/* This file is part of KBabel Copyright (C) 2001 Matthias Kiefer Text painting code is based on the text file preview textthumbnail by Copyright (C) 2000 Carsten Pfeiffer 2000 Malte Starostik This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the code of this program with any edition of the Qt library by Trolltech AS, Norway (or with modified versions of Qt that use the same license as Qt), and distribute linked combinations including the two. You must obey the GNU General Public License in all respects for all of the code used other than Qt. If you modify this file, you may extend this exception to your version of the file, but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement from your version. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "pothumbcreator.h" #include "poinfo.h" using namespace KBabel; extern "C" { KDE_EXPORT ThumbCreator *new_creator() { return new PoThumbCreator; } } PoThumbCreator::PoThumbCreator() : m_splitter(0) { } PoThumbCreator::~PoThumbCreator() { if(m_splitter) delete m_splitter; } bool PoThumbCreator::create(const QString &path, int width, int height, QImage &img) { if ( !m_splitter ) { m_splitter = new KPixmapSplitter; QString pixmap = locate( "data", "konqueror/pics/thumbnailfont_7x4.png" ); if ( !pixmap.isEmpty() ) { m_splitter->setPixmap( QPixmap( pixmap )); m_splitter->setItemSize( QSize( 4, 7 )); } } bool ok = false; PoInfo poInfo; QStringList wordList; // We do not call msgfmt, as a thumbnail must be created fast. if( PoInfo::info( path, poInfo, wordList, false, true, false ) == OK ) { ok = true; QPixmap pix; if (height * 3 > width * 4) pix.resize(width, width * 4 / 3); else pix.resize(height * 3 / 4, height); pix.fill( QColor( 245, 245, 245 ) ); // light-grey background // one pixel for the rectangle, the rest. whitespace int xBorder = 1 + pix.width()/16; // minimum x-border int yBorder = 1 + pix.height()/16; // minimum y-border int circle = 16*360; int fuzzyAngle = poInfo.fuzzy*circle/poInfo.total; int untransAngle = poInfo.untranslated*circle/poInfo.total; int w = pix.width()-2*xBorder; int h = pix.height()*2/3-2*yBorder; int d = QMIN(w,h); xBorder = (pix.width()-d)/2; yBorder = (pix.height()*2/3-d)/2; QPainter p(&pix); if(fuzzyAngle>0) { p.setBrush(Qt::blue); if(poInfo.total == poInfo.fuzzy) { p.drawEllipse(xBorder,yBorder,d,d); } else { p.drawPie(xBorder,yBorder, d, d, 0, -fuzzyAngle); } } if(untransAngle>0) { p.setBrush(Qt::red); if(poInfo.untranslated == poInfo.total) { p.drawEllipse(xBorder,yBorder,d,d); } else { p.drawPie(xBorder,yBorder, d, d, -fuzzyAngle, -untransAngle); } } if(circle - fuzzyAngle - untransAngle>0) { p.setBrush(Qt::darkGreen); if(poInfo.fuzzy==0 && poInfo.untranslated==0) { p.drawEllipse(xBorder,yBorder,d,d); } else { p.drawPie(xBorder,yBorder, d, d, -fuzzyAngle-untransAngle , -(circle-fuzzyAngle-untransAngle) ); } } p.end(); QRect rect; QSize chSize = m_splitter->itemSize(); // the size of one char int xOffset = chSize.width(); int yOffset = chSize.height(); // one pixel for the rectangle, the rest. whitespace xBorder = 1 + pix.width()/16; // minimum x-border yBorder = 1 + pix.height()/16; // minimum y-border // calculate a better border so that the text is centered int canvasWidth = pix.width() - 2*xBorder; int canvasHeight = pix.height()/3 - 2*yBorder; int numCharsPerLine = (int) (canvasWidth / chSize.width()); int numLines = (int) (canvasHeight / chSize.height()); int rest = pix.width() - (numCharsPerLine * chSize.width()); xBorder = QMAX( xBorder, rest/2); // center horizontally rest = pix.height()/3 - (numLines * chSize.height()); yBorder = QMAX( yBorder, rest/2); // center vertically // end centering QString text; if(numCharsPerLine < 30) { if(!poInfo.revision.isEmpty()) text += poInfo.revision+'\n'; if(!poInfo.lastTranslator.isEmpty()) text += poInfo.lastTranslator+'\n'; if(!poInfo.languageTeam.isEmpty()) text += poInfo.languageTeam+'\n'; if(!poInfo.contentType.isEmpty()) text += poInfo.contentType+'\n'; if(!poInfo.creation.isEmpty()) text += poInfo.creation+'\n'; if(!poInfo.project.isEmpty()) text += poInfo.project+'\n'; if(!poInfo.mimeVersion.isEmpty()) text += "MIME-Version: "+poInfo.mimeVersion+'\n'; if(!poInfo.encoding.isEmpty()) text += poInfo.encoding+'\n'; int lines = text.contains('\n')+1; if(lines < numLines) { text = poInfo.headerComment+'\n'+text; if(!poInfo.others.isEmpty()) text += poInfo.others+'\n'; } if(text.at(text.length()-1) == '\n') text.truncate(text.length()-1); } else { if(!poInfo.headerComment.isEmpty()) text += poInfo.headerComment+'\n'; if(!poInfo.project.isEmpty()) text += "Project-Id-Version: "+poInfo.project+'\n'; if(!poInfo.creation.isEmpty()) text += "POT-Creation-Date: "+poInfo.creation+'\n'; if(!poInfo.revision.isEmpty()) text += "PO-Revision-Date: "+ poInfo.revision+'\n'; if(!poInfo.lastTranslator.isEmpty()) text += "Last-Translator: "+poInfo.lastTranslator+'\n'; if(!poInfo.languageTeam.isEmpty()) text += "Language-Team: "+poInfo.languageTeam+'\n'; if(!poInfo.contentType.isEmpty()) text += "Content-Type: "+poInfo.contentType+'\n'; if(!poInfo.mimeVersion.isEmpty()) text += "MIME-Version: "+poInfo.mimeVersion+'\n'; if(!poInfo.encoding.isEmpty()) text += "Content-Transfer-Encoding: "+poInfo.encoding+'\n'; if(!poInfo.others.isEmpty()) text += poInfo.others; if(text.at(text.length()-1) == '\n') text.truncate(text.length()-1); } /* double p = ((double)(poInfo.total-poInfo.fuzzy-poInfo.untranslated))*100/poInfo.total; text = locale->formatNumber(p,0)+'%'; */ // find the maximum string length to center the text QStringList lineList=QStringList::split('\n',text); uint max=0; for( QStringList::Iterator it = lineList.begin(); it != lineList.end() ; ++it ) { if((*it).length() > max) max = (*it).length(); } rest = pix.width() - (max * chSize.width()); xBorder = QMAX( xBorder, rest/2); // center horizontally rest = pix.height()/3 - (lineList.count() * chSize.height()); yBorder = QMAX( yBorder, rest/2); // center vertically // where to paint the characters int x = xBorder, y = pix.height()*2/3; int posNewLine = pix.width() - (chSize.width() + xBorder); int posLastLine = pix.height() - (chSize.height() + yBorder); bool newLine = false; Q_ASSERT( posNewLine > 0 ); const QPixmap *fontPixmap = &(m_splitter->pixmap()); for ( uint i = 0; i < text.length(); i++ ) { if ( x > posNewLine || newLine ) // start a new line? { x = xBorder; y += yOffset; if ( y > posLastLine ) // more text than space break; // after starting a new line, we also jump to the next // physical newline in the file if we don't come from one if ( !newLine ) { int pos = text.find( '\n', i ); if ( pos > (int) i ) i = pos +1; } newLine = false; } // check for newlines in the text (unix,dos) QChar ch = text.at( i ); if ( ch == '\n' ) { newLine = true; continue; } else if ( ch == '\r' && text.at(i+1) == '\n' ) { newLine = true; i++; // skip the next character (\n) as well continue; } rect = m_splitter->coordinates( ch ); if ( !rect.isEmpty() ) { bitBlt( &pix, QPoint(x,y), fontPixmap, rect, Qt::CopyROP ); } x += xOffset; // next character } // very very seldom a babelfish lives in po files and even // in this seldom cases they are usually hidden ;-) if(pix.width() > 40 && KApplication::random()%2000 == 0) { QPixmap kbabelPix; if(pix.width() < 80) { kbabelPix = KGlobal::iconLoader()->loadIcon("kbabel" ,KIcon::Small,16,KIcon::DefaultState,0,true); } else if(pix.width() < 150) { kbabelPix = KGlobal::iconLoader()->loadIcon("kbabel" ,KIcon::Desktop,32,KIcon::DefaultState,0,true); } else { kbabelPix = KGlobal::iconLoader()->loadIcon("kbabel" ,KIcon::Desktop,48,KIcon::DefaultState,0,true); } int x = pix.width()-kbabelPix.width()-4; x = QMAX(x,0); if(!kbabelPix.isNull()) { bitBlt(&pix, QPoint(x,4), &kbabelPix, kbabelPix.rect() , Qt::CopyROP); } } img = pix.convertToImage(); } return ok; } ThumbCreator::Flags PoThumbCreator::flags() const { return (Flags)(DrawFrame); }