/* **************************************************************************** This file is part of KBabel Copyright (C) 2002-2003 by Stanislav Visnovsky This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the code of this program with any edition of the Qt library by Trolltech AS, Norway (or with modified versions of Qt that use the same license as Qt), and distribute linked combinations including the two. You must obey the GNU General Public License in all respects for all of the code used other than Qt. If you modify this file, you may extend this exception to your version of the file, but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement from your version. **************************************************************************** */ #include "validateprogress.h" #include "validateprogresswidget.h" #include "catmanlistitem.h" #include "catmanresource.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define ID_ERROR_OPEN 1 #define ID_ERROR_IGNORE 2 // version identification for validation ignores #define IGNOREFILE_VERSION 0x00 ValidateProgressDialog::ValidateProgressDialog(const TQString& ignoreURL, TQWidget *parent,const char *name) : KDialogBase(parent,name,true,i18n("Caption of dialog","Validation") , Close, Close) , _ignoreURL(ignoreURL), _tool(0), _stopped(false) , _ignoreFuzzy(false), _setAsFuzzy(false) { _mainWidget = new ValidateProgressWidget(this); setMainWidget(_mainWidget); setInitialSize( TQSize(400, 300) ); _errors.clear(); _ignores.clear(); readIgnores(); _errorMenu = new KPopupMenu(this); _errorMenu->insertItem(i18n("&Open"),ID_ERROR_OPEN); _errorMenu->insertItem(i18n("&Ignore"),ID_ERROR_IGNORE); connect( this, TQT_SIGNAL(closeClicked()), this, TQT_SLOT(stop())); connect( _mainWidget->_errorList, TQT_SIGNAL( doubleClicked(TQListBoxItem *)), this, TQT_SLOT( errorItemDoubleClicked(TQListBoxItem *))); connect( _mainWidget->_errorList, TQT_SIGNAL( contextMenuRequested(TQListBoxItem *, const TQPoint &)), this, TQT_SLOT( showContextMenu(TQListBoxItem *, const TQPoint &))); } ValidateProgressDialog::~ValidateProgressDialog() { writeIgnores(); } void ValidateProgressDialog::validate( const KDataToolInfo &tool, const TQPtrList files ) { if( files.isEmpty() ) return; _errors.clear(); KDataTool* t = tool.createTool(); if( !t ) { KMessageBox::error( this, i18n("Cannot instantiate a validation tool.\n" "Please check your installation."), i18n("Validation Tool Error") ); return; } _tool = t; _toolID = tool.service()->library(); _files = files; _mainWidget->_errorList->clear(); _mainWidget->_currentTool->setText(*(tool.userCommands().at(0))); _mainWidget->_overallProgress->setTotalSteps(files.count()); _mainWidget->_overallProgress->setValue(0); _stopped = false; TQTimer::singleShot( 0, this, TQT_SLOT(validate_internal()) ); exec(); _stopped = true; } void ValidateProgressDialog::validate_internal() { uint checked=0; uint errors=0; uint ignorederrors=0; for( CatManListItem* it=_files.first() ; it && !_stopped ; it = _files.next() ) { _mainWidget->_currentFile->setText( it->poFile() ); checked++; _mainWidget->_currentFileProgress->setTotalSteps(100); _mainWidget->_currentFileProgress->setValue(0); it->checkErrors(_tool,_mainWidget, _ignoreFuzzy, _setAsFuzzy); bool noHeader = true; if( it->hasErrors() ) { TQValueList err = it->errors(); for( TQValueList::Iterator errit = err.begin(); errit!=err.end() ; ++errit ) { IgnoreItem item = (*errit); TQValueList::Iterator ig; for( ig = _ignores.begin() ; ig != _ignores.end() ; ++ig ) { if( (*ig).validationTool == _toolID && (*ig).msgid == item.msgid && (*ig).msgstr == item.msgstr && (*ig).fileURL == item.fileURL ) break; } if( ig != _ignores.end() ) { ++ignorederrors; continue; } ++errors; if( noHeader ) { _mainWidget->_errorList->insertItem( ICON_ERROR, it->package() ); _errors.insert( it->package(), err.first() ); noHeader = false; } TQString errortext=TQString::number(item.index+1)+": " + item.msgid.first().left(50); errortext.replace("\n"," "); if( item.msgid.first().length() > 50 ) errortext+="..."; _mainWidget->_errorList->insertItem( errortext); _errors.insert( errortext, item ); } } _mainWidget->_currentFileProgress->setValue(100); _mainWidget->_overallProgress->advance(1); } if( !_stopped ) { KMessageBox::information(this, i18n("Validation done.\n" "\n" "Checked files: %1\n" "Number of errors: %2\n" "Number of ignored errors: %3").arg(checked).arg(errors).arg(ignorederrors),i18n("Validation Done")); } delete _tool; _tool = 0; _files.clear(); } void ValidateProgressDialog::stop() { _stopped = true; } void ValidateProgressDialog::errorItemDoubleClicked(TQListBoxItem * item) { TQString it = item->text(); bool ok =false; int offset = it.find(":"); int num; if( offset < -1 ) num = 0; else { num = it.left(offset).toInt(&ok); if( !ok ) num = 0; } TQListBoxItem* package=item; while( package && !package->text().startsWith("/") ) package=package->prev(); if( !package ) { kdWarning() << "Unable to find the package for the error" << endl; return; } emit errorDoubleClicked(package->text(), num-1 ); } void ValidateProgressDialog::showContextMenu(TQListBoxItem * item, const TQPoint & pos) { // disable ignore for whole package _errorMenu->setItemEnabled(ID_ERROR_IGNORE, item->pixmap()==0 ); int result = _errorMenu->exec(pos); switch( result ) { case ID_ERROR_OPEN: errorItemDoubleClicked( item ); break; case ID_ERROR_IGNORE: IgnoreItem it = _errors.find(item->text()).data(); // if there is no pixmap, it's the whole file if( !item->pixmap() ) { it.validationTool = _toolID; _ignores.append( it ); } break; } } void ValidateProgressDialog::readIgnores() { IgnoreItem item; TQFile ignoreFile( _ignoreURL ); if( ignoreFile.open( IO_ReadOnly ) ) { TQDataStream s( &ignoreFile ); TQString url; int version; s >> version; if( version == IGNOREFILE_VERSION ) // Only read if correct versi { _ignores.clear(); while( !s.atEnd() ) { s >> item; _ignores.append(item); } } ignoreFile.close(); } } void ValidateProgressDialog::writeIgnores() { TQFile ignoreFile( _ignoreURL ); if( ignoreFile.open( IO_WriteOnly ) ) { TQDataStream s( &ignoreFile ); TQString url; int version = IGNOREFILE_VERSION; s << version; for( TQValueList::Iterator it = _ignores.begin(); it!=_ignores.end(); ++it) { s << (*it); } ignoreFile.close(); } } TQDataStream & operator<<( TQDataStream & stream, const IgnoreItem & i ) { return stream << i.fileURL << i.msgid << i.msgstr << i.index << i.validationTool; } TQDataStream & operator>>( TQDataStream & stream, IgnoreItem & i ) { return stream >> i.fileURL >> i.msgid >> i.msgstr >> i.index >> i.validationTool; } #include "validateprogress.moc"