You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

187 lines
4.9 KiB

Derived from the Java code generator by thomas
begin : Thur Jul 21 2005
author : Richard Dale
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
* copyright (C) 2006-2007 *
* Umbrello UML Modeller Authors <> *
// own header
#include "rubycodegenerator.h"
// qt/kde includes
#include <tqregexp.h>
#include <kconfig.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <klocale.h>
#include <kmessagebox.h>
// local includes
#include "rubycodecomment.h"
#include "codeviewerdialog.h"
#include "../uml.h"
// Constructors/Destructors
RubyCodeGenerator::RubyCodeGenerator (TQDomElement & elem )
: CodeGenerator(elem)
RubyCodeGenerator::RubyCodeGenerator ()
RubyCodeGenerator::~RubyCodeGenerator ( ) { }
// Methods
// Accessor methods
// return our language
Uml::Programming_Language RubyCodeGenerator::getLanguage() {
return Uml::pl_Ruby;
// In the Java version, we make the ANT build file also available.
CodeViewerDialog * RubyCodeGenerator::getCodeViewerDialog ( TQWidget* parent, CodeDocument *doc,
Settings::CodeViewerState state)
CodeViewerDialog *dialog = new CodeViewerDialog(parent, doc, state);
return dialog;
RubyCodeGenerationPolicy * RubyCodeGenerator::getRubyPolicy() {
return dynamic_cast<RubyCodeGenerationPolicy*>(UMLApp::app()->getPolicyExt());
bool RubyCodeGenerator::getAutoGenerateAttribAccessors ( )
return getRubyPolicy()->getAutoGenerateAttribAccessors ();
bool RubyCodeGenerator::getAutoGenerateAssocAccessors ( )
return getRubyPolicy()->getAutoGenerateAssocAccessors ();
TQString RubyCodeGenerator::getListFieldClassName () {
return TQString("Array");
// Other methods
TQString RubyCodeGenerator::cppToRubyType(const TQString &typeStr) {
TQString type = cleanName(typeStr);
type.replace("const ", "");
type.replace(TQRegExp("[*&\\s]"), "");
type.replace(TQRegExp("[<>]"), "_");
type.replace("TQStringList", "Array");
type.replace("TQString", "String");
type.replace("bool", "true|false");
type.replace(TQRegExp("^(uint|int|ushort|short|ulong|long)$"), "Integer");
type.replace(TQRegExp("^(float|double)$"), "Float");
type.replace(TQRegExp("^Q(?=[A-Z])"), "Qt::");
type.replace(TQRegExp("^K(?!(DE|Parts|IO)"), "KDE::");
return type;
TQString RubyCodeGenerator::cppToRubyName(const TQString &nameStr) {
TQString name = cleanName(nameStr);
name.replace(TQRegExp("^m_"), "");
name.replace(TQRegExp("^[pbn](?=[A-Z])"), "");
name = name.mid(0, 1).lower() + name.mid(1);
return name;
* @return ClassifierCodeDocument
* @param classifier
CodeDocument * RubyCodeGenerator::newClassifierCodeDocument ( UMLClassifier * c)
RubyClassifierCodeDocument * doc = new RubyClassifierCodeDocument(c);
return doc;
/* These initializations are done in CodeGenFactory::createObject()
void RubyCodeGenerator::initFields() {
UMLApp::app()->setPolicyExt ( new RubyCodeGenerationPolicy(UMLApp::app()->getConfig()) );
// load Classifier documents from parent document
const TQStringList RubyCodeGenerator::reservedKeywords() const {
static TQStringList keywords;
if (keywords.isEmpty()) {
keywords << "__FILE__"
<< "__LINE__"
<< "BEGIN"
<< "END"
<< "alias"
<< "and"
<< "begin"
<< "break"
<< "case"
<< "class"
<< "def"
<< "defined?"
<< "do"
<< "else"
<< "elsif"
<< "end"
<< "ensure"
<< "false"
<< "for"
<< "if"
<< "in"
<< "module"
<< "next"
<< "nil"
<< "not"
<< "or"
<< "redo"
<< "rescue"
<< "retry"
<< "return"
<< "self"
<< "super"
<< "then"
<< "true"
<< "undef"
<< "unless"
<< "until"
<< "when"
<< "while"
<< "yield";
return keywords;
#include "rubycodegenerator.moc"