You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

294 lines
11 KiB

* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
* copyright (C) 2003-2006 *
* Umbrello UML Modeller Authors <> *
// own header
#include "assocrolepage.h"
// qt includes
#include <tqlayout.h>
// kde includes
#include <tdelocale.h>
#include <tdemessagebox.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
// local includes
#include "../dialog_utils.h"
AssocRolePage::AssocRolePage (UMLDoc *d, TQWidget *parent, AssociationWidget *assoc)
: TQWidget(parent)
m_pAssociationWidget = assoc;
m_pWidget = 0;
m_pUmldoc = d;
m_pRoleALE = 0;
m_pRoleBLE = 0;
m_pMultiALE = 0;
m_pMultiBLE = 0;
AssocRolePage::~AssocRolePage() {}
void AssocRolePage::constructWidget() {
// underlying roles and objects
TQString nameA = m_pAssociationWidget->getRoleName(Uml::A);
TQString nameB = m_pAssociationWidget->getRoleName(Uml::B);
TQString titleA = i18n("Role A Properties");
TQString titleB = i18n("Role B Properties");
TQString widgetNameA = m_pAssociationWidget->getWidget(Uml::A)->getName();
TQString widgetNameB = m_pAssociationWidget->getWidget(Uml::B)->getName();
titleA.append(" (" + widgetNameA + ')');
titleB.append(" (" + widgetNameB + ')');
// general configuration of the GUI
int margin = fontMetrics().height();
TQGridLayout * mainLayout = new TQGridLayout(this, 4, 2);
mainLayout -> setSpacing(6);
// group boxes for role, documentation properties
TQGroupBox *propsAGB = new TQGroupBox(this);
TQGroupBox *propsBGB = new TQGroupBox(this);
TQButtonGroup * scopeABG = new TQButtonGroup(i18n("Role A Visibility"), this );
TQButtonGroup * scopeBBG = new TQButtonGroup(i18n("Role B Visibility"), this );
TQButtonGroup * changeABG = new TQButtonGroup(i18n("Role A Changeability"), this );
TQButtonGroup * changeBBG = new TQButtonGroup(i18n("Role B Changeability"), this );
TQGroupBox *docAGB = new TQGroupBox(this);
TQGroupBox *docBGB = new TQGroupBox(this);
propsAGB -> setTitle(titleA);
propsBGB -> setTitle(titleB);
docAGB -> setTitle(i18n("Documentation"));
docBGB -> setTitle(i18n("Documentation"));
TQGridLayout * propsALayout = new TQGridLayout(propsAGB, 2, 2);
propsALayout -> setSpacing(6);
propsALayout -> setMargin(margin);
TQGridLayout * propsBLayout = new TQGridLayout(propsBGB, 3, 2);
propsBLayout -> setSpacing(6);
propsBLayout -> setMargin(margin);
// Properties
// Rolename A
TQLabel *pRoleAL = NULL;
Dialog_Utils::makeLabeledEditField( propsAGB, propsALayout, 0,
pRoleAL, i18n("Rolename:"),
m_pRoleALE, nameA );
// Multi A
TQLabel *pMultiAL = NULL;
Dialog_Utils::makeLabeledEditField( propsAGB, propsALayout, 1,
pMultiAL, i18n("Multiplicity:"),
m_pMultiALE, m_pAssociationWidget->getMulti(Uml::A) );
// Visibility A
TQHBoxLayout * scopeALayout = new TQHBoxLayout(scopeABG);
scopeALayout -> setMargin(margin);
m_PublicARB = new TQRadioButton(i18n("Public"), scopeABG);
scopeALayout -> addWidget(m_PublicARB);
m_PrivateARB = new TQRadioButton(i18n("Private"), scopeABG);
scopeALayout -> addWidget(m_PrivateARB);
m_ProtectedARB = new TQRadioButton(i18n("Protected"), scopeABG);
scopeALayout -> addWidget(m_ProtectedARB);
m_ImplementationARB = new TQRadioButton(i18n("Implementation"), scopeABG);
scopeALayout -> addWidget(m_ImplementationARB);
Uml::Visibility scope = m_pAssociationWidget->getVisibility(Uml::A);
if( scope == Uml::Visibility::Public )
m_PublicARB -> setChecked( true );
else if( scope == Uml::Visibility::Private )
m_PrivateARB -> setChecked( true );
else if( scope == Uml::Visibility::Implementation )
m_PrivateARB -> setChecked( true );
m_ProtectedARB -> setChecked( true );
// Changeability A
TQHBoxLayout * changeALayout = new TQHBoxLayout(changeABG);
changeALayout -> setMargin(margin);
m_ChangeableARB = new TQRadioButton(i18n("Changeable"), changeABG);
changeALayout -> addWidget(m_ChangeableARB);
m_FrozenARB = new TQRadioButton(i18n("Frozen"), changeABG);
changeALayout -> addWidget(m_FrozenARB);
m_AddOnlyARB = new TQRadioButton(i18n("Add only"), changeABG);
changeALayout -> addWidget(m_AddOnlyARB);
Uml::Changeability_Type changeability = m_pAssociationWidget->getChangeability(Uml::A);
if( changeability == Uml::chg_Changeable )
m_ChangeableARB -> setChecked( true );
else if( changeability == Uml::chg_Frozen )
m_FrozenARB -> setChecked( true );
m_AddOnlyARB -> setChecked( true );
// Rolename B
TQLabel * pRoleBL = NULL;
Dialog_Utils::makeLabeledEditField( propsBGB, propsBLayout, 0,
pRoleBL, i18n("Rolename:"),
m_pRoleBLE, nameB );
// Multi B
TQLabel * pMultiBL = NULL;
Dialog_Utils::makeLabeledEditField( propsBGB, propsBLayout, 1,
pMultiBL, i18n("Multiplicity:"),
m_pMultiBLE, m_pAssociationWidget->getMulti(Uml::B) );
// Visibility B
TQHBoxLayout * scopeBLayout = new TQHBoxLayout(scopeBBG);
scopeBLayout -> setMargin(margin);
m_PublicBRB = new TQRadioButton(i18n("Public"), scopeBBG);
scopeBLayout -> addWidget(m_PublicBRB);
m_PrivateBRB = new TQRadioButton(i18n("Private"), scopeBBG);
scopeBLayout -> addWidget(m_PrivateBRB);
m_ProtectedBRB = new TQRadioButton(i18n("Protected"), scopeBBG);
scopeBLayout -> addWidget(m_ProtectedBRB);
m_ImplementationBRB = new TQRadioButton(i18n("Implementation"), scopeBBG);
scopeBLayout -> addWidget(m_ImplementationBRB);
scope = m_pAssociationWidget->getVisibility(Uml::B);
if( scope == Uml::Visibility::Public )
m_PublicBRB -> setChecked( true );
else if( scope == Uml::Visibility::Private )
m_PrivateBRB -> setChecked( true );
else if( scope == Uml::Visibility::Protected )
m_ProtectedBRB -> setChecked( true );
m_ImplementationBRB -> setChecked( true );
// Changeability B
TQHBoxLayout * changeBLayout = new TQHBoxLayout(changeBBG);
changeBLayout -> setMargin(margin);
m_ChangeableBRB = new TQRadioButton(i18n("Changeable"), changeBBG);
changeBLayout -> addWidget(m_ChangeableBRB);
m_FrozenBRB = new TQRadioButton(i18n("Frozen"), changeBBG);
changeBLayout -> addWidget(m_FrozenBRB);
m_AddOnlyBRB = new TQRadioButton(i18n("Add only"), changeBBG);
changeBLayout -> addWidget(m_AddOnlyBRB);
changeability = m_pAssociationWidget->getChangeability(Uml::B);
if( changeability == Uml::chg_Changeable )
m_ChangeableBRB -> setChecked( true );
else if( changeability == Uml::chg_Frozen )
m_FrozenBRB -> setChecked( true );
m_AddOnlyBRB -> setChecked( true );
// Documentation
// Document A
TQHBoxLayout * docALayout = new TQHBoxLayout(docAGB);
docALayout -> setMargin(margin);
m_pDocA = new TQMultiLineEdit(docAGB);
docALayout -> addWidget(m_pDocA);
m_pDocA-> setText(m_pAssociationWidget-> getRoleDoc(Uml::A));
// m_pDocA-> setText("<<not implemented yet>>");
// m_pDocA-> setEnabled(false);
// Document B
TQHBoxLayout * docBLayout = new TQHBoxLayout(docBGB);
docBLayout -> setMargin(margin);
m_pDocB = new TQMultiLineEdit(docBGB);
docBLayout -> addWidget(m_pDocB);
m_pDocB-> setText(m_pAssociationWidget-> getRoleDoc(Uml::B));
// m_pDocB-> setEnabled(false);
// add group boxes to main layout
mainLayout -> addWidget( propsAGB, 0, 0);
mainLayout -> addWidget( scopeABG, 1, 0);
mainLayout -> addWidget(changeABG, 2, 0);
mainLayout -> addWidget( docAGB, 3, 0);
mainLayout -> addWidget( propsBGB, 0, 1);
mainLayout -> addWidget( scopeBBG, 1, 1);
mainLayout -> addWidget(changeBBG, 2, 1);
mainLayout -> addWidget( docBGB, 3, 1);
void AssocRolePage::updateObject() {
if(m_pAssociationWidget) {
// set props
m_pAssociationWidget->setRoleName(m_pRoleALE->text(), Uml::A);
m_pAssociationWidget->setRoleName(m_pRoleBLE->text(), Uml::B);
m_pAssociationWidget->setMulti(m_pMultiALE->text(), Uml::A);
m_pAssociationWidget->setMulti(m_pMultiBLE->text(), Uml::B);
m_pAssociationWidget->setVisibility(Uml::Visibility::Private, Uml::A);
else if(m_ProtectedARB->isChecked())
m_pAssociationWidget->setVisibility(Uml::Visibility::Protected, Uml::A);
else if(m_PublicARB->isChecked())
m_pAssociationWidget->setVisibility(Uml::Visibility::Public, Uml::A);
else if(m_ImplementationARB->isChecked())
m_pAssociationWidget->setVisibility(Uml::Visibility::Implementation, Uml::A);
m_pAssociationWidget->setVisibility(Uml::Visibility::Private, Uml::B);
else if(m_ProtectedBRB->isChecked())
m_pAssociationWidget->setVisibility(Uml::Visibility::Protected, Uml::B);
else if(m_PublicBRB->isChecked())
m_pAssociationWidget->setVisibility(Uml::Visibility::Public, Uml::B);
else if(m_ImplementationBRB->isChecked())
m_pAssociationWidget->setVisibility(Uml::Visibility::Implementation, Uml::B);
m_pAssociationWidget->setChangeability(Uml::chg_Frozen, Uml::A);
else if(m_AddOnlyARB->isChecked())
m_pAssociationWidget->setChangeability(Uml::chg_AddOnly, Uml::A);
m_pAssociationWidget->setChangeability(Uml::chg_Changeable, Uml::A);
m_pAssociationWidget->setChangeability(Uml::chg_Frozen, Uml::B);
else if(m_AddOnlyBRB->isChecked())
m_pAssociationWidget->setChangeability(Uml::chg_AddOnly, Uml::B);
m_pAssociationWidget->setChangeability(Uml::chg_Changeable, Uml::B);
m_pAssociationWidget->setRoleDoc(m_pDocA->text(), Uml::A);
m_pAssociationWidget->setRoleDoc(m_pDocB->text(), Uml::B);
} //end if m_pAssociationWidget
#include "assocrolepage.moc"