/* This file is part of KCachegrind. Copyright (C) 2003 Josef Weidendorfer KCachegrind is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ /* * For part file selection, to be put into a TQDockWindow */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "partselection.h" #include "partgraph.h" PartSelection::PartSelection( TQWidget* parent, const char* name) : PartSelectionBase(parent, name) { _data = 0; _costType = 0; _costType2 = 0; _groupType = TraceItem::NoCostType; _group = 0; _function = 0; _inSelectionUpdate = false; _diagramMode = false; _drawFrames = true; partAreaWidget->setAllowRotation(false); partAreaWidget->setMaxSelectDepth(2); partAreaWidget->setSelectionMode(TreeMapWidget::Extended); partAreaWidget->setSplitMode(TreeMapItem::HAlternate); partAreaWidget->setVisibleWidth(2, true); partAreaWidget->setFieldType(0, i18n( "Name" )); partAreaWidget->setFieldType(1, i18n( "Cost" )); connect(partAreaWidget, TQ_SIGNAL(selectionChanged()), this, TQ_SLOT(selectionChanged())); connect(partAreaWidget, TQ_SIGNAL(currentChanged(TreeMapItem*, bool)), this, TQ_SLOT(currentChangedSlot(TreeMapItem*, bool))); connect(partAreaWidget, TQ_SIGNAL(doubleClicked(TreeMapItem*)), this, TQ_SLOT(doubleClicked(TreeMapItem*))); connect(partAreaWidget, TQ_SIGNAL(contextMenuRequested(TreeMapItem*,const TQPoint &)), this, TQ_SLOT(contextMenuRequested(TreeMapItem*,const TQPoint &))); _showInfo = true; showInfo(false); } PartSelection::~PartSelection() { } void PartSelection::setData(TraceData* data) { if (_data == data) return; _data = data; partAreaWidget->setData(data); fillInfo(); } void PartSelection::refresh() { partAreaWidget->redraw(); fillInfo(); } void PartSelection::setCostType(TraceCostType* ct) { if (ct == _costType) return; _costType = ct; partAreaWidget->setCostType(ct); } void PartSelection::setCostType2(TraceCostType* ct) { if (ct == _costType2) return; _costType2 = ct; if (!_diagramMode) return; //TODO: get max cost(type1)/cost(type2) of shown parts //partAreaWidget->setCostType(ct); } void PartSelection::setGroupType(TraceItem::CostType gt) { if (gt == _groupType) return; _groupType = gt; partAreaWidget->setGroupType(gt); } void PartSelection::setGroup(TraceCostItem*) { } void PartSelection::setFunction(TraceFunction* f) { if (_function == f) return; _function = f; //kdDebug() << "PartSelection::setFunction " << f->name() << endl; // FIXME: The TreeMap shouldn't produce spurious selectionChanged events _inSelectionUpdate = true; partAreaWidget->setFunction(_function); _inSelectionUpdate = false; } void PartSelection::setPart(TracePart*) {} void PartSelection::currentChangedSlot(TreeMapItem* i, bool kbd) { if (!i) return; if (!kbd) return; if (i->text(0).isEmpty()) return; TQString str = i->text(0); if (!i->text(1).isEmpty()) str += " (" + i->text(1) + ")"; TQString msg = i18n("Profile Part Overview: Current is '%1'").arg(str); emit showMessage(msg, 5000); if (_showInfo) fillInfo(); } void PartSelection::doubleClicked(TreeMapItem* i) { if (!i || i->rtti() != 3) return; TraceCost* c = ((SubPartItem*) i)->partCostItem(); TraceCostItem* ci = 0; switch(c->type()) { case TraceItem::PartFunction: { TraceFunction* f = ((TracePartFunction*)c)->function(); if (f) emit functionChanged(f); } return; case TraceItem::PartObject: ci = ((TracePartObject*)c)->object(); break; case TraceItem::PartClass: ci = ((TracePartClass*)c)->cls(); break; case TraceItem::PartFile: ci = ((TracePartFile*)c)->file(); break; default: break; } if (ci) emit groupChanged(ci); } void PartSelection::selectionChanged() { if (_inSelectionUpdate) return; kdDebug() << "PartSelection::selectionChanged" << endl; bool something_changed = false; bool nothingSelected = true; TracePartList pList; TreeMapItem* i; TracePart* part; // if nothing is selected, activate all parts TreeMapItemList* list = partAreaWidget->base()->children(); if (!list) return; for (i=list->first();i;i=list->next()) if (partAreaWidget->isSelected(i)) { nothingSelected = false; break; } for (i=list->first();i;i=list->next()) { part = ((PartItem*)i)->part(); bool active = nothingSelected || partAreaWidget->isSelected(i); if (active) { pList.append(part); something_changed = true; } } if (something_changed) { //tqDebug("PartSelection: Something changed."); emit activePartsChanged(pList); } } /* this makes the graph selection the same to the parts in the list */ void PartSelection::activePartsChangedSlot(const TracePartList& list) { _inSelectionUpdate = true; kdDebug() << "Entering PartSelection::activePartsChangedSlot" << endl; TreeMapItem* i; TreeMapItemList l = *partAreaWidget->base()->children(); // first deselect inactive, then select active (makes current active) for (i=l.first();i;i=l.next()) { TracePart* part = ((PartItem*)i)->part(); bool active = (list.containsRef(part)>0); if (!active && partAreaWidget->isSelected(i)) { #if 0 tqDebug("PartSelection::partsChangedSlot: Part %s changed to unselected.", ((PartItem*)i)->part()->shortName().ascii()); #endif partAreaWidget->setSelected(i, false); } } for (i=l.first();i;i=l.next()) { TracePart* part = ((PartItem*)i)->part(); bool active = (list.containsRef(part)>0); if (active && !partAreaWidget->isSelected(i)) { #if 0 tqDebug("PartSelection::partsChangedSlot: Part %s changed to selected.", ((PartItem*)i)->part()->shortName().ascii()); #endif partAreaWidget->setSelected(i, true); } } _inSelectionUpdate = false; kdDebug() << "Leaving PartSelection::activePartsChangedSlot" << endl; fillInfo(); } void PartSelection::contextMenuRequested(TreeMapItem* i, const TQPoint & p) { if (!i) return; TQPopupMenu popup; TQPopupMenu ppopup; TQPopupMenu vpopup; TQString str; TreeMapItem* s = 0; if (_data && (_data->parts().count()>1)) { s = partAreaWidget->possibleSelection(i); if (!s->text(0).isEmpty()) { str = (partAreaWidget->isSelected(s)) ? i18n("Deselect") : i18n("Select"); str += " '" + s->text(0) + "'"; popup.insertItem(str, 1); } popup.insertItem(i18n("Select All Parts"), 2); popup.insertItem(i18n("Visible Parts"), &ppopup, 10); ppopup.insertItem(i18n("Hide Selected Parts"), 3); ppopup.insertItem(i18n("Unhide Hidden Parts"), 4); popup.insertSeparator(); } popup.insertItem(i18n("Go Back"), 99); if (i->rtti() == 3) { TreeMapItem* ni = i; int id = 100; while (ni && ni->rtti() == 3) { TraceCost* c = ((SubPartItem*)ni)->partCostItem(); if (c->type() == TraceItem::PartFunction) if ( ((TracePartFunction*)c)->function() == _function) break; str = i18n("Select") + " '" + ni->text(0) + "'"; popup.insertItem(str, id); ni = ni->parent(); id++; } } popup.insertSeparator(); vpopup.setCheckable(true); popup.insertItem(i18n("Visualization"), &vpopup, 10); vpopup.insertItem(i18n("Partitioning Mode"), 30); vpopup.insertItem(i18n("Diagram Mode"), 34); vpopup.insertItem(i18n("Zoom Function"), 31); vpopup.insertItem(i18n("Show Direct Calls"), 32); vpopup.insertItem(i18n("Increment Shown Call Levels"), 33); if (partAreaWidget->visualisation() == PartAreaWidget::Partitioning) { vpopup.setItemChecked(30, true); vpopup.setItemEnabled(31, false); vpopup.setItemEnabled(32, false); vpopup.setItemEnabled(33, false); } else { vpopup.setItemChecked(31, partAreaWidget->zoomFunction()); } vpopup.setItemChecked(34, _diagramMode); vpopup.insertSeparator(); vpopup.insertItem(i18n("Draw Names"), 20); vpopup.insertItem(i18n("Draw Costs"), 21); vpopup.insertItem(i18n("Ignore Proportions"), 22); vpopup.insertItem(i18n("Draw Frames"), 24); vpopup.insertItem(i18n("Allow Rotation"), 23); if (!partAreaWidget->fieldVisible(0) && !partAreaWidget->fieldVisible(1)) { vpopup.setItemEnabled(22, false); vpopup.setItemEnabled(23, false); } else { vpopup.setItemChecked(20,partAreaWidget->fieldVisible(0)); vpopup.setItemChecked(21,partAreaWidget->fieldVisible(1)); vpopup.setItemChecked(22,partAreaWidget->fieldForced(0)); vpopup.setItemChecked(23,partAreaWidget->allowRotation()); vpopup.setItemChecked(24,_drawFrames); } if (_showInfo) popup.insertItem(i18n("Hide Info"), 40); else popup.insertItem(i18n("Show Info"), 41); int r = popup.exec(partAreaWidget->mapToGlobal(p)); if (r>=100) { TreeMapItem* ci = i; while (ci && r>100) { ci = ci->parent(); r--; } doubleClicked(ci); return; } switch(r) { case 1: // select/deselect part under mouse partAreaWidget->setSelected(s, !partAreaWidget->isSelected(s)); break; case 2: // select all parts { TreeMapItemList list = *partAreaWidget->base()->children(); partAreaWidget->setRangeSelection(list.first(), list.last(), true); } break; case 3: emit partsHideSelected(); break; case 4: emit partsUnhideAll(); break; case 99: // last selected function emit goBack(); break; case 20: partAreaWidget->setFieldVisible(0, !vpopup.isItemChecked(20)); break; case 21: partAreaWidget->setFieldVisible(1, !vpopup.isItemChecked(21)); break; case 22: partAreaWidget->setFieldForced(0, !vpopup.isItemChecked(22)); partAreaWidget->setFieldForced(1, !vpopup.isItemChecked(22)); break; case 23: partAreaWidget->setAllowRotation(!vpopup.isItemChecked(23)); break; case 24: _drawFrames = !_drawFrames; partAreaWidget->drawFrame(2,_drawFrames); partAreaWidget->drawFrame(3,_drawFrames); break; case 30: partAreaWidget->setVisualisation(!vpopup.isItemChecked(30) ? PartAreaWidget::Partitioning : PartAreaWidget::Inclusive); break; case 31: // zoom/unzoom function partAreaWidget->setZoomFunction(!vpopup.isItemChecked(31)); break; case 32: case 33: // change call Levels { int l = (r==32) ? 1 : partAreaWidget->callLevels()+1; partAreaWidget->setCallLevels(l); } break; case 34: _diagramMode = !_diagramMode; partAreaWidget->setTransparent(2,_diagramMode); break; case 40: case 41: showInfo(r==41); break; default: break; } } void PartSelection::hiddenPartsChangedSlot(const TracePartList& list) { partAreaWidget->changeHidden(list); } void PartSelection::readVisualisationConfig(TDEConfigGroup* config) { bool enable; TQString mode = config->readEntry("PartitionMode", "Inclusive"); if (mode == "Inclusive") partAreaWidget->setVisualisation(PartAreaWidget::Inclusive); else partAreaWidget->setVisualisation(PartAreaWidget::Partitioning); _diagramMode = config->readBoolEntry("DiagramMode", false); partAreaWidget->setTransparent(2,_diagramMode); _drawFrames = config->readBoolEntry("DrawFrames", true); partAreaWidget->drawFrame(2,_drawFrames); partAreaWidget->drawFrame(3,_drawFrames); enable = config->readBoolEntry("GraphZoom", false); partAreaWidget->setZoomFunction(enable); int levels = config->readNumEntry("GraphLevels", 1); partAreaWidget->setCallLevels(levels); enable = config->readBoolEntry("GraphDrawName", true); partAreaWidget->setFieldVisible(0, enable); enable = config->readBoolEntry("GraphDrawCost", true); partAreaWidget->setFieldVisible(1, enable); enable = config->readBoolEntry("GraphForceStrings", false); partAreaWidget->setFieldForced(0, enable); partAreaWidget->setFieldForced(1, enable); enable = config->readBoolEntry("GraphAllowRotation", true); partAreaWidget->setAllowRotation(enable); showInfo(config->readBoolEntry("ShowInfo", false)); } void PartSelection::saveVisualisationConfig(TDEConfigGroup* config) { TQString mode; if (partAreaWidget->visualisation() == PartAreaWidget::Inclusive) mode = "Inclusive"; else mode = "Partitioning"; config->writeEntry("PartitionMode", mode); config->writeEntry("DiagramMode", _diagramMode); config->writeEntry("DrawFrames", _drawFrames); config->writeEntry("GraphZoom", partAreaWidget->zoomFunction()); config->writeEntry("GraphLevels", partAreaWidget->callLevels()); config->writeEntry("GraphDrawName", partAreaWidget->fieldVisible(0)); config->writeEntry("GraphDrawCosts", partAreaWidget->fieldVisible(1)); config->writeEntry("GraphForceStrings", partAreaWidget->fieldForced(0)); config->writeEntry("GraphAllowRotation", partAreaWidget->allowRotation()); config->writeEntry("ShowInfo", _showInfo); } void PartSelection::showInfo(bool enable) { if (_showInfo == enable) return; _showInfo = enable; if (enable) { rangeLabel->show(); fillInfo(); } else rangeLabel->hide(); } void PartSelection::fillInfo() { if (!_data) { rangeLabel->setText(i18n("(no trace loaded)")); return; } TQString info = _data->activePartRange(); TreeMapItem* i = partAreaWidget->current(); while (i && i->rtti()!=2) i = i->parent(); if (i) { TracePart* part = ((PartItem*)i)->part(); //if (!part->trigger().isEmpty()) info += ", " + part->trigger(); if (!part->timeframe().isEmpty()) info += ", Time " + part->timeframe() + " BBs"; } else { TracePart* part = _data->parts().first(); if (part && !part->version().isEmpty()) info += ", Cachegrind " + part->version(); } rangeLabel->setText(info); } #include "partselection.moc"