ExportAllViewsDialogBase ExportAllViewsDialogBase 0 0 366 197 Export all views true unnamed mainLayout unnamed 15 kURLRequesterLayout unnamed kURLRequesterLabel &Directory to save the diagrams in: m_kURL The base directory used to save the images m_kURL 2 The base directory used to save the images imageTypeLayout unnamed imageTypeLabel &Image type: m_imageType The format that the images will be exported to m_useFolders Use &folders Create in the target directory the same tree structure used in the document to store the views The views are stored in folders in the document. The same tree structure used in the document to store the views can be created in the selected base directory with this option. Only the folders made by the user are created in the base directory (Logical view, use case view and so on aren't created). spacer2 Vertical Expanding 20 16 buttonsLayout unnamed 0 6 Horizontal Spacing2 Horizontal Expanding 20 20 buttonOk &OK true true buttonCancel &Cancel true buttonOk clicked() ExportAllViewsDialogBase accept() buttonCancel clicked() ExportAllViewsDialogBase reject() kurlrequester.h