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rubywriter.h - description
begin : Mon Jul 18 2005
author : Richard Dale
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
* copyright (C) 2006-2007 *
* Umbrello UML Modeller Authors <> *
#include "simplecodegenerator.h"
#include "../umloperationlist.h"
#include "../umlattributelist.h"
#include <tqstringlist.h>
class ClassifierInfo;
* class RubyWriter is a ruby code generator for UMLClassifier objects
* Just call writeClass and feed it a UMLClassifier;
class RubyWriter : public SimpleCodeGenerator {
virtual ~RubyWriter();
* call this method to generate C++ code for a UMLClassifier
* @param c the class you want to generate code for.
virtual void writeClass(UMLClassifier *c);
* returns "Ruby"
virtual Uml::Programming_Language getLanguage();
* get list of reserved keywords
virtual const TQStringList reservedKeywords() const;
* Convert a C++ type such as 'int' or 'TQWidget' to
* ruby types Integer and TQt::Widget
* @param cppType the C++ type to be converted
TQString cppToRubyType(const TQString &cppType);
* Convert C++ names such as 'm_foobar' or pFoobar to
* just 'foobar' for ruby
* @param cppName the C++ name to be converted
TQString cppToRubyName(const TQString &cppName);
* calls @ref writeSingleAttributeAccessorMethods() on each of the attributes in attribs list.
void writeAttributeMethods(UMLAttributeList *attribs,
Uml::Visibility visibility, TQTextStream &stream);
* write all method declarations, for attributes and associations
* for the given permitted scope.
void writeSingleAttributeAccessorMethods(const TQString &fieldName,
const TQString &description,
TQTextStream &h);
* write all operations for a given class
* @param c the concept we are generating code for
* @param h output stream for the header file
void writeOperations(UMLClassifier *c, TQTextStream &h);
* write a list of class operations
* @param classname the name of the class
* @param opList the list of operations
* @param h output stream for the header file
void writeOperations(const TQString &classname, UMLOperationList &opList,
Uml::Visibility permitScope, TQTextStream &h);
* Summary information about current classifier.
ClassifierInfo * classifierInfo;