You cannot select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
435 lines
13 KiB
435 lines
13 KiB
This file is part of KDE Kontact.
Copyright (C) 2003 Sven Lüppken <>
Copyright (C) 2003 Tobias König <>
Copyright (C) 2003 Daniel Molkentin <>
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Library General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include <tqframe.h>
#include <tqlabel.h>
#include <tqlayout.h>
#include <tqtimer.h>
#include <dcopclient.h>
#include <tdeaction.h>
#include <tdeapplication.h>
#include <tdeconfig.h>
#include <kdcopservicestarter.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <kdialog.h>
#include <tdelocale.h>
#include <tdemessagebox.h>
#include <kservice.h>
#include <ktrader.h>
#include <kstandarddirs.h>
#include <tqscrollview.h>
#include <tdeglobal.h>
#include <tdelocale.h>
#include <kcmultidialog.h>
#include <tdeparts/componentfactory.h>
#include <tdeparts/event.h>
#include <libkpimidentities/identity.h>
#include <libkpimidentities/identitymanager.h>
#include <infoextension.h>
#include <sidebarextension.h>
#include "plugin.h"
#include "summary.h"
#include "summaryview_part.h"
#include "broadcaststatus.h"
using KPIM::BroadcastStatus;
namespace Kontact
class MainWindow;
SummaryViewPart::SummaryViewPart( Kontact::Core *core, const char*,
const TDEAboutData *aboutData,
TQObject *parent, const char *name )
: KParts::ReadOnlyPart( parent, name ),
mCore( core ), mFrame( 0 ), mConfigAction( 0 )
setInstance( new TDEInstance( aboutData ) );
initGUI( core );
connect( kapp, TQT_SIGNAL( tdedisplayPaletteChanged() ), TQT_SLOT( slotAdjustPalette() ) );
setDate( TQDate::currentDate() );
connect( mCore, TQT_SIGNAL( dayChanged( const TQDate& ) ),
TQT_SLOT( setDate( const TQDate& ) ) );
KParts::InfoExtension *info = new KParts::InfoExtension( this, "Summary" );
connect( this, TQT_SIGNAL( textChanged( const TQString& ) ),
info, TQT_SIGNAL( textChanged( const TQString& ) ) );
mConfigAction = new TDEAction( i18n( "&Configure Summary View..." ),
"configure", 0, this,
TQT_SLOT( slotConfigure() ), actionCollection(),
"summaryview_configure" );
setXMLFile( "kontactsummary_part.rc" );
TQTimer::singleShot( 0, this, TQT_SLOT( slotTextChanged() ) );
bool SummaryViewPart::openFile()
kdDebug(5006) << "SummaryViewPart:openFile()" << endl;
return true;
void SummaryViewPart::partActivateEvent( KParts::PartActivateEvent *event )
// inform the plugins that the part has been activated so that they can
// update the displayed information
if ( event->activated() && ( event->part() == this ) ) {
KParts::ReadOnlyPart::partActivateEvent( event );
void SummaryViewPart::updateSummaries()
TQMap<TQString, Kontact::Summary*>::Iterator it;
for ( it = mSummaries.begin(); it != mSummaries.end(); ++it )
|>updateSummary( false );
void SummaryViewPart::updateWidgets()
mMainWidget->setUpdatesEnabled( false );
delete mFrame;
KPIM::IdentityManager idm( true, this );
const KPIM::Identity &id = idm.defaultIdentity();
TQString currentUser = i18n( "Summary for %1" ).arg( id.fullName() );
mUsernameLabel->setText( TQString::fromLatin1( "<b>%1</b>" ).arg( currentUser ) );
mFrame = new DropWidget( mMainWidget );
connect( mFrame, TQT_SIGNAL( summaryWidgetDropped( TQWidget*, TQWidget*, int ) ),
this, TQT_SLOT( summaryWidgetMoved( TQWidget*, TQWidget*, int ) ) );
mMainLayout->insertWidget( 2, mFrame );
TQStringList activeSummaries;
TDEConfig config( "kontact_summaryrc" );
if ( !config.hasKey( "ActiveSummaries" ) ) {
activeSummaries << "kontact_kmailplugin";
activeSummaries << "kontact_specialdatesplugin";
activeSummaries << "kontact_korganizerplugin";
activeSummaries << "kontact_todoplugin";
activeSummaries << "kontact_newstickerplugin";
} else {
activeSummaries = config.readListEntry( "ActiveSummaries" );
// Collect all summary widgets with a summaryHeight > 0
TQStringList loadedSummaries;
TQValueList<Kontact::Plugin*> plugins = mCore->pluginList();
TQValueList<Kontact::Plugin*>::ConstIterator end = plugins.end();
TQValueList<Kontact::Plugin*>::ConstIterator it = plugins.begin();
for ( ; it != end; ++it ) {
Kontact::Plugin *plugin = *it;
if ( activeSummaries.find( plugin->identifier() ) == activeSummaries.end() )
Kontact::Summary *summary = plugin->createSummaryWidget( mFrame );
if ( summary ) {
if ( summary->summaryHeight() > 0 ) {
mSummaries.insert( plugin->identifier(), summary );
connect( summary, TQT_SIGNAL( message( const TQString& ) ),
BroadcastStatus::instance(), TQT_SLOT( setStatusMsg( const TQString& ) ) );
connect( summary, TQT_SIGNAL( summaryWidgetDropped( TQWidget*, TQWidget*, int ) ),
this, TQT_SLOT( summaryWidgetMoved( TQWidget*, TQWidget*, int ) ) );
if ( !mLeftColumnSummaries.contains( plugin->identifier() ) &&
!mRightColumnSummaries.contains( plugin->identifier() ) ) {
mLeftColumnSummaries.append( plugin->identifier() );
loadedSummaries.append( plugin->identifier() );
} else {
// Remove all unavailable summary widgets
TQStringList::Iterator strIt;
for ( strIt = mLeftColumnSummaries.begin(); strIt != mLeftColumnSummaries.end(); ++strIt ) {
if ( loadedSummaries.find( *strIt ) == loadedSummaries.end() ) {
strIt = mLeftColumnSummaries.remove( strIt );
for ( strIt = mRightColumnSummaries.begin(); strIt != mRightColumnSummaries.end(); ++strIt ) {
if ( loadedSummaries.find( *strIt ) == loadedSummaries.end() ) {
strIt = mRightColumnSummaries.remove( strIt );
// Add vertical line between the two rows of summary widgets.
TQFrame *vline = new TQFrame( mFrame );
vline->setFrameStyle( TQFrame::VLine | TQFrame::Plain );
TQHBoxLayout *layout = new TQHBoxLayout( mFrame );
mLeftColumn = new TQVBoxLayout( layout, KDialog::spacingHint() );
layout->addWidget( vline );
mRightColumn = new TQVBoxLayout( layout, KDialog::spacingHint() );
TQStringList::Iterator strIt;
for ( strIt = mLeftColumnSummaries.begin(); strIt != mLeftColumnSummaries.end(); ++strIt ) {
if ( mSummaries.find( *strIt ) != mSummaries.end() )
mLeftColumn->addWidget( mSummaries[ *strIt ] );
for ( strIt = mRightColumnSummaries.begin(); strIt != mRightColumnSummaries.end(); ++strIt ) {
if ( mSummaries.find( *strIt ) != mSummaries.end() )
mRightColumn->addWidget( mSummaries[ *strIt ] );
mMainWidget->setUpdatesEnabled( true );
void SummaryViewPart::summaryWidgetMoved( TQWidget *target, TQWidget *widget, int alignment )
if ( target == widget )
if ( target == mFrame ) {
if ( mLeftColumn->findWidget( widget ) == -1 && mRightColumn->findWidget( widget ) == -1 )
} else {
if ( mLeftColumn->findWidget( target ) == -1 && mRightColumn->findWidget( target ) == -1 ||
mLeftColumn->findWidget( widget ) == -1 && mRightColumn->findWidget( widget ) == -1 )
if ( mLeftColumn->findWidget( widget ) != -1 ) {
mLeftColumn->remove( widget );
mLeftColumnSummaries.remove( widgetName( widget ) );
} else if ( mRightColumn->findWidget( widget ) != -1 ) {
mRightColumn->remove( widget );
mRightColumnSummaries.remove( widgetName( widget ) );
if ( target == mFrame ) {
int pos = 0;
if ( alignment & TQt::AlignTop )
pos = 0;
if ( alignment & TQt::AlignLeft ) {
if ( alignment & TQt::AlignBottom )
pos = mLeftColumnSummaries.count();
mLeftColumn->insertWidget( pos, widget );
mLeftColumnSummaries.insert( pos ), widgetName( widget ) );
} else {
if ( alignment & TQt::AlignBottom )
pos = mRightColumnSummaries.count();
mRightColumn->insertWidget( pos, widget );
mRightColumnSummaries.insert( pos ), widgetName( widget ) );
int targetPos = mLeftColumn->findWidget( target );
if ( targetPos != -1 ) {
if ( alignment == TQt::AlignBottom )
mLeftColumn->insertWidget( targetPos, widget );
mLeftColumnSummaries.insert( targetPos ), widgetName( widget ) );
} else {
targetPos = mRightColumn->findWidget( target );
if ( alignment == TQt::AlignBottom )
mRightColumn->insertWidget( targetPos, widget );
mRightColumnSummaries.insert( targetPos ), widgetName( widget ) );
void SummaryViewPart::slotTextChanged()
emit textChanged( i18n( "What's next?" ) );
void SummaryViewPart::slotAdjustPalette()
mMainWidget->setPaletteBackgroundColor( kapp->palette().active().base() );
void SummaryViewPart::setDate( const TQDate& newDate )
TQString date( "<b>%1</b>" );
date = date.arg( TDEGlobal::locale()->formatDate( newDate ) );
mDateLabel->setText( date );
void SummaryViewPart::slotConfigure()
KCMultiDialog dlg( mMainWidget, "ConfigDialog", true );
TQStringList modules = configModules();
modules.prepend( "kcmkontactsummary.desktop" );
connect( &dlg, TQT_SIGNAL( configCommitted() ),
this, TQT_SLOT( updateWidgets() ) );
TQStringList::ConstIterator strIt;
for ( strIt = modules.begin(); strIt != modules.end(); ++strIt )
dlg.addModule( *strIt );
TQStringList SummaryViewPart::configModules() const
TQStringList modules;
TQMap<TQString, Kontact::Summary*>::ConstIterator it;
for ( it = mSummaries.begin(); it != mSummaries.end(); ++it ) {
TQStringList cm =>configModules();
TQStringList::ConstIterator strIt;
for ( strIt = cm.begin(); strIt != cm.end(); ++strIt )
if ( !(*strIt).isEmpty() && !modules.contains( *strIt ) )
modules.append( *strIt );
return modules;
void SummaryViewPart::initGUI( Kontact::Core *core )
TQScrollView *sv = new TQScrollView( core );
sv->setResizePolicy( TQScrollView::AutoOneFit );
sv->setFrameStyle( TQFrame::NoFrame | TQFrame::Plain );
sv->setHScrollBarMode( TQScrollView::AlwaysOff );
mMainWidget = new TQFrame( sv->viewport() );
sv->addChild( mMainWidget );
mMainWidget->setFrameStyle( TQFrame::Panel | TQFrame::Sunken );
sv->setFocusPolicy( TQWidget::StrongFocus );
setWidget( sv );
mMainLayout = new TQVBoxLayout( mMainWidget,KDialog::marginHint(),
KDialog::spacingHint() );
TQHBoxLayout *hbl = new TQHBoxLayout( mMainLayout );
mUsernameLabel = new TQLabel( mMainWidget );
hbl->addWidget( mUsernameLabel );
mDateLabel = new TQLabel( mMainWidget );
mDateLabel->setAlignment( AlignRight );
hbl->addWidget( mDateLabel );
TQFrame *hline = new TQFrame( mMainWidget );
hline->setFrameStyle( TQFrame::HLine | TQFrame::Plain );
mMainLayout->insertWidget( 1, hline );
mFrame = new DropWidget( mMainWidget );
mMainLayout->insertWidget( 2, mFrame );
connect( mFrame, TQT_SIGNAL( summaryWidgetDropped( TQWidget*, TQWidget*, int ) ),
this, TQT_SLOT( summaryWidgetMoved( TQWidget*, TQWidget*, int ) ) );
void SummaryViewPart::loadLayout()
TDEConfig config( "kontact_summaryrc" );
if ( !config.hasKey( "LeftColumnSummaries" ) ) {
mLeftColumnSummaries << "kontact_korganizerplugin";
mLeftColumnSummaries << "kontact_todoplugin";
mLeftColumnSummaries << "kontact_kaddressbookplugin";
mLeftColumnSummaries << "kontact_specialdatesplugin";
} else {
mLeftColumnSummaries = config.readListEntry( "LeftColumnSummaries" );
if ( !config.hasKey( "RightColumnSummaries" ) ) {
mRightColumnSummaries << "kontact_newstickerplugin";
} else {
mRightColumnSummaries = config.readListEntry( "RightColumnSummaries" );
void SummaryViewPart::saveLayout()
TDEConfig config( "kontact_summaryrc" );
config.writeEntry( "LeftColumnSummaries", mLeftColumnSummaries );
config.writeEntry( "RightColumnSummaries", mRightColumnSummaries );
TQString SummaryViewPart::widgetName( TQWidget *widget ) const
TQMap<TQString, Kontact::Summary*>::ConstIterator it;
for ( it = mSummaries.begin(); it != mSummaries.end(); ++it ) {
if ( == widget )
return it.key();
return TQString();
#include "summaryview_part.moc"