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<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<!DOCTYPE refentry PUBLIC "-//KDE//DTD DocBook XML V4.2-Based Variant V1.1//EN" "dtd/kdex.dtd" [
<!ENTITY cvscheck "<command>cvscheck</command>">
<!ENTITY CVS "<acronym>CVS</acronym>">
<!ENTITY % English "INCLUDE">
<refentry lang="&language;">
<date>March 8, 2003</date>
<refpurpose>Offline status report for files in a checked-out &CVS; module.</refpurpose>
<para>&cvscheck; prints information about the status of your local
&CVS; checkout without communicating with the server. This means it is
extremely fast and does not require a network connection.</para>
<para>The given directory and all of its subdirectories will be
processed recursively. If no directory is given, the current directory
and its recursed subdirectories will be used.</para>
<para>Each file with an interesting status will be printed with a
status character in front of its name. The status characters are as
<term><returnvalue>?</returnvalue> <filename>foobar.c</filename></term>
<para>The file is not known to &CVS;</para>
<para>The file is definitely locally modified</para>
<para>The file <emphasis>might</emphasis> have local changes. You
should <command>diff</command> with the server to make sure.</para>
<para>The file has a &CVS; conflict and therefore cannot be
<para>This file is in &CVS; but is missing in your local
<listitem><para>This file has an unusual sticky &CVS;
<para>You have done a <userinput><command>cvs</command>
<option>add</option></userinput> for this file, but have not yet committed
<para>You have done a <userinput><command>cvs</command>
<option>rm</option></userinput> for this file, but have not yet committed
<para>This utility is part of the &kde; Software Development Kit.</para>
<title>See Also</title>
<para>cvscheck was written by &Dirk.Mueller; &Dirk.Mueller.mail;
and Sirtaj.Singh.Kang; &Sirtaj.Singh.Kang.mail;</para>
<para>This manual page was prepared by
<surname>Burton</surname></personname> <email></email> for the
Debian GNU/Linux system (but may be used by others).