/***************************************************************************** This file is part of KBabel Copyright (C) 1999-2000 by Matthias Kiefer 2001-2004 by Stanislav Visnovsky This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the code of this program with any edition of the TQt library by Trolltech AS, Norway (or with modified versions of TQt that use the same license as TQt), and distribute linked combinations including the two. You must obey the GNU General Public License in all respects for all of the code used other than TQt. If you modify this file, you may extend this exception to your version of the file, but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement from your version. **************************************************************************** */ #include "catmanresource.h" #include "catalogmanager.h" #include "catalog.h" #include "catalogmanagerapp.h" #include "findinfilesdialog.h" #include "kbabeldictbox.h" #include "resources.h" #include "projectpref.h" #include "kbprojectmanager.h" #include "projectwizard.h" #include "msgfmt.h" #include "toolaction.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include //#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace KBabel; WId CatalogManagerApp::_preferredWindow = 0; TQStringList CatalogManager::_foundFilesList; TQStringList CatalogManager::_toBeSearched; CatalogManager::CatalogManager(TQString configFile ) :TDEMainWindow(0,0) { if ( configFile.isEmpty() ) configFile = KBabel::ProjectManager::defaultProjectName(); _configFile = configFile; init(); restoreSettings(); updateSettings(); } CatalogManager::~CatalogManager() { saveView(); saveSettings(_configFile); delete config; } void CatalogManager::init() { _foundToBeSent = 0; _totalFound = 0; _foundFilesList.clear(); _toBeSearched.clear(); _timerFind = new TQTimer( this ); connect(_timerFind, TQ_SIGNAL( timeout() ), this, TQ_SLOT(findNextFile()) ); _searchStopped = false; _prefDialog=0; _findDialog=0; _replaceDialog=0; _project = KBabel::ProjectManager::open(_configFile); if ( _project == NULL ) { KMessageBox::error( this, i18n("Cannot open project file\n%1").arg(_configFile) , i18n("Project File Error")); _project = KBabel::ProjectManager::open(KBabel::ProjectManager::defaultProjectName()); } connect( _project, TQ_SIGNAL (signalCatManSettingsChanged()) , this, TQ_SLOT (updateSettings())); TQWidget *view = new TQWidget(this); TQVBoxLayout* layout= new TQVBoxLayout(view); layout->setMargin(0); layout->setSpacing(KDialog::spacingHint()); _catalogManager=new CatalogManagerView(_project, view,"catalog manager"); layout->addWidget(_catalogManager); layout->setStretchFactor(_catalogManager,1); connect(this,TQ_SIGNAL(settingsChanged(KBabel::CatManSettings)) ,_catalogManager,TQ_SLOT(setSettings(KBabel::CatManSettings))); connect(_catalogManager,TQ_SIGNAL(openFile(TQString,TQString)) ,this,TQ_SLOT(openFile(TQString,TQString))); connect(_catalogManager,TQ_SIGNAL(openFileInNewWindow(TQString,TQString)) ,this,TQ_SLOT(openFileInNewWindow(TQString,TQString))); connect(_catalogManager,TQ_SIGNAL(openTemplate(TQString,TQString,TQString)) ,this,TQ_SLOT(openTemplate(TQString,TQString,TQString))); connect(_catalogManager,TQ_SIGNAL(openTemplateInNewWindow(TQString,TQString,TQString)) ,this,TQ_SLOT(openTemplateInNewWindow(TQString,TQString,TQString))); connect(_catalogManager,TQ_SIGNAL(gotoFileEntry(TQString,TQString,int)) ,this,TQ_SLOT(openFile(TQString,TQString,int))); connect(_catalogManager, TQ_SIGNAL(selectedChanged(uint)), this, TQ_SLOT(selectedChanged(uint))); KWin::setIcons(winId(),BarIcon("catalogmanager",32) ,SmallIcon("catalogmanager")); TQHBoxLayout* hBoxL = new TQHBoxLayout(layout); _progressLabel = new TQLabel(view); hBoxL->addWidget(_progressLabel); _progressBar=new KProgress(view); hBoxL->addWidget(_progressBar); hBoxL->setStretchFactor(_progressBar,1); _progressLabel->hide(); _progressBar->hide(); connect(_catalogManager,TQ_SIGNAL(prepareProgressBar(TQString,int)) , this, TQ_SLOT(prepareProgressBar(TQString,int))); connect(_catalogManager,TQ_SIGNAL(clearProgressBar()) , this, TQ_SLOT(clearProgressBar())); connect(_catalogManager,TQ_SIGNAL(progress(int)) , _progressBar, TQ_SLOT(setProgress(int))); // connect(_catalogManager, TQ_SIGNAL(signalBuildTree(bool)) // , this, TQ_SLOT(enableMenuForFiles(bool))); connect(_catalogManager, TQ_SIGNAL(signalBuildTree(bool)) , this, TQ_SLOT(enableActions(bool))); connect(this, TQ_SIGNAL(searchStopped()) , _catalogManager, TQ_SLOT(stopSearch())); connect(_catalogManager, TQ_SIGNAL(prepareFindProgressBar(int)) , this, TQ_SLOT(prepareStatusProgressBar(int))); setCentralWidget(view); resize( 600,300); setupStatusBar(); setupActions(); TQPopupMenu* popup; popup = (TQPopupMenu*)(factory()->container("rmb_file", this)); if(popup) { _catalogManager->setRMBMenuFile(popup); } popup = (TQPopupMenu*)(factory()->container("rmb_dir", this)); if(popup) { _catalogManager->setRMBMenuDir(popup); } connect(_catalogManager, TQ_SIGNAL(signalSearchedFile(int)) , _statusProgressBar, TQ_SLOT(advance(int))); restoreView(); } void CatalogManager::setupActions() { TDEGlobal::iconLoader()->addAppDir("kbabel"); TDEAction *action; // the file menu action = new TDEAction( i18n("&Open"), CTRL+Key_O, _catalogManager, TQ_SLOT(slotOpenFile()),actionCollection(), "open"); action->setEnabled(false); action = new TDEAction(i18n("&Open Template"),Key_Space,_catalogManager, TQ_SLOT(slotOpenTemplate()),actionCollection(), "open_template"); action->setEnabled(false); action = new TDEAction(i18n("Open in &New Window"),CTRL+SHIFT+Key_O,_catalogManager, TQ_SLOT(slotOpenFileInNewWindow()),actionCollection(), "open_new_window"); action->setEnabled(false); action = KStdAction::quit(kapp, TQ_SLOT (closeAllWindows()), actionCollection()); actionMap["open_template"] = NEEDS_POT; // the edit menu action = new TDEAction( i18n("Fi&nd in Files..."), CTRL+Key_F, this, TQ_SLOT(find()), actionCollection(), "find_in_files"); action->setEnabled(false); action = new TDEAction( i18n("Re&place in Files..."), CTRL+Key_R, this, TQ_SLOT(replace()), actionCollection(), "replace_in_files"); action->setEnabled(false); action = new TDEAction( i18n("&Stop Searching"), "process-stop", Key_Escape, this, TQ_SLOT(stopSearching()), actionCollection(), "stop_search"); action->setEnabled(false); action = new TDEAction( i18n("&Reload"), "reload", TDEStdAccel::reload(), _catalogManager, TQ_SLOT(updateCurrent()), actionCollection(), "reload"); action->setEnabled(false); // the marking menu action = new TDEAction( i18n("&Toggle Marking"), CTRL+Key_M, _catalogManager, TQ_SLOT(toggleMark()), actionCollection(), "toggle_marking"); action->setEnabled(false); action = new TDEAction( i18n("Remove Marking"), 0, _catalogManager, TQ_SLOT(slotClearMarksInDir()), actionCollection(), "remove_marking"); action->setEnabled(false); action = new TDEAction( i18n("Toggle All Markings"), 0, _catalogManager, TQ_SLOT(toggleAllMarks()), actionCollection(), "toggle_all_marking"); action->setEnabled(false); action = new TDEAction( i18n("Remove All Markings"), 0, _catalogManager, TQ_SLOT(clearAllMarks()), actionCollection(), "remove_all_marking"); action->setEnabled(false); action = new TDEAction( i18n("Mark Modified Files"), 0, _catalogManager, TQ_SLOT(markModifiedFiles()), actionCollection(), "mark_modified_files"); // fixme to enabling this when loading is done using updateFinished() signal action->setEnabled(true); action = new TDEAction( i18n("&Load Markings..."), 0, _catalogManager, TQ_SLOT(loadMarks()), actionCollection(), "load_marking"); action->setEnabled(false); action = new TDEAction( i18n("&Save Markings..."), 0, _catalogManager, TQ_SLOT(saveMarks()), actionCollection(), "save_marking"); action->setEnabled(false); (void)new TDEAction(i18n("&Mark Files..."), 0, _catalogManager, TQ_SLOT(slotMarkPattern()), actionCollection(), "mark_pattern"); (void)new TDEAction(i18n("&Unmark Files..."), 0, _catalogManager, TQ_SLOT(slotUnmarkPattern()), actionCollection(), "unmark_pattern"); actionMap["remove_marking"] = NEEDS_MARK; actionMap["remove_all_marking"] = NEEDS_MARK; actionMap["mark_pattern"] = NEEDS_DIR; actionMap["unmark_pattern"] = NEEDS_DIR | NEEDS_MARK; // go menu action = new TDEAction(i18n("Nex&t Untranslated"), "nextuntranslated", ALT+Key_Next, _catalogManager, TQ_SLOT(gotoNextUntranslated()),actionCollection(), "go_next_untrans"); action->setEnabled(false); action = new TDEAction(i18n("Prev&ious Untranslated"), "prevuntranslated", ALT+Key_Prior, _catalogManager, TQ_SLOT(gotoPreviousUntranslated()),actionCollection(), "go_prev_untrans"); action->setEnabled(false); action = new TDEAction(i18n("Ne&xt Fuzzy"), "nextfuzzy", CTRL+Key_Next, _catalogManager, TQ_SLOT(gotoNextFuzzy()),actionCollection(), "go_next_fuzzy"); action->setEnabled(false); action = new TDEAction(i18n("Pre&vious Fuzzy"), "prevfuzzy", CTRL+Key_Prior, _catalogManager, TQ_SLOT(gotoPreviousFuzzy()),actionCollection(), "go_prev_fuzzy"); action->setEnabled(false); action = new TDEAction(i18n("N&ext Fuzzy or Untranslated"), "nextfuzzyuntrans", CTRL+SHIFT+Key_Next, _catalogManager, TQ_SLOT(gotoNextFuzzyOrUntranslated()),actionCollection(), "go_next_fuzzyUntr"); action->setEnabled(false); action = new TDEAction(i18n("P&revious Fuzzy or Untranslated"), "prevfuzzyuntrans", CTRL+SHIFT+Key_Prior, _catalogManager, TQ_SLOT(gotoPreviousFuzzyOrUntranslated()),actionCollection(), "go_prev_fuzzyUntr"); action->setEnabled(false); action = new TDEAction(i18n("Next Err&or"), "nexterror", ALT+SHIFT+Key_Next, _catalogManager, TQ_SLOT(gotoNextError()),actionCollection(), "go_next_error"); action->setEnabled(false); action = new TDEAction(i18n("Previo&us Error"), "preverror", ALT+SHIFT+Key_Prior, _catalogManager, TQ_SLOT(gotoPreviousError()),actionCollection(), "go_prev_error"); action->setEnabled(false); action = new TDEAction(i18n("Next Te&mplate Only"), "nexttemplate", CTRL+Key_Down, _catalogManager, TQ_SLOT(gotoNextTemplate()),actionCollection(), "go_next_template"); action->setEnabled(false); action = new TDEAction(i18n("Previous Temp&late Only"), "prevtemplate", CTRL+Key_Up, _catalogManager, TQ_SLOT(gotoPreviousTemplate()),actionCollection(), "go_prev_template"); action->setEnabled(false); action = new TDEAction(i18n("Next Tran&slation Exists"), "nextpo", ALT+Key_Down, _catalogManager, TQ_SLOT(gotoNextPo()),actionCollection(), "go_next_po"); action->setEnabled(false); action = new TDEAction(i18n("Previous Transl&ation Exists"), "prevpo", ALT+Key_Up, _catalogManager, TQ_SLOT(gotoPreviousPo()),actionCollection(), "go_prev_po"); action->setEnabled(false); action = new TDEAction(i18n("Previous Marke&d"), "prevmarked", SHIFT+Key_Up, _catalogManager, TQ_SLOT(gotoPreviousMarked()),actionCollection(), "go_prev_marked"); action->setEnabled(false); action = new TDEAction(i18n("Next &Marked"), "nextmarked", SHIFT+Key_Down, _catalogManager, TQ_SLOT(gotoNextMarked()),actionCollection(), "go_next_marked"); action->setEnabled(false); // project menu // the project menu action = new TDEAction(i18n("&New..."), "document-new" , this, TQ_SLOT(projectNew()),actionCollection() ,"project_new"); action = new TDEAction(i18n("&Open..."), "document-open" , this, TQ_SLOT(projectOpen()),actionCollection() ,"project_open"); action = new TDEAction(i18n("C&lose"), "window-close" , this, TQ_SLOT(projectClose()),actionCollection() ,"project_close"); action->setEnabled (_project->filename() != KBabel::ProjectManager::defaultProjectName() ); action = new TDEAction(i18n("&Configure..."), "configure" , this, TQ_SLOT(projectConfigure()),actionCollection() ,"project_settings"); // tools menu action = new TDEAction( i18n("&Statistics"), "statistics", CTRL+Key_S, _catalogManager, TQ_SLOT(statistics()), actionCollection(), "statistics"); action->setEnabled(false); action = new TDEAction( i18n("S&tatistics in Marked"), "statistics", CTRL+ALT+Key_S, _catalogManager, TQ_SLOT(markedStatistics()), actionCollection(), "statistics_marked"); action->setEnabled(false); action = new TDEAction( i18n("Check S&yntax"), "syntax", CTRL+Key_Y, _catalogManager, TQ_SLOT(checkSyntax()), actionCollection(), "syntax"); action->setEnabled(false); action = new TDEAction( i18n("S&pell Check"), "tools-check-spelling", CTRL+Key_I, this, TQ_SLOT(spellcheck()), actionCollection(), "tools-check-spelling"); action->setEnabled(false); action = new TDEAction( i18n("Spell Check in &Marked"), "tools-check-spelling", CTRL+ALT+Key_I, this, TQ_SLOT(markedSpellcheck()), actionCollection(), "spellcheck_marked"); action->setEnabled(false); action = new TDEAction( i18n("&Rough Translation"), CTRL+Key_T, _catalogManager, TQ_SLOT(roughTranslation()), actionCollection(), "rough_translation"); action->setEnabled(false); action = new TDEAction( i18n("Rough Translation in M&arked"), CTRL+ALT+Key_T, _catalogManager, TQ_SLOT(markedRoughTranslation()), actionCollection(), "rough_translation_marked"); action->setEnabled(false); action = new TDEAction( i18n("Mai&l"), "mail-send", CTRL+Key_A, _catalogManager, TQ_SLOT(mailFiles()), actionCollection(), "mail_file"); action->setEnabled(false); action = new TDEAction( i18n("Mail Mar&ked"), "mail-send", CTRL+ALT+Key_A, _catalogManager, TQ_SLOT(mailMarkedFiles()), actionCollection(), "mail_file_marked"); action->setEnabled(false); action = new TDEAction( i18n("&Pack"), "application-x-tar", CTRL+Key_B, _catalogManager, TQ_SLOT(packageFiles()), actionCollection(), "package_file"); action = new TDEAction( i18n("Pack &Marked"), "application-x-tar", CTRL+ALT+Key_B, _catalogManager, TQ_SLOT(packageMarkedFiles()), actionCollection(), "package_file_marked"); action->setEnabled(false); actionMap["statistics_marked"] = NEEDS_DIR | NEEDS_MARK; actionMap["syntax"] = NEEDS_PO; actionMap["tools-check-spelling"] = NEEDS_PO; actionMap["spellcheck_marked"] = NEEDS_PO | NEEDS_MARK; actionMap["rough_translation_marked"] = NEEDS_MARK; actionMap["mail_file"] = NEEDS_PO; actionMap["mail_file_marked"] = NEEDS_PO | NEEDS_MARK; actionMap["package_file_marked"] = NEEDS_PO | NEEDS_MARK; // dynamic tools TQValueList tools = ToolAction::validationTools(); TQPtrList actions = ToolAction::dataToolActionList( tools, _catalogManager, TQ_SLOT(validateUsingTool( const KDataToolInfo &, const TQString& )) ,"validate", false, actionCollection() ); TDEActionMenu* m_menu = new TDEActionMenu(i18n("&Validation"), actionCollection(), "dynamic_validation"); TDEAction*ac; for(ac = actions.first(); ac ; ac = actions.next() ) { m_menu->insert(ac); } actions = ToolAction::dataToolActionList( tools, _catalogManager, TQ_SLOT(validateMarkedUsingTool( const KDataToolInfo &, const TQString& )) ,"validate", false, actionCollection(), "marked_" ); m_menu = new TDEActionMenu(i18n("V&alidation Marked"), actionCollection(), "dynamic_validation_marked"); for( ac = actions.first(); ac ; ac = actions.next() ) { m_menu->insert(ac); } actionMap["dynamic_validation"] = NEEDS_PO; actionMap["dynamic_validation_marked"] = NEEDS_PO | NEEDS_MARK; // CVS submenu // Actions for PO files (void)new TDEAction( i18n( "Update" ), "go-down", 0, _catalogManager, TQ_SLOT( cvsUpdate( ) ), actionCollection( ), "cvs_update" ); (void)new TDEAction( i18n( "Update Marked" ), 0, _catalogManager, TQ_SLOT( cvsUpdateMarked( ) ), actionCollection( ), "cvs_update_marked" ); (void)new TDEAction( i18n( "Commit" ), "go-up", 0, _catalogManager, TQ_SLOT( cvsCommit( ) ), actionCollection( ), "cvs_commit" ); (void)new TDEAction( i18n( "Commit Marked" ), 0, _catalogManager, TQ_SLOT( cvsCommitMarked( ) ), actionCollection( ), "cvs_commit_marked" ); (void)new TDEAction( i18n( "Status" ), 0, _catalogManager, TQ_SLOT( cvsStatus( ) ), actionCollection( ), "cvs_status" ); (void)new TDEAction( i18n( "Status for Marked" ), 0, _catalogManager, TQ_SLOT( cvsStatusMarked( ) ), actionCollection( ), "cvs_status_marked" ); (void)new TDEAction( i18n( "Show Diff" ), 0, _catalogManager, TQ_SLOT( cvsDiff( ) ), actionCollection( ), "cvs_diff" ); // CVS actionMap["cvs_update"] = NEEDS_PO | NEEDS_PO_CVS; actionMap["cvs_update_marked"] = NEEDS_PO | NEEDS_PO_CVS | NEEDS_MARK; actionMap["cvs_commit"] = NEEDS_PO | NEEDS_PO_CVS; actionMap["cvs_commit_marked"] = NEEDS_PO | NEEDS_PO_CVS | NEEDS_MARK; actionMap["cvs_status"] = NEEDS_PO | NEEDS_PO_CVS; actionMap["cvs_status_marked"] = NEEDS_PO | NEEDS_PO_CVS | NEEDS_MARK; actionMap["cvs_diff"] = NEEDS_PO | NEEDS_PO_CVS; // SVN submenu // Actions for PO files (void)new TDEAction( i18n( "Update" ), "go-down", 0, _catalogManager, TQ_SLOT( svnUpdate( ) ), actionCollection( ), "svn_update" ); (void)new TDEAction( i18n( "Update Marked" ), 0, _catalogManager, TQ_SLOT( svnUpdateMarked( ) ), actionCollection( ), "svn_update_marked" ); (void)new TDEAction( i18n( "Commit" ), "go-up", 0, _catalogManager, TQ_SLOT( svnCommit( ) ), actionCollection( ), "svn_commit" ); (void)new TDEAction( i18n( "Commit Marked" ), 0, _catalogManager, TQ_SLOT( svnCommitMarked( ) ), actionCollection( ), "svn_commit_marked" ); (void)new TDEAction( i18n( "Status (Local)" ), 0, _catalogManager, TQ_SLOT( svnStatusLocal() ), actionCollection( ), "svn_status_local" ); (void)new TDEAction( i18n( "Status (Local) for Marked" ), 0, _catalogManager, TQ_SLOT( svnStatusLocalMarked() ), actionCollection( ), "svn_status_local_marked" ); (void)new TDEAction( i18n( "Status (Remote)" ), 0, _catalogManager, TQ_SLOT( svnStatusRemote() ), actionCollection( ), "svn_status_remote" ); (void)new TDEAction( i18n( "Status (Remote) for Marked" ), 0, _catalogManager, TQ_SLOT( svnStatusRemoteMarked() ), actionCollection( ), "svn_status_remote_marked" ); (void)new TDEAction( i18n( "Show Diff" ), 0, _catalogManager, TQ_SLOT( svnDiff( ) ), actionCollection( ), "svn_diff" ); (void)new TDEAction( i18n( "Show Information" ), 0, _catalogManager, TQ_SLOT( svnInfo() ), actionCollection( ), "svn_info" ); (void)new TDEAction( i18n( "Show Information for Marked" ), 0, _catalogManager, TQ_SLOT( svnInfoMarked() ), actionCollection( ), "svn_info_marked" ); // SVN actionMap["svn_update"] = NEEDS_PO | NEEDS_PO_SVN; actionMap["svn_update_marked"] = NEEDS_PO | NEEDS_PO_SVN | NEEDS_MARK; actionMap["svn_commit"] = NEEDS_PO | NEEDS_PO_SVN; actionMap["svn_commit_marked"] = NEEDS_PO | NEEDS_PO_SVN | NEEDS_MARK; actionMap["svn_status_local"] = NEEDS_PO | NEEDS_PO_SVN; actionMap["svn_status_local_marked"] = NEEDS_PO | NEEDS_PO_SVN | NEEDS_MARK; actionMap["svn_status_remote"] = NEEDS_PO | NEEDS_PO_SVN; actionMap["svn_status_remote_marked"] = NEEDS_PO | NEEDS_PO_SVN | NEEDS_MARK; actionMap["svn_diff"] = NEEDS_PO | NEEDS_PO_SVN; actionMap["svn_info"] = NEEDS_PO | NEEDS_PO_SVN; actionMap["svn_info_marked"] = NEEDS_PO | NEEDS_PO_SVN | NEEDS_MARK; // CVS Actions for POT files (void)new TDEAction( i18n( "Update Templates" ), 0, _catalogManager, TQ_SLOT( cvsUpdateTemplate( ) ), actionCollection( ), "cvs_update_template" ); (void)new TDEAction( i18n( "Update Marked Templates" ), 0, _catalogManager, TQ_SLOT( cvsUpdateMarkedTemplate( ) ), actionCollection( ), "cvs_update_marked_template" ); (void)new TDEAction( i18n( "Commit Templates" ), 0, _catalogManager, TQ_SLOT( cvsCommitTemplate( ) ), actionCollection( ), "cvs_commit_template" ); (void)new TDEAction( i18n( "Commit Marked Templates" ), 0, _catalogManager, TQ_SLOT( cvsCommitMarkedTemplate( ) ), actionCollection( ), "cvs_commit_marked_template" ); actionMap["cvs_update_template"] = NEEDS_POT | NEEDS_POT_CVS; actionMap["cvs_update_marked_template"] = NEEDS_POT | NEEDS_POT_CVS | NEEDS_MARK; actionMap["cvs_commit_template"] = NEEDS_POT | NEEDS_POT_CVS; actionMap["cvs_commit_marked_template"] = NEEDS_POT | NEEDS_POT_CVS | NEEDS_MARK; // SVN Actions for POT files (void)new TDEAction( i18n( "Update Templates" ), 0, _catalogManager, TQ_SLOT( svnUpdateTemplate( ) ), actionCollection( ), "svn_update_template" ); (void)new TDEAction( i18n( "Update Marked Templates" ), 0, _catalogManager, TQ_SLOT( svnUpdateMarkedTemplate( ) ), actionCollection( ), "svn_update_marked_template" ); (void)new TDEAction( i18n( "Commit Templates" ), 0, _catalogManager, TQ_SLOT( svnCommitTemplate( ) ), actionCollection( ), "svn_commit_template" ); (void)new TDEAction( i18n( "Commit Marked Templates" ), 0, _catalogManager, TQ_SLOT( svnCommitMarkedTemplate( ) ), actionCollection( ), "svn_commit_marked_template" ); actionMap["svn_update_template"] = NEEDS_POT | NEEDS_POT_SVN; actionMap["svn_update_marked_template"] = NEEDS_POT | NEEDS_POT_SVN | NEEDS_MARK; actionMap["svn_commit_template"] = NEEDS_POT | NEEDS_POT_SVN; actionMap["svn_commit_marked_template"] = NEEDS_POT | NEEDS_POT_SVN | NEEDS_MARK; // settings menu // FIXME: KStdAction::preferences(this, TQ_SLOT( optionsPreferences()), actionCollection()); createStandardStatusBarAction(); setStandardToolBarMenuEnabled ( true ); // commands menus TDEActionMenu* actionMenu=new TDEActionMenu(i18n("Commands"), 0, actionCollection(), "dir_commands"); _catalogManager->setDirCommandsMenu( actionMenu->popupMenu()); actionMenu=new TDEActionMenu(i18n("Commands"), 0, actionCollection(), "file_commands"); _catalogManager->setFileCommandsMenu( actionMenu->popupMenu()); action = new TDEAction(i18n("&Delete"),Key_Delete,_catalogManager,TQ_SLOT(slotDeleteFile()),actionCollection(), "delete"); action->setEnabled(false); #if KDE_IS_VERSION( 3, 2, 90 ) setupGUI(); #else createGUI(); #endif } void CatalogManager::setupStatusBar() { _foundLabel = new TQLabel( " ", statusBar()); statusBar()->addWidget(_foundLabel,0); TQHBox* progressBox = new TQHBox(statusBar(), "progressBox" ); progressBox->setSpacing(2); _statusProgressLabel = new TQLabel( "", progressBox ); _statusProgressBar = new KProgress( progressBox, "progressBar"); _statusProgressBar->hide(); statusBar()->addWidget(progressBox,1); statusBar()->setMinimumHeight(_statusProgressBar->sizeHint().height()); TQWhatsThis::add(statusBar(), i18n("


\n" "

The statusbar displays information about progress of" " the current find or replace operation. The first number in Found:" " displays the number of files with an occurrence of the searched text not" " yet shown in the KBabel window. The second shows the total number of files" " containing the searched text found so far.

")); } void CatalogManager::enableMenuForFiles(bool enable) { stateChanged( "treeBuilt", enable ? StateNoReverse: StateReverse ); } void CatalogManager::selectedChanged(uint actionValue) { TQMap::Iterator it; for (it = actionMap.begin( ); it != actionMap.end( ); ++it) { TDEAction * action = actionCollection()->action(it.key( ).latin1( )); if (action) action->setEnabled((actionValue & it.data( )) == it.data( )); } } CatManSettings CatalogManager::settings() const { return _catalogManager->settings(); } void CatalogManager::updateSettings() { _settings = _project->catManSettings(); _catalogManager->setSettings(_settings); _openNewWindow=_settings.openWindow; } void CatalogManager::saveSettings( TQString configFile ) { _settings = _catalogManager->settings(); // restore settings from the view _project->setSettings( _settings ); config = new TDEConfig(configFile); _catalogManager->saveView(config); config->sync(); } void CatalogManager::restoreSettings() { _settings = _project->catManSettings(); _openNewWindow=_settings.openWindow; _catalogManager->restoreView(_project->config()); } void CatalogManager::setPreferredWindow(WId window) { _preferredWindow = window; kdDebug(KBABEL_CATMAN) << "setPrefereedWindow set to :" << _preferredWindow << endl; } void CatalogManager::updateFile(TQString fileWithPath) { _catalogManager->updateFile(fileWithPath,true); //force update } void CatalogManager::updateAfterSave(TQString fileWithPath, PoInfo &info) { _catalogManager->updateAfterSave(fileWithPath, info); } CatalogManagerView *CatalogManager::view() { return _catalogManager; } void CatalogManager::openFile(TQString filename, TQString package) { DCOPClient * client = kapp->dcopClient(); if( startKBabel() ) { TQByteArray data; TQCString url = filename.local8Bit(); TQDataStream arg(data, IO_WriteOnly); arg << url; arg << package.utf8(); arg << CatalogManagerApp::_preferredWindow; arg << ( _openNewWindow ? 1 : 0 ); kdDebug(KBABEL_CATMAN) << "Open file with project " << _configFile << endl; TQCString callfunc="openURL(TQCString, TQCString, WId,int)"; if(_configFile != "kbabelrc" ) { arg << _configFile.utf8(); callfunc="openURL(TQCString, TQCString, WId,int,TQCString)"; } kdDebug(KBABEL_CATMAN) << callfunc << endl; // update the user timestamp for KBabel to get it a focus kapp->updateRemoteUserTimestamp ("kbabel"); if( !client->send("kbabel","KBabelIFace", callfunc, data) ) KMessageBox::error(this, i18n("Cannot send a message to KBabel.\n" "Please check your TDE installation.")); } } void CatalogManager::openFile(TQString filename, TQString package, int msgid) { DCOPClient * client = kapp->dcopClient(); if( startKBabel() ) { TQByteArray data; TQCString url = filename.local8Bit(); TQDataStream arg(data, IO_WriteOnly); arg << url; arg << package.utf8(); arg << msgid; kdDebug(KBABEL_CATMAN) << "Open file with project " << _configFile << endl; TQCString callfunc="gotoFileEntry(TQCString, TQCString, int)"; if(_configFile != "kbabelrc" ) { arg << _configFile.utf8(); callfunc="gotoFileEntry(TQCString, TQCString,int,TQCString)"; } kdDebug(KBABEL_CATMAN) << callfunc << endl; // update the user timestamp for KBabel to get it a focus kapp->updateRemoteUserTimestamp ("kbabel"); if( !client->send("kbabel","KBabelIFace", callfunc, data) ) KMessageBox::error(this, i18n("Cannot send a message to KBabel.\n" "Please check your TDE installation.")); } } void CatalogManager::openFileInNewWindow(TQString filename, TQString package) { DCOPClient * client = kapp->dcopClient(); if( startKBabel() ) { TQByteArray data; TQCString url = filename.local8Bit(); TQDataStream arg(data, IO_WriteOnly); arg << url; arg << package.utf8(); arg << CatalogManagerApp::_preferredWindow; arg << ((int)1); TQCString callfunc="openURL(TQCString, TQCString, WId,int)"; if(_configFile != "kbabelrc" ) { arg << _configFile.utf8(); callfunc="openURL(TQCString, TQCString, WId,int,TQCString)"; } // update the user timestamp for KBabel to get it a focus kapp->updateRemoteUserTimestamp ("kbabel"); if( !client->send("kbabel","KBabelIFace", callfunc, data) ) KMessageBox::error(this, i18n("Cannot send a message to KBabel.\n" "Please check your TDE installation.")); } } void CatalogManager::openTemplate(TQString openFilename,TQString saveFilename,TQString package) { DCOPClient * client = kapp->dcopClient(); if( startKBabel() ) { TQByteArray data; TQCString url = openFilename.local8Bit(); TQDataStream arg(data, IO_WriteOnly); arg << url; url = saveFilename.utf8(); arg << url; arg << package.utf8(); arg << (_openNewWindow ? 1 : 0 ); TQCString callfunc="openTemplate(TQCString,TQCString,TQCString,int)"; if(_configFile != "kbabelrc" ) { arg << _configFile.utf8(); callfunc="openTemplate(TQCString,TQCString,TQCString,int,TQCString)"; } // update the user timestamp for KBabel to get it a focus kapp->updateRemoteUserTimestamp ("kbabel"); if( !client->send("kbabel","KBabelIFace", callfunc, data) ) KMessageBox::error(this, i18n("Cannot send a message to KBabel.\n" "Please check your TDE installation.")); } } void CatalogManager::openTemplateInNewWindow(TQString openFilename,TQString saveFilename,TQString package) { DCOPClient * client = kapp->dcopClient(); if( startKBabel() ) { TQByteArray data; TQCString url = openFilename.local8Bit(); TQDataStream arg(data, IO_WriteOnly); arg << url; url = saveFilename.utf8(); arg << url; arg << package.utf8(); arg << ((int)1); TQCString callfunc="openTemplate(TQCString,TQCString,TQCString,int)"; if(_configFile != "kbabelrc" ) { arg << _configFile.utf8(); callfunc="openTemplate(TQCString,TQCString,TQCString,int,TQCString)"; } // update the user timestamp for KBabel to get it a focus kapp->updateRemoteUserTimestamp ("kbabel"); if( !client->send("kbabel","KBabelIFace", callfunc, data) ) KMessageBox::error(this, i18n("Cannot send a message to KBabel.\n" "Please check your TDE installation.")); } } void CatalogManager::spellcheck() { DCOPClient * client = kapp->dcopClient(); TQStringList fileList = _catalogManager->current(); if( startKBabel() ) { TQByteArray data; TQDataStream arg(data, IO_WriteOnly); arg << fileList; // update the user timestamp for KBabel to get it a focus kapp->updateRemoteUserTimestamp ("kbabel"); if( !client->send("kbabel","KBabelIFace", "spellcheck(TQStringList)", data) ) KMessageBox::error(this, i18n("Cannot send a message to KBabel.\n" "Please check your TDE installation.")); } } void CatalogManager::markedSpellcheck() { DCOPClient * client = kapp->dcopClient(); TQStringList fileList = _catalogManager->marked(); if( startKBabel() ) { TQByteArray data; TQDataStream arg(data, IO_WriteOnly); arg << fileList; // update the user timestamp for KBabel to get it a focus kapp->updateRemoteUserTimestamp ("kbabel"); if( !client->send("kbabel","KBabelIFace", "spellcheck(TQStringList)", data) ) KMessageBox::error(this, i18n("Cannot send a message to KBabel.\n" "Please check your TDE installation.")); } } bool CatalogManager::startKBabel() { TQCString service; TQString result; DCOPClient * client = kapp->dcopClient(); // find out, if there is a running kbabel QCStringList apps = client->registeredApplications(); for( QCStringList::Iterator it = apps.begin() ; it != apps.end() ; ++it ) { TQString clientID = *it; if( clientID=="kbabel" ) { service = *it; break; } } // if there is no running kbabel, start one if( service.isEmpty() ) { TQString app = "kbabel"; TQString url = ""; if( kapp->startServiceByDesktopName(app,url, &result, &service)) { KMessageBox::error( this, i18n("Unable to use TDELauncher to start KBabel.\n" "You should check the installation of TDE.\n" "Please start KBabel manually.")); return false; } else sleep(1); } return true; } void CatalogManager::prepareProgressBar(TQString msg, int max) { _progressBar->setTotalSteps(max); _progressBar->setProgress(0); _progressLabel->setText(msg); _progressBar->show(); _progressLabel->show(); } void CatalogManager::clearProgressBar() { _progressBar->setProgress(0); _progressBar->hide(); _progressLabel->hide(); } void CatalogManager::prepareStatusProgressBar(TQString msg, int max) { _totalFound = 0; _foundToBeSent = 0; _statusProgressBar->setTotalSteps(max); _statusProgressLabel->setText(msg); _foundLabel->setText( i18n("Found: 0/0") ); _statusProgressBar->show(); _statusProgressLabel->show(); } void CatalogManager::prepareStatusProgressBar(int max) { _statusProgressBar->setTotalSteps(max); } void CatalogManager::clearStatusProgressBar() { _statusProgressBar->setValue(0); _statusProgressBar->hide(); _statusProgressLabel->hide(); _foundLabel->setText(" "); } void CatalogManager::setNumberOfFound(int toBeSent, int total) { _foundLabel->setText(i18n("Found: %1/%2").arg(toBeSent).arg(total)); } void CatalogManager::decreaseNumberOfFound() { if( _foundToBeSent > 0 ) { _foundToBeSent--; setNumberOfFound( _foundToBeSent, _totalFound ); } } void CatalogManager::slotHelp() { kapp->invokeHelp("CATALOGMANAGER","kbabel"); } void CatalogManager::find() { if( !_findDialog ) _findDialog = new FindInFilesDialog(false,this); if( _findDialog->exec("") == TQDialog::Accepted ) { _timerFind->stop(); _searchStopped = false; _catalogManager->stop(false); // surely we are not in process of quitting, since there is no window and user cannot invoke Find prepareStatusProgressBar(i18n("Searching"),1); // just show the progress bar // enable stop action to stop searching TDEAction *action = (TDEAction*)actionCollection()->action("stop_search"); action->setEnabled(true); _findOptions = _findDialog->findOpts(); // get from options the information for ignoring text parts _findOptions.contextInfo = TQRegExp( _project->miscSettings().contextInfo ); _findOptions.accelMarker = _project->miscSettings().accelMarker; _foundFilesList.clear(); kdDebug(KBABEL_CATMAN) << "Calling catalogmanagerview::find" << endl; TQString url = _catalogManager->find(_findOptions, _toBeSearched ); if( _catalogManager->isStopped() ) return; if( !url.isEmpty() ) { if( startKBabel() ) { TQCString funcCall("findInFile(TQCString,TQCString,TQString,int,int,int,int,int,int,int,int,int,int)"); DCOPClient *client = kapp->dcopClient(); TQByteArray data; TQDataStream arg(data, IO_WriteOnly); arg << client->appId(); arg << url.utf8(); arg << _findOptions.findStr; arg << (_findOptions.caseSensitive ? 1 : 0); arg << (_findOptions.wholeWords ? 1 : 0); arg << (_findOptions.isRegExp ? 1 : 0); arg << (_findOptions.inMsgid ? 1 : 0); arg << (_findOptions.inMsgstr ? 1 : 0); arg << (_findOptions.inComment ? 1 : 0); arg << (_findOptions.ignoreAccelMarker ? 1 : 0); arg << (_findOptions.ignoreContextInfo ? 1 : 0); arg << (_findOptions.askForNextFile ? 1 : 0); arg << (_findOptions.askForSave ? 1 : 0); if(_configFile != "kbabelrc" ) { arg << _configFile.utf8(); funcCall="findInFile(TQCString,TQCString,TQString,int,int,int,int,int,int,int,int,int,int,TQCString)"; } kdDebug(KBABEL) << "DCOP: " << TQString(data.data()) << endl; if( !client->send("kbabel","KBabelIFace", funcCall, data) ) { KMessageBox::error( this, i18n("DCOP communication with KBabel failed."), i18n("DCOP Communication Error")); stopSearching(); return; } if( !_toBeSearched.isEmpty() ) { _totalFound = 1; _foundToBeSent = 0; setNumberOfFound( 0, 1 ); // one found, but already sent _timerFind->start(100,true); } else stopSearching(); } else { KMessageBox::error( this, i18n("KBabel cannot be started."), i18n("Cannot Start KBabel")); stopSearching(); } } else { if( !_searchStopped) KMessageBox::information(this, i18n("Search string not found!")); stopSearching(); } } } void CatalogManager::replace() { if( !_replaceDialog ) _replaceDialog = new FindInFilesDialog(true,this); if( _replaceDialog->exec("") == TQDialog::Accepted ) { _timerFind->stop(); _searchStopped = false; _catalogManager->stop(false); // surely we are not in process of quitting, since there is no window and user cannot invoke Find prepareStatusProgressBar(i18n("Searching"),1); // just show the progress bar // enable stop action to stop searching TDEAction *action = (TDEAction*)actionCollection()->action("stop_search"); action->setEnabled(true); ReplaceOptions options = _replaceDialog->replaceOpts(); _findOptions = options; // get from options the information for ignoring text parts options.contextInfo = TQRegExp( _project->miscSettings().contextInfo ); options.accelMarker = _project->miscSettings().accelMarker; _foundFilesList.clear(); TQString url = _catalogManager->find(options, _toBeSearched ); if( _catalogManager->isStopped() ) return; if( !url.isEmpty() ) { if( startKBabel() ) { TQCString funcCall("replaceInFile(TQCString,TQCString,TQString,TQString,int,int,int,int,int,int,int,int,int,int,int)"); DCOPClient *client = kapp->dcopClient(); TQByteArray data; TQDataStream arg(data, IO_WriteOnly); arg << client->appId(); arg << url.utf8(); arg << options.findStr; arg << options.replaceStr; arg << (options.caseSensitive ? 1 : 0); arg << (options.wholeWords ? 1 : 0); arg << (options.isRegExp ? 1 : 0); arg << (options.inMsgid ? 1 : 0); arg << (options.inMsgstr ? 1 : 0); arg << (options.inComment ? 1 : 0); arg << (options.ignoreAccelMarker ? 1 : 0); arg << (options.ignoreContextInfo ? 1 : 0); arg << (options.ask ? 1 : 0); arg << (options.askForNextFile ? 1 : 0); arg << (options.askForSave ? 1 : 0); if(_configFile != "kbabelrc" ) { arg << _configFile.utf8(); funcCall="replaceInFile(TQCString,TQCString,TQString,TQString,int,int,int,int,int,int,int,int,int,int,int,TQCString)"; } if( !client->send("kbabel","KBabelIFace", funcCall, data) ) { KMessageBox::error( this, i18n("DCOP communication with KBabel failed."), i18n("DCOP Communication Error")); stopSearching(); return; } if( !_toBeSearched.isEmpty() ) { _totalFound = 1; setNumberOfFound( 0, 1 ); _timerFind->start(100,true); } else stopSearching(); } else { KMessageBox::error( this, i18n("KBabel cannot be started."), i18n("Cannot Start KBabel")); stopSearching(); // update window } } else { if( !_searchStopped ) KMessageBox::information(this, i18n("Search string not found!")); stopSearching(); // update window } } } void CatalogManager::findNextFile() { _timerFind->stop(); // stop the timer for lookup time if(_toBeSearched.empty() ) { stopSearching(); return; } TQString file = _toBeSearched.first(); _toBeSearched.pop_front(); if( PoInfo::findInFile( file, _findOptions ) ) { _foundFilesList.append(file); _totalFound++; _foundToBeSent++; setNumberOfFound(_foundToBeSent,_totalFound); } _statusProgressBar->advance(1); if( !_toBeSearched.empty() ) _timerFind->start(100,true); // if there is more files to be searched, start the timer again else stopSearching(); } void CatalogManager::stopSearching() { _searchStopped = true; emit searchStopped(); // clear the list of files to be searched _toBeSearched.clear(); // fake that we are over (fake, because findNextFile can still be running for the last file clearStatusProgressBar(); // clear the status bar, we are finished // disable stop action as well TDEAction *action = (TDEAction*)actionCollection()->action("stop_search"); action->setEnabled(false); } void CatalogManager::optionsPreferences() { if(!_prefDialog) { _prefDialog = new KBabel::ProjectDialog(_project); } _prefDialog->exec(); } void CatalogManager::newToolbarConfig() { createGUI(); restoreView(); } void CatalogManager::optionsShowStatusbar(bool on) { if( on ) statusBar()->show(); else statusBar()->hide(); } bool CatalogManager::queryClose() { _catalogManager->stop(); saveView(); saveSettings(_configFile); return true; } void CatalogManager::saveView() { saveMainWindowSettings( TDEGlobal::config(), "View"); } void CatalogManager::restoreView() { applyMainWindowSettings( TDEGlobal::config(), "View"); TDEToggleAction * toggle = (TDEToggleAction*)actionCollection()-> action(KStdAction::stdName(KStdAction::ShowStatusbar)); toggle->setChecked(!statusBar()->isHidden() ); } void CatalogManager::projectNew() { KBabel::Project::Ptr p = KBabel::ProjectWizard::newProject(); if( p ) { disconnect( _project, TQ_SIGNAL (signalCatManSettingsChanged()) , this, TQ_SLOT (updateSettings())); _project = p; connect( _project, TQ_SIGNAL (signalCatManSettingsChanged()) , this, TQ_SLOT (updateSettings())); _configFile = _project->filename(); restoreSettings(); updateSettings(); changeProjectActions(p->filename()); emit settingsChanged(_settings); } } void CatalogManager::projectOpen() { TQString oldproject = _project->filename(); if( oldproject == KBabel::ProjectManager::defaultProjectName() ) { oldproject = TQString(); } const TQString file = KFileDialog::getOpenFileName(oldproject, TQString(), this); if (file.isEmpty()) { return; } KBabel::Project::Ptr p = KBabel::ProjectManager::open(file); if( p ) { disconnect( _project, TQ_SIGNAL (signalCatManSettingsChanged()) , this, TQ_SLOT (updateSettings())); _project = p; connect( _project, TQ_SIGNAL (signalCatManSettingsChanged()) , this, TQ_SLOT (updateSettings())); _configFile = p->filename(); restoreSettings(); updateSettings(); changeProjectActions(file); emit settingsChanged(_settings); } else { KMessageBox::error (this, i18n("Cannot open project file %1").arg(file)); } } void CatalogManager::projectClose() { disconnect( _project, TQ_SIGNAL (signalCatManSettingsChanged()) , this, TQ_SLOT (updateSettings())); _project = KBabel::ProjectManager::open(KBabel::ProjectManager::defaultProjectName()); connect( _project, TQ_SIGNAL (signalCatManSettingsChanged()) , this, TQ_SLOT (updateSettings())); _configFile = _project->filename(); restoreSettings(); updateSettings(); changeProjectActions(KBabel::ProjectManager::defaultProjectName()); emit settingsChanged(_settings); } void CatalogManager::changeProjectActions(const TQString& project) { bool def = ( project == KBabel::ProjectManager::defaultProjectName() ) ; TDEAction* saveAction=(TDEAction*)actionCollection()->action( "project_close" ); saveAction->setEnabled( ! def ); } void CatalogManager::projectConfigure() { KBabel::ProjectDialog* _projectDialog = new ProjectDialog(_project); connect (_projectDialog, TQ_SIGNAL (settingsChanged()) , this, TQ_SLOT (updateSettings())); // settings are updated via signals _projectDialog->exec(); delete _projectDialog; } void CatalogManager::enableActions() { enableActions(true); } void CatalogManager::disableActions() { enableActions(false); } void CatalogManager::enableActions(bool enable) { TDEAction* action; // the file menu action = (TDEAction*)actionCollection()->action( "open" ); action->setEnabled(enable); action = (TDEAction*)actionCollection()->action( "open_new_window" ); action->setEnabled(enable); action = (TDEAction*)actionCollection()->action( "find_in_files" ); action->setEnabled(enable); action = (TDEAction*)actionCollection()->action( "replace_in_files" ); action->setEnabled(enable); action = (TDEAction*)actionCollection()->action( "reload" ); action->setEnabled(enable); action = (TDEAction*)actionCollection()->action( "toggle_marking" ); action->setEnabled(enable); action = (TDEAction*)actionCollection()->action( "toggle_all_marking" ); action->setEnabled(enable); action = (TDEAction*)actionCollection()->action( "mark_modified_files" ); action->setEnabled(enable); action = (TDEAction*)actionCollection()->action( "load_marking" ); action->setEnabled(enable); action = (TDEAction*)actionCollection()->action( "save_marking" ); action->setEnabled(enable); action = (TDEAction*)actionCollection()->action( "go_next_untrans" ); action->setEnabled(enable); action = (TDEAction*)actionCollection()->action( "go_prev_untrans" ); action->setEnabled(enable); action = (TDEAction*)actionCollection()->action( "go_next_fuzzy" ); action->setEnabled(enable); action = (TDEAction*)actionCollection()->action( "go_prev_fuzzy" ); action->setEnabled(enable); action = (TDEAction*)actionCollection()->action( "go_next_fuzzyUntr" ); action->setEnabled(enable); action = (TDEAction*)actionCollection()->action( "go_prev_fuzzyUntr" ); action->setEnabled(enable); action = (TDEAction*)actionCollection()->action( "go_next_error" ); action->setEnabled(enable); action = (TDEAction*)actionCollection()->action( "go_prev_error" ); action->setEnabled(enable); action = (TDEAction*)actionCollection()->action( "go_next_template" ); action->setEnabled(enable); action = (TDEAction*)actionCollection()->action( "go_prev_template" ); action->setEnabled(enable); action = (TDEAction*)actionCollection()->action( "go_next_po" ); action->setEnabled(enable); action = (TDEAction*)actionCollection()->action( "go_prev_po" ); action->setEnabled(enable); action = (TDEAction*)actionCollection()->action( "go_next_marked" ); action->setEnabled(enable); action = (TDEAction*)actionCollection()->action( "go_prev_marked" ); action->setEnabled(enable); action = (TDEAction*)actionCollection()->action( "statistics" ); action->setEnabled(enable); action = (TDEAction*)actionCollection()->action( "package_file" ); action->setEnabled(enable); action = (TDEAction*)actionCollection()->action( "rough_translation" ); action->setEnabled(enable); } #include "catalogmanager.moc"