/* **************************************************************************** This file is part of KBabel Copyright (C) 1999-2000 by Matthias Kiefer 2002-2004 by Stanislav Visnovsky This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the code of this program with any edition of the TQt library by Trolltech AS, Norway (or with modified versions of TQt that use the same license as TQt), and distribute linked combinations including the two. You must obey the GNU General Public License in all respects for all of the code used other than TQt. If you modify this file, you may extend this exception to your version of the file, but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement from your version. **************************************************************************** */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "catalogsettings.h" #include "editcmd.h" #include "tagextractor.h" #include "kbabelview.h" #include "kbabeldictbox.h" #include "mymultilineedit.h" #include "hidingmsgedit.h" #include "roughtransdlg.h" #include "kbabelsettings.h" #include "kbprojectsettings.h" #include "resources.h" using namespace KBabel; TQPtrList KBabelView::dictionaries() { TQPtrList list = dictBox->moduleInfos(); return list; } void KBabelView::configureDictionary(const TQString id) { dictBox->configure(id); } void KBabelView::editDictionary(const TQString id) { dictBox->edit(id); } void KBabelView::aboutDictionary(const TQString id) { dictBox->aboutModule(id); } void KBabelView::informDictionary() { if( isSearching () ) stopSearch (); if( msgstrEdit->isModified() ) dictBox->setTextChanged(_catalog->msgid(_currentIndex,true) ,*(_catalog->msgstr(_currentIndex).at(msgstrEdit->currentForm())) ,msgstrEdit->currentForm() ,_catalog->comment(_currentIndex)); } void KBabelView::setNewLanguage() { IdentitySettings s = _catalog->identitySettings(); dictBox->setLanguage(s.languageCode, s.languageName); // setup new plural form number int form = msgstrEdit->currentForm(); if( form >= s.numberOfPluralForms ) form = s.numberOfPluralForms-1; msgstrEdit->setNumberOfPlurals (s.numberOfPluralForms); updateSettings(); if (! _catalog->currentURL().isEmpty()) { updateEditor( form ); } } void KBabelView::wheelEvent(TQWheelEvent *e) { if( _catalog->numberOfEntries() == 0 ) return; if( (e->state() & ControlButton) && (e->state() & AltButton)) { if(e->delta() > 0) { gotoPrevFuzzyOrUntrans(); } else { gotoNextFuzzyOrUntrans(); } } else if(e->state() & ControlButton) { if(e->delta() > 0) { gotoPrevFuzzy(); } else { gotoNextFuzzy(); } } else if(e->state() & AltButton) { if(e->delta() > 0) { gotoPrevUntranslated(); } else { gotoNextUntranslated(); } } else { if(e->delta() > 0) { gotoPrev(); } else { gotoNext(); } } e->accept(); } void KBabelView::roughTranslation() { RoughTransDlg *dlg = new RoughTransDlg(dictBox, _catalog, this , "roughtransDlg"); dlg->exec(); delete dlg; } void KBabelView::updateTags() { bool hadTags = _tags.count() > 0; _tags = _catalog->tagList(_currentIndex); if(_tagsMenu) { _tagsMenu->clear(); TQStringList tList; TQStringList::Iterator it; int counter=0; for(it=_tags.begin(); it!=_tags.end(); ++it) { TQString s = *it; if( s.startsWith("&") ) s = "&"+s; if(!tList.contains(s)) { _tagsMenu->insertItem(s,counter); tList.append(s); } counter++; } } bool haveTags = (_tags.count() > 0); if(isReadOnly()) haveTags=false; if(haveTags != hadTags) { emit signalNextTagAvailable(haveTags); emit signalTagsAvailable(haveTags); } _currentTag = 0; if(haveTags) { _tagExtractor->setString(_catalog->msgid(_currentIndex).first()); } // if there is no tag, it will set invalid tag selectTag(); } void KBabelView::skipToNextTag() { if( (uint)_currentTag >= _tags.count()-1 ) return; ++_currentTag; selectTag(); } void KBabelView::skipToPreviousTag() { if( _currentTag == 0 ) return; --_currentTag; selectTag(); } void KBabelView::selectTag() { if( _tagExtractor->countMatches() == 0 ) { // no tags, select none kdDebug() << "No tags" << endl; msgidLabel->selectTag(0,0); return; } // count number of eofs in tag uint diff=0; // FIXME: what about plural forms TQString msgid = _catalog->msgid(_currentIndex).first(); for( uint i = _tagExtractor->matchIndex(_currentTag); i < _tagExtractor->matchIndex(_currentTag)+_tags[_currentTag].length()+1; i++ ) { if( msgid[i] == '\n' ) diff++; } msgidLabel->selectTag(_tagExtractor->matchIndex(_currentTag),_tags[_currentTag].length()+diff); emit signalNextTag (_currentTag); } void KBabelView::setTagsMenu(TQPopupMenu *menu) { _tagsMenu=menu; connect(_tagsMenu,TQ_SIGNAL(activated(int)),this,TQ_SLOT(insertTag(int))); } void KBabelView::modifyMsgstrText(const uint offset, const TQString& text, bool clearFirst) { _catalog->applyBeginCommand( _currentIndex, Msgstr ,this); if( clearFirst ) msgstrEdit->clear(); InsTextCmd* insCmd = new InsTextCmd(offset,text,msgstrEdit->currentForm()); insCmd->setPart(Msgstr); insCmd->setIndex(_currentIndex); msgstrEdit->processCommand(insCmd,false); forwardMsgstrEditCmd(insCmd); _catalog->applyEndCommand(_currentIndex, Msgstr,this); autoCheck( true ); // check it NOW - it should not be needed, but it is, I don't know why :-( } void KBabelView::insertTag(int n) { TQString tag = _tagsMenu->text(n); if( tag.startsWith( "&&" ) ) tag = tag.remove(0,1); // replace && -> &. && is used for correct menu display modifyMsgstrText( msgstrEdit->currentIndex(), tag ); } void KBabelView::insertNextTag() { if(_currentTag >= (int)_tags.count()) { KNotifyClient::beep(); return; } int offset = msgstrEdit->currentIndex(); _currentTag++; selectTag(); modifyMsgstrText( offset, _tags[_currentTag-1] ); } void KBabelView::insertNextTagMsgid() { TagExtractor extractor; int offset = msgstrEdit->beginOfLastMarkedText(); //msgstrEdit->currentIndex(); TQString s = (*_catalog->msgstr(_currentIndex).at(msgstrEdit->currentForm())).left(offset); TQString t; if( _catalog->pluralForm( _currentIndex ) == KDESpecific ) { int pos = msgstrEdit->currentIndex(); int currentFormBegin=s.findRev("\\n",pos); if( currentFormBegin == -1 ) currentFormBegin=0; else currentFormBegin+=3; // skip the newline int currentFormEnd=s.find("\\n",pos); if( currentFormEnd == -1 ) currentFormEnd=s.length(); s=s.mid(currentFormBegin,currentFormEnd-currentFormBegin); } extractor.setString(s); uint num= extractor.countMatches(); if(num >= _tags.count()) { KNotifyClient::beep(); return; } t=_tags[num]; modifyMsgstrText( offset, t ); } void KBabelView::showTagsMenu() { if(_tagsMenu && _tags.count() > 0) { int y=msgstrEdit->height()/2; int x=msgstrEdit->width()/2; _tagsMenu->exec(msgstrEdit->mapToGlobal( TQPoint(x,y) ) ); return; } } void KBabelView::updateArgs() { bool hadArgs = _args.count() > 0; _args = _catalog->argList(_currentIndex); if(_argsMenu) { _argsMenu->clear(); TQStringList tList; TQStringList::Iterator it; int counter=0; for(it=_args.begin(); it!=_args.end(); ++it) { TQString s = *it; if(!tList.contains(s)) { _argsMenu->insertItem(s,counter); tList.append(s); } counter++; } } bool haveArgs = (_args.count() > 0); if(isReadOnly()) haveArgs=false; if(haveArgs != hadArgs) { emit signalNextArgAvailable(haveArgs); emit signalArgsAvailable(haveArgs); } } void KBabelView::setArgsMenu(TQPopupMenu *menu) { _argsMenu=menu; connect(_argsMenu,TQ_SIGNAL(activated(int)),this,TQ_SLOT(insertArg(int))); } void KBabelView::insertArg(int n) { TQString arg = _argsMenu->text(n); modifyMsgstrText( msgstrEdit->currentIndex(), arg ); } void KBabelView::insertNextArg() { int offset = msgstrEdit->currentIndex(); TQString s = (*_catalog->msgstr(_currentIndex).at(msgstrEdit->currentForm())).left(offset); if( _catalog->pluralForm( _currentIndex ) == KDESpecific ) { int pos = msgstrEdit->currentIndex(); int currentFormBegin=s.findRev("\\n",pos); if( currentFormBegin == -1 ) currentFormBegin=0; else currentFormBegin+=3; // skip the newline int currentFormEnd=s.find("\\n",pos); if( currentFormEnd == -1 ) currentFormEnd=s.length(); s=s.mid(currentFormBegin,currentFormEnd-currentFormBegin); } _argExtractor->setString(s); uint num=_argExtractor->countMatches(); if(num >= _args.count()) { KNotifyClient::beep(); return; } TQString t=_args[num]; modifyMsgstrText( offset,t ); } void KBabelView::showArgsMenu() { if(_argsMenu && _args.count() > 0) { int y=msgstrEdit->height()/2; int x=msgstrEdit->width()/2; _argsMenu->exec(msgstrEdit->mapToGlobal( TQPoint(x,y) ) ); return; } } void KBabelView::diff() { diffInternal(false); msgstrEdit->setFocus(); } void KBabelView::diffShowOrig() { msgidLabel->setText(_catalog->msgid(_currentIndex)); msgidLabel->forceUpdate(); msgstrEdit->setFocus(); } void KBabelView::toggleAutoDiff(bool on) { if(on != _diffEnabled) { _diffEnabled = on; if(on) { diff(); } else { diffShowOrig(); } } } void KBabelView::autoDiff() { diffInternal(true); } void KBabelView::diffInternal(bool autoDf) { if(_diffing || _loadingDiffFile) { return; } _diffing = true; uint diffIndex = _currentIndex; TQString diffString; Catalog::DiffResult r = _catalog->diff(_currentIndex, &diffString); if(r == Catalog::DiffNeedList) { switch( _project->settings()->useDBForDiff() ) { case 1: { _loadingDiffFile=true; bool wasEnabled=_diffEnabled; _diffEnabled=false; TQValueList diffList; TQString error; TQString package = _catalog->packageName()+".po"; kdDebug(KBABEL) << "getting list for " << package << endl; if(dictBox->messagesForPackage(package,diffList,error)) { kdDebug(KBABEL) << "got " << diffList.count() << " messages" << endl; _catalog->setDiffList(diffList); } else { KMessageBox::sorry(this ,i18n("An error occurred while trying to get the list " "of messages for this file from the database:\n" "%1").arg(error)); _diffing=false; _diffEnabled=false; _loadingDiffFile=false; emit signalDiffEnabled(false); return; } _diffEnabled=wasEnabled; _loadingDiffFile=false; break; } case 0: { _diffing=false; if(!openDiffFile(true)) { _diffEnabled=false; emit signalDiffEnabled(false); _diffing=false; return; } _diffing = true; break; } case 2: { // get the list of all entries TQValueList diffList = _catalog->asDiffList(); TQValueList resultList; // swap msgstr and msgid TQValueList::iterator it; DiffEntry entry; for ( it = diffList.begin(); it != diffList.end(); ++it ) { entry.msgstr = (*it).msgid; // if there is no translation, do not show difference if( !(*it).msgstr.isEmpty() ) { entry.msgid = (*it).msgstr; } else { entry.msgid = (*it).msgid; } resultList.append(entry); } // set as a source for diff _catalog->setDiffList(resultList); _diffing=false; _diffEnabled=true; _loadingDiffFile=false; emit signalDiffEnabled(true); } } diffIndex = _currentIndex; r = _catalog->diff(_currentIndex, &diffString); } // if the index changed in the meanwhile while(diffIndex != _currentIndex) { diffIndex=_currentIndex; r = _catalog->diff(_currentIndex,&diffString); } if(r == Catalog::DiffOk) { msgidLabel->setText(diffString); msgidLabel->forceUpdate(); // FIXME: should care about plural forms if(diffString == _catalog->msgid(_currentIndex).first() ) { emit signalChangeStatusbar(i18n("No difference found")); } else { emit signalChangeStatusbar(i18n("Difference found")); } } else { if(!autoDf) { KMessageBox::information(this ,i18n("No corresponding message found.")); } else { emit signalChangeStatusbar( i18n("No corresponding message found")); } } _diffing = false; } bool KBabelView::openDiffFile() { return openDiffFile(false); } bool KBabelView::openDiffFile(bool autoDiff) { if(_diffing || _loadingDiffFile) return false; KURL url; if( autoDiff && ! _project->settings()->diffBaseDir().isEmpty() ) { KURL fileURL = _catalog->currentURL(); KURL poBaseURL( _project->catManSettings().poBaseDir ); TQString poBase = poBaseURL.path(); int len = poBase.length(); if(fileURL.path().left(len) == poBase) { TQString fileRelPath = fileURL.path().mid(len); if(fileRelPath[0] == '/') fileRelPath=fileRelPath.mid(1); if(_project->settings()->diffBaseDir().right(1) != "/") _project->settings()->diffBaseDir() += '/'; TQString diffFilePath = _project->settings()->diffBaseDir() + fileRelPath; KURL diffFileURL(diffFilePath); if(diffFileURL.isValid() && TDEIO::NetAccess::exists(diffFileURL,true,NULL)) { url = diffFileURL; kdDebug(KBABEL) << "using file " << diffFileURL.prettyURL() << " as diff file" << endl; } } } if(url.isEmpty()) { url = KFileDialog::getOpenURL(_project->settings()->diffBaseDir(), "application/x-gettext", this, i18n("Select File to Diff With")); } if(url.isEmpty()) return false; _loadingDiffFile=true; bool wasEnabled=_diffEnabled; _diffEnabled=false; Catalog cat; connect(&cat,TQ_SIGNAL(signalProgress(int)),this,TQ_SIGNAL(signalProgress(int))); emit signalResetProgressBar(i18n("loading file for diff"),100); ConversionStatus stat = cat.openURL(url); emit signalClearProgressBar(); if(stat != OK && stat != RECOVERED_PARSE_ERROR) { switch(stat) { case PARSE_ERROR: { KMessageBox::sorry(this ,i18n("Error while trying to read file:\n %1\n" "Maybe it is not a valid PO file.").arg(url.prettyURL())); break; } case NO_PERMISSIONS: { KMessageBox::sorry(this,i18n( "You do not have permissions to read file:\n %1") .arg(url.prettyURL())); break; } case NO_FILE: { KMessageBox::sorry(this,i18n( "You have not specified a valid file:\n %1") .arg(url.prettyURL())); break; } case NO_PLUGIN: { KMessageBox::error(this,i18n( "KBabel cannot find a corresponding plugin for the MIME type of the file:\n %1").arg(url.prettyURL())); break; } case UNSUPPORTED_TYPE: { KMessageBox::error(this,i18n( "The import plugin cannot handle this type of the file:\n %1").arg(url.prettyURL())); break; } default: { KMessageBox::sorry(this,i18n( "Error while trying to open file:\n %1") .arg(url.prettyURL())); break; } } _diffEnabled=wasEnabled; _loadingDiffFile=false; return false; } _catalog->setDiffList( cat.asDiffList() ); _diffEnabled=wasEnabled; _loadingDiffFile=false; return true; } void KBabelView::showTryLaterMessageBox() { if( !_showTryLaterBox ) return; KDialogBase *dialog= new KDialogBase( i18n("Information"), KDialogBase::Yes, KDialogBase::Yes, KDialogBase::Yes, this, "information", true, true, KStdGuiItem::ok() ); TQVBox *topcontents = new TQVBox (dialog); topcontents->setSpacing(KDialog::spacingHint()*2); topcontents->setMargin(KDialog::marginHint()*2); TQWidget *contents = new TQWidget(topcontents); TQHBoxLayout * lay = new TQHBoxLayout(contents); lay->setSpacing(KDialog::spacingHint()*2); lay->addStretch(1); TQLabel *label1 = new TQLabel( contents); label1->setPixmap(TQMessageBox::standardIcon(TQMessageBox::Information)); lay->add( label1 ); TQLabel *label2 = new TQLabel( i18n("The search string has not been found yet.\n" "However, the string might be found " "in the files being searched at the moment.\n" "Please try later."), contents); label2->setAlignment( TQt::AlignAuto | TQt::AlignVCenter | TQt::ExpandTabs | TQt::WordBreak ); label2->setMinimumSize(label2->sizeHint()); lay->add( label2 ); lay->addStretch(1); TQCheckBox *checkbox = new TQCheckBox(i18n("Do not show in this find/replace session again"), topcontents); dialog->setMainWidget(topcontents); dialog->enableButtonSeparator(false); dialog->incInitialSize( TQSize(50,0) ); dialog->exec(); _showTryLaterBox = !checkbox->isChecked(); delete dialog; } void KBabelView::setFilePackage() { bool result=false; TQString p = KInputDialog::getText(TQString(), i18n("Enter new package for the current file:"),_catalog->package(),&result,this); if( result ) { _catalog->setPackage(p); emit signalChangeCaption(p); } } void KBabelView::insertTagFromTool( const TQString& tag ) { modifyMsgstrText(msgstrEdit->currentIndex(),tag); msgstrEdit->setFocus(); } void KBabelView::skipToTagFromTool( int index ) { _currentTag = index; selectTag(); } void KBabelView::plural2msgstr() { int currentFormBegin, currentFormEnd, pos; uint i; TQStringList msgs = _catalog->msgstr(_currentIndex); TQString text= *msgs.at(msgstrEdit->currentForm()); uint numForms = _catalog->numberOfPluralForms(_currentIndex); if( text.isEmpty() || _catalog->pluralForm(_currentIndex) == NoPluralForm) return; TQString result; switch( _catalog->pluralForm(_currentIndex) ) { case Gettext: _catalog->applyBeginCommand( _currentIndex, Msgstr ,this); i=0; for( TQStringList::Iterator it=msgs.begin() ; it!=msgs.end() ; ++it ) { if( i!= msgstrEdit->currentForm() ) { // clear first DelTextCmd* insCmd = new DelTextCmd(0,(*it),i); insCmd->setPart(Msgstr); insCmd->setIndex(_currentIndex); msgstrEdit->processCommand(insCmd,false); forwardMsgstrEditCmd(insCmd); // insert text insCmd = new InsTextCmd(0,text,i); insCmd->setPart(Msgstr); insCmd->setIndex(_currentIndex); msgstrEdit->processCommand(insCmd,false); forwardMsgstrEditCmd(insCmd); } i++; } // fill the non-initialized ones while (i != numForms) { // insert text DelTextCmd* insCmd = new InsTextCmd(0,text,i); insCmd->setPart(Msgstr); insCmd->setIndex(_currentIndex); msgstrEdit->processCommand(insCmd,false); forwardMsgstrEditCmd(insCmd); i++; } _catalog->applyEndCommand( _currentIndex, Msgstr ,this); break; case KDESpecific: { pos = msgstrEdit->currentIndex(); currentFormBegin=text.findRev("\\n",pos); if( currentFormBegin == -1 ) currentFormBegin=0; else currentFormBegin+=3; // skip the newline currentFormEnd=text.find("\\n",pos); if( currentFormEnd == -1 ) currentFormEnd=text.length(); text=text.mid(currentFormBegin,currentFormEnd-currentFormBegin); TQString result=text; for( i=1; icheckUsingTool(tool); emitEntryState(); TQString checkName = *(info.userCommands().at( info.commands().findIndex(command) )); if(result) { KMessageBox::information(this ,i18n("No mismatch has been found.") ,checkName); } else { int index=0; DocPosition pos; if(!_catalog->hasError(0,pos)) index = _catalog->nextError(0,pos); if(index>=0) { kdDebug(KBABEL) << "Going to " << pos.item << ", " << pos.form << endl; gotoEntry(pos); } KMessageBox::error(this ,i18n("Some mismatches have been found.\n" "Please check the questionable entries by using " "Go->Next error") ,checkName); } delete tool; return result; } void KBabelView::modifyUsingTool( const KDataToolInfo & info, const TQString &command ) { KDataTool* tool = info.createTool(); if( !tool ) { kdWarning() << "Cannot create tool" << endl; return; } // do some stuff on all entries _catalog->modifyUsingTool(tool, command); delete tool; } void KBabelView::modifyCatalogUsingTool( const KDataToolInfo & info, const TQString &command ) { KDataTool* tool = info.createTool(); if( !tool ) { kdWarning() << "Cannot create tool" << endl; return; } // do some stuff on the catalog tool->run(command, _catalog, "Catalog", "application/x-kbabel-catalog"); delete tool; } void KBabelView::insertChar( TQChar ch ) { if( isReadOnly() || _catalog->package().isEmpty() ) return; modifyMsgstrText(msgstrEdit->currentIndex(),ch); msgstrEdit->setFocus(); } void KBabelView::wordCount() { uint total, untranslated, fuzzy; _catalog->wordCount( total, fuzzy, untranslated ); KMessageBox::information( this , i18n("Total words: %1\n\n" "Words in untranslated messages: %2\n\n" "Words in fuzzy messages: %3").arg(total).arg(untranslated).arg(fuzzy) , i18n("Word Count") ); }