/*************************************************************************** codeviewerdialog.cpp - description ------------------- begin : Fri Aug 1 2003 copyright : (C) 2003 by Brian Thomas email : brian.thomas@gsfc.nasa.gov ***************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * copyright (C) 2004-2007 * * Umbrello UML Modeller Authors * ***************************************************************************/ // own header #include "codeeditor.h" // qt/kde includes #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // local includes #include "../attribute.h" #include "../classifier.h" #include "../umldoc.h" #include "../umlrole.h" #include "../codeaccessormethod.h" #include "../codegenerator.h" #include "../codeclassfield.h" #include "../codeclassfielddeclarationblock.h" #include "../codedocument.h" #include "../codeoperation.h" #include "../codemethodblock.h" #include "../classifiercodedocument.h" #include "../ownedhierarchicalcodeblock.h" #include "../codegenerators/codegenfactory.h" #include "codeviewerdialog.h" #include "classpropdlg.h" #include "umlattributedialog.h" #include "umlroledialog.h" #include "umloperationdialog.h" CodeEditor::CodeEditor ( const TQString & text, const TQString & context, CodeViewerDialog * parent, const char * name , CodeDocument * doc) : TQTextEdit ( text, context, parent, name) { init(parent, doc); } CodeEditor::CodeEditor ( CodeViewerDialog * parent, const char* name, CodeDocument * doc ) : TQTextEdit ( parent, name ) { init(parent, doc); } /* * Destroys the object and frees any allocated resources */ CodeEditor::~CodeEditor() { } // clear the display of all text void CodeEditor::clearText () { // setCaption( tr2i18n("") ); m_selectedTextBlock = 0; m_textBlockList.clear(); m_tbInfoMap->clear(); // now call super-class clear(); } Settings::CodeViewerState CodeEditor::getState() { return m_parentDlg->getState(); } TQLabel * CodeEditor::getComponentLabel() { return m_parentDlg->componentLabel; } // FIX: used only for debugging right now.. eliminate eventually -b.t. void CodeEditor::clicked(int para, int pos) { getComponentLabel()->setText("para:"+TQString::number(para)+" pos:"+TQString::number(pos)); } bool CodeEditor::close ( bool alsoDelete ) { // capture last code block, if it exists if(m_lastTextBlockToBeEdited) { updateTextBlockFromText (m_lastTextBlockToBeEdited); m_lastTextBlockToBeEdited = 0; } return TQTextEdit::close(alsoDelete); } void CodeEditor::doubleClicked(int para, int pos) { m_lastPara = para; m_lastPos = pos; // ugh. more ugliness. We want to be able to call up the // correct editing dialog for the given attribute. TextBlock * tBlock = m_textBlockList.at(para); editTextBlock(tBlock, para); } // allow us to edit, as appropriate, the parent UMLObject of the // given text block. void CodeEditor::editTextBlock(TextBlock * tBlock, int para) { if(tBlock) { TextBlockInfo *info = (*m_tbInfoMap)[tBlock]; if(info) { UMLObject *obj = info->getParent(); if(obj) { UMLAttribute * at = 0; UMLRole * role = 0; UMLOperation * op = 0; if( (at = dynamic_cast(obj)) ) { UMLAttributeDialog dlg( this, at); if( dlg.exec() ) { rebuildView(para); } } else if( (dynamic_cast(obj)) ) { if (obj->showProperties()) rebuildView(para); } else if( (role = dynamic_cast(obj))) { UMLRoleDialog dlg(this,role); if( dlg.exec() ) { rebuildView(para); } } else if( (op = dynamic_cast(obj)) ) //else if( (cop = dynamic_cast(tBlock)) ) { UMLOperationDialog dlg(this,op); if( dlg.exec() ) { rebuildView(para); } } else { kError()<<" CodeViewerDlg ERROR: UNKNOWN parent for textBlock"<text().latin1()<<"] ascii CODE:"<ascii(); if((e->ascii() == 8) ) // || (e->ascii() == 127)) // what about delete? m_backspacePressed = true; // Q: can the MAC or WIN/DOS sequences occur? if((e->ascii() == 10) || (e->ascii() == 13) || (e->text() == "\r\n")) m_newLinePressed = true; TQTextEdit::keyPressEvent(e); } void CodeEditor::loadFromDocument () { // clear the tool clearText(); // set caption on tool TQString caption = m_parentDoc->getFileName() + m_parentDoc->getFileExtension(); setCaption( tr2i18n( caption.latin1() ) ); // header for document TQString header = m_parentDoc->getHeader()->toString(); TQString componentName = TQString("header for file ") +caption; if(!StringIsBlank(header)) insert(header,m_parentDoc->getHeader(),false,getState().fontColor, getState().nonEditBlockColor,0,componentName); // now all the text blocks in the document TextBlockList * items = m_parentDoc->getTextBlockList(); appendText(items); setCursorPosition(0,0); } void CodeEditor::insert (const TQString & text, TextBlock * parent, bool editable, const TQColor & fgcolor, const TQColor & bgcolor, UMLObject * umlobj, const TQString & displayName, int startLine) { // set some params bool isInsert = false; setColor(fgcolor); // its an append op if startLine is -1, otherwise its // an actual insert, which is more complicated if(startLine == -1) { startLine = paragraphs()-1; TQTextEdit::append(text); // put actual text in. Use insert instead of append so history is preserved? } else { isInsert = true; TQTextEdit::insertAt(text, startLine, 0); } // actual put in text // now do 'paragraph' background highlighting // int endLine = paragraphs()-2; int endLine = text.contains(TQRegExp("\n")) + startLine -1; if(m_isHighlighted) for(int para=startLine;para<=endLine;para++) setParagraphBackgroundColor(para,bgcolor); // record paragraph information // Did we already start recording info for this parent object? TextBlockInfo * tbinfo; if(m_tbInfoMap->contains(parent)) tbinfo = (*m_tbInfoMap)[parent]; else { tbinfo = new TextBlockInfo(); tbinfo->displayName = displayName; tbinfo->isCodeAccessorMethod = dynamic_cast(parent) ? true : false; m_tbInfoMap->insert(parent,tbinfo); } // set a parent, if its not already set if(umlobj && !tbinfo->getParent()) { tbinfo->displayName = displayName; tbinfo->setParent(umlobj); tbinfo->isClickable = textBlockIsClickable(umlobj); } // now mark all lines that we just inserted as belonging to the parent for(int para=startLine;para<=endLine;para++) m_textBlockList.insert(para,parent); // lastly, update the para info // start position is relative to the FIRST parent position int start = startLine - m_textBlockList.findRef(parent); int size = endLine-startLine; // create the object that records this particular "paragraph" ParaInfo * item = new ParaInfo(); item->start = start; item->size= size; item->fgcolor = fgcolor; item->bgcolor = bgcolor; item->isEditable = editable; if(isInsert) { // now we have to fix the 'start' value for all the para // info blocks that coorspond to textblocks that we inserted // inside of. This means parent tblock paragraph locations // that are greater than zero in that type of textblock int increase = size + 1; TQMap::Iterator it; for ( it = m_tbInfoMap->begin(); it != m_tbInfoMap->end(); ++it ) { TextBlock * tblock = it.key(); TextBlockInfo * thisTbInfo = it.data(); int firstLoc = m_textBlockList.findRef(tblock); ParaInfo * lastPi = thisTbInfo->m_paraList.last(); for(ParaInfo * pi = thisTbInfo->m_paraList.first(); pi; pi = thisTbInfo->m_paraList.next()) { int minPara = pi->start+firstLoc; // only worth doing if in range of the whole // representation if(!pi->start && (startLine > (lastPi->start+firstLoc+lastPi->size) || endLine < minPara) ) break; // now, only for those paraInfo blocks which // have exceeded our last line, we increase them if(pi->start && minPara >= endLine ) pi->start += increase; } } } tbinfo->m_paraList.append(item); } void CodeEditor::appendText(TextBlockList * items) { for (TextBlock *tb = items->first(); tb; tb = items->next()) { // types of things we may cast our text block into // This isnt efficient, and is a vote for recording // code block types in an enumerated list somewhere, // as well as a generic attribute "blockType" we could // quickly access, rather than casting. -b.t. HierarchicalCodeBlock * hb = dynamic_cast(tb); CodeMethodBlock * mb = 0; CodeClassFieldDeclarationBlock * db = 0; CodeBlockWithComments * cb = 0; // CodeComment * cm = 0; if(hb) appendText(hb); else if ( (mb = dynamic_cast(tb)) ) appendText(mb); else if ( (db = dynamic_cast(tb)) ) appendText(db); else if ( (cb = dynamic_cast(tb)) ) appendText(cb); /* // no! shouldn't be any 'naked' comments floating about. Always // are assocated with a parent code block else if ( (cm = dynamic_cast(tb)) ) appendText(cm); */ else appendText(tb); // no cast worked. Just do a text block } } void CodeEditor::appendText (CodeComment * comment, TextBlock * parent, UMLObject * umlObj , const TQString & componentName) { if(!comment->getWriteOutText() && !m_showHiddenBlocks) return; TQColor bgcolor = getState().nonEditBlockColor; if(!comment->getWriteOutText() && m_showHiddenBlocks) bgcolor = getState().hiddenColor; TQString indent = comment->getIndentationString(); TQString text = comment->toString(); // use comment formatting, NOT formatMultiLineText(comment->toString(), indent, "\n"); if(!StringIsBlank(text)) insert(text,parent,true,getState().fontColor, bgcolor, umlObj, componentName); } void CodeEditor::appendText (CodeBlockWithComments * cb ) { if(!cb->getWriteOutText() && !m_showHiddenBlocks) return; TQString indent = cb->getIndentationString(); TQString body = cb->formatMultiLineText (cb->getText(), indent, "\n"); TQColor bgcolor = getState().editBlockColor; TQString componentName = TQString("CodeBlock"); appendText(cb->getComment(), cb, 0, componentName); if(!cb->getWriteOutText() && m_showHiddenBlocks) bgcolor = getState().hiddenColor; if(!StringIsBlank(body)) insert(body,cb,true,getState().fontColor,bgcolor,0); } void CodeEditor::appendText (CodeClassFieldDeclarationBlock * db ) { if(!db->getWriteOutText() && !m_showHiddenBlocks) return; TQString indent = db->getIndentationString(); TQString body = db->formatMultiLineText (db->getText(), indent, "\n"); UMLObject * parentObj = db->getParentClassField()->getParentObject(); TQColor bgcolor = getState().editBlockColor; TQString componentName = TQString(""); if(parentObj) { if(db->getParentClassField()->parentIsAttribute()) { componentName = parentDocName + "::attribute_field(" + parentObj->getName() + ')'; } else { UMLRole * role = dynamic_cast(parentObj); componentName = parentDocName + "::association_field(" + role->getName() + ')'; } bgcolor = getState().umlObjectColor; } appendText(db->getComment(), db, parentObj,componentName); if(!db->getWriteOutText() && m_showHiddenBlocks) bgcolor = getState().hiddenColor; if(!StringIsBlank(body)) insert(body,db,false,getState().fontColor,bgcolor,parentObj); } void CodeEditor::appendText (CodeMethodBlock * mb) { // Note: IF CodeAccessors are hidden, we DON'T show // it even when requested as the hiddeness of these methods // should be controled by the class fields, not the user in the editor. if(!mb->getWriteOutText() && (!m_showHiddenBlocks || dynamic_cast(mb))) return; TQColor bgcolor = getState().umlObjectColor; TQString indent = mb->getIndentationString(); TQString bodyIndent = mb->getIndentationString(mb->getIndentationLevel()+1); TQString startText = mb->formatMultiLineText ( mb->getStartMethodText(), indent, "\n"); TQString body = mb->formatMultiLineText (mb->getText(), bodyIndent, "\n"); TQString endText = mb->formatMultiLineText( mb->getEndMethodText(), indent, "\n"); if(body.isEmpty()) body = " \n"; if(!mb->getWriteOutText() && m_showHiddenBlocks) { // it gets the 'hidden' color bgcolor = getState().hiddenColor; } TQString componentName = TQString("parentless method\?"); // ugly, but we need to know if there is a parent object here. CodeOperation * op = dynamic_cast(mb); CodeAccessorMethod * accessor = dynamic_cast(mb); UMLObject * parentObj = 0; if(op) { parentObj = op->getParentOperation(); if(((UMLOperation*)parentObj)->isConstructorOperation()) componentName = parentDocName + "::operation("+ parentObj->getName()+") constructor method"; else componentName = parentDocName + "::operation("+ parentObj->getName()+") method"; } if(accessor) { parentObj = accessor->getParentObject(); if(accessor->getParentClassField()->parentIsAttribute()) { componentName = parentDocName + "::attribute_field(" + parentObj->getName() + ") accessor method"; } else { UMLRole * role = dynamic_cast(parentObj); componentName = parentDocName + "::association_field(" + role->getName() + ") accessor method"; } } //appendText(mb->getComment(), mb, parentObj, componentName); appendText(mb->getComment(), mb->getComment(), parentObj, componentName); if(!StringIsBlank(startText)) insert(startText,mb,false,getState().fontColor,bgcolor,parentObj); // always insert body for methods..IF we don't, we create a // situation where the user cant edit the body (!) insert(body,mb,true,getState().fontColor,bgcolor,parentObj); if(!StringIsBlank(endText)) insert(endText,mb,false,getState().fontColor,bgcolor,parentObj); } void CodeEditor::appendText (TextBlock * tb) { if(!tb->getWriteOutText() && !m_showHiddenBlocks) return; TQColor bgcolor = getState().nonEditBlockColor; if(!tb->getWriteOutText() && m_showHiddenBlocks) bgcolor = getState().hiddenColor; TQString str = tb->toString(); insert(str,tb,false,getState().fontColor,bgcolor); } void CodeEditor::appendText(HierarchicalCodeBlock * hblock) { if(!hblock->getWriteOutText() && !m_showHiddenBlocks) return; OwnedHierarchicalCodeBlock * test = dynamic_cast(hblock); UMLObject * parentObj = 0; TQString componentName = TQString(""); TQColor paperColor = getState().nonEditBlockColor; if(test) { parentObj = test->getParentObject(); UMLClassifier *c = dynamic_cast(parentObj); if (c) { TQString typeStr; if (c->isInterface()) typeStr = "Interface"; else typeStr = "Class"; componentName = parentDocName + "::" + typeStr + '(' + parentObj->getName() + ')'; } else { componentName = parentDocName + "::UNKNOWN(" + parentObj->getName() + ')'; } paperColor = getState().umlObjectColor; } if(!hblock->getWriteOutText() && m_showHiddenBlocks) paperColor = getState().hiddenColor; TextBlockList * items = hblock->getTextBlockList(); TQString indent = hblock->getIndentationString(); TQString startText = hblock->formatMultiLineText ( hblock->getStartText(), indent, "\n"); TQString endText = hblock->formatMultiLineText( hblock->getEndText(), indent, "\n"); appendText(hblock->getComment(), hblock, parentObj, componentName); if(!StringIsBlank(startText)) insert(startText,hblock,false,getState().fontColor,paperColor, parentObj); appendText(items); if(!StringIsBlank(endText)) insert(endText,hblock,false,getState().fontColor,paperColor); } void CodeEditor::insertParagraph ( const TQString & text, int para ) { TQTextEdit::insertParagraph(text,para); } void CodeEditor::removeParagraph ( int para ) { TQTextEdit::removeParagraph(para); } // All umlobjects which may have pop-up boxes should return true here // Yes, a CRAPPY way of doing this. Im not proud. =b.t. bool CodeEditor::textBlockIsClickable(UMLObject * obj) { if( dynamic_cast(obj) ) return true; else if( dynamic_cast(obj) ) return true; else if( dynamic_cast(obj) ) return true; else if( dynamic_cast(obj) ) return true; return false; } void CodeEditor::slotChangeSelectedBlockView() { TextBlock * tb = m_selectedTextBlock; if(tb) { tb->setWriteOutText(tb->getWriteOutText() ? false : true ); rebuildView(m_lastPara); } } // change the status of the comment writeOutText value to // opposite of current value void CodeEditor::slotChangeSelectedBlockCommentView() { TextBlock * tb = m_selectedTextBlock; CodeBlockWithComments * cb = 0; if(tb && (cb = dynamic_cast(tb))) { cb->getComment()->setWriteOutText(cb->getComment()->getWriteOutText() ? false : true ); rebuildView( m_lastPara ); } } void CodeEditor::slotInsertCodeBlockBeforeSelected() { TextBlock * tb = m_selectedTextBlock; CodeBlockWithComments * newBlock = m_parentDoc->newCodeBlockWithComments(); newBlock->setText("<>"); newBlock->getComment()->setWriteOutText(false); m_parentDoc->insertTextBlock(newBlock, tb, false); int location = m_textBlockList.findRef(m_selectedTextBlock); // find first para of selected block TQString body = newBlock->formatMultiLineText (newBlock->getText(), newBlock->getIndentationString(), "\n"); insert(body,newBlock,true,getState().fontColor, getState().editBlockColor,0,TQString("CodeBlock"),location); } void CodeEditor::slotInsertCodeBlockAfterSelected() { TextBlock * tb = m_selectedTextBlock; CodeBlockWithComments * newBlock = m_parentDoc->newCodeBlockWithComments(); newBlock->setText("<>"); newBlock->getComment()->setWriteOutText(false); m_parentDoc->insertTextBlock(newBlock, tb, true); // find last para of selected block TextBlockInfo *tbinfo = (*m_tbInfoMap)[m_selectedTextBlock]; ParaInfo * lastpi = tbinfo->m_paraList.last(); int location = m_textBlockList.findRef(m_selectedTextBlock) + lastpi->start + lastpi->size + 1; TQString body = newBlock->formatMultiLineText (newBlock->getText(), newBlock->getIndentationString(), "\n"); insert(body,newBlock,true,getState().fontColor, getState().editBlockColor,0,TQString("CodeBlock"),location); } TQPopupMenu * CodeEditor::createPopupMenu ( const TQPoint & pos ) { TextBlock * tb = m_selectedTextBlock; m_lastPara = paragraphAt(pos); TQPopupMenu * menu = new TQPopupMenu(this); // ugh. A bug in the TQt interaction between TQTextEdit and Menu // can sometimes trigger a clear() call of the text area after // the popup menu is destroyed. The workaround is to disable // the behavior by blocking the destroy signal from the menu. menu->blockSignals(true); if (m_selectedTextBlock) { if(tb->getWriteOutText()) menu->insertItem("Hide",this,TQ_SLOT(slotChangeSelectedBlockView()), Key_H, 0); else menu->insertItem("Show",this,TQ_SLOT(slotChangeSelectedBlockView()), Key_S, 0); CodeBlockWithComments * cb = dynamic_cast(tb); if(cb) if(cb->getComment()->getWriteOutText()) menu->insertItem("Hide Comment",this,TQ_SLOT(slotChangeSelectedBlockCommentView()), CTRL+Key_H, 1); else menu->insertItem("Show Comment",this,TQ_SLOT(slotChangeSelectedBlockCommentView()), CTRL+Key_S, 1); menu->insertSeparator(); menu->insertItem("Insert Code Block Before",this,TQ_SLOT(slotInsertCodeBlockBeforeSelected()), CTRL+Key_B, 2); menu->insertItem("Insert Code Block After",this,TQ_SLOT(slotInsertCodeBlockAfterSelected()), CTRL+Key_A, 3); menu->insertSeparator(); menu->insertItem("Copy",this,TQ_SLOT(slotCopyTextBlock()), CTRL+Key_C, 4); menu->insertItem("Paste",this,TQ_SLOT(slotPasteTextBlock()), CTRL+Key_V, 5); menu->insertItem("Cut",this,TQ_SLOT(slotCutTextBlock()), CTRL+Key_X, 6); // enable/disable based on conditions if(m_selectedTextBlock == m_parentDoc->getHeader()) menu->setItemEnabled (2, false); if(!m_textBlockToPaste) menu->setItemEnabled (5, false); if(!tb->canDelete()) menu->setItemEnabled (6, false); // manythings cant be copied. RIght now, lets just limit ourselves to // owned things and hierarchicalcodeblocks if(dynamic_cast(m_selectedTextBlock) || dynamic_cast(m_selectedTextBlock)) menu->setItemEnabled (4, false); // TBD // m_selectedTextBlock->insertCodeEditMenuItems(menu, this); } return menu; } void CodeEditor::slotCopyTextBlock ( ) { // make a copy if(dynamic_cast(m_selectedTextBlock)) m_textBlockToPaste = m_parentDoc->newHierarchicalCodeBlock(); else if(dynamic_cast(m_selectedTextBlock)) m_textBlockToPaste = m_parentDoc->newCodeBlockWithComments(); else if(dynamic_cast(m_selectedTextBlock)) m_textBlockToPaste = m_parentDoc->newCodeBlock(); else if(dynamic_cast(m_selectedTextBlock)) m_textBlockToPaste = CodeGenFactory::newCodeComment(m_parentDoc); else { kError()<<" ERROR: CodeEditor can't copy selected block:"<setAttributesFromObject(m_selectedTextBlock); } void CodeEditor::slotCutTextBlock ( ) { // make a copy first slotCopyTextBlock(); // This could cause problems, but we are OK as // long as we only try to delete 'canDelete' textblocks if(m_selectedTextBlock->canDelete()) { // just in case there are pending edits // we don't want to lose them if (m_lastTextBlockToBeEdited && m_lastTextBlockToBeEdited == (CodeBlock*) m_selectedTextBlock) { updateTextBlockFromText (m_lastTextBlockToBeEdited); m_lastTextBlockToBeEdited = 0; } m_parentDoc->removeTextBlock(m_selectedTextBlock); rebuildView(m_lastPara); // removeTextBlock(m_selectedTextBlock); m_selectedTextBlock = 0; } } void CodeEditor::slotPasteTextBlock ( ) { if(m_textBlockToPaste) { m_parentDoc->insertTextBlock(m_textBlockToPaste, m_selectedTextBlock); m_textBlockToPaste = 0; rebuildView(m_lastPara); } } void CodeEditor::slotRedrawText() { rebuildView(m_lastPara); } void CodeEditor::init ( CodeViewerDialog * parentDlg, CodeDocument * parentDoc ) { // safety to insure that we are up to date parentDoc->synchronize(); m_parentDlg = parentDlg; m_parentDoc = parentDoc; setUndoRedoEnabled( false ); setCursor( TQCursor( 0 ) ); setMouseTracking( true ); setReadOnly (true); m_isHighlighted = getState().blocksAreHighlighted; m_showHiddenBlocks = getState().showHiddenBlocks; m_newLinePressed = false; m_backspacePressed = false; m_textBlockToPaste = 0; m_selectedTextBlock = 0; m_lastTextBlockToBeEdited = 0; m_tbInfoMap = new TQMap; setFont( getState().font ); // set name of parent doc ClassifierCodeDocument * cdoc = dynamic_cast(m_parentDoc); if(cdoc) parentDocName = cdoc->getParentClassifier()->getName(); else parentDocName = ""; // set some viewability parameters //int margin = fontMetrics().height(); TQBrush pbrush = TQBrush ( getState().paperColor); setPaper(pbrush); // setMargin(margin); // connect(this,TQ_SIGNAL(newLinePressed()),this,TQ_SLOT(newLinePressed())); // connect(this,TQ_SIGNAL(backspacePressed()),this,TQ_SLOT(backspacePressed())); connect(this,TQ_SIGNAL(doubleClicked(int,int)),this,TQ_SLOT(doubleClicked(int,int))); connect(this,TQ_SIGNAL(cursorPositionChanged(int,int)),this,TQ_SLOT(cursorPositionChanged(int,int))); // do this last loadFromDocument(); } void CodeEditor::updateTextBlockFromText (TextBlock * block) { if (block) { CodeMethodBlock * cmb = dynamic_cast(block); //TQString baseIndent = block->getNewEditorLine(block->getIndentationLevel()+(cmb ? 1 : 0)); TQString baseIndent = block->getIndentationString(block->getIndentationLevel()+(cmb ? 1 : 0)); TextBlockInfo *info = (*m_tbInfoMap)[block]; UMLObject * parentObj = info->getParent(); int pstart = m_textBlockList.findRef(block); TQString content = ""; // Assemble content from editiable paras TQPtrList list = info->m_paraList; for(ParaInfo * item = list.first(); item; item=list.next()) { if(item->isEditable) { int lastpara = item->start+pstart+item->size; int endEdit = block->lastEditableLine(); int lastLineToAddNewLine = lastpara + endEdit; for(int para=(item->start+pstart);para<=lastpara;para++) { TQString line = block->unformatText(text(para), baseIndent); content += line; // \n are implicit in the editor (!) so we should put them // back in, if there is any content from the line if(!line.isEmpty() && para != lastLineToAddNewLine) content += "\n"; } } } //cerr<<"UPDATE GOT CONTENT:["<setText(content); // if a parent for the block, try to set its documentation // as long as its NOT an accessor codeblock. if(parentObj && !info->isCodeAccessorMethod) parentObj->setDoc(content); // make note that its now user generated if(cmb) cmb->setContentType(CodeBlock::UserGenerated); } } void CodeEditor::cursorPositionChanged(int para, int pos) { // safety.. this is endemic of a 'bad' pointer event and can crash us otherwise if(pos < 0) return; // bool lastParaIsEditable = isReadOnly() ? false : true; bool lastParaIsEditable = isParaEditable(m_lastPara); // IF last para where cursor is coming from was editable // we have a variety of things to look out for. if(lastParaIsEditable) { // If we got here as the result of a newline, then expansion // of a para editablity occurs. if((para-1) == m_lastPara && m_newLinePressed ) expandSelectedParagraph ( m_lastPara ); // conversely, we contract the zone of editablity IF we // got to current position as result of backspace if((para+1) == m_lastPara && m_backspacePressed ) contractSelectedParagraph( para ); } // now check if the current paragraph is really editiable, and if so, // so some things bool editPara = isParaEditable(para); if(editPara) { TextBlock * tBlock = m_textBlockList.at(para); CodeMethodBlock * cmb = dynamic_cast(tBlock); // auto-indent new lines TQString currentParaText = text(para); TQString baseIndent = tBlock->getNewEditorLine(tBlock->getIndentationLevel()+(cmb ? 1 : 0)); // cerr<<"AUTO INDENT:["<setContentType(CodeBlock::AutoGenerated); cmb->syncToParent(); } } // send them to the first spot in the line which is editable setCursorPosition(para,minPos); } return; } } // look for changes in editability, if they occur, we need to record // the edits which have been made if((editPara && !m_lastTextBlockToBeEdited) || (!editPara && m_lastTextBlockToBeEdited)) { setReadOnly(editPara ? false : true); // IF this is a different text block, update the body of the method // it belongs to if(m_lastTextBlockToBeEdited && (m_lastTextBlockToBeEdited != m_textBlockList.at(para) || !editPara)) { updateTextBlockFromText (m_lastTextBlockToBeEdited); m_lastTextBlockToBeEdited = 0; } if(editPara) m_lastTextBlockToBeEdited = m_textBlockList.at(para); else m_lastTextBlockToBeEdited = 0; } m_lastPara = para; m_lastPos = pos; m_newLinePressed = false; m_backspacePressed = false; } bool CodeEditor::paraIsNotSingleLine (int para) { TextBlock * tBlock = m_textBlockList.at(para); if(tBlock) { int pstart = m_textBlockList.findRef(tBlock); TextBlockInfo *info = (*m_tbInfoMap)[tBlock]; TQPtrList list = info->m_paraList; for(ParaInfo * item = list.first(); item; item=list.next()) if((pstart+item->start) <= para && (item->start+pstart+item->size) >= para ) if(item->size > 0) return true; } return false; } bool CodeEditor::isParaEditable (int para) { if (para <0) return false; TextBlock * tBlock = m_textBlockList.at(para); if(tBlock) { int editStart = tBlock->firstEditableLine(); int editEnd = tBlock->lastEditableLine(); bool hasEditableRange = (editStart > 0 || editEnd < 0) ? true : false; TextBlockInfo *info = (*m_tbInfoMap)[tBlock]; int pstart = m_textBlockList.findRef(tBlock); int relativeLine = para - pstart; TQPtrList list = info->m_paraList; for(ParaInfo * item = list.first(); item; item=list.next()) { if((item->start+pstart) <= para && (item->start+pstart+item->size) >= para) if(item->isEditable && hasEditableRange) { if ( relativeLine >= editStart && relativeLine <= (item->size + editEnd) ) return true; else return false; } else return item->isEditable; } } return false; } void CodeEditor::changeTextBlockHighlighting(TextBlock * tBlock, bool selected) { if(tBlock) { TextBlockInfo *info = (*m_tbInfoMap)[tBlock]; TQPtrList list = info->m_paraList; int pstart = m_textBlockList.findRef(tBlock); for(ParaInfo * item = list.first(); item; item=list.next()) for(int p=(item->start+pstart);p<=(item->start+pstart+item->size);p++) if(selected) if(info->isClickable) setParagraphBackgroundColor(p,getState().selectedColor); else setParagraphBackgroundColor(p,getState().nonEditBlockColor); else if(m_isHighlighted) setParagraphBackgroundColor(p,item->bgcolor); else setParagraphBackgroundColor(p,getState().paperColor); } } void CodeEditor::changeShowHidden (int signal) { if(signal) m_showHiddenBlocks = true; else m_showHiddenBlocks = false; rebuildView(m_lastPara); } // colorizes/uncolorizes type for ALL paragraphs void CodeEditor::changeHighlighting(int signal) { int total_para = paragraphs()-1; if(signal) { // we want to highlight m_isHighlighted = true; for(int para=0;para list = info->m_paraList; bool lowerStartPosition = false; for(ParaInfo * item = list.first(); item; item=list.next()) { if(lowerStartPosition) item->start -= 1; if((pstart+item->start) <= paraToRemove && (item->start+pstart+item->size) >= paraToRemove) { item->size -= 1; // a little cheat.. we don't want to remove last line as we need // to leave a place that can be 'edited' by the tool IF the user // changes their mind about method body content if(item->size < 0) item->size = 0; lowerStartPosition = true; } } m_textBlockList.remove(paraToRemove); } } void CodeEditor::expandSelectedParagraph( int priorPara ) { TextBlock * tBlock = m_textBlockList.at(priorPara); if(tBlock) { // add this tBlock in m_textBlockList.insert(priorPara,tBlock); TextBlockInfo *info = (*m_tbInfoMap)[tBlock]; TQPtrList list = info->m_paraList; int pstart = m_textBlockList.findRef(tBlock); // now update the paragraph information bool upStartPosition = false; for(ParaInfo * item = list.first(); item; item=list.next()) { // AFTER we get a match, then following para's need to have start position upped too if(upStartPosition) item->start += 1; if((pstart+item->start) <= priorPara && (item->start+pstart+item->size) >= priorPara) { item->size += 1; cursorPositionChanged(m_lastPara, m_lastPos); upStartPosition = true; } } } } void CodeEditor::contentsMouseMoveEvent ( TQMouseEvent * e ) { int para = paragraphAt(e->pos()); if (para < 0) return; // shouldn't happen.. TextBlock * tblock = m_textBlockList.at(para); if (tblock && m_selectedTextBlock != tblock ) { TextBlockInfo * info = (*m_tbInfoMap)[tblock]; // unhighlight old selected textblock regardless of whether // it was selected or not. changeTextBlockHighlighting(m_selectedTextBlock,false); // highlight new block changeTextBlockHighlighting(tblock,true); // FIX: update the label that shows what type of component this is getComponentLabel()->setText(""+info->displayName+""); m_selectedTextBlock = tblock; if(m_lastTextBlockToBeEdited) { updateTextBlockFromText (m_lastTextBlockToBeEdited); m_lastTextBlockToBeEdited = 0; } } // record this as the last paragraph } // Rebuild our view of the document. Happens whenever we change // some field/aspect of an underlying UML object used to create // the view. // If connections are right, then the UMLObject will send out the modified() // signal which will trigger a call to re-generate the appropriate code within // the code document. Our burden is to appropriately prepare the tool: we clear // out ALL the textblocks in the TQTextEdit widget and then re-show them // after the dialog disappears void CodeEditor::rebuildView( int startCursorPos ) { loadFromDocument(); // make a minima attempt to leave the cursor (view of the code) where // we started int new_nrof_para = paragraphs() -1; setCursorPosition((startCursorPos < new_nrof_para ? startCursorPos : 0), 0); } #include "codeeditor.moc"