/*************************************************************************** komparelistview.h - description ------------------- begin : Sun Mar 4 2001 copyright : (C) 2001-2004 Otto Bruggeman (C) 2001-2003 John Firebaugh (C) 2004 Jeff Snyder email : otto.bruggeman@home.nl jfirebaugh@kde.org jeff@caffeinated.me.uk ****************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** ** ** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ** the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or ** (at your option) any later version. ** ***************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "diffmodel.h" #include "diffhunk.h" #include "difference.h" #include "viewsettings.h" #include "komparemodellist.h" #include "komparesplitter.h" #include "komparelistview.h" #define COL_LINE_NO 0 #define COL_MAIN 1 #define BLANK_LINE_HEIGHT 3 #define HUNK_LINE_HEIGHT 5 using namespace Diff2; KompareListViewFrame::KompareListViewFrame( bool isSource, ViewSettings* settings, KompareSplitter* parent, const char* name ): QFrame ( parent, name ), m_view ( isSource, settings, this, name ), m_label ( isSource?"Source":"Dest", this ), m_layout ( this ) { setSizePolicy ( QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Ignored, QSizePolicy::Ignored) ); m_label.setSizePolicy ( QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Ignored, QSizePolicy::Fixed) ); QFrame *bottomLine = new QFrame(this); bottomLine->setFrameShape(QFrame::HLine); bottomLine->setFrameShadow ( QFrame::Plain ); bottomLine->setSizePolicy ( QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Ignored, QSizePolicy::Fixed) ); bottomLine->setFixedHeight(1); m_label.setMargin(3); m_layout.setSpacing(0); m_layout.setMargin(0); m_layout.addWidget(&m_label); m_layout.addWidget(bottomLine); m_layout.addWidget(&m_view); connect( &m_view, SIGNAL(differenceClicked(const Diff2::Difference*)), parent, SLOT(slotDifferenceClicked(const Diff2::Difference*)) ); connect( parent, SIGNAL(scrollViewsToId(int)), &m_view, SLOT(scrollToId(int)) ); connect( parent, SIGNAL(setXOffset(int)), &m_view, SLOT(setXOffset(int)) ); connect( &m_view, SIGNAL(resized()), parent, SLOT(slotUpdateScrollBars()) ); } void KompareListViewFrame::slotSetModel( const DiffModel* model ) { if( model ) { if( view()->isSource() ) { if( !model->sourceRevision().isEmpty() ) m_label.setText( model->sourceFile() + " (" + model->sourceRevision() + ")" ); else m_label.setText( model->sourceFile() ); } else { if( !model->destinationRevision().isEmpty() ) m_label.setText( model->destinationFile() + " (" + model->destinationRevision() + ")" ); else m_label.setText( model->destinationFile() ); } } else { m_label.setText( QString::null ); } } KompareListView::KompareListView( bool isSource, ViewSettings* settings, QWidget* parent, const char* name ) : KListView( parent, name ), m_isSource( isSource ), m_settings( settings ), m_scrollId( -1 ), m_selectedModel( 0 ), m_selectedDifference( 0 ) { header()->hide(); addColumn( "Line Number", 0 ); addColumn( "Main" ); addColumn( "Blank" ); setColumnAlignment( COL_LINE_NO, AlignRight ); setAllColumnsShowFocus( true ); setRootIsDecorated( false ); setSorting( -1 ); setItemMargin( 3 ); setTreeStepSize( 0 ); setColumnWidthMode( COL_LINE_NO, Maximum ); setColumnWidthMode( COL_MAIN, Maximum ); setResizeMode( LastColumn ); setFrameStyle( QFrame::NoFrame ); setVScrollBarMode( QScrollView::AlwaysOff ); setHScrollBarMode( QScrollView::AlwaysOff ); setFocusPolicy( QWidget::NoFocus ); setFont( m_settings->m_font ); setSpaces( m_settings->m_tabToNumberOfSpaces ); setFocusProxy( parent->parentWidget() ); } KompareListView::~KompareListView() { } KompareListViewItem* KompareListView::itemAtIndex( int i ) { return m_items[ i ]; } int KompareListView::firstVisibleDifference() { QListViewItem* item = itemAt( QPoint( 0, 0 ) ); if( item == 0 ) { kdDebug(8104) << "no item at viewport coordinates (0,0)" << endl; } while( item ) { KompareListViewLineItem* lineItem = dynamic_cast(item); if( lineItem && lineItem->diffItemParent()->difference()->type() != Difference::Unchanged ) break; item = item->itemBelow(); } if( item ) return m_items.findIndex( ((KompareListViewLineItem*)item)->diffItemParent() ); return -1; } int KompareListView::lastVisibleDifference() { QListViewItem* item = itemAt( QPoint( 0, visibleHeight() - 1 ) ); if( item == 0 ) { kdDebug(8104) << "no item at viewport coordinates (0," << visibleHeight() - 1 << ")" << endl; item = lastItem(); } while( item ) { KompareListViewLineItem* lineItem = dynamic_cast(item); if( lineItem && lineItem->diffItemParent()->difference()->type() != Difference::Unchanged ) break; item = item->itemAbove(); } if( item ) return m_items.findIndex( ((KompareListViewLineItem*)item)->diffItemParent() ); return -1; } QRect KompareListView::itemRect( int i ) { QListViewItem* item = itemAtIndex( i ); int x = 0; int y = itemPos( item ); int vx, vy; contentsToViewport( x, y, vx, vy ); return QRect( vx, vy, 0, item->totalHeight() ); } int KompareListView::minScrollId() { return visibleHeight() / 2; } int KompareListView::maxScrollId() { KompareListViewItem* item = (KompareListViewItem*)firstChild(); if(!item) return 0; while( item && item->nextSibling() ) { item = (KompareListViewItem*)item->nextSibling(); } int maxId = item->scrollId() + item->maxHeight() - minScrollId(); kdDebug(8104) << "Max ID = " << maxId << endl; return maxId; } int KompareListView::contentsWidth() { return ( columnWidth(COL_LINE_NO) + columnWidth(COL_MAIN) ); } void KompareListView::setXOffset( int x ) { kdDebug(8104) << "SetXOffset : Scroll to x position: " << x << endl; setContentsPos( x, contentsY() ); } void KompareListView::scrollToId( int id ) { // kdDebug(8104) << "ScrollToID : Scroll to id : " << id << endl; KompareListViewItem* item = (KompareListViewItem*)firstChild(); while( item && item->nextSibling() ) { if( ((KompareListViewItem*)item->nextSibling())->scrollId() > id ) break; item = (KompareListViewItem*)item->nextSibling(); } if( item ) { int pos = item->itemPos(); int itemId = item->scrollId(); int height = item->totalHeight(); double r = (double)( id - itemId ) / (double)item->maxHeight(); int y = pos + (int)( r * (double)height ) - minScrollId(); // kdDebug(8104) << "scrollToID: " << endl; // kdDebug(8104) << " id = " << id << endl; // kdDebug(8104) << " id after = " << ( item->nextSibling() ? QString::number( ((KompareListViewItem*)item->nextSibling())->scrollId() ) : "no such sibling..." ) << endl; // kdDebug(8104) << " pos = " << pos << endl; // kdDebug(8104) << " itemId = " << itemId << endl; // kdDebug(8104) << " r = " << r << endl; // kdDebug(8104) << " height = " << height << endl; // kdDebug(8104) << " minID = " << minScrollId() << endl; // kdDebug(8104) << " y = " << y << endl; // kdDebug(8104) << "contentsHeight = " << contentsHeight() << endl; // kdDebug(8104) << " c - y = " << contentsHeight() - y << endl; setContentsPos( contentsX(), y ); } m_scrollId = id; } int KompareListView::scrollId() { if( m_scrollId < 0 ) m_scrollId = minScrollId(); return m_scrollId; } void KompareListView::setSelectedDifference( const Difference* diff, bool scroll ) { kdDebug(8104) << "KompareListView::setSelectedDifference(" << diff << ", " << scroll << ")" << endl; // When something other than a click causes this function to be called, // it'll only get called once, and all is simple. // // When the user clicks on a diff, this function will get called once when // komparesplitter::slotDifferenceClicked runs, and again when the // setSelection signal from the modelcontroller arrives. // // the first call (which will always be from the splitter) will have // scroll==false, and the the second call will bail out here. // Which is why clicking on a difference does not cause the listviews to // scroll. if ( m_selectedDifference == diff ) return; m_selectedDifference = diff; KompareListViewItem* item = m_itemDict[ (void*)diff ]; if( !item ) { kdDebug(8104) << "KompareListView::slotSetSelection(): couldn't find our selection!" << endl; return; } // why does this not happen when the user clicks on a diff? see the comment above. if( scroll ) scrollToId(item->scrollId()); setSelected( item, true ); } void KompareListView::slotSetSelection( const Difference* diff ) { kdDebug(8104) << "KompareListView::slotSetSelection( const Difference* diff )" << endl; setSelectedDifference( diff, true ); } void KompareListView::slotSetSelection( const DiffModel* model, const Difference* diff ) { kdDebug(8104) << "KompareListView::slotSetSelection( const DiffModel* model, const Difference* diff )" << endl; if( m_selectedModel && m_selectedModel == model ) { slotSetSelection( diff ); return; } clear(); m_items.clear(); m_itemDict.clear(); m_selectedModel = model; m_itemDict.resize(model->differenceCount()); DiffHunkListConstIterator hunkIt = model->hunks()->begin(); DiffHunkListConstIterator hEnd = model->hunks()->end(); KompareListViewItem* item = 0; Difference* tmpdiff = 0; DiffHunk* hunk = 0; for ( ; hunkIt != hEnd; ++hunkIt ) { hunk = *hunkIt; if( item ) item = new KompareListViewHunkItem( this, item, hunk, model->isBlended() ); else item = new KompareListViewHunkItem( this, hunk, model->isBlended() ); DifferenceListConstIterator diffIt = hunk->differences().begin(); DifferenceListConstIterator dEnd = hunk->differences().end(); for ( ; diffIt != dEnd; ++diffIt ) { tmpdiff = *diffIt; item = new KompareListViewDiffItem( this, item, tmpdiff ); int type = tmpdiff->type(); if ( type != Difference::Unchanged ) { m_items.append( (KompareListViewDiffItem*)item ); m_itemDict.insert( tmpdiff, (KompareListViewDiffItem*)item ); } } } slotSetSelection( diff ); } void KompareListView::contentsMousePressEvent( QMouseEvent* e ) { QPoint vp = contentsToViewport( e->pos() ); KompareListViewLineItem* lineItem = dynamic_cast( itemAt( vp ) ); if( !lineItem ) return; KompareListViewDiffItem* diffItem = lineItem->diffItemParent(); if( diffItem->difference()->type() != Difference::Unchanged ) { emit differenceClicked( diffItem->difference() ); } } void KompareListView::contentsMouseDoubleClickEvent( QMouseEvent* e ) { QPoint vp = contentsToViewport( e->pos() ); KompareListViewLineItem* lineItem = dynamic_cast( itemAt( vp ) ); if ( !lineItem ) return; KompareListViewDiffItem* diffItem = lineItem->diffItemParent(); if ( diffItem->difference()->type() != Difference::Unchanged ) { // FIXME: make a new signal that does both emit differenceClicked( diffItem->difference() ); emit applyDifference( !diffItem->difference()->applied() ); } } void KompareListView::slotApplyDifference( bool apply ) { m_itemDict[ (void*)m_selectedDifference ]->applyDifference( apply ); } void KompareListView::slotApplyAllDifferences( bool apply ) { QPtrDictIterator it ( m_itemDict ); for( ; it.current(); ++it ) it.current()->applyDifference( apply ); repaint(); } void KompareListView::slotApplyDifference( const Difference* diff, bool apply ) { m_itemDict[ (void*)diff ]->applyDifference( apply ); } void KompareListView::setSpaces( int spaces ) { m_spaces.truncate( 0 ); kdDebug( 8104 ) << "tabToNumberOfSpaces: " << spaces << endl; for ( int i = 0; i < spaces; i++ ) m_spaces += " "; triggerUpdate(); } void KompareListView::wheelEvent( QWheelEvent* e ) { e->ignore(); // we want the parent to catch wheel events } void KompareListView::resizeEvent( QResizeEvent* e ) { KListView::resizeEvent(e); emit resized(); kdDebug() << "resizeEvent " << endl; } KompareListViewItem::KompareListViewItem( KompareListView* parent ) : QListViewItem( parent ), m_scrollId( 0 ) { // kdDebug(8104) << "Created KompareListViewItem with scroll id " << m_scrollId << endl; } KompareListViewItem::KompareListViewItem( KompareListView* parent, KompareListViewItem* after ) : QListViewItem( parent, after ), m_scrollId( after->scrollId() + after->maxHeight() ) { // kdDebug(8104) << "Created KompareListViewItem with scroll id " << m_scrollId << endl; } KompareListViewItem::KompareListViewItem( KompareListViewItem* parent ) : QListViewItem( parent ), m_scrollId( 0 ) { } KompareListViewItem::KompareListViewItem( KompareListViewItem* parent, KompareListViewItem* /*after*/ ) : QListViewItem( parent ), m_scrollId( 0 ) { } KompareListView* KompareListViewItem::kompareListView() const { return (KompareListView*)listView(); } void KompareListViewItem::paintFocus( QPainter* /* p */, const QColorGroup& /* cg */, const QRect& /* r */ ) { // Don't paint anything } KompareListViewDiffItem::KompareListViewDiffItem( KompareListView* parent, Difference* difference ) : KompareListViewItem( parent ), m_difference( difference ), m_sourceItem( 0L ), m_destItem( 0L ) { init(); } KompareListViewDiffItem::KompareListViewDiffItem( KompareListView* parent, KompareListViewItem* after, Difference* difference ) : KompareListViewItem( parent, after ), m_difference( difference ), m_sourceItem( 0L ), m_destItem( 0L ) { init(); } void KompareListViewDiffItem::init() { setExpandable( true ); setOpen( true ); m_destItem = new KompareListViewLineContainerItem( this, false ); m_sourceItem = new KompareListViewLineContainerItem( this, true ); setVisibility(); } void KompareListViewDiffItem::setup() { KompareListViewItem::setup(); setHeight( 0 ); } void KompareListViewDiffItem::setVisibility() { m_sourceItem->setVisible( kompareListView()->isSource() || m_difference->applied() ); m_destItem->setVisible( !m_sourceItem->isVisible() ); } void KompareListViewDiffItem::applyDifference( bool apply ) { kdDebug(8104) << "KompareListViewDiffItem::applyDifference( " << apply << " )" << endl; setVisibility(); setup(); repaint(); } int KompareListViewDiffItem::maxHeight() { int lines = QMAX( m_difference->sourceLineCount(), m_difference->destinationLineCount() ); if( lines == 0 ) return BLANK_LINE_HEIGHT; else return lines * listView()->fontMetrics().lineSpacing(); } void KompareListViewDiffItem::setSelected( bool b ) { kdDebug(8104) << "KompareListViewDiffItem::setSelected( " << b << " )" << endl; KompareListViewItem::setSelected( b ); QListViewItem* item = m_sourceItem->isVisible() ? m_sourceItem->firstChild() : m_destItem->firstChild(); while( item && item->isVisible() ) { item->repaint(); item = item->nextSibling(); } } KompareListViewLineContainerItem::KompareListViewLineContainerItem( KompareListViewDiffItem* parent, bool isSource ) : KompareListViewItem( parent ), m_isSource( isSource ) { // kdDebug(8104) << "isSource ? " << (isSource ? " Yes!" : " No!") << endl; setExpandable( true ); setOpen( true ); int lines = lineCount(); int line = lineNumber() + lines - 1; // kdDebug(8104) << "LineNumber : " << lineNumber() << endl; if( lines == 0 ) { new KompareListViewBlankLineItem( this ); return; } for( int i = lines - 1; i >= 0; i--, line-- ) { new KompareListViewLineItem( this, line, lineAt( i ) ); } } void KompareListViewLineContainerItem::setup() { KompareListViewItem::setup(); setHeight( 0 ); } KompareListViewDiffItem* KompareListViewLineContainerItem::diffItemParent() const { return (KompareListViewDiffItem*)parent(); } int KompareListViewLineContainerItem::lineCount() const { return m_isSource ? diffItemParent()->difference()->sourceLineCount() : diffItemParent()->difference()->destinationLineCount(); } int KompareListViewLineContainerItem::lineNumber() const { return m_isSource ? diffItemParent()->difference()->sourceLineNumber() : diffItemParent()->difference()->destinationLineNumber(); } DifferenceString* KompareListViewLineContainerItem::lineAt( int i ) const { return m_isSource ? diffItemParent()->difference()->sourceLineAt( i ) : diffItemParent()->difference()->destinationLineAt( i ); } KompareListViewLineItem::KompareListViewLineItem( KompareListViewLineContainerItem* parent, int line, DifferenceString* text ) : KompareListViewItem( parent ) { setText( COL_LINE_NO, QString::number( line ) ); setText( COL_MAIN, text->string() ); m_text = text; } void KompareListViewLineItem::setup() { KompareListViewItem::setup(); setHeight( listView()->fontMetrics().lineSpacing() ); } void KompareListViewLineItem::paintCell( QPainter * p, const QColorGroup & cg, int column, int width, int align ) { QColor bg = cg.base(); p->fillRect( 0, 0, width, height(), bg ); if ( diffItemParent()->difference()->type() == Difference::Unchanged ) { if ( column == COL_LINE_NO ) { bg = cg.background(); p->fillRect( 0, 0, width, height(), bg ); } } else { bg = kompareListView()->settings()->colorForDifferenceType( diffItemParent()->difference()->type(), diffItemParent()->isSelected(), diffItemParent()->difference()->applied() ); if ( column != COL_MAIN ) p->fillRect( 0, 0, width, height(), bg ); } p->setPen( cg.foreground() ); paintText( p, bg, column, width, align ); if ( diffItemParent()->isSelected() ) { p->setPen( bg.dark(135) ); if ( this == parent()->firstChild() ) p->drawLine( 0, 0, width, 0 ); if ( nextSibling() == 0 ) p->drawLine( 0, height() - 1, width, height() - 1 ); } } void KompareListViewLineItem::paintText( QPainter* p, const QColor& bg, int column, int width, int align ) { if ( column == COL_MAIN ) { QString textChunk; int offset = listView()->itemMargin(); unsigned int prevValue = 0; int chunkWidth; QBrush changeBrush( bg, Dense3Pattern ); QBrush normalBrush( bg, SolidPattern ); QBrush brush; if ( m_text->string().isEmpty() ) { p->fillRect( 0, 0, width, height(), normalBrush ); return; } p->fillRect( 0, 0, offset, height(), normalBrush ); if ( !m_text->markerList().isEmpty() ) { MarkerListConstIterator markerIt = m_text->markerList().begin(); MarkerListConstIterator mEnd = m_text->markerList().end(); Marker* m = *markerIt; for ( ; markerIt != mEnd; ++markerIt ) { m = *markerIt; textChunk = m_text->string().mid( prevValue, m->offset() - prevValue ); // kdDebug(8104) << "TextChunk = \"" << textChunk << "\"" << endl; // kdDebug(8104) << "c->offset() = " << c->offset() << endl; // kdDebug(8104) << "prevValue = " << prevValue << endl; textChunk.replace( QChar('\t'), kompareListView()->spaces() ); prevValue = m->offset(); if ( m->type() == Marker::End ) { QFont font( p->font() ); font.setBold( true ); p->setFont( font ); // p->setPen( Qt::blue ); brush = changeBrush; } else { QFont font( p->font() ); font.setBold( false ); p->setFont( font ); // p->setPen( Qt::black ); brush = normalBrush; } chunkWidth = p->fontMetrics().width( textChunk ); p->fillRect( offset, 0, chunkWidth, height(), brush ); p->drawText( offset, 0, chunkWidth, height(), align, textChunk ); offset += chunkWidth; } } if ( prevValue < m_text->string().length() ) { // Still have to draw some string without changes textChunk = m_text->string().mid( prevValue, kMax( ( unsigned int )1, m_text->string().length() - prevValue ) ); textChunk.replace( QChar('\t'), kompareListView()->spaces() ); // kdDebug(8104) << "TextChunk = \"" << textChunk << "\"" << endl; QFont font( p->font() ); font.setBold( false ); p->setFont( font ); chunkWidth = p->fontMetrics().width( textChunk ); p->fillRect( offset, 0, chunkWidth, height(), normalBrush ); p->drawText( offset, 0, chunkWidth, height(), align, textChunk ); offset += chunkWidth; } p->fillRect( offset, 0, width - offset, height(), normalBrush ); } else { p->fillRect( 0, 0, width, height(), bg ); p->drawText( listView()->itemMargin(), 0, width - listView()->itemMargin(), height(), align, text( column ) ); } } KompareListViewDiffItem* KompareListViewLineItem::diffItemParent() const { KompareListViewLineContainerItem* p = (KompareListViewLineContainerItem*)parent(); return p->diffItemParent(); } KompareListViewBlankLineItem::KompareListViewBlankLineItem( KompareListViewLineContainerItem* parent ) : KompareListViewLineItem( parent, 0, new DifferenceString() ) { } void KompareListViewBlankLineItem::setup() { KompareListViewLineItem::setup(); setHeight( BLANK_LINE_HEIGHT ); } void KompareListViewBlankLineItem::paintText( QPainter* p, const QColor& bg, int column, int width, int ) { if ( column == COL_MAIN ) { QBrush normalBrush( bg, SolidPattern ); p->fillRect( 0, 0, width, height(), normalBrush ); } } KompareListViewHunkItem::KompareListViewHunkItem( KompareListView* parent, DiffHunk* hunk, bool zeroHeight ) : KompareListViewItem( parent ), m_zeroHeight( zeroHeight ), m_hunk( hunk ) { setSelectable( false ); } KompareListViewHunkItem::KompareListViewHunkItem( KompareListView* parent, KompareListViewItem* after, DiffHunk* hunk, bool zeroHeight ) : KompareListViewItem( parent, after ), m_zeroHeight( zeroHeight ), m_hunk( hunk ) { setSelectable( false ); } int KompareListViewHunkItem::maxHeight() { if( m_zeroHeight ) { return 0; } else if( m_hunk->function().isEmpty() ) { return HUNK_LINE_HEIGHT; } else { return listView()->fontMetrics().lineSpacing(); } } void KompareListViewHunkItem::setup() { KompareListViewItem::setup(); setHeight( maxHeight() ); } void KompareListViewHunkItem::paintCell( QPainter * p, const QColorGroup & cg, int column, int width, int align ) { p->fillRect( 0, 0, width, height(), cg.mid() ); if( column == COL_MAIN ) { p->drawText( listView()->itemMargin(), 0, width - listView()->itemMargin(), height(), align, m_hunk->function() ); } } #include "komparelistview.moc"