]> BenBurton bab@debian.org April 7, 2003 demangle 1 demangle Undo C++ name mangling for symbols demangle Description demangle reads a list of C++ mangled symbol names from standard input and converts these names to human-readable form on standard output. This utility is part of the &kde; Software Development Kit. Example Create a file called names containing the following mangled symbol names: _ZNK6Object10metaObjectEv _ZN8QPtrListI5ArrowE5clearEv _ZTC4Kolf0_11KMainWindow These names can then be demangled as follows: example$ demangle < names Object::metaObject() const QPtrList<Arrow>::clear() construction vtable for KMainWindow-in-Kolf See Also kminspector(1) kmtrace(1) match(1)