment ||
m_nMovingPoint - 1 == (int)m_unNameLineSegment) {
setTextPositionRelatively(tr_Name, oldNamePoint);
if (m_role[A].m_pRole) {
setTextPositionRelatively(tr_RoleAName, oldRoleAPoint);
if (m_role[B].m_pRole) {
setTextPositionRelatively(tr_RoleBName, oldRoleBPoint);
/** Calculates and sets the first and last point in the Association's LinePath
Each point is a middle point of its respecting UMLWidget's Bounding rectangle
or a corner of it
This method picks which sides to use for the association */
void AssociationWidget::calculateEndingPoints() {
* For each UMLWidget the diagram is divided in four regions by its diagonals
* as indicated below
* Region 2
* \ /
* \ /
* +--------+
* | \ / |
* Region 1 | >< | Region 3
* | / \ |
* +--------+
* / \
* / \
* Region 4
* Each diagonal is defined by two corners of the bounding rectangle
* To calculate the first point in the LinePath we have to find out in which
* Region (defined by WidgetA's diagonals) is WidgetB's center
* (let's call it Region M.) After that the first point will be the middle
* point of the rectangle's side contained in Region M.
* To calculate the last point in the LinePath we repeat the above but
* in the opposite direction (from widgetB to WidgetA)
UMLWidget *pWidgetA = m_role[A].m_pWidget;
UMLWidget *pWidgetB = m_role[B].m_pWidget;
if (!pWidgetA || !pWidgetB)
m_role[A].m_OldCorner.setX( pWidgetA->getX() );
m_role[A].m_OldCorner.setY( pWidgetA->getY() );
m_role[B].m_OldCorner.setX( pWidgetB->getX() );
m_role[B].m_OldCorner.setY( pWidgetB->getY() );
uint size = m_LinePath.count();
if(size < 2)
m_LinePath.setStartEndPoints( m_role[A].m_OldCorner, m_role[B].m_OldCorner );
// See if an association to self.
// See if it needs to be set up before we continue:
// If self association/message and doesn't have the minimum 4 points
// then create it. Make sure no points are out of bounds of viewing area.
// This only happens on first time through that we are worried about.
if (pWidgetA == pWidgetB && size < 4) {
const int DISTANCE = 50;
int x = pWidgetA -> getX();
int y = pWidgetA -> getY();
int h = pWidgetA -> getHeight();
int w = pWidgetA -> getWidth();
//see if above widget ok to start
if( y - DISTANCE > 0 ) {
m_LinePath.setStartEndPoints( TQPoint( x + w / 4, y ) , TQPoint( x + w * 3 / 4, y ) );
m_LinePath.insertPoint( 1, TQPoint( x + w / 4, y - DISTANCE ) );
m_LinePath.insertPoint( 2 ,TQPoint( x + w * 3 / 4, y - DISTANCE ) );
m_role[A].m_WidgetRegion = m_role[B].m_WidgetRegion = North;
} else {
m_LinePath.setStartEndPoints( TQPoint( x + w / 4, y + h ), TQPoint( x + w * 3 / 4, y + h ) );
m_LinePath.insertPoint( 1, TQPoint( x + w / 4, y + h + DISTANCE ) );
m_LinePath.insertPoint( 2, TQPoint( x + w * 3 / 4, y + h + DISTANCE ) );
m_role[A].m_WidgetRegion = m_role[B].m_WidgetRegion = South;
}//end a == b
// If the line has more than one segment change the values to calculate
// from widget to point 1.
int xB = pWidgetB->getX() + pWidgetB->getWidth() / 2;
int yB = pWidgetB->getY() + pWidgetB->getHeight() / 2;
if( size > 2 ) {
TQPoint p = m_LinePath.getPoint( 1 );
xB = p.x();
yB = p.y();
doUpdates(xB, yB, A);
// Now do the same for widgetB.
// If the line has more than one segment change the values to calculate
// from widgetB to the last point away from it.
int xA = pWidgetA->getX() + pWidgetA->getWidth() / 2;
int yA = pWidgetA->getY() + pWidgetA->getHeight() / 2;
if (size > 2 ) {
TQPoint p = m_LinePath.getPoint( size - 2 );
xA = p.x();
yA = p.y();
doUpdates( xA, yA, B );
void AssociationWidget::doUpdates(int otherX, int otherY, Uml::Role_Type role) {
// Find widget region.
Region oldRegion = m_role[role].m_WidgetRegion;
UMLWidget *pWidget = m_role[role].m_pWidget;
TQRect rc(pWidget->getX(), pWidget->getY(),
pWidget->getWidth(), pWidget->getHeight());
Region& region = m_role[role].m_WidgetRegion; // alias for brevity
region = findPointRegion( rc, otherX, otherY);
// Move some regions to the standard ones.
switch( region ) {
case NorthWest:
region = North;
case NorthEast:
region = East;
case SouthEast:
region = South;
case SouthWest:
case Center:
region = West;
int regionCount = getRegionCount(region, role) + 2;//+2 = (1 for this one and one to halve it)
int totalCount = m_role[role].m_nTotalCount;
if( oldRegion != region ) {
updateRegionLineCount( regionCount - 1, regionCount, region, role );
updateAssociations( totalCount - 1, oldRegion, role );
} else if( totalCount != regionCount ) {
updateRegionLineCount( regionCount - 1, regionCount, region, role );
} else {
updateRegionLineCount( m_role[role].m_nIndex, totalCount, region, role );
updateAssociations( regionCount, region, role );
/** Read property of bool m_bActivated. */
bool AssociationWidget::isActivated() {
return m_bActivated;
/** Set the m_bActivated flag of a widget but does not perform the Activate method */
void AssociationWidget::setActivated(bool active /*=true*/) {
m_bActivated = active;
void AssociationWidget::syncToModel()
UMLAssociation *uml = getAssociation();
if (uml == NULL) {
UMLAttribute *attr = getAttribute();
if (attr == NULL)
setVisibility(attr->getVisibility(), B);
setRoleName(attr->getName(), B);
// block signals until finished
setRoleName(uml->getRoleName(A), A);
setRoleName(uml->getRoleName(B), B);
setVisibility(uml->getVisibility(A), A);
setVisibility(uml->getVisibility(B), B);
setChangeability(uml->getChangeability(A), A);
setChangeability(uml->getChangeability(B), B);
setMulti(uml->getMulti(A), A);
setMulti(uml->getMulti(B), B);
// this will synchronize UMLAssociation w/ this new Widget
void AssociationWidget::mergeAssociationDataIntoUMLRepresentation()
UMLAssociation *umlassoc = getAssociation();
UMLAttribute *umlattr = getAttribute();
if (umlassoc == NULL && umlattr == NULL)
// block emit modified signal, or we get a horrible loop
// would be desirable to do the following
// so that we can be sure its back to initial state
// in case we missed something here.
// floating text widgets
FloatingTextWidget *text = getNameWidget();
if (text)
text = getRoleWidget(A);
if (text && umlassoc)
umlassoc->setRoleName(text->getText(), A);
text = getRoleWidget(B);
if (text) {
if (umlassoc)
umlassoc->setRoleName(text->getText(), B);
else if (umlattr)
text = getMultiWidget(A);
if (text && umlassoc)
umlassoc->setMulti(text->getText(), A);
text = getMultiWidget(B);
if (text && umlassoc)
umlassoc->setMulti(text->getText(), B);
// unblock
void AssociationWidget::saveIdealTextPositions() {
m_oldNamePoint = calculateTextPosition(tr_Name);
m_oldMultiAPoint = calculateTextPosition(tr_MultiA);
m_oldMultiBPoint = calculateTextPosition(tr_MultiB);
m_oldChangeAPoint = calculateTextPosition(tr_ChangeA);
m_oldChangeBPoint = calculateTextPosition(tr_ChangeB);
m_oldRoleAPoint = calculateTextPosition(tr_RoleAName);
m_oldRoleBPoint = calculateTextPosition(tr_RoleBName);
/** Adjusts the ending point of the association that connects to Widget */
void AssociationWidget::widgetMoved(UMLWidget* widget, int x, int y ) {
// 2004-04-30: Achim Spangler
// Simple Approach to block moveEvent during load of
// XMI
/// @todo avoid trigger of this event during load
if ( m_umldoc->loading() ) {
// hmmh - change of position during load of XMI
// -> there is something wrong
// -> avoid movement during opening
// -> print warn and stay at old position
kDebug() << "AssociationWidget::widgetMoved() called during load of XMI for ViewType: " << m_pView -> getType()
<< ", and BaseType: " << getBaseType()
<< endl;
int dx = m_role[A].m_OldCorner.x() - x;
int dy = m_role[A].m_OldCorner.y() - y;
uint size = m_LinePath.count();
uint pos = size - 1;
// Assoc to self - move all points:
if( m_role[A].m_pWidget == m_role[B].m_pWidget ) {
for( int i=1 ; i < (int)pos ; i++ ) {
TQPoint p = m_LinePath.getPoint( i );
int newX = p.x() - dx;
int newY = p.y() - dy;
// safety. We DON'T want to go off the screen
if(newX < 0)
newX = 0;
// safety. We DON'T want to go off the screen
if(newY < 0)
newY = 0;
newX = m_pView -> snappedX( newX );
newY = m_pView -> snappedY( newY );
p.setX( newX );
p.setY( newY );
m_LinePath.setPoint( i, p );
if ( m_pName && !m_pName->getSelected() ) {
setTextPositionRelatively(tr_Name, m_oldNamePoint);
}//end if widgetA = widgetB
else if (m_role[A].m_pWidget==widget) {
if (m_pName && m_unNameLineSegment == 0 && !m_pName->getSelected() ) {
//only calculate position and move text if the segment it is on is moving
setTextPositionRelatively(tr_Name, m_oldNamePoint);
}//end if widgetA moved
else if (m_role[B].m_pWidget==widget) {
if (m_pName && (m_unNameLineSegment == pos-1) && !m_pName->getSelected() ) {
//only calculate position and move text if the segment it is on is moving
setTextPositionRelatively(tr_Name, m_oldNamePoint);
}//end if widgetB moved
if ( m_role[A].m_pRole && !m_role[A].m_pRole->getSelected() ) {
setTextPositionRelatively(tr_RoleAName, m_oldRoleAPoint);
if ( m_role[B].m_pRole && !m_role[B].m_pRole->getSelected() ) {
setTextPositionRelatively(tr_RoleBName, m_oldRoleBPoint);
if ( m_role[A].m_pMulti && !m_role[A].m_pMulti->getSelected() ) {
setTextPositionRelatively(tr_MultiA, m_oldMultiAPoint);
if ( m_role[B].m_pMulti && !m_role[B].m_pMulti->getSelected() ) {
setTextPositionRelatively(tr_MultiB, m_oldMultiBPoint);
if ( m_role[A].m_pChangeWidget && !m_role[A].m_pChangeWidget->getSelected() ) {
setTextPositionRelatively(tr_ChangeA, m_oldChangeAPoint);
if ( m_role[B].m_pChangeWidget && !m_role[B].m_pChangeWidget->getSelected() ) {
setTextPositionRelatively(tr_ChangeB, m_oldChangeBPoint);
}//end method widgetMoved
/** Finds out in which region of rectangle Rect contains the Point (PosX, PosY) and returns the region
1 = Region 1
2 = Region 2
3 = Region 3
4 = Region 4
5 = On diagonal 2 between Region 1 and 2
6 = On diagonal 1 between Region 2 and 3
7 = On diagonal 2 between Region 3 and 4
8 = On diagonal 1 between Region 4 and 1
9 = On diagonal 1 and On diagonal 2 (the center)
AssociationWidget::Region AssociationWidget::findPointRegion(const TQRect& Rect, int PosX, int PosY) {
float w = (float)Rect.width();
float h = (float)Rect.height();
float x = (float)Rect.x();
float y = (float)Rect.y();
float Slope2 = w / h;
float Slope1 = Slope2*(float)(-1);
float b1 = x + w - ( Slope1* y );
float b2 = x - ( Slope2* y );
float eval1 = Slope1 * (float)PosY + b1;
float eval2 = Slope2 *(float)PosY + b2;
Region result = Error;
//if inside region 1
if(eval1 > PosX && eval2 > PosX) {
result = West;
//if inside region 2
else if (eval1 > PosX && eval2 < PosX) {
result = North;
//if inside region 3
else if (eval1 < PosX && eval2 < PosX) {
result = East;
//if inside region 4
else if (eval1 < PosX && eval2 > PosX) {
result = South;
//if inside region 5
else if (eval1 == PosX && eval2 < PosX) {
result = NorthWest;
//if inside region 6
else if (eval1 < PosX && eval2 == PosX) {
result = NorthEast;
//if inside region 7
else if (eval1 == PosX && eval2 > PosX) {
result = SouthEast;
//if inside region 8
else if (eval1 > PosX && eval2 == PosX) {
result = SouthWest;
//if inside region 9
else if (eval1 == PosX && eval2 == PosX) {
result = Center;
return result;
TQPoint AssociationWidget::swapXY(const TQPoint &p) {
TQPoint swapped( p.y(), p.x() );
return swapped;
/* Returns the total length of the association's LinePath:
result = segment_1_length + segment_2_length + ..... + segment_n_length
float AssociationWidget::totalLength() {
uint size = m_LinePath.count();
float total_length = 0;
for(uint i = 0; i < size - 1; i++) {
TQPoint pi = m_LinePath.getPoint( i );
TQPoint pj = m_LinePath.getPoint( i+1 );
int xi = pi.y();
int xj = pj.y();
int yi = pi.x();
int yj = pj.x();
total_length += sqrt( double(((xj - xi)*(xj - xi)) + ((yj - yi)*(yj - yi))) );
return total_length;
/** Calculates which point of segment P1P2 has a distance equal to Distance from P1,
Lets say such point is P3, the distance from P1 to P3 must be equal to Distance
and if P3 is not a point of the segment P1P2 then the function returns (-1,-1)
TQPoint AssociationWidget::calculatePointAtDistance(const TQPoint &P1, const TQPoint &P2, float Distance) {
the distance D between points (x1, y1) and (x3, y3) has the following formula:
--- ------------------------------
D = \ / 2 2
\ / (x3 - x1) + (y3 - y1)
D, x1 and y1 are known and the point (x3, y3) is inside line (x1,y1)(x2,y2), so if the
that line has the formula y = mx + b
then y3 = m*x3 + b
2 2 2
D = (x3 - x1) + (y3 - y1)
2 2 2 2 2
D = x3 - 2*x3*x1 + x1 + y3 - 2*y3*y1 + y1
2 2 2 2 2
D - x1 - y1 = x3 - 2*x3*x1 + y3 - 2*y3*y1
2 2 2 2 2
D - x1 - y1 = x3 - 2*x3*x1 + (m*x3 + b) - 2*(m*x3 + b)*y1
2 2 2 2 2 2
D - x1 - y1 + 2*b*y1 - b = (m + 1)*x3 + (-2*x1 + 2*m*b -2*m*y1)*x3
2 2 2 2
C = - D + x1 + y1 - 2*b*y1 + b
A = (m + 1)
B = (-2*x1 + 2*m*b -2*m*y1)
and we have
A * x3 + B * x3 - C = 0
-B + --- / 2
\/ B - 4*A*C
sol_1 = --------------------------------
-B - --- / 2
\/ B - 4*A*C
sol_2 = --------------------------------
then in the distance formula we have only one variable x3 and that is easy
to calculate
int x1 = P1.y();
int y1 = P1.x();
int x2 = P2.y();
int y2 = P2.x();
if(x2 == x1) {
return TQPoint(x1, y1 + (int)Distance);
float slope = ((float)y2 - (float)y1) / ((float)x2 - (float)x1);
float b = (y1 - slope*x1);
float A = (slope * slope) + 1;
float B = (2*slope*b) - (2*x1) - (2*slope*y1);
float C = (b*b) - (Distance*Distance) + (x1*x1) + (y1*y1) - (2*b*y1);
float t = B*B - 4*A*C;
if(t < 0) {
return TQPoint(-1, -1);
float sol_1 = ((-1* B) + sqrt(t) ) / (2*A);
float sol_2 = ((-1*B) - sqrt(t) ) / (2*A);
if(sol_1 < 0.0 && sol_2 < 0.0) {
return TQPoint(-1, -1);
TQPoint sol1Point((int)(slope*sol_1 + b), (int)(sol_1));
TQPoint sol2Point((int)(slope*sol_2 + b), (int)(sol_2));
if(sol_1 < 0 && sol_2 >=0) {
if(x2 > x1) {
if(x1 <= sol_2 && sol_2 <= x2)
return sol2Point;
} else {
if(x2 <= sol_2 && sol_2 <= x1)
return sol2Point;
} else if(sol_1 >= 0 && sol_2 < 0) {
if(x2 > x1) {
if(x1 <= sol_1 && sol_1 <= x2)
return sol1Point;
} else {
if(x2 <= sol_1 && sol_1 <= x1)
return sol1Point;
} else {
if(x2 > x1) {
if(x1 <= sol_1 && sol_1 <= x2)
return sol1Point;
if(x1 <= sol_2 && sol_2 <= x2)
return sol2Point;
} else {
if(x2 <= sol_1 && sol_1 <= x1)
return sol1Point;
if(x2 <= sol_2 && sol_2 <= x1)
return sol2Point;
return TQPoint(-1, -1);
/** Calculates which point of a perpendicular line to segment P1P2 that contains P2
has a distance equal to Distance from P2,
Lets say such point is P3, the distance from P2 to P3 must be equal to Distance
TQPoint AssociationWidget::calculatePointAtDistanceOnPerpendicular(const TQPoint &P1, const TQPoint &P2, float Distance) {
the distance D between points (x2, y2) and (x3, y3) has the following formula:
--- ------------------------------
D = \ / 2 2
\ / (x3 - x2) + (y3 - y2)
D, x2 and y2 are known and line P2P3 is perpendicular to line (x1,y1)(x2,y2), so if the
line P1P2 has the formula y = m*x + b,
then (x1 - x2)
m = ----------- , because it is perpendicular to line P1P2
(y2 - y1)
also y2 = m*x2 + b
=> b = y2 - m*x2
then P3 = (x3, m*x3 + b)
2 2 2
D = (x3 - x2) + (y3 - y2)
2 2 2 2 2
D = x3 - 2*x3*x2 + x2 + y3 - 2*y3*y2 + y2
2 2 2 2 2
D - x2 - y2 = x3 - 2*x3*x2 + y3 - 2*y3*y2
2 2 2 2 2
D - x2 - y2 = x3 - 2*x3*x2 + (m*x3 + b) - 2*(m*x3 + b)*y2
2 2 2 2 2 2
D - x2 - y2 + 2*b*y2 - b = (m + 1)*x3 + (-2*x2 + 2*m*b -2*m*y2)*x3
2 2 2 2
C = - D + x2 + y2 - 2*b*y2 + b
A = (m + 1)
B = (-2*x2 + 2*m*b -2*m*y2)
and we have
A * x3 + B * x3 - C = 0
--- / 2
-B + \/ B - 4*A*C
sol_1 = --------------------------------
--- / 2
-B - \/ B - 4*A*C
sol_2 = --------------------------------
then in the distance formula we have only one variable x3 and that is easy
to calculate
if (P1.x() == P2.x()) {
return TQPoint((int)(P2.x() + Distance), P2.y());
const int x1 = P1.y();
const int y1 = P1.x();
const int x2 = P2.y();
const int y2 = P2.x();
float slope = ((float)x1 - (float)x2) / ((float)y2 - (float)y1);
float b = (y2 - slope*x2);
float A = (slope * slope) + 1;
float B = (2*slope*b) - (2*x2) - (2*slope*y2);
float C = (b*b) - (Distance*Distance) + (x2*x2) + (y2*y2) - (2*b*y2);
float t = B*B - 4*A*C;
if (t < 0) {
return TQPoint(-1, -1);
float sol_1 = ((-1* B) + sqrt(t) ) / (2*A);
float sol_2 = ((-1*B) - sqrt(t) ) / (2*A);
if(sol_1 < 0 && sol_2 < 0) {
return TQPoint(-1, -1);
TQPoint sol1Point((int)(slope*sol_1 + b), (int)sol_1);
TQPoint sol2Point((int)(slope*sol_2 + b), (int)sol_2);
if(sol_1 < 0 && sol_2 >=0) {
return sol2Point;
} else if(sol_1 >= 0 && sol_2 < 0) {
return sol1Point;
} else { // Choose one solution , either will work fine
if(slope >= 0) {
if(sol_1 <= sol_2)
return sol2Point;
return sol1Point;
} else {
if(sol_1 <= sol_2)
return sol1Point;
return sol2Point;
return TQPoint(-1, -1); // never reached, just keep compilers happy
/** Calculates the intersection (PS) between line P1P2 and a perpendicular line containing
P3, the result is returned in ResultingPoint. and result value represents the distance
between ResultingPoint and P3; if this value is negative an error ocurred. */
float AssociationWidget::perpendicularProjection(const TQPoint& P1, const TQPoint& P2, const TQPoint& P3,
TQPoint& ResultingPoint) {
//line P1P2 is Line 1 = y=slope1*x + b1
//line P3PS is Line 1 = y=slope2*x + b2
float slope2 = 0;
float slope1 = 0;
float sx = 0, sy = 0;
int y2 = P2.x();
int y1 = P1.x();
int x2 = P2.y();
int x1 = P1.y();
int y3 = P3.x();
int x3 = P3.y();
float distance = 0;
float b1 = 0;
float b2 = 0;
if(x2 == x1) {
sx = x2;
sy = y3;
} else if(y2 == y1) {
sy = y2;
sx = x3;
} else {
slope1 = (y2 - y1)/ (x2 - x1);
slope2 = (x1 - x2)/ (y2 - y1);
b1 = y2 - (slope1 * x2);
b2 = y3 - (slope2 * x3);
sx = (b2 - b1) / (slope1 - slope2);
sy = slope1*sx + b1;
distance = (int)( sqrt( ((x3 - sx)*(x3 - sx)) + ((y3 - sy)*(y3 - sy)) ) );
ResultingPoint.setX( (int)sy );
ResultingPoint.setY( (int)sx );
return distance;
TQPoint AssociationWidget::calculateTextPosition(Uml::Text_Role role) {
const int SPACE = 2;
TQPoint p(-1, -1), q(-1, -1);
// used to find out if association end point (p)
// is at top or bottom edge of widget.
bool is_top_or_bottom(false);
UMLWidget *pWidget(0);
if (role == tr_MultiA || role == tr_ChangeA || role == tr_RoleAName) {
p = m_LinePath.getPoint( 0 );
q = m_LinePath.getPoint( 1 );
pWidget = m_role[A].m_pWidget;
} else if (role == tr_MultiB || role == tr_ChangeB || role == tr_RoleBName) {
const uint lastSegment = m_LinePath.count() - 1;
p = m_LinePath.getPoint(lastSegment);
q = m_LinePath.getPoint(lastSegment - 1);
pWidget = m_role[B].m_pWidget;
} else if (role != tr_Name) {
kError() << "AssociationWidget::calculateTextPosition called with unsupported Text_Role "
<< role << endl;
return TQPoint(-1, -1);
if ( pWidget && ( pWidget->getY() == p.y() || pWidget->getY() + pWidget->height() == p.y() ))
is_top_or_bottom = true;
FloatingTextWidget *text = getTextWidgetByRole(role);
int textW = 0, textH = 0;
if (text) {
textW = text->width();
textH = text->height();
int x = 0, y = 0;
if (role == tr_MultiA || role == tr_MultiB) {
const bool isHorizontal = (p.y() == q.y());
const int atBottom = p.y() + SPACE;
const int atTop = p.y() - SPACE - textH;
const int atLeft = p.x() - SPACE - textW;
const int atRight = p.x() + SPACE;
y = (p.y() > q.y()) == isHorizontal ? atBottom : atTop;
x = (p.x() < q.x()) == isHorizontal ? atRight : atLeft;
} else if (role == tr_ChangeA || role == tr_ChangeB) {
if( p.y() > q.y() )
y = p.y() - SPACE - (textH * 2);
y = p.y() + SPACE + textH;
if( p.x() < q.x() )
x = p.x() + SPACE;
x = p.x() - SPACE - textW;
} else if (role == tr_RoleAName || role == tr_RoleBName) {
if( p.y() > q.y() )
y = p.y() - SPACE - textH;
y = p.y() + SPACE;
if( p.x() < q.x() )
x = p.x() + SPACE;
x = p.x() - SPACE - textW;
} else if (role == tr_Name) {
x = (int)( ( m_LinePath.getPoint(m_unNameLineSegment).x() +
m_LinePath.getPoint(m_unNameLineSegment + 1).x() ) / 2 );
y = (int)( ( m_LinePath.getPoint(m_unNameLineSegment).y() +
m_LinePath.getPoint(m_unNameLineSegment + 1).y() ) / 2 );
if (text) {
constrainTextPos(x, y, textW, textH, role);
p = TQPoint( x, y );
return p;
TQPoint AssociationWidget::midPoint(const TQPoint& p0, const TQPoint& p1) {
TQPoint midP;
if (p0.x() < p1.x())
midP.setX(p0.x() + (p1.x() - p0.x()) / 2);
midP.setX(p1.x() + (p0.x() - p1.x()) / 2);
if (p0.y() < p1.y())
midP.setY(p0.y() + (p1.y() - p0.y()) / 2);
midP.setY(p1.y() + (p0.y() - p1.y()) / 2);
return midP;
void AssociationWidget::constrainTextPos(int &textX, int &textY,
int textWidth, int textHeight,
Uml::Text_Role tr) {
const int textCenterX = textX + textWidth / 2;
const int textCenterY = textY + textHeight / 2;
const uint lastSegment = m_LinePath.count() - 1;
TQPoint p0, p1;
switch (tr) {
case tr_RoleAName:
case tr_MultiA:
case tr_ChangeA:
p0 = m_LinePath.getPoint(0);
p1 = m_LinePath.getPoint(1);
// If we are dealing with a single line then tie the
// role label to the proper half of the line, i.e.
// the role label must be closer to the "other"
// role object.
if (lastSegment == 1)
p1 = midPoint(p0, p1);
case tr_RoleBName:
case tr_MultiB:
case tr_ChangeB:
p0 = m_LinePath.getPoint(lastSegment - 1);
p1 = m_LinePath.getPoint(lastSegment);
if (lastSegment == 1)
p0 = midPoint(p0, p1);
case tr_Name:
case tr_Coll_Message: // CHECK: collab.msg texts seem to be tr_Name
case tr_State: // CHECK: is this used?
// Find the linepath segment to which the (textX,textY) is closest
// and constrain to the corridor of that segment (see farther below)
int minDistSquare = 100000; // utopian initial value
int lpIndex = 0;
for (uint i = 0; i < lastSegment; i++) {
p0 = m_LinePath.getPoint(i);
p1 = m_LinePath.getPoint(i + 1);
TQPoint midP = midPoint(p0, p1);
const int deltaX = textCenterX - midP.x();
const int deltaY = textCenterY - midP.y();
const int cSquare = deltaX * deltaX + deltaY * deltaY;
if (cSquare < minDistSquare) {
minDistSquare = cSquare;
lpIndex = i;
p0 = m_LinePath.getPoint(lpIndex);
p1 = m_LinePath.getPoint(lpIndex + 1);
kError() << "AssociationWidget::constrainTextPos(): unexpected Text_Role "
<< tr << endl;
/* Constraint:
The midpoint between p0 and p1 is taken to be the center of a circle
with radius D/2 where D is the distance between p0 and p1.
The text center needs to be within this circle else it is constrained
to the nearest point on the circle.
p0 = swapXY(p0); // go to the natural coordinate system
p1 = swapXY(p1); // with (0,0) in the lower left corner
TQPoint midP = midPoint(p0, p1);
// If (textX,textY) is not inside the circle around midP then
// constrain (textX,textY) to the nearest point on that circle.
const int x0 = p0.x();
const int y0 = p0.y();
const int x1 = p1.x();
const int y1 = p1.y();
double r = sqrt((double)(x1 - x0) * (x1 - x0) + (y1 - y0) * (y1 - y0)) / 2;
if (textWidth > r)
r = textWidth;
// swap textCenter{X,Y} to convert from TQt coord.system.
const TQPoint origTextCenter(textCenterY, textCenterX);
const int relX = abs(origTextCenter.x() - midP.x());
const int relY = abs(origTextCenter.y() - midP.y());
const double negativeWhenInsideCircle = relX * relX + relY * relY - r * r;
if (negativeWhenInsideCircle <= 0.0) {
The original constraint was to snap the text position to the
midpoint but that creates unpleasant visual jitter:
textX = midP.y() - textWidth / 2; // go back to TQt coord.sys.
textY = midP.x() - textHeight / 2; // go back to TQt coord.sys.
Rather, we project the text position onto the closest point
on the circle:
Circle equation:
relX^2 + relY^2 - r^2 = 0 , or in other words
relY^2 = r^2 - relX^2 , or
relY = sqrt(r^2 - relX^2)
Line equation:
relY = a * relX + b
We can omit "b" because relX and relY are already relative to
the circle origin, therefore we can also write:
a = relY / relX
To obtain the point of intersection between the circle of radius r
and the line connecting the circle origin with the point (relX, relY),
we equate the relY:
a * x = sqrt(r^2 - x^2) , or in other words
a^2 * x^2 = r^2 - x^2 , or
x^2 * (a^2 + 1) = r^2 , or
x^2 = r^2 / (a^2 + 1) , or
x = sqrt(r^2 / (a^2 + 1))
and then
y = a * x
The resulting x and y are relative to the circle origin so we just add
the circle origin (X,Y) to obtain the constrained (textX,textY).
// Handle the special case, relX = 0.
if (relX == 0) {
if (origTextCenter.y() > midP.y())
textX = midP.y() + (int)r; // go back to TQt coord.sys.
textX = midP.y() - (int)r; // go back to TQt coord.sys.
textX -= textWidth / 2;
const double a = (double)relY / (double)relX;
const double x = sqrt(r*r / (a*a + 1));
const double y = a * x;
if (origTextCenter.x() > midP.x())
textY = midP.x() + (int)x; // go back to TQt coord.sys.
textY = midP.x() - (int)x; // go back to TQt coord.sys.
textY -= textHeight / 2;
if (origTextCenter.y() > midP.y())
textX = midP.y() + (int)y; // go back to TQt coord.sys.
textX = midP.y() - (int)y; // go back to TQt coord.sys.
textX -= textWidth / 2;
void AssociationWidget::calculateNameTextSegment() {
if(!m_pName) {
//changed to use the middle of the text
//i think this will give a better result.
//never know what sort of lines people come up with
//and text could be long to give a false reading
int xt = m_pName -> getX();
int yt = m_pName -> getY();
xt += m_pName -> getWidth() / 2;
yt += m_pName -> getHeight() / 2;
uint size = m_LinePath.count();
//sum of length(PTP1) and length(PTP2)
float total_length = 0;
float smallest_length = 0;
for(uint i = 0; i < size - 1; i++) {
TQPoint pi = m_LinePath.getPoint( i );
TQPoint pj = m_LinePath.getPoint( i+1 );
int xtiDiff = xt - pi.x();
int xtjDiff = xt - pj.x();
int ytiDiff = yt - pi.y();
int ytjDiff = yt - pj.y();
total_length = sqrt( double(xtiDiff * xtiDiff + ytiDiff * ytiDiff) )
+ sqrt( double(xtjDiff * xtjDiff + ytjDiff * ytjDiff) );
//this gives the closest point
if( total_length < smallest_length || i == 0) {
smallest_length = total_length;
m_unNameLineSegment = i;
void AssociationWidget::setTextPosition(Uml::Text_Role role) {
bool startMove = false;
if( m_role[A].m_pMulti && m_role[A].m_pMulti->getStartMove() )
startMove = true;
else if( m_role[B].m_pMulti && m_role[B].m_pMulti->getStartMove() )
startMove = true;
else if( m_role[A].m_pChangeWidget && m_role[A].m_pChangeWidget->getStartMove() )
startMove = true;
else if( m_role[B].m_pChangeWidget && m_role[B].m_pChangeWidget->getStartMove() )
startMove = true;
else if( m_role[A].m_pRole && m_role[A].m_pRole->getStartMove() )
startMove = true;
else if( m_role[B].m_pRole && m_role[B].m_pRole->getStartMove() )
startMove = true;
else if( m_pName && m_pName->getStartMove() )
startMove = true;
if (startMove) {
FloatingTextWidget *ft = getTextWidgetByRole(role);
if (ft == NULL)
TQPoint pos = calculateTextPosition(role);
int x = pos.x();
int y = pos.y();
if ( (x < 0 || x > FloatingTextWidget::restrictPositionMax) ||
(y < 0 || y > FloatingTextWidget::restrictPositionMax) ) {
kDebug() << "AssociationWidget::setTextPosition( " << x << " , " << y << " ) "
<< "- was blocked because at least one value is out of bounds: ["
<< "0 ... " << FloatingTextWidget::restrictPositionMax << "]"
<< endl;
ft->setX( x );
ft->setY( y );
void AssociationWidget::setTextPositionRelatively(Uml::Text_Role role, const TQPoint &oldPosition) {
bool startMove = false;
if( m_role[A].m_pMulti && m_role[A].m_pMulti->getStartMove() )
startMove = true;
else if( m_role[B].m_pMulti && m_role[B].m_pMulti->getStartMove() )
startMove = true;
else if( m_role[A].m_pChangeWidget && m_role[A].m_pChangeWidget->getStartMove() )
startMove = true;
else if( m_role[B].m_pChangeWidget && m_role[B].m_pChangeWidget->getStartMove() )
startMove = true;
else if( m_role[A].m_pRole && m_role[A].m_pRole->getStartMove() )
startMove = true;
else if( m_role[B].m_pRole && m_role[B].m_pRole->getStartMove() )
startMove = true;
else if( m_pName && m_pName->getStartMove() )
startMove = true;
if (startMove) {
FloatingTextWidget *ft = getTextWidgetByRole(role);
if (ft == NULL)
int ftX = ft->getX();
int ftY = ft->getY();
if ( (ftX < 0 || ftX > FloatingTextWidget::restrictPositionMax) ||
(ftY < 0 || ftY > FloatingTextWidget::restrictPositionMax) ) {
kDebug() << "AssociationWidget::setTextPositionRelatively: "
<< "blocked because the FloatingTextWidget original position ("
<< ftX << "," << ftY << " is out of bounds: [0 ... "
<< FloatingTextWidget::restrictPositionMax << "]" << endl;
TQPoint pos = calculateTextPosition(role);
int relX = pos.x() - oldPosition.x();
int relY = pos.y() - oldPosition.y();
int ftNewX = ftX + relX;
int ftNewY = ftY + relY;
if ( (ftNewX < 0 || ftNewX > FloatingTextWidget::restrictPositionMax) ||
(ftNewY < 0 || ftNewY > FloatingTextWidget::restrictPositionMax) ) {
kDebug() << "AssociationWidget::setTextPositionRelatively: "
<< "blocked because the FloatingTextWidget new position ("
<< ftNewX << "," << ftNewY << " is out of bounds: [0 ... "
<< FloatingTextWidget::restrictPositionMax << "]" << endl;
bool oldIgnoreSnapToGrid = ft->getIgnoreSnapToGrid();
ft->setIgnoreSnapToGrid( true );
ft->setX( ftNewX );
ft->setY( ftNewY );
ft->setIgnoreSnapToGrid( oldIgnoreSnapToGrid );
void AssociationWidget::removeAssocClassLine() {
if (m_pAssocClassLine) {
delete m_pAssocClassLine;
m_pAssocClassLine = NULL;
if (m_pAssocClassWidget) {
m_pAssocClassWidget = NULL;
void AssociationWidget::createAssocClassLine() {
if (m_pAssocClassLine == NULL)
m_pAssocClassLine = new TQCanvasLine(m_pView->canvas());
TQPen pen(getLineColor(), getLineWidth(), TQt::DashLine);
void AssociationWidget::createAssocClassLine(ClassifierWidget* classifier,
int linePathSegmentIndex) {
m_nLinePathSegmentIndex = linePathSegmentIndex;
if (m_nLinePathSegmentIndex < 0) {
m_pAssocClassWidget = classifier;
void AssociationWidget::computeAssocClassLine() {
if (m_pAssocClassWidget == NULL || m_pAssocClassLine == NULL)
if (m_nLinePathSegmentIndex < 0) {
kError() << "AssociationWidget::computeAssocClassLine: "
<< "m_nLinePathSegmentIndex is not set" << endl;
TQPoint segStart = m_LinePath.getPoint(m_nLinePathSegmentIndex);
TQPoint segEnd = m_LinePath.getPoint(m_nLinePathSegmentIndex + 1);
const int midSegX = segStart.x() + (segEnd.x() - segStart.x()) / 2;
const int midSegY = segStart.y() + (segEnd.y() - segStart.y()) / 2;
TQPoint segmentMidPoint(midSegX, midSegY);
TQRect classRectangle = m_pAssocClassWidget->rect();
TQPoint cwEdgePoint = findIntercept(classRectangle, segmentMidPoint);
int acwMinX = cwEdgePoint.x();
int acwMinY = cwEdgePoint.y();
m_pAssocClassLine->setPoints(midSegX, midSegY, acwMinX, acwMinY);
void AssociationWidget::selectAssocClassLine(bool sel /* =true */) {
if (!sel) {
if (m_pAssocClassLineSel0) {
delete m_pAssocClassLineSel0;
m_pAssocClassLineSel0 = NULL;
if (m_pAssocClassLineSel1) {
delete m_pAssocClassLineSel1;
m_pAssocClassLineSel1 = NULL;
if (m_pAssocClassLine == NULL) {
kError() << "AssociationWidget::selectAssocClassLine: "
<< "cannot select because m_pAssocClassLine is NULL"
<< endl;
if (m_pAssocClassLineSel0)
delete m_pAssocClassLineSel0;
m_pAssocClassLineSel0 = Widget_Utils::decoratePoint(m_pAssocClassLine->startPoint());
if (m_pAssocClassLineSel1)
delete m_pAssocClassLineSel1;
m_pAssocClassLineSel1 = Widget_Utils::decoratePoint(m_pAssocClassLine->endPoint());
void AssociationWidget::mousePressEvent(TQMouseEvent * me) {
m_nMovingPoint = -1;
//make sure we should be here depending on the button
if(me -> button() != TQt::RightButton && me->button() != TQt::LeftButton)
TQPoint mep = me->pos();
// See if `mep' is on the connecting line to the association class
if (onAssocClassLine(mep)) {
m_bSelected = true;
// See if the user has clicked on a point to start moving the line segment
// from that point
if( me -> state() != TQt::ShiftButton )
m_pView -> clearSelected();
setSelected( !m_bSelected );
void AssociationWidget::mouseReleaseEvent(TQMouseEvent * me) {
if(me -> button() != TQt::RightButton && me->button() != TQt::LeftButton) {
setSelected( false );
// Check whether a point was moved and whether the moved point is
// located on the straight line between its neighbours.
// if yes, remove it
///@todo: check for non-horizontal / -vertical lines
if (m_nMovingPoint > 0 && m_nMovingPoint < m_LinePath.count() - 1)
TQPoint m = m_LinePath.getPoint(m_nMovingPoint);
TQPoint b = m_LinePath.getPoint(m_nMovingPoint - 1);
TQPoint a = m_LinePath.getPoint(m_nMovingPoint + 1);
if ( (b.x() == m.x() && a.x() == m.x()) ||
(b.y() == m.y() && a.y() == m.y()) )
m_LinePath.removePoint(m_nMovingPoint, m, POINT_DELTA);
m_nMovingPoint = -1;
const TQPoint p = me->pos();
if (me->button() != TQt::RightButton) {
// right button action:
//work out the type of menu we want
//work out if the association allows rolenames, multiplicity, etc
//also must be within a certain distance to be a multiplicity menu
ListPopupMenu::Menu_Type menuType = ListPopupMenu::mt_Undefined;
const int DISTANCE = 40;//must be within this many pixels for it to be a multi menu
const TQPoint lpStart = m_LinePath.getPoint(0);
const TQPoint lpEnd = m_LinePath.getPoint(m_LinePath.count() - 1);
const int startXDiff = lpStart.x() - p.x();
const int startYDiff = lpStart.y() - p.y();
const int endXDiff = lpEnd.x() - p.x();
const int endYDiff = lpEnd.y() - p.y();
const float lengthMAP = sqrt( double(startXDiff * startXDiff + startYDiff * startYDiff) );
const float lengthMBP = sqrt( double(endXDiff * endXDiff + endYDiff * endYDiff) );
const Uml::Association_Type type = getAssocType();
//allow multiplicity
if( AssocRules::allowMultiplicity( type, getWidget(A) -> getBaseType() ) ) {
if(lengthMAP < DISTANCE)
menuType = ListPopupMenu::mt_MultiA;
else if(lengthMBP < DISTANCE)
menuType = ListPopupMenu::mt_MultiB;
if( menuType == ListPopupMenu::mt_Undefined ) {
if (type == at_Anchor || onAssocClassLine(p))
menuType = ListPopupMenu::mt_Anchor;
else if (isCollaboration())
menuType = ListPopupMenu::mt_Collaboration_Message;
else if (getAssociation() == NULL)
menuType = ListPopupMenu::mt_AttributeAssociation;
else if (AssocRules::allowRole(type))
menuType = ListPopupMenu::mt_FullAssociation;
menuType = ListPopupMenu::mt_Association_Selected;
m_pMenu = new ListPopupMenu(m_pView, menuType);
m_pMenu->popup(me -> globalPos());
connect(m_pMenu, TQ_SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, TQ_SLOT(slotMenuSelection(int)));
}//end method mouseReleaseEvent
bool AssociationWidget::showDialog() {
AssocPropDlg dlg(m_pView, this );
if (! dlg.exec())
return false;
TQString name = getName();
TQString doc = getDoc();
TQString roleADoc = getRoleDoc(A), roleBDoc = getRoleDoc(B);
TQString rnA = getRoleName(A), rnB = getRoleName(B);
TQString ma = getMulti(A), mb = getMulti(B);
Uml::Visibility vA = getVisibility(A), vB = getVisibility(B);
Uml::Changeability_Type cA = getChangeability(A), cB = getChangeability(B);
//rules built into these functions to stop updating incorrect values
setRoleName(rnA, A);
setRoleName(rnB, B);
setRoleDoc(roleADoc, A);
setRoleDoc(roleBDoc, B);
setMulti(ma, A);
setMulti(mb, B);
setVisibility(vA, A);
setVisibility(vB, B);
setChangeability(cA, A);
setChangeability(cB, B);
m_pView -> showDocumentation( this, true );
return true;
void AssociationWidget::slotMenuSelection(int sel) {
TQString oldText, newText;
TQFont font;
TQRegExpValidator v(TQRegExp(".*"), 0);
Uml::Association_Type atype = getAssocType();
Uml::Role_Type r = Uml::B;
//if it's a collaboration message we now just use the code in floatingtextwidget
//this means there's some redundant code below but that's better than duplicated code
if (isCollaboration() && sel != ListPopupMenu::mt_Delete) {
switch(sel) {
case ListPopupMenu::mt_Properties:
if(atype == at_Seq_Message || atype == at_Seq_Message_Self) {
// show op dlg for seq. diagram here
// don't worry about here, I don't think it can get here as
// line is widget on seq. diagram
// here just in case - remove later after testing
kDebug() << "AssociationWidget::slotMenuSelection(mt_Properties): "
<< "assoctype is " << atype << endl;
} else { //standard assoc dialog
m_pView -> updateDocumentation( false );
case ListPopupMenu::mt_Delete:
if (m_pAssocClassLineSel0)
else if (getAssociation())
case ListPopupMenu::mt_Rename_MultiA:
r = Uml::A; // fall through
case ListPopupMenu::mt_Rename_MultiB:
if (m_role[r].m_pMulti)
oldText = m_role[r].m_pMulti->getText();
oldText = "";
newText = KInputDialog::getText(i18n("Multiplicity"),
i18n("Enter multiplicity:"),
oldText, NULL, m_pView, NULL, &v);
if (newText != oldText) {
if (FloatingTextWidget::isTextValid(newText)) {
setMulti(newText, r);
} else {
m_role[r].m_pMulti = NULL;
case ListPopupMenu::mt_Rename_Name:
oldText = m_pName->getText();
oldText = "";
newText = KInputDialog::getText(i18n("Association Name"),
i18n("Enter association name:"),
oldText, NULL, m_pView, NULL, &v);
if (newText != oldText) {
if (FloatingTextWidget::isTextValid(newText)) {
} else {
m_pName = NULL;
case ListPopupMenu::mt_Rename_RoleAName:
r = Uml::A; // fall through
case ListPopupMenu::mt_Rename_RoleBName:
if (m_role[r].m_pRole)
oldText = m_role[r].m_pRole->getText();
oldText = "";
newText = KInputDialog::getText(i18n("Role Name"),
i18n("Enter role name:"),
oldText, NULL, m_pView, NULL, &v);
if (newText != oldText) {
if (FloatingTextWidget::isTextValid(newText)) {
setRoleName(newText, r);
} else {
m_role[r].m_pRole = NULL;
case ListPopupMenu::mt_Change_Font:
font = getFont();
if( TDEFontDialog::getFont( font, false, m_pView ) )
case ListPopupMenu::mt_Change_Font_Selection:
font = getFont();
if( TDEFontDialog::getFont( font, false, m_pView ) ) {
m_pView -> selectionSetFont( font );
case ListPopupMenu::mt_Line_Color:
case ListPopupMenu::mt_Line_Color_Selection:
TQColor newColour;
if( KColorDialog::getColor(newColour) ) {
case ListPopupMenu::mt_Cut:
case ListPopupMenu::mt_Copy:
case ListPopupMenu::mt_Paste:
case ListPopupMenu::mt_Reset_Label_Positions:
}//end switch
void AssociationWidget::lwSetFont (TQFont font) {
if( m_pName) {
m_pName->setFont( font );
if( m_role[A].m_pRole ) {
m_role[A].m_pRole->setFont( font );
if( m_role[B].m_pRole ) {
m_role[B].m_pRole->setFont( font );
if( m_role[A].m_pMulti ) {
m_role[A].m_pMulti->setFont( font );
if( m_role[B].m_pMulti ) {
m_role[B].m_pMulti->setFont( font );
if( m_role[A].m_pChangeWidget)
m_role[A].m_pChangeWidget->setFont( font );
if( m_role[B].m_pChangeWidget)
m_role[B].m_pChangeWidget->setFont( font );
// find a general font for the association
TQFont AssociationWidget::getFont() const {
TQFont font;
if( m_role[A].m_pRole )
font = m_role[A].m_pRole -> getFont( );
else if( m_role[B].m_pRole)
font = m_role[B].m_pRole -> getFont( );
else if( m_role[A].m_pMulti )
font = m_role[A].m_pMulti -> getFont( );
else if( m_role[B].m_pMulti )
font = m_role[B].m_pMulti -> getFont( );
else if( m_role[A].m_pChangeWidget)
font = m_role[A].m_pChangeWidget-> getFont( );
else if( m_role[B].m_pChangeWidget)
font = m_role[B].m_pChangeWidget-> getFont( );
else if( m_pName)
font = m_pName-> getFont( );
font = m_role[A].m_pWidget -> getFont();
return font;
void AssociationWidget::setLineColor(const TQColor &colour) {
void AssociationWidget::setLineWidth(uint width) {
void AssociationWidget::checkPoints(const TQPoint &p) {
m_nMovingPoint = -1;
//only check if more than the two endpoints
int size = m_LinePath.count();
if( size <= 2 )
//check all points except the end points to see if we clicked on one of them
TQPoint tempPoint;
int x, y;
const int BOUNDARY = 4; // check for pixels around the point
for(int i=1;i<size-1;i++) {
tempPoint = m_LinePath.getPoint( i );
x = tempPoint.x();
y = tempPoint.y();
if( x - BOUNDARY <= p.x() && x + BOUNDARY >= p.x() &&
y - BOUNDARY <= p.y() && y + BOUNDARY >= p.y() ) {
m_nMovingPoint = i;
break; //no need to check the rest
}//end if
}//end for
void AssociationWidget::mouseMoveEvent(TQMouseEvent* me) {
if( me->state() != TQt::LeftButton) {
// if we have no moving point,create one
if (m_nMovingPoint == -1)
//create moving point near the mouse on the line
int i = m_LinePath.onLinePath(me->pos());
if (i == -1)
m_LinePath.insertPoint( i + 1, me->pos() );
m_nMovingPoint = i + 1;
//new position for point
TQPoint p = me->pos();
TQPoint oldp = m_LinePath.getPoint(m_nMovingPoint);
if( m_pView -> getSnapToGrid() ) {
int newX = m_pView->snappedX( p.x() );
int newY = m_pView->snappedY( p.y() );
// Prevent the moving vertex from disappearing underneath a widget
// (else there's no way to get it back.)
UMLWidget *onW = m_pView->getWidgetAt(p);
if (onW && onW->getBaseType() != Uml::wt_Box) { // boxes are transparent
const int pX = p.x();
const int pY = p.y();
const int wX = onW->getX();
const int wY = onW->getY();
const int wWidth = onW->getWidth();
const int wHeight = onW->getHeight();
if (pX > wX && pX < wX + wWidth) {
const int midX = wX + wWidth / 2;
if (pX <= midX)
p.setX(wX + wWidth);
if (pY > wY && pY < wY + wHeight) {
const int midY = wY + wHeight / 2;
if (pY <= midY)
p.setY(wY + wHeight);
//move event called now
TQMoveEvent m(p, oldp);
AssociationWidget::Region AssociationWidget::getWidgetRegion(AssociationWidget * widget) const {
if(widget -> getWidget(A) == m_role[A].m_pWidget)
return m_role[A].m_WidgetRegion;
if(widget -> getWidget(B) == m_role[B].m_pWidget)
return m_role[B].m_WidgetRegion;
return Error;
int AssociationWidget::getRegionCount(AssociationWidget::Region region, Uml::Role_Type role) {
if(region == Error)
return 0;
int widgetCount = 0;
AssociationWidgetList list = m_pView -> getAssociationList();
AssociationWidgetListIt assoc_it(list);
AssociationWidget* assocwidget = 0;
while((assocwidget = assoc_it.current())) {
//don't count this association
if (assocwidget == this)
const WidgetRole& otherA = assocwidget->m_role[A];
const WidgetRole& otherB = assocwidget->m_role[B];
const UMLWidget *a = otherA.m_pWidget;
const UMLWidget *b = otherB.m_pWidget;
//don't count associations to self if both of their end points are on the same region
//they are different and placement won't interfere with them
if( a == b && otherA.m_WidgetRegion == otherB.m_WidgetRegion )
if (m_role[role].m_pWidget == a && region == otherA.m_WidgetRegion)
else if (m_role[role].m_pWidget == b && region == otherB.m_WidgetRegion)
}//end while
return widgetCount;
TQPoint AssociationWidget::findIntercept(const TQRect &rect, const TQPoint &point) {
Region region = findPointRegion(rect, point.x(), point.y());
const char *regionStr[] = { "Error",
"West", "North", "East", "South",
"NorthWest", "NorthEast", "SouthEast", "SouthWest",
kDebug() << "findPointRegion(rect(" << rect.x() << "," << rect.y()
<< "," << rect.width() << "," << rect.height() << "), p("
<< point.x() << "," << point.y() << ")) = " << regionStr[region]
<< endl;
// Move some regions to the standard ones.
switch (region) {
case NorthWest:
region = North;
case NorthEast:
region = East;
case SouthEast:
region = South;
case SouthWest:
case Center:
region = West;
// The TQt coordinate system has (0,0) in the top left corner.
// In order to go to the regular XY coordinate system with (0,0)
// in the bottom left corner, we swap the X and Y axis.
// That's why the following assignments look twisted.
const int rectHalfWidth = rect.height() / 2;
const int rectHalfHeight = rect.width() / 2;
const int rectMidX = rect.y() + rectHalfWidth;
const int rectMidY = rect.x() + rectHalfHeight;
const int pX = point.y();
const int pY = point.x();
const int dX = rectMidX - pX;
const int dY = rectMidY - pY;
switch (region) {
case West:
region = South;
case North:
region = East;
case East:
region = North;
case South:
region = West;
// Now we have regular coordinates with the point (0,0) in the
// bottom left corner.
if (region == North || region == South) {
int yoff = rectHalfHeight;
if (region == North)
yoff = -yoff;
if (dX == 0) {
return TQPoint(rectMidY + yoff, rectMidX); // swap back X and Y
if (dY == 0) {
kError() << "AssociationWidget::findIntercept usage error: "
<< "North/South (dY == 0)" << endl;
return TQPoint(0,0);
const float m = (float)dY / (float)dX;
const float b = (float)pY - m * pX;
const int inputY = rectMidY + yoff;
const float outputX = ((float)inputY - b) / m;
return TQPoint(inputY, (int)outputX); // swap back X and Y
} else {
int xoff = rectHalfWidth;
if (region == East)
xoff = -xoff;
if (dY == 0)
return TQPoint(rectMidY, rectMidX + xoff); // swap back X and Y
if (dX == 0) {
kError() << "AssociationWidget::findIntercept usage error: "
<< "East/West (dX == 0)" << endl;
return TQPoint(0,0);
const float m = (float)dY / (float)dX;
const float b = (float)pY - m * pX;
const int inputX = rectMidX + xoff;
const float outputY = m * (float)inputX + b;
return TQPoint((int)outputY, inputX); // swap back X and Y
int AssociationWidget::findInterceptOnEdge(const TQRect &rect,
AssociationWidget::Region region,
const TQPoint &point)
// The TQt coordinate system has (0,0) in the top left corner.
// In order to go to the regular XY coordinate system with (0,0)
// in the bottom left corner, we swap the X and Y axis.
// That's why the following assignments look twisted.
const int rectHalfWidth = rect.height() / 2;
const int rectHalfHeight = rect.width() / 2;
const int rectMidX = rect.y() + rectHalfWidth;
const int rectMidY = rect.x() + rectHalfHeight;
const int dX = rectMidX - point.y();
const int dY = rectMidY - point.x();
switch (region) {
case West:
region = South;
case North:
region = West;
case East:
region = North;
case South:
region = East;
// Now we have regular coordinates with the point (0,0) in the
// bottom left corner.
if (region == North || region == South) {
if (dX == 0)
return rectMidY;
// should be rectMidX, but we go back to TQt coord.sys.
if (dY == 0) {
kError() << "AssociationWidget::findInterceptOnEdge usage error: "
<< "North/South (dY == 0)" << endl;
return -1;
const float m = (float)dY / (float)dX;
float relativeX;
if (region == North)
relativeX = (float)rectHalfHeight / m;
relativeX = -(float)rectHalfHeight / m;
return (rectMidY + (int)relativeX);
// should be rectMidX, but we go back to TQt coord.sys.
} else {
if (dY == 0)
return rectMidX;
// should be rectMidY, but we go back to TQt coord.sys.
if (dX == 0) {
kError() << "AssociationWidget::findInterceptOnEdge usage error: "
<< "East/West (dX == 0)" << endl;
return -1;
const float m = (float)dY / (float)dX;
float relativeY = m * (float)rectHalfWidth;
if (region == West)
relativeY = -relativeY;
return (rectMidX + (int)relativeY);
// should be rectMidY, but we go back to TQt coord.sys.
void AssociationWidget::insertIntoLists(int position, const AssociationWidget* assoc)
bool did_insertion = false;
for (int index = 0; index < m_positions_len; index++) {
if (position < m_positions[index]) {
for (int moveback = m_positions_len; moveback > index; moveback--)
m_positions[moveback] = m_positions[moveback - 1];
m_positions[index] = position;
m_ordered.insert(index, assoc);
did_insertion = true;
if (! did_insertion) {
m_positions[m_positions_len] = position;
void AssociationWidget::updateAssociations(int totalCount,
AssociationWidget::Region region,
Uml::Role_Type role)
if( region == Error )
AssociationWidgetList list = m_pView -> getAssociationList();
AssociationWidgetListIt assoc_it(list);
AssociationWidget* assocwidget = 0;
UMLWidget *ownWidget = m_role[role].m_pWidget;
m_positions_len = 0;
// we order the AssociationWidget list by region and x/y value
while ( (assocwidget = assoc_it.current()) ) {
WidgetRole *roleA = &assocwidget->m_role[A];
WidgetRole *roleB = &assocwidget->m_role[B];
UMLWidget *wA = roleA->m_pWidget;
UMLWidget *wB = roleB->m_pWidget;
// Skip self associations.
if (wA == wB)
// Now we must find out with which end the assocwidget connects
// to the input widget (ownWidget).
bool inWidgetARegion = ( ownWidget == wA &&
region == roleA->m_WidgetRegion );
bool inWidgetBRegion = ( ownWidget == wB &&
region == roleB->m_WidgetRegion);
if ( !inWidgetARegion && !inWidgetBRegion )
// Determine intercept position on the edge indicated by `region'.
UMLWidget * otherWidget = (inWidgetARegion ? wB : wA);
LinePath *linepath = assocwidget->getLinePath();
TQPoint refpoint;
if (assocwidget->linePathStartsAt(otherWidget))
refpoint = linepath->getPoint(linepath->count() - 2);
refpoint = linepath->getPoint(1);
// The point is authoritative if we're called for the second time
// (i.e. role==B) or it is a waypoint on the line path.
bool pointIsAuthoritative = (role == B || linepath->count() > 2);
if (! pointIsAuthoritative) {
// If the point is not authoritative then we use the other
// widget's center.
refpoint.setX(otherWidget->getX() + otherWidget->getWidth() / 2);
refpoint.setY(otherWidget->getY() + otherWidget->getHeight() / 2);
int intercept = findInterceptOnEdge(ownWidget->rect(), region, refpoint);
if (intercept < 0) {
kDebug() << "updateAssociations: error from findInterceptOnEdge for"
<< " assocType=" << assocwidget->getAssocType()
<< " ownWidget=" << ownWidget->getName()
<< " otherWidget=" << otherWidget->getName() << endl;
insertIntoLists(intercept, assocwidget);
} // while ( (assocwidget = assoc_it.current()) )
// we now have an ordered list and we only have to call updateRegionLineCount
int index = 1;
for (assocwidget = m_ordered.first(); assocwidget; assocwidget = {
if (ownWidget == assocwidget->getWidget(A)) {
assocwidget->updateRegionLineCount(index++, totalCount, region, A);
} else if (ownWidget == assocwidget->getWidget(B)) {
assocwidget->updateRegionLineCount(index++, totalCount, region, B);
} // for (assocwidget = ordered.first(); ...)
void AssociationWidget::updateRegionLineCount(int index, int totalCount,
AssociationWidget::Region region,
Uml::Role_Type role) {
if( region == Error )
// If the association is to self and the line ends are on the same region then
// use a different calculation.
if (m_role[A].m_pWidget == m_role[B].m_pWidget &&
m_role[A].m_WidgetRegion == m_role[B].m_WidgetRegion) {
UMLWidget * pWidget = m_role[A].m_pWidget;
int x = pWidget -> getX();
int y = pWidget -> getY();
int wh = pWidget -> height();
int ww = pWidget -> width();
int size = m_LinePath.count();
// See if above widget ok to place assoc.
switch( m_role[A].m_WidgetRegion ) {
case North:
m_LinePath.setPoint( 0, TQPoint( x + ( ww / 4 ), y ) );
m_LinePath.setPoint( size - 1, TQPoint(x + ( ww * 3 / 4 ), y ) );
case South:
m_LinePath.setPoint( 0, TQPoint( x + ( ww / 4 ), y + wh ) );
m_LinePath.setPoint( size - 1, TQPoint( x + ( ww * 3 / 4 ), y + wh ) );
case East:
m_LinePath.setPoint( 0, TQPoint( x + ww, y + ( wh / 4 ) ) );
m_LinePath.setPoint( size - 1, TQPoint( x + ww, y + ( wh * 3 / 4 ) ) );
case West:
m_LinePath.setPoint( 0, TQPoint( x, y + ( wh / 4 ) ) );
m_LinePath.setPoint( size - 1, TQPoint( x, y + ( wh * 3 / 4 ) ) );
}//end switch
m_role[A].m_OldCorner.setX( x );
m_role[A].m_OldCorner.setY( y );
m_role[B].m_OldCorner.setX( x );
m_role[B].m_OldCorner.setY( y );
WidgetRole& robj = m_role[role];
UMLWidget * pWidget = robj.m_pWidget;
robj.m_nIndex = index;
robj.m_nTotalCount = totalCount;
int x = pWidget->getX();
int y = pWidget->getY();
int ww = pWidget->getWidth();
int wh = pWidget->getHeight();
const bool angular = Settings::getOptionState().generalState.angularlines;
int ch = 0;
int cw = 0;
if (angular) {
uint nind = (role == A ? 1 : m_LinePath.count() - 2);
TQPoint neighbour = m_LinePath.getPoint(nind);
if (neighbour.x() < x)
cw = 0;
else if (neighbour.x() > x + ww)
cw = 0 + ww;
cw = neighbour.x() - x;
if (neighbour.y() < y)
ch = 0;
else if (neighbour.y() > y + wh)
ch = 0 + wh;
ch = neighbour.y() - y;
} else {
ch = wh * index / totalCount;
cw = ww * index / totalCount;
int snapX = m_pView->snappedX(x + cw);
int snapY = m_pView->snappedY(y + ch);
TQPoint pt;
if (angular) {
pt = TQPoint(snapX, snapY);
} else {
switch(region) {
case West:
case North:
case East:
pt.setX(x + ww);
case South:
pt.setY(y + wh);
case Center:
pt.setX(x + ww / 2);
pt.setY(y + wh / 2);
if (role == A)
m_LinePath.setPoint( 0, pt );
else {
m_LinePath.setPoint( m_LinePath.count() - 1, pt );
LinePath::Region r = ( region == South || region == North ) ?
LinePath::TopBottom : LinePath::LeftRight;
m_LinePath.setDockRegion( r );
void AssociationWidget::setSelected(bool _select /* = true */) {
m_bSelected = _select;
if( m_pName)
m_pName-> setSelected( _select );
if( m_role[A].m_pRole )
m_role[A].m_pRole -> setSelected( _select );
if( m_role[B].m_pRole )
m_role[B].m_pRole -> setSelected( _select );
if( m_role[A].m_pMulti )
m_role[A].m_pMulti -> setSelected( _select );
if( m_role[B].m_pMulti )
m_role[B].m_pMulti -> setSelected( _select );
if( m_role[A].m_pChangeWidget)
m_role[A].m_pChangeWidget-> setSelected( _select );
if( m_role[B].m_pChangeWidget)
m_role[B].m_pChangeWidget-> setSelected( _select );
//Update the docwindow for this association.
// This is done last because each of the above setSelected calls
// overwrites the docwindow, but we want the main association doc
// to win.
if( _select ) {
if( m_pView -> getSelectCount() == 0 )
m_pView -> showDocumentation( this, false );
} else
m_pView -> updateDocumentation( true );
m_LinePath.setSelected( _select );
if (! _select) {
// For now, if _select is true we don't make the assoc class line
// selected. But that's certainly open for discussion.
// At any rate, we need to deselect the assoc class line
// if _select is false.
bool AssociationWidget::onAssocClassLine(const TQPoint &point) {
if (m_pAssocClassLine == NULL)
return false;
TQCanvasItemList list = m_pView->canvas()->collisions(point);
TQCanvasItemList::iterator end(list.end());
for (TQCanvasItemList::iterator item_it(list.begin()); item_it != end; ++item_it) {
if (*item_it == m_pAssocClassLine)
return true;
return false;
bool AssociationWidget::onAssociation(const TQPoint & point) {
if (m_LinePath.onLinePath(point) != -1)
return true;
return onAssocClassLine(point);
void AssociationWidget::slotRemovePopupMenu()
if(m_pMenu) {
disconnect(m_pMenu, TQ_SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, TQ_SLOT(slotMenuSelection(int)));
delete m_pMenu;
m_pMenu = 0;
void AssociationWidget::slotClearAllSelected() {
setSelected( false );
void AssociationWidget::moveMidPointsBy( int x, int y ) {
int pos = m_LinePath.count() - 1;
for( int i=1 ; i < (int)pos ; i++ ) {
TQPoint p = m_LinePath.getPoint( i );
int newX = p.x() + x;
int newY = p.y() + y;
newX = m_pView -> snappedX( newX );
newY = m_pView -> snappedY( newY );
p.setX( newX );
p.setY( newY );
m_LinePath.setPoint( i, p );
void AssociationWidget::moveEntireAssoc( int x, int y ) {
moveMidPointsBy( x, y );
TQRect AssociationWidget::getAssocLineRectangle()
TQRect rectangle;
TQPoint p;
uint pen_width;
/* we also want the end points connected to the other widget */
int pos = m_LinePath.count();
/* go through all points on the linepath */
for( int i=0 ; i < (int) pos; i++ )
p = m_LinePath.getPoint( i );
/* the first point is our starting point */
if (i == 0) {
rectangle.setRect(p.x(), p.y(), 0, 0);
/* the lines have the width of the pen */
pen_width = m_LinePath.getPen().width();
if (pen_width == 0)
pen_width = 1; // width must be at least 1
if (p.x() < rectangle.x())
if (p.y() < rectangle.y())
if (p.x() > rectangle.x() + rectangle.width()) {
int newX = p.x() - rectangle.x() + pen_width;
if (p.y() > rectangle.y() + rectangle.height()) {
int newY = p.y() - rectangle.y() + pen_width;
return rectangle;
void AssociationWidget::setUMLObject(UMLObject *obj) {
if (obj == NULL)
UMLClassifier *klass = NULL;
UMLAttribute *attr = NULL;
UMLEntity *ent = NULL;
const Uml::Object_Type ot = obj->getBaseType();
switch (ot) {
case Uml::ot_Association:
case Uml::ot_Operation:
setOperation(dynamic_cast<UMLOperation *>(obj));
case Uml::ot_Attribute:
klass = static_cast<UMLClassifier*>(obj->parent());
connect(klass, TQ_SIGNAL(attributeRemoved(UMLClassifierListItem*)),
this, TQ_SLOT(slotAttributeRemoved(UMLClassifierListItem*)));
attr = static_cast<UMLAttribute*>(obj);
connect(attr, TQ_SIGNAL(attributeChanged()), this, TQ_SLOT(slotAttributeChanged()));
case Uml::ot_EntityAttribute:
ent = static_cast<UMLEntity*>(obj->parent());
connect(ent, TQ_SIGNAL(entityAttributeRemoved(UMLClassifierListItem*)),
this, TQ_SLOT(slotAttributeRemoved(UMLClassifierListItem*)));
kError() << "UMLAssociation constructor: cannot associate UMLObject of type "
<< ot << endl;
void AssociationWidget::slotAttributeRemoved(UMLClassifierListItem* obj) {
if (obj != m_pObject)
kDebug() << "AssociationWidget::slotAttributeRemoved:(obj=" << obj
<< "): m_pObject=" << m_pObject << endl;
m_pObject = NULL;
void AssociationWidget::slotAttributeChanged() {
UMLAttribute *attr = getAttribute();
if (attr == NULL) {
kError() << "AssociationWidget::slotAttributeChanged: getAttribute returns NULL"
<< endl;
setVisibility(attr->getVisibility(), B);
setRoleName(attr->getName(), B);
void AssociationWidget::init (UMLView *view)
WidgetBase::init(view, wt_Association);
// pointers to floating text widgets objects owned by this association
m_pName = 0;
m_role[A].m_pChangeWidget = 0;
m_role[B].m_pChangeWidget = 0;
m_role[A].m_pMulti = 0;
m_role[B].m_pMulti = 0;
m_role[A].m_pRole = 0;
m_role[B].m_pRole = 0;
m_role[A].m_pWidget = 0;
m_role[B].m_pWidget = 0;
// associationwidget attributes
m_role[A].m_WidgetRegion = Error;
m_role[B].m_WidgetRegion = Error;
m_role[A].m_nIndex = 0;
m_role[B].m_nIndex = 0;
m_role[A].m_nTotalCount = 0;
m_role[B].m_nTotalCount = 0;
m_role[A].m_Visibility = Uml::Visibility::Public;
m_role[B].m_Visibility = Uml::Visibility::Public;
m_role[A].m_Changeability = Uml::chg_Changeable;
m_role[B].m_Changeability = Uml::chg_Changeable;
m_positions_len = 0;
m_bActivated = false;
m_unNameLineSegment = 0;
m_pMenu = 0;
m_bSelected = false;
m_nMovingPoint = -1;
m_nLinePathSegmentIndex = -1;
m_pAssocClassWidget = NULL;
m_pAssocClassLine = NULL;
m_pAssocClassLineSel0 = m_pAssocClassLineSel1 = NULL;
// Initialize local members.
// These are only used if we don't have a UMLAssociation attached.
m_AssocType = Uml::at_Association;
m_umldoc = UMLApp::app()->getDocument();
m_LinePath.setAssociation( this );
connect(m_pView, TQ_SIGNAL(sigRemovePopupMenu()), this, TQ_SLOT(slotRemovePopupMenu()));
connect(m_pView, TQ_SIGNAL( sigClearAllSelected() ), this, TQ_SLOT( slotClearAllSelected() ) );
void AssociationWidget::resetTextPositions() {
if (m_role[A].m_pMulti) {
setTextPosition( tr_MultiA );
if (m_role[B].m_pMulti) {
setTextPosition( tr_MultiB );
if (m_role[A].m_pChangeWidget) {
setTextPosition( tr_ChangeA );
if (m_role[B].m_pChangeWidget) {
setTextPosition( tr_ChangeB );
if (m_pName) {
setTextPosition( tr_Name );
if (m_role[A].m_pRole) {
setTextPosition( tr_RoleAName );
if (m_role[B].m_pRole) {
setTextPosition( tr_RoleBName );
void AssociationWidget::setIndex(int index, Uml::Role_Type role) {
m_role[role].m_nIndex = index;
int AssociationWidget::getIndex(Uml::Role_Type role) const {
return m_role[role].m_nIndex;
void AssociationWidget::setTotalCount(int count, Uml::Role_Type role) {
m_role[role].m_nTotalCount = count;
int AssociationWidget::getTotalCount(Uml::Role_Type role) const {
return m_role[role].m_nTotalCount;
UMLOperation *AssociationWidget::getOperation() {
return dynamic_cast<UMLOperation*>(m_pObject);
void AssociationWidget::setOperation(UMLOperation *op) {
if (m_pObject)
disconnect(m_pObject, TQ_SIGNAL(modified()), m_pName, TQ_SLOT(setMessageText()));
m_pObject = op;
if (m_pObject)
connect(m_pObject, TQ_SIGNAL(modified()), m_pName, TQ_SLOT(setMessageText()));
UMLClassifier *AssociationWidget::getOperationOwner() {
Uml::Role_Type role = (isCollaboration() ? B : A);
UMLObject *o = getWidget(role)->getUMLObject();
if (o == NULL)
return NULL;
UMLClassifier *c = dynamic_cast<UMLClassifier*>(o);
if (c == NULL)
kError() << "AssociationWidget::getOperationOwner: "
<< "getWidget(" << role << ") is not a classifier"
<< endl;
return c;
void AssociationWidget::setSeqNumAndOp(const TQString &seqNum, const TQString &op) {
if (! op.isEmpty())
setMulti(seqNum, A);
UMLClassifier *AssociationWidget::getSeqNumAndOp(TQString& seqNum, TQString& op) {
seqNum = getMulti(A);
op = getName();
UMLObject *o = getWidget(B)->getUMLObject();
UMLClassifier *c = dynamic_cast<UMLClassifier*>(o);
return c;
void AssociationWidget::setCustomOpText(const TQString &opText) {
TQString AssociationWidget::getCustomOpText() {
return getName();
void AssociationWidget::setWidget( UMLWidget* widget, Uml::Role_Type role) {
m_role[role].m_pWidget = widget;
if (widget) {
if (m_pObject && m_pObject->getBaseType() == ot_Association)
getAssociation()->setObject(widget->getUMLObject(), role);
void AssociationWidget::saveToXMI( TQDomDocument & qDoc, TQDomElement & qElement ) {
TQDomElement assocElement = qDoc.createElement( "assocwidget" );
WidgetBase::saveToXMI(qDoc, assocElement);
if (m_pObject) {
assocElement.setAttribute( "", ID2STR(m_pObject->getID()) );
assocElement.setAttribute( "type", m_AssocType );
if (getAssociation() == NULL) {
assocElement.setAttribute( "visibilityA", m_role[A].m_Visibility);
assocElement.setAttribute( "visibilityB", m_role[B].m_Visibility);
assocElement.setAttribute( "changeabilityA", m_role[A].m_Changeability);
assocElement.setAttribute( "changeabilityB", m_role[B].m_Changeability);
if (m_pObject == NULL) {
assocElement.setAttribute( "roleAdoc", m_role[A].m_RoleDoc);
assocElement.setAttribute( "roleBdoc", m_role[B].m_RoleDoc);
assocElement.setAttribute( "documentation", m_Doc );
assocElement.setAttribute( "widgetaid", ID2STR(getWidgetID(A)) );
assocElement.setAttribute( "widgetbid", ID2STR(getWidgetID(B)) );
assocElement.setAttribute( "indexa", m_role[A].m_nIndex );
assocElement.setAttribute( "indexb", m_role[B].m_nIndex );
assocElement.setAttribute( "totalcounta", m_role[A].m_nTotalCount );
assocElement.setAttribute( "totalcountb", m_role[B].m_nTotalCount );
m_LinePath.saveToXMI( qDoc, assocElement );
if( m_pName )
m_pName -> saveToXMI( qDoc, assocElement );
if( m_role[A].m_pMulti )
m_role[A].m_pMulti -> saveToXMI( qDoc, assocElement );
if( m_role[B].m_pMulti )
m_role[B].m_pMulti -> saveToXMI( qDoc, assocElement );
if( m_role[A].m_pRole )
m_role[A].m_pRole -> saveToXMI( qDoc, assocElement );
if( m_role[B].m_pRole )
m_role[B].m_pRole -> saveToXMI( qDoc, assocElement );
if( m_role[A].m_pChangeWidget )
m_role[A].m_pChangeWidget -> saveToXMI( qDoc, assocElement );
if( m_role[B].m_pChangeWidget )
m_role[B].m_pChangeWidget -> saveToXMI( qDoc, assocElement );
if (m_pAssocClassWidget) {
TQString acid = ID2STR(m_pAssocClassWidget->getID());
assocElement.setAttribute("assocclass", acid);
assocElement.setAttribute("aclsegindex", m_nLinePathSegmentIndex);
qElement.appendChild( assocElement );
bool AssociationWidget::loadFromXMI( TQDomElement & qElement,
const UMLWidgetList& widgets,
const MessageWidgetList* pMessages )
// load child widgets first
TQString widgetaid = qElement.attribute( "widgetaid", "-1" );
TQString widgetbid = qElement.attribute( "widgetbid", "-1" );
Uml::IDType aId = STR2ID(widgetaid);
Uml::IDType bId = STR2ID(widgetbid);
UMLWidget *pWidgetA = Widget_Utils::findWidget( aId, widgets, pMessages );
if (!pWidgetA) {
kError() << "AssociationWidget::loadFromXMI(): "
<< "cannot find widget for roleA id " << ID2STR(aId) << endl;
return false;
UMLWidget *pWidgetB = Widget_Utils::findWidget( bId, widgets, pMessages );
if (!pWidgetB) {
kError() << "AssociationWidget::loadFromXMI(): "
<< "cannot find widget for roleB id " << ID2STR(bId) << endl;
return false;
setWidget(pWidgetA, A);
setWidget(pWidgetB, B);
TQString type = qElement.attribute( "type", "-1" );
Uml::Association_Type aType = (Uml::Association_Type) type.toInt();
TQString id = qElement.attribute( "", "-1" );
bool oldStyleLoad = false;
if (id == "-1") {
// not present, ergo either a pure widget association,
// or old (pre-1.2) style:
// Everything is loaded from the AssociationWidget.
// UMLAssociation may or may not be saved - if it is, it's a dummy.
// Create the UMLAssociation if both roles are UML objects;
// else load the info locally.
if (UMLAssociation::assocTypeHasUMLRepresentation(aType)) {
// lack of an association in our widget AND presence of
// both uml objects for each role clearly identifies this
// as reading in an old-school file. Note it as such, and
// create, and add, the UMLAssociation for this widget.
// Remove this special code when backwards compatibility
// with older files isn't important anymore. -b.t.
UMLObject* umlRoleA = pWidgetA->getUMLObject();
UMLObject* umlRoleB = pWidgetB->getUMLObject();
if (!m_pObject && umlRoleA && umlRoleB)
oldStyleLoad = true; // flag for further special config below
if (aType == at_Aggregation || aType == at_Composition) {
kWarning()<<" Old Style save file? swapping roles on association widget"<<this<<endl;
// We have to swap the A and B widgets to compensate
// for the long standing bug in LinePath of drawing
// the diamond at the wrong end which was fixed
// just before the 1.2 release.
// The logic here is that the user has understood
// that the diamond belongs at the SOURCE end of the
// the association (i.e. at the container, not at the
// contained), and has compensated for this anomaly
// by drawing the aggregations/compositions from
// target to source.
UMLWidget *tmpWidget = pWidgetA;
pWidgetA = pWidgetB;
pWidgetB = tmpWidget;
setWidget(pWidgetA, A);
setWidget(pWidgetB, B);
umlRoleA = pWidgetA->getUMLObject();
umlRoleB = pWidgetB->getUMLObject();
setUMLAssociation(m_umldoc->createUMLAssociation(umlRoleA, umlRoleB, aType));
setDoc( qElement.attribute("documentation", "") );
setRoleDoc( qElement.attribute("roleAdoc", ""), A );
setRoleDoc( qElement.attribute("roleBdoc", ""), B );
// visibilty defaults to Public if it cant set it here..
TQString visibilityA = qElement.attribute( "visibilityA", "0");
if (visibilityA.toInt() > 0)
setVisibility( (Uml::Visibility::Value)visibilityA.toInt(), A);
TQString visibilityB = qElement.attribute( "visibilityB", "0");
if (visibilityB.toInt() > 0)
setVisibility( (Uml::Visibility::Value)visibilityB.toInt(), B);
// Changeability defaults to "Changeable" if it cant set it here..
TQString changeabilityA = qElement.attribute( "changeabilityA", "0");
if (changeabilityA.toInt() > 0)
setChangeability( (Uml::Changeability_Type)changeabilityA.toInt(), A);
TQString changeabilityB = qElement.attribute( "changeabilityB", "0");
if (changeabilityB.toInt() > 0)
setChangeability( (Uml::Changeability_Type)changeabilityB.toInt(), B);
} else {
// we should disconnect any prior association (can this happen??)
if (m_pObject && m_pObject->getBaseType() == ot_Association)
UMLAssociation *umla = getAssociation();
// New style: The is a reference to the UMLAssociation.
// If the UMLObject is not found right now, we try again later
// during the type resolution pass - see activate().
m_nId = STR2ID(id);
UMLObject *myObj = m_umldoc->findObjectById(m_nId);
if (myObj) {
const Uml::Object_Type ot = myObj->getBaseType();
if (ot != ot_Association) {
} else {
UMLAssociation * myAssoc = static_cast<UMLAssociation*>(myObj);
if (type == "-1")
aType = myAssoc->getAssocType();
TQString indexa = qElement.attribute( "indexa", "0" );
TQString indexb = qElement.attribute( "indexb", "0" );
TQString totalcounta = qElement.attribute( "totalcounta", "0" );
TQString totalcountb = qElement.attribute( "totalcountb", "0" );
m_role[A].m_nIndex = indexa.toInt();
m_role[B].m_nIndex = indexb.toInt();
m_role[A].m_nTotalCount = totalcounta.toInt();
m_role[B].m_nTotalCount = totalcountb.toInt();
TQString assocclassid = qElement.attribute("assocclass", "");
if (! assocclassid.isEmpty()) {
Uml::IDType acid = STR2ID(assocclassid);
UMLWidget *w = Widget_Utils::findWidget(acid, widgets);
if (w) {
m_pAssocClassWidget = static_cast<ClassifierWidget*>(w);
// Preparation of the assoc class line is done in activate()
TQString aclsegindex = qElement.attribute("aclsegindex", "0");
m_nLinePathSegmentIndex = aclsegindex.toInt();
} else {
kError() << "AssociationWidget::loadFromXMI: "
<< "cannot find assocclass " << assocclassid
<< endl;
//now load child elements
TQDomNode node = qElement.firstChild();
TQDomElement element = node.toElement();
while( !element.isNull() ) {
TQString tag = element.tagName();
if( tag == "linepath" ) {
if( !m_LinePath.loadFromXMI( element ) )
return false;
else {
// set up 'old' corner from first point in line
// as IF this ISNT done, then the subsequent call to
// widgetMoved will inadvertantly think we have made a
// big move in the position of the association when we haven't.
TQPoint p = m_LinePath.getPoint(0);
} else if (tag == "floatingtext" ||
tag == "UML:FloatingTextWidget") { // for bkwd compatibility
TQString r = element.attribute( "role", "-1");
if( r == "-1" )
return false;
Uml::Text_Role role = (Uml::Text_Role)r.toInt();
FloatingTextWidget *ft = new FloatingTextWidget(m_pView, role, "", Uml::id_Reserved);
if( ! ft->loadFromXMI(element) ) {
// Most likely cause: The FloatingTextWidget is empty.
delete ft;
node = element.nextSibling();
element = node.toElement();
// always need this
switch( role ) {
case Uml::tr_MultiA:
m_role[A].m_pMulti = ft;
setMulti(m_role[A].m_pMulti->getText(), A);
case Uml::tr_MultiB:
m_role[B].m_pMulti = ft;
setMulti(m_role[B].m_pMulti->getText(), B);
case Uml::tr_ChangeA:
m_role[A].m_pChangeWidget = ft;
case Uml::tr_ChangeB:
m_role[B].m_pChangeWidget = ft;
case Uml::tr_Name:
m_pName = ft;
case Uml::tr_Coll_Message:
case Uml::tr_Coll_Message_Self:
m_pName = ft;
ft -> show();
ft -> hide();
case Uml::tr_RoleAName:
m_role[A].m_pRole = ft;
setRoleName( ft->getText(), A );
case Uml::tr_RoleBName:
m_role[B].m_pRole = ft;
setRoleName( ft->getText(), B );
kDebug() << "AssociationWidget::loadFromXMI(): "
<< "unexpected FloatingTextWidget (textrole "
<< role << ")" << endl;
delete ft;
node = element.nextSibling();
element = node.toElement();
return true;
bool AssociationWidget::loadFromXMI( TQDomElement & qElement ) {
const MessageWidgetList& messages = m_pView->getMessageList();
return loadFromXMI( qElement, m_pView->getWidgetList(), &messages );
#include "associationwidget.moc"